Exemple #1
    // Run through the previously found books, and retrieve these. Any
    // bad files are ignored, and these will be recreated if the books are
    // found on the explicit file search.
    private IEnumerator searchCache(float progressProp)
        string [] cache = BookPropertySet.getPropertyCacheFiles();
        foreach (string book in cache)
            BookPropertySet bp     = new BookPropertySet();
            bool            loaded = false;
                loaded = true;
            catch (Exception)
                // bad file, ignore.

            if (loaded && (File.Exists(bp.filename)))
                yield return(registerBook(bp.filename));
            progress += progressProp * (1.0f / cache.Length);
    public bool addBook(BookPropertySet bp)
        if (freeSlots > 0)
            int slot;
            for (slot = 0; slot < bookSlots.Length; slot++)
                if (bookSlots[slot] == null)

            if (slot < bookSlots.Length)
                bookSlots[slot] = bp;

                placeBook(bp, slot);
Exemple #3
    private void doLoading(object obp)
        BookPropertySet bp = (BookPropertySet)obp;
        int             rx = 1;
        int             ry = 1;

        Debug.Log("Try to open : " + bp.filename);
        bookHandle = bookEngine.BEIDocViewCreate(bp.filename);
        bookEngine.BEILoadDocument(bookHandle, bp.filename, rx, ry);
        bp.title = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(bookEngine.BEIGetTitle(bookHandle));
        if (bp.title == null)
            bp.title = "";
        bp.author = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(bookEngine.BEIGetAuthors(bookHandle));
        if (bp.author == null)
            bp.author = "No author";
        if (bp.title == "")
            bp.title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bp.filename);
        Debug.Log("Found book " + bp.title + " " + bp.author + " " + bp.filename);
        loading = false;

        // Each book is given a colour to distinguish it. Similar books (same author) get similar colours.
        bp.colour[0] = 0.75f + 0.25f * (float)bp.filename.GetHashCode() / Int32.MaxValue;
        bp.colour[1] = 0.75f + 0.25f * (float)bp.title.GetHashCode() / Int32.MaxValue;
        bp.colour[2] = 0.75f + 0.25f * (float)bp.author.GetHashCode() / Int32.MaxValue;
Exemple #4
    // Open the ebook, so its metadata can be accessed.
    private IEnumerator getBookProperties(BookPropertySet bp)
        bool retrieved = false;

        if (BookPropertySet.haveRecord(bp.filename))
                retrieved = true;
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.Log("Bad file " + bp.filename);

        if (!retrieved)
            loading = true;
            Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(doLoading));
            while (loading)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            // save record.
Exemple #5
    // Create a book from the filename to the ebook.
    private IEnumerator loadBookInternal(string bookFileName, BookPropertySet props)
        yield return(null);


        yield return(null);

        // Try to load the book in a separate thread.
        loadingName = bookFileName;
        rx          = directRenderTexture.width;
        ry          = directRenderTexture.height;
        loading     = true;
        Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doLoading));

        while (loading)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));


        yield return(null);

        // Retrieve the title and author settings.
        string title  = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(bookEngine.BEIGetTitle(bookHandle));;
        string author = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(bookEngine.BEIGetAuthors(bookHandle));

        Debug.Log("Author " + author + " title: " + title);

        // Retrieve the cover image. This involves render operations so
        // cannot take place in its own thread.

        yield return(null);

        GetComponent <BookProperties> ().props = props;
        //bookProperties = props;
        // Change page to force initial page drawing.
        currentPage = props.currentPage;
//    changePage (currentPage);
//    pageTurnComplete ();

        fontSize = props.fontSize;
        yield return(updateFont());

        fontSize = bookEngine.BEIGetFontSize(bookHandle);

        bookLoaded = true;


 public static byte[] Serialize (object bpo)
   BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
   BookPropertySet bp = (BookPropertySet) bpo;
   MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ();
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.filename);
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.author);
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.title);
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.colour);
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.currentPage);
   bf.Serialize (ms, bp.fontSize);
   return ms.GetBuffer ();
Exemple #7
    // A response when clicking on the book itself. Replace the book with an full book object.
    public void getBook(ControlInput controller, ControlInput.ControllerDescription controllerObject, GameObject button, GameObject avatar, bool initialize = false)
        if (!initialize)
            BookPropertySet props       = button.GetComponentInParent <BookProperties> ().props;
            string          fname       = props.filename;
            GameObject      book        = Instantiate(fullBookTemplate);
            BookManager     bookManager = book.GetComponent <BookManager> ();
//       StartCoroutine (bookManager.loadBook (fname, props));
            bookManager.loadBook(fname, props);
            Debug.Log("Loading book " + fname);
            book.GetComponent <BookMenuInteraction> ().pickupBook(controller, controllerObject, button, avatar);
Exemple #8
    // A response when clicking on the book itself. Replace the book with an full book object.
    public void downloadBook(ControlInput controller, ControlInput.ControllerDescription controllerObject, GameObject button, GameObject avatar, bool initialize = false)
        if (!initialize)
            BookPropertySet props = bProps.props;

