Exemple #1
        private DominationResult Dominates(DoubleArray left, DoubleArray right, BoolArray maximizations)
            bool leftIsBetter = false, rightIsBetter = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; i++)
                if (IsDominated(left[i], right[i], maximizations[i]))
                    rightIsBetter = true;
                else if (IsDominated(right[i], left[i], maximizations[i]))
                    leftIsBetter = true;
                if (leftIsBetter && rightIsBetter)
            if (leftIsBetter && !rightIsBetter)
            if (!leftIsBetter && rightIsBetter)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the allocations deallocs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allocs">The allocs.</param>
        public static void WriteAllocationsDeallocs(Caching.BlockCache provider, List <ulong> allocs)
            // We can now group them now for each block.
            for (int i = 0; i < allocs.Count;)
                // We obtain the allocation block.
                uint  offset;
                ulong allocAddress = BlockHelper.GetAllocationBlock(provider.BlockSize, allocs[i], out offset);

                // We read it and gain access to it.
                BoolArray array = new BoolArray(provider.Read(BlockType.AllocationBlock, allocAddress));

                // We write first data.

                // Continue while we can in this block.
                for (; i < allocs.Count; i++)
                    // We quite if not the same block.
                    if (allocAddress != BlockHelper.GetAllocationBlock(provider.BlockSize, allocs[i], out offset))

                    // Otherwise write.

                // We need to write it now.
                provider.Write(BlockType.AllocationBlock, allocAddress, array.Data);
    private void Start()
        if (Instance != null)
            Debug.LogError("ERROR: More than one PersistentManager in scene");
            Instance = this;


        SceneManager.sceneLoaded   += SceneManager_sceneLoaded;
        SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += SceneManager_sceneUnloaded;

        highScores = new int[Constants.LevelCount];

        // Initialize jagged array
        diamonds = new BoolArray[Constants.LevelCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < diamonds.Length; i++)
            diamonds[i] = new BoolArray();

        // TODO: Clear the save data - for debugging, remove later
Exemple #4
 protected override void OnEvaluatorChanged()
     Evaluator.QualitiesParameter.ActualNameChanged += new System.EventHandler(QualitiesParameter_ActualNameChanged);
     Maximization = new BoolArray(Evaluator.Maximization.ToArray());
    public static JSMEncoding Apply(IRandom random, JSMEncoding p1, JSMEncoding p2) {
      var result = new JSMEncoding();

      int nrOfResources = p1.JobSequenceMatrix.Count;
      int nrOfJobs = p1.JobSequenceMatrix[0].Length;

      //Determine randomly which jobindexes persist
      var persist = new BoolArray(nrOfJobs);
      for (int i = 0; i < persist.Length; i++) {
        persist[i] = random.Next(2) == 1;

      bool dominantParent = random.Next(2) == 1;
      JSMEncoding parent1 = dominantParent ? p1 : p2;
      JSMEncoding parent2 = dominantParent ? p2 : p1;

      //Fill childmatrix with values
      for (int resIndex = 0; resIndex < nrOfResources; resIndex++) {
        result.JobSequenceMatrix.Add(new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute, nrOfJobs));
        int parent2index = 0;
        for (int jobIndex = 0; jobIndex < nrOfJobs; jobIndex++) {
          if (persist[parent1.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex]])
            result.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex] = parent1.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex];
          else {
            while (persist[parent2.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][parent2index]])
            result.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex] = parent2.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][parent2index];

      return result;
        private void UpdateRealizations()
            var realizations = new ItemList <BoolArray>(RealizationsSize);
            var rand         = new MersenneTwister();

            for (var i = 0; i < RealizationsSize; i++)
                var newRealization = new BoolArray(Probabilities.Length);
                var countOnes      = 0;
                    countOnes = 0;
                    for (var j = 0; j < Probabilities.Length; j++)
                        newRealization[j] = Probabilities[j] < rand.NextDouble();
                        if (newRealization[j])
                    // only generate realizations with at least 4 cities visited
                } while (countOnes < 4 && Probabilities.Length > 3);
            Realizations = realizations;
        private void EnsureNodeCapacity(int requiredCapacity, int inputCount)
            // Grow _ancestorNodeBitmap as necessary.
            if (requiredCapacity > _ancestorNodeBitmap.Length)
                // For the new capacity, select the lowest power of two that is above the required capacity;
                // this limits the number of capacity increases as the required capacity increases.
                int newCapacity = MathUtils.CeilingToPowerOfTwo(requiredCapacity);

