Exemple #1
        private void CalcHit()
                if (IsDead || FightAnimation == null || IsUnconscious)

                Vec3f  attPos = GetPosition();
                Angles attAng = GetAngles();

                int baseDamage = 5 + Damage;

                ItemInst weapon;
                if ((weapon = GetDrawnWeapon()) != null)
                    baseDamage += weapon.Damage;

                // two weapons
                if ((weapon = GetLeftHand()) != null && weapon.ItemType == ItemTypes.Wep1H)
                    baseDamage += weapon.Damage / 4;

                float weaponRange = GetFightRange();
                BaseInst.World.ForEachNPCRough(attPos, GUCScripts.BiggestNPCRadius + weaponRange,
                                               npc => // fixme: enemy model radius
                    NpcInst target = (NpcInst)npc.ScriptObject;
                    if (target == this || target.IsDead || target.IsUnconscious)

                    if (!AllowHitEvent.TrueForAll(this, target) ||
                        !AllowHitAttacker.TrueForAll(this, target) ||
                        !target.AllowHitTarget.TrueForAll(this, target))

                    float realRange = weaponRange + target.ModelDef.Radius;
                    if (target.CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Dodge)
                        realRange /= 3.0f;     // decrease radius if target is backing up

                    Vec3f targetPos = npc.Position + npc.GetAtVector() * target.ModelDef.CenterOffset;

                    if ((targetPos - attPos).GetLength() > realRange)
                        return;     // not in range

                    float hitHeight;
                    float hitYaw;
                    if (CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Left || CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Right)
                        hitHeight = target.ModelDef.HalfHeight;
                        hitYaw    = Angles.PI * 0.4f;
                        hitHeight = target.ModelDef.HalfHeight + ModelDef.HalfHeight;
                        hitYaw    = Angles.PI * 0.2f;

                    if (Math.Abs(targetPos.Y - attPos.Y) > hitHeight)
                        return;     // not same height

                    float yaw = Angles.GetYawFromAtVector(targetPos - attPos);
                    if (Math.Abs(Angles.Difference(yaw, attAng.Yaw)) > hitYaw)
                        return;     // target is not in front of attacker

                    float tdiff = Math.Abs(Angles.Difference(target.GetAngles().Yaw, yaw));
                    if (target.CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Parry && tdiff > Angles.PI / 2)     // parry 180 degrees
                        var strm = BaseInst.GetScriptVobStream();
                    else     // HIT
                        int damage = baseDamage;
                        if (CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Left || CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Right)
                            damage -= 2;
                        else if (CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Fwd)
                            damage += (ComboNum - 1) * 2;
                        else if (CurrentFightMove == FightMoves.Run)
                            damage += 6;
                            if (Environment.InAir) // super jump attack
                                damage += 2;       // not too much because you can always jump

                            if (target.Environment.InAir)
                                damage += 2;

                        bool frontAttack;
                        if (tdiff < Angles.PI / 4)     // backstab
                            damage     += 4;
                            frontAttack = false;
                            frontAttack = true;

                        target.Hit(this, damage, frontAttack);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("CalcHit of npc " + ID + " " + BaseInst.HP + " " + e);