public void SetUp() { booksList = new BooksList(); booksList.Add(new Book("Author3", "Title1", "Publisher2", 2001, 99.99, "byn", "978-3-16-148410-0")); booksList.Add(new Book("Author2", "Title2", "Publisher3", 2002, 199.99, "byn", "978-1-56619-909-4")); booksList.Add(new Book("Author1", "Title3", "Publisher1", 2000, 9.99, "byn", "978-1-4028-9462-6")); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { RingVisibility = Visibility.Visible; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { DatabaseHelper.Open(); try { var reader = DatabaseHelper.Select <BookItem>("*", "ORDER BY Time DESC"); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasRows) { var item = new BookItem(reader); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BooksList.Add(item); }); } } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception) { DatabaseHelper.Init(); } DatabaseHelper.Close(); RingVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }); }
private void AddABook() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Please, print the book's name."); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please, print the book's author."); var author = Console.ReadLine(); var isAnyAuthorBookWithTheName = BooksList.Any(book => book.Name == name && book.Author == author); if (isAnyAuthorBookWithTheName) { var bookIndex = BooksList.FindIndex(book => book.Name == name && book.Author == author); BooksList[bookIndex].Count++; Console.WriteLine("Thank you for adding one more exemplar."); } else { var generes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Genere)); Console.WriteLine("Please, choose the book's genere."); for (int i = 0; i < generes.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", (i + 1), generes[i]); } var genere = Genere.Detective; switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": genere = Genere.Fantasy; break; case "2": genere = Genere.Detective; break; case "3": genere = Genere.Romance; break; } Console.WriteLine("Please, print the book's year of publication."); var yearOfPublication = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please, print the book's number of pages."); var numberOfPages = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var newBook = new Book(name, author, genere, yearOfPublication, numberOfPages, 1, 1); BooksList.Add(newBook); } Console.WriteLine("Thank you for adding the book!"); Console.WriteLine("Please, press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void ExecuteAddCommand() { new AddBookView().Show(); Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessageAction <BookItem>(null, item => { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BooksList.Add(item); }); }), "book"); }
public void BookUpdated(Book book) { if (book.Id == -1) { book.Id = DatabaseManager.Instance.AddBook(book); BooksList.Add(book); } else { DatabaseManager.Instance.EditBook(book); } }
public Book TakeBook(string bookName) { Book currentBook = null; for (int i = 0; i < booksList.ElementsCount; i++) { if (booksList[i].BookName.Equals(bookName)) currentBook = booksList[i]; } Book[] books = booksList.Remove(currentBook); booksList = new BooksList<Book>(); for (int i = 0; i < books.Length; i++) { booksList.Add(books[i]); } Console.WriteLine(bookName + " is already taken!"); if (evt != null) evt(currentBook, false); return currentBook; }
//Load the parameter and/or the whole list. protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { var arg = e.Parameter as Book; //If we have to load a book if (arg != null) { LoadingRing.IsActive = true; showBookInfo(arg); LoadingRing.IsActive = false; } //After that, load the whole list if has not been loaded yet if (BooksList.Count() == 0) { Books_Searchbox.IsEnabled = false; var service = new GoTService(); LoadingRing.IsActive = true; var books = await service.GetBooksAsync(1); int page = 2; while (books.Count() != 0) { foreach (var item in books) { if ( != "") { BooksList.Add(item); } } books = await service.GetBooksAsync(page); page++; } LoadingRing.IsActive = false; Books_Searchbox.IsEnabled = true; } BooksListBox.ItemsSource = BooksList; }
//methods /// <summary> /// Adding book to author's books' list /// </summary> /// <param name="book">book to add</param> public void AddBook(Book book) { BooksList.Add(book); }
//'" + selectedTitleList + "' #endregion private void DataGrid_Loaded() { string typeTemp = "*"; if (SelectedTypeBook != null) { typeTemp = typeBookDictionaryList[SelectedTypeBook]; } DBClass.openConnection(); if (SelectedAuthorList == null && SelectedTypeBook == null) { DBClass.sql = "select distinct bookId, titileBook, nameTypeBook, publisher, authors.firstName, authors.lastName, releaseDate " + "from authors, typeBook, books " + "where " + "( authors.firstName in (select distinct authors.firstName from authors where authorId = books.authorId) " + "and authors.lastName in (select distinct authors.lastName from authors where authorId = books.authorId) " + "and typeBook.nameTypeBook in (select distinct nameTypeBook from typeBook where typeBookId = books.typeBookId))"; } else if (SelectedAuthorList == null && SelectedTypeBook != null) { DBClass.sql = "select distinct bookId, titileBook , nameTypeBook, publisher, authors.firstName, authors.lastName, releaseDate " + "FROM books " + "inner join authors on authors.authorId = books.authorId " + "inner join typeBook on typeBook.typeBookId = '" + typeTemp + "' " + "where books.authorId = books.authorId " + "and books.typeBookID = '" + typeTemp + "'"; } else if (SelectedAuthorList != null && SelectedTypeBook == null) { DBClass.sql = "select distinct bookId, titileBook , nameTypeBook, publisher, authors.firstName, authors.lastName, releaseDate " + "from authors, typeBook, books " + "where " + "( authors.firstName in (select distinct authors.firstName from authors where authorId = books.authorId) " + "and authors.lastName in (select distinct authors.lastName from authors where authors.lastName = '" + selectedAuthorList + "') " + "and typeBook.nameTypeBook in (select distinct nameTypeBook from typeBook where typeBookId = books.typeBookId))"; } else { DBClass.sql = "SELECT DISTINCT bookId, titileBook , nameTypeBook, publisher, authors.firstName, authors.lastName, releaseDate " + "FROM books " + "inner join authors on authors.lastName = '" + selectedAuthorList + "' " + "inner join typeBook on typeBook.typeBookId = '" + typeTemp + "' " + "where books.authorId = (select distinct authors.authorId from authors where authors.lastName = '" + selectedAuthorList + "') " + "and books.typeBookID = '" + typeTemp + "' "; } DBClass.cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; DBClass.cmd.CommandText = DBClass.sql; DBClass.da = new SqlDataAdapter(DBClass.cmd); DBClass.dt = new DataTable(); DBClass.da.Fill(DBClass.dt); // wyciągamy dane int i = 0; int j = 0; BooksList.Clear(); using (SqlDataReader reader = DBClass.cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { for (j = 0; j <= reader.FieldCount - 1; j++) // Looping throw colums { data[j] = reader.GetValue(j).ToString(); } BooksList.Add(new BookModel { Id = Int32.Parse(data[0]), titleBook = data[1], typeBook = data[2], publisher = data[3], firstNameAuthor = data[4], lastNameAuthor = data[5], releaseDate = data[6] }); } } DBClass.closeConnection(); try { } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message); } }