                // Allocate new bitmaps with the new capacity.
                _ancestorNodeBitmap = new BoolArray(newCapacity);

            // Grow _nodeDepthMatrix as necessary.
            if (requiredCapacity > _nodeDepthMatrix.Length)
                int newLength  = MathUtils.CeilingToPowerOfTwo(requiredCapacity);
                int prevLength = _nodeDepthMatrix.Length;
                Array.Resize(ref _nodeDepthMatrix, newLength);

                for (int i = prevLength; i < newLength; i++)
                    _nodeDepthMatrix[i] = new List <int>(inputCount);
 public BinaryVector(BoolArray elements)
     : this(elements.Length)
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         array[i] = elements[i];
Exemple #9
        public void BoundsTests()
            for (int len = 1; len < 258; len++)
                var arr = new BoolArray(len);

                Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => { bool b = arr[-1]; });
                Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => { bool b = arr[arr.Length]; });
                Assert.False(arr[^ 1]);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans one allocation block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address">The allocation block address.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        AllocationBlockInfo ScanBlock(ulong address)
            AllocationBlockInfo value;

            if (inspectedFreeBlocks.TryGetValue(address, out value))

            BoolArray array = new BoolArray(provider.Read(BlockType.AllocationBlock, address));

            // We first check for all written (fast).
            if (array.IsAllTrue)
                value = new AllocationBlockInfo(address, new List <uint>());
                inspectedFreeBlocks.Add(address, value);

            List <uint> freeBlocks = new List <uint>();

            // We search through all (optimized search, may optimize even better in future.
            // If this will be a bottle neck, we can fix the array outside and than search
            // through it using ulong* pointer (no need to repeat this every time)).
            for (uint i = 0; i < provider.BlockSize / 8; i++)
                // We chaeck 8-bytes at one for all full.
                if (array.IsULongFull(i))

                // For all free.
                if (array.IsULongFree(i))
                    for (uint j = i * 64; j < (i + 1) * 64; j++)
                        freeBlocks.Add(j + 1);

                // We now check by byte.
                for (uint j = i * 64; j < (i + 1) * 64; j++)
                    if (!array[j])
                        freeBlocks.Add(j + 1);

            value = new AllocationBlockInfo(address, freeBlocks);
            inspectedFreeBlocks.Add(address, value);
Exemple #11
        public void Test_InitTrue()
            const int len = 123;

            var arr = new BoolArray(123, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Exemple #12
    public static BoolArray[] InitDiamondArray()
        BoolArray[] array = new BoolArray[Constants.LevelCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
            array[i].Diamonds = new bool[Constants.DiamondCount];

Exemple #13
    public BoolArray[] Diamonds; // [Level, Diamond]

    public SaveData()
        HighScores = new int[Constants.LevelCount];
        Diamonds   = new BoolArray[Constants.LevelCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < Diamonds.Length; i++)
            Diamonds[i]          = new BoolArray();
            Diamonds[i].Diamonds = new bool[Constants.DiamondCount];
Exemple #14
        private void EnsureNodeCapacity(int capacity)
            if (capacity > _visitedNodeBitmap.Length)
                // For the new capacity, select the lowest power of two that is above the required capacity.
                capacity = MathUtils.CeilingToPowerOfTwo(capacity);

                // Allocate new bitmap with the new capacity.
                _visitedNodeBitmap = new BoolArray(capacity);
        private void EnsureNodeCapacity(int requiredCapacity)
            if (requiredCapacity > _ancestorNodeBitmap.Length)
                // For the new capacity, select the lowest power of two that is above the required capacity;
                // this limits the number of capacity increases as the required capacity increases.
                requiredCapacity = MathUtils.CeilingToPowerOfTwo(requiredCapacity);

                // Allocate new bitmaps with the new capacity.
                _ancestorNodeBitmap = new BoolArray(requiredCapacity);
                _visitedNodeBitmap  = new BoolArray(requiredCapacity);
Exemple #16
        public void BoolArrayMemberMarshalsCorrectly()
            var obj = new BoolArray();

            obj.Elements[0] = true;

            obj.Elements[1] = true;

            var result = Functions.PassThrough(obj);

            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[0], result.Elements[0]);
            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[1], result.Elements[1]);
            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[2], result.Elements[2]);
Exemple #17
 protected bool Equals(KitchenSinkPortable other)
     return(Bool == other.Bool && BoolArray.SequenceEqual(other.BoolArray) &&
            ByteArray.SequenceEqual(other.ByteArray) && Byte == other.Byte &&
            CharArray.SequenceEqual(other.CharArray) && Char == other.Char &&
            ShortArray.SequenceEqual(other.ShortArray) &&
            Short == other.Short && IntArray.SequenceEqual(other.IntArray) && Int == other.Int &&
            LongArray.SequenceEqual(other.LongArray) && Long == other.Long &&
            FloatArray.SequenceEqual(other.FloatArray) &&
            Float.Equals(other.Float) && DoubleArray.SequenceEqual(other.DoubleArray) &&
            Double.Equals(other.Double) &&
            string.Equals(String, other.String) && StringArray.SequenceEqual(other.StringArray)
Exemple #18
        public void BoolArrayMemberMarshalsCorrectly()
            Skip.If(IntPtr.Size < 8, "Known x86 issue - crashes the whole testhost");

            var obj = new BoolArray();

            obj.Elements[0] = true;

            obj.Elements[1] = true;

            var result = Functions.PassThrough(obj);

            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[0], result.Elements[0]);
            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[1], result.Elements[1]);
            Assert.Equal(obj.Elements[2], result.Elements[2]);
Exemple #19
 protected bool Equals(KitchenSinkDataSerializable other)
     return(BoolArray.SequenceEqual(other.BoolArray) && Bool == other.Bool &&
            ByteArray.SequenceEqual(other.ByteArray) && Byte == other.Byte &&
            CharArray.SequenceEqual(other.CharArray) && Char == other.Char &&
            ShortArray.SequenceEqual(other.ShortArray) &&
            Short == other.Short && IntArray.SequenceEqual(other.IntArray) && Int == other.Int &&
            LongArray.SequenceEqual(other.LongArray) && Long == other.Long &&
            FloatArray.SequenceEqual(other.FloatArray) &&
            Float.Equals(other.Float) && DoubleArray.SequenceEqual(other.DoubleArray) &&
            Double.Equals(other.Double) &&
            string.Equals(Chars, other.Chars) && string.Equals(String, other.String) &&
            StringArray.SequenceEqual(other.StringArray) &&
            Equals(Serializable, other.Serializable) && Equals(Portable, other.Portable) &&
            Equals(Data, other.Data) && DateTime.Equals(other.DateTime));
Exemple #20
        public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
            random      = new MersenneTwister();
            coordinates = new DoubleMatrix(ProblemSize, 2);
            distances   = new DistanceMatrix(ProblemSize, ProblemSize);
            for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize; i++)
                coordinates[i, 0] = random.Next(ProblemSize * 10);
                coordinates[i, 1] = random.Next(ProblemSize * 10);
            for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize - 1; i++)
                for (var j = i + 1; j < ProblemSize; j++)
                    distances[i, j] = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coordinates[i, 0] - coordinates[j, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(coordinates[i, 1] - coordinates[j, 1], 2)));
                    distances[j, i] = distances[i, j];

            probabilities = new DoubleArray(ProblemSize);
            for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize; i++)
                probabilities[i] = random.NextDouble();

            realizations = new ItemList <BoolArray>(RealizationsSize);
            for (var i = 0; i < RealizationsSize; i++)
                var countOnes      = 0;
                var newRealization = new BoolArray(ProblemSize);
                while (countOnes < 4) //only generate realizations with at least 4 cities visited
                    countOnes = 0;
                    for (var j = 0; j < ProblemSize; j++)
                        newRealization[j] = random.NextDouble() < probabilities[j];
                        if (newRealization[j])

            tour = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, ProblemSize, random);
        public SymbolicRegressionMultiObjectiveProblem()
            : base(new RegressionProblemData(), new SymbolicRegressionMultiObjectivePearsonRSquaredTreeSizeEvaluator(), new SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeCreator())
            Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter <DoubleLimit>(EstimationLimitsParameterName, EstimationLimitsParameterDescription));

            EstimationLimitsParameter.Hidden = true;

            ApplyLinearScalingParameter.Value.Value = true;
            Maximization = new BoolArray(new bool[] { true, false });
            MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeDepth.Value  = InitialMaximumTreeDepth;
            MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeLength.Value = InitialMaximumTreeLength;

Exemple #22
        public void Test_InitFalse()
            const int len = 123;

            var arr = new BoolArray(123);

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

            arr = new BoolArray(123, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Exemple #23
        public void InitFalse()
            const int len = 123;

            var arr = new BoolArray(len);

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

            arr = new BoolArray(len, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        public static JSMEncoding Apply(IRandom random, JSMEncoding p1, JSMEncoding p2)
            var result = new JSMEncoding();

            int nrOfResources = p1.JobSequenceMatrix.Count;
            int nrOfJobs      = p1.JobSequenceMatrix[0].Length;

            //Determine randomly which jobindexes persist
            var persist = new BoolArray(nrOfJobs);

            for (int i = 0; i < persist.Length; i++)
                persist[i] = random.Next(2) == 1;

            bool        dominantParent = random.Next(2) == 1;
            JSMEncoding parent1        = dominantParent ? p1 : p2;
            JSMEncoding parent2        = dominantParent ? p2 : p1;

            //Fill childmatrix with values
            for (int resIndex = 0; resIndex < nrOfResources; resIndex++)
                result.JobSequenceMatrix.Add(new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute, nrOfJobs));
                int parent2index = 0;
                for (int jobIndex = 0; jobIndex < nrOfJobs; jobIndex++)
                    if (persist[parent1.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex]])
                        result.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex] = parent1.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex];
                        while (persist[parent2.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][parent2index]])
                        result.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][jobIndex] = parent2.JobSequenceMatrix[resIndex][parent2index];

        public SymbolicClassificationMultiObjectiveProblem()
            : base(new ClassificationProblemData(), new SymbolicClassificationMultiObjectiveMeanSquaredErrorTreeSizeEvaluator(), new SymbolicDataAnalysisExpressionTreeCreator())
            Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter <DoubleLimit>(EstimationLimitsParameterName, EstimationLimitsParameterDescription));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueParameter <ISymbolicClassificationModelCreator>(ModelCreatorParameterName, "", new AccuracyMaximizingThresholdsModelCreator()));

            ApplyLinearScalingParameter.Value.Value = false;
            EstimationLimitsParameter.Hidden        = true;

            Maximization = new BoolArray(new bool[] { false, false });
            MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeDepth.Value  = InitialMaximumTreeDepth;
            MaximumSymbolicExpressionTreeLength.Value = InitialMaximumTreeLength;

Exemple #26
        private static void TestSingleBitFlipsOn(int len)
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                var arr = new BoolArray(len);
                arr[i] = true;

                // Test all leading bits.
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

                // Test flipped bit.

                // Test all following bits.
                for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++)
Exemple #27
        //for each row, average any columns that have the same groupId if numRepeat=-1
        public static ShoMatrix AverageColSubsetsInSameGroup(this ShoMatrix M, Matrix <string, string, string> groupIds, out ShoMatrix numInstancesPerGroup, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, int repeatNum)
            Helper.CheckCondition(groupIds.RowCount == 1, "group ids should have only one row");

            List <string> uniqueGroupIds = groupIds.Unique().ToList();
            int           G = uniqueGroupIds.Count;
            DoubleArray   averagedResults           = new DoubleArray(M.RowCount, G);
            DoubleArray   numInstancesPerGroupArray = ShoUtils.DoubleArrayZeros(1, G);
            BoolArray     haveProcessedGroupG       = new BoolArray(1, G);

            for (int g = 0; g < G; g++)
                string     gId       = uniqueGroupIds[g];
                List <int> theseCols = new List <int>();
                for (int n = 0; n < groupIds.ColCount; n++)
                    if (groupIds[0, n] == uniqueGroupIds[g])
                        if (repeatNum < 0 || !haveProcessedGroupG[g])//averaging, or else it is the right repeat
                            haveProcessedGroupG[g] = true;

                DoubleArray avgValues = M.DoubleArray.GetCols(theseCols).Mean(DimOp.OverCol);
                averagedResults.SetCol(g, avgValues);
                numInstancesPerGroupArray[0, g] = theseCols.Count();
            numInstancesPerGroup = new ShoMatrix(numInstancesPerGroupArray, new List <string>()
            }, uniqueGroupIds, double.NaN);
            return(new ShoMatrix(averagedResults, M.RowKeys, uniqueGroupIds, double.NaN));
    public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) {
      random = new MersenneTwister();
      coordinates = new DoubleMatrix(ProblemSize, 2);
      distances = new DistanceMatrix(ProblemSize, ProblemSize);
      for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize; i++) {
        coordinates[i, 0] = random.Next(ProblemSize * 10);
        coordinates[i, 1] = random.Next(ProblemSize * 10);
      for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize - 1; i++) {
        for (var j = i + 1; j < ProblemSize; j++) {
          distances[i, j] = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coordinates[i, 0] - coordinates[j, 0], 2) + Math.Pow(coordinates[i, 1] - coordinates[j, 1], 2)));
          distances[j, i] = distances[i, j];

      probabilities = new DoubleArray(ProblemSize);
      for (var i = 0; i < ProblemSize; i++) {
        probabilities[i] = random.NextDouble();

      realizations = new ItemList<BoolArray>(RealizationsSize);
      for (var i = 0; i < RealizationsSize; i++) {
        var countOnes = 0;
        var newRealization = new BoolArray(ProblemSize);
        while (countOnes < 4) { //only generate realizations with at least 4 cities visited
          countOnes = 0;
          for (var j = 0; j < ProblemSize; j++) {
            newRealization[j] = random.NextDouble() < probabilities[j];
            if (newRealization[j]) countOnes++;

      tour = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.RelativeUndirected, ProblemSize, random);
Exemple #29
 public virtual void Read(BinaryReader br, uint entryCount)
     Name     = br.ReadCString();
     TypeId   = br.ReadUInt16BE();
     FileMask = new BoolArray(br, entryCount);
Exemple #30
        public override IOperation Apply()
            BoolArray maximization            = MaximizationParameter.ActualValue;
            ItemArray <DoubleArray> qualities = QualitiesParameter.ActualValue;

            if (qualities == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Name + ": No qualities found.");

            IScope scope          = ExecutionContext.Scope;
            int    populationSize = scope.SubScopes.Count;

            List <ScopeList> fronts = new List <ScopeList>();
            Dictionary <IScope, List <int> > dominatedScopes = new Dictionary <IScope, List <int> >();

            int[] dominationCounter   = new int[populationSize];
            ItemArray <IntValue> rank = new ItemArray <IntValue>(populationSize);

            for (int pI = 0; pI < populationSize - 1; pI++)
                IScope p = scope.SubScopes[pI];
                if (!dominatedScopes.ContainsKey(p))
                    dominatedScopes[p] = new List <int>();
                for (int qI = pI + 1; qI < populationSize; qI++)
                    DominationResult test = Dominates(qualities[pI], qualities[qI], maximization);
                    if (test == DominationResult.Dominates)
                        dominationCounter[qI] += 1;
                    else if (test == DominationResult.IsDominated)
                        dominationCounter[pI] += 1;
                        if (!dominatedScopes.ContainsKey(scope.SubScopes[qI]))
                            dominatedScopes.Add(scope.SubScopes[qI], new List <int>());
                    if (pI == populationSize - 2 &&
                        qI == populationSize - 1 &&
                        dominationCounter[qI] == 0)
                        rank[qI] = new IntValue(0);
                        AddToFront(scope.SubScopes[qI], fronts, 0);
                if (dominationCounter[pI] == 0)
                    rank[pI] = new IntValue(0);
                    AddToFront(p, fronts, 0);
            int i = 0;

            while (i < fronts.Count && fronts[i].Count > 0)
                ScopeList nextFront = new ScopeList();
                foreach (IScope p in fronts[i])
                    if (dominatedScopes.ContainsKey(p))
                        for (int k = 0; k < dominatedScopes[p].Count; k++)
                            int dominatedScope = dominatedScopes[p][k];
                            dominationCounter[dominatedScope] -= 1;
                            if (dominationCounter[dominatedScope] == 0)
                                rank[dominatedScope] = new IntValue(i + 1);
                i += 1;

            RankParameter.ActualValue = rank;


            for (i = 0; i < fronts.Count; i++)
                Scope frontScope = new Scope("Front " + i);
                foreach (var p in fronts[i])
                if (frontScope.SubScopes.Count > 0)
Exemple #31
 private void UpdateRealizations() {
   var realizations = new ItemList<BoolArray>(RealizationsSize);
   var rand = new MersenneTwister();
   for (var i = 0; i < RealizationsSize; i++) {
     var newRealization = new BoolArray(Probabilities.Length);
     var countOnes = 0;
     do {
       countOnes = 0;
       for (var j = 0; j < Probabilities.Length; j++) {
         newRealization[j] = Probabilities[j] < rand.NextDouble();
         if (newRealization[j]) countOnes++;
       // only generate realizations with at least 4 cities visited
     } while (countOnes < 4 && Probabilities.Length > 3);
   Realizations = realizations;
Exemple #32
 public BinaryVector(BoolArray elements)
   : this(elements.Length) {
   for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
     array[i] = elements[i];
Exemple #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the database with provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="provider">The provider.</param>
        /// <param name="databaseName">Name of the database, maximum 63 characters long.</param>
        /// <param name="blockCount">The block count.</param>
        /// <param name="journalSectorFreq">The journal frequency.</param>
        /// <param name="journalSize">Size of the journal.</param>
        /// <param name="journalFrequency">The journal frequency, meaning depends on sector frequency.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public unsafe static bool Format(IProvider provider, string databaseName, ulong blockCount,
                                         uint journalFrequency)
            if (databaseName == null || databaseName == string.Empty || databaseName.Length > 63)
                throw new ArgumentException("Database name was either invalid or too long.");

            // 1) We first enlarge the provider (must be at least that long).
            if (!provider.Enlarge(blockCount))

            // 2) We create the header node.
            Block block = new Block(provider.BlockSize);

            fixed(byte *p = block.Data)
                DatabaseHeader *header = (DatabaseHeader *)p;

                header->BlockSize         = provider.BlockSize;
                header->BlockCount        = blockCount;
                header->HeaderMagic1      = DatabaseHeader.Magic1;
                header->HeaderMagic2      = DatabaseHeader.Magic2;
                header->JournalFrequency  = journalFrequency;
                header->RootObjectAddress = 0;

                // Copy the name.
                int i;

                for (i = 0; i < databaseName.Length; i++)
                    header->DatabaseName[i] = databaseName[i];
                header->DatabaseName[i] = '\0';

            // We write it.
            provider.Write(0, block.Data);

            // Make an empty (zero block).

            // The one allocated block.
            Block fullBlock = new Block(provider.BlockSize);

            BoolArray fullBlockArray = new BoolArray(fullBlock.Data);

            fullBlockArray[0] = true;

            // 3) We clear allocation blocks.
            for (ulong superBlock = BlockHelper.FirstSuperBlockAddress; superBlock != 0;
                 superBlock = BlockHelper.GetNextSuperBlock(provider.BlockSize, superBlock, blockCount))
                provider.Write(superBlock, block.Data);

            for (ulong allocBlock = BlockHelper.FirstSuperBlockAddress + 1; allocBlock != 0;
                 allocBlock = BlockHelper.GetNextAllocationBlock(provider.BlockSize, allocBlock, blockCount))
                if (JournalLog.IsJournalLog(allocBlock + 1, journalFrequency, provider.BlockSize))
                    // We write the allocated.
                    provider.Write(allocBlock, fullBlock.Data);

                    // Next block is filled with header.
                    if (allocBlock + 1 < blockCount)
                        provider.Write(allocBlock + 1, block.Data);
                    provider.Write(allocBlock, block.Data);

 private DominationResult Dominates(DoubleArray left, DoubleArray right, BoolArray maximizations) {
   bool leftIsBetter = false, rightIsBetter = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < left.Length; i++) {
     if (IsDominated(left[i], right[i], maximizations[i])) rightIsBetter = true;
     else if (IsDominated(right[i], left[i], maximizations[i])) leftIsBetter = true;
     if (leftIsBetter && rightIsBetter) break;
   if (leftIsBetter && !rightIsBetter) return DominationResult.Dominates;
   if (!leftIsBetter && rightIsBetter) return DominationResult.IsDominated;
   return DominationResult.IsNonDominated;