            string fname = props.filename;
            Debug.Log("Downloading book" + fname);
//      GetComponent <PhotonView> ().RPC ("retrieveBook", RpcTarget.All, 0, 1000);
//       GameObject book = Instantiate (fullBookTemplate);
//       BookManager bookManager = book.GetComponent <BookManager> ();
// //       StartCoroutine (bookManager.loadBook (fname, props));
//       bookManager.loadBook (fname, props);
//       Debug.Log ("Loading book " + fname);
//       book.GetComponent <BookMenuInteraction> ().pickupBook (controller, controllerObject, button, avatar);
//       Destroy (button.transform.parent.gameObject);
Exemple #9
    IEnumerator downloadProcess()
        localData        = null;
        segments         = null;
        nextSegmentStart = 0;
        segmentCount     = -1;

        while ((segments == null) || (segmentCount < segments.Length))
            if (segments != null)
                Debug.Log("Requesting " + nextSegmentStart + " / " + segmentCount + " " + segments.Length);
                Debug.Log("Requesting " + nextSegmentStart + " / " + segmentCount);
            receivedResponse = false;
// //       GetComponent <PhotonView> ().RPC ("retrieveBook", RpcTarget.All, nextSegmentStart, packetLength);
            Debug.Log("Sending req to " + GetComponent <PhotonView> ().Owner);
            GetComponent <PhotonView> ().RPC("retrieveBook", GetComponent <PhotonView> ().Owner, nextSegmentStart, packetLength);
            Coroutine c = StartCoroutine(timeoutCoroutine(retransmitTimeout));

            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => receivedResponse));


        File.WriteAllBytes(getFilePath(), localData);
        GameObject      book = Instantiate(bookTemplate, new Vector3(-3, 2, 2), Quaternion.identity);
        BookPropertySet bps  = new BookPropertySet();

        bps.filename = getFilePath();
        book.GetComponent <BookProperties> ().props = bps;
        BookManager bookManager = book.GetComponent <BookManager> ();

        //    book.GetComponent <BookPlaceholdMenu> ().pickupBook (controller, controllerObject, button, avatar);

        Debug.Log("All Done");
    public void addBook(string bookIdentifier, GameObject bookMarkerPrefab)

        if (bookMarkerPrefab != null)
            BookPropertySet bp = new BookPropertySet();

            GameObject bookObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(bookMarkerPrefab, new Vector3(2, 2, 2), Quaternion.identity);
            bookObject.GetComponent <BookProperties> ().props = bp;
            bookObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, Vector3.right);
            //   bookObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (0.98f * bookThickness, 0.6f * trolleyDepth, trolleyDepth);
            bookObject.transform.Find("CheapBook").GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = new Color(bp.colour[0], bp.colour[1], bp.colour[2]);

            // seems to fix a unity bug that prevents some colliders from being spotted.
            bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = false;
            bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = true;

        Debug.Log("Added " + bookIdentifier);
 public static BookPropertySet Deserialize (byte[] data)
   MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
   BookPropertySet bp = new BookPropertySet ();
     BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
     bp.filename = (string) bf.Deserialize (ms);
     bp.author = (string) bf.Deserialize (ms);
     bp.title = (string) bf.Deserialize (ms);
     bp.colour = (float []) bf.Deserialize (ms);
     bp.currentPage = (int) bf.Deserialize (ms);
     bp.fontSize = (int) bf.Deserialize (ms);
   catch (Exception)
   return bp;
    public void restore()
        FileStream file = null;

            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
            file = File.Open(getFilePath(), FileMode.Open);

            int maxBooks = (int)bf.Deserialize(file);
            bookSlots = new BookPropertySet [maxBooks];
            freeSlots = maxBooks;
            for (int i = 0; i < bookSlots.Length; i++)
                string fn = (string)bf.Deserialize(file);
                if (fn.Length > 0)
                    bookSlots[i] = new BookPropertySet();
                    placeBook(bookSlots[i], i);
                    bookSlots[i] = null;
        catch (Exception)
            if (file != null)
    // Internal method to ensure the given slot has a book corresponding to
    // the specified property set.
    private void placeBook(BookPropertySet bp, int slot)
        float bookOffset = slot * bookThickness;

        // Make a spine label with author and title.
        string bookSpine = bp.author + "\n" + bp.title;

        float x = 0.0f;
        float y = 0.9f;
        float z = 0.0f;

        // Create the book.
        GameObject bookObject = addMenuOption(bookSpine, new Vector3(x + bookOffset, y, z), (controller, controllerObject, button, avatar, initialize) => selectBook(slot, controller, controllerObject, button, avatar, initialize), moveResponse);

        bookObject.GetComponent <BookProperties> ().props = bp;
        bookObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, Vector3.right);
        bookObject.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(0.98f * bookThickness, 0.6f * trolleyDepth, trolleyDepth);
        bookObject.transform.Find("CheapBook").GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = new Color(bp.colour[0], bp.colour[1], bp.colour[2]);

        // seems to fix a unity bug that prevents some colliders from being spotted.
        bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = false;
        bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = true;
Exemple #14
 public void loadBook(string bookFileName, BookPropertySet props)
     StartCoroutine(loadBookInternal(bookFileName, props));
Exemple #15
    // Add a new book to the library.
    public IEnumerator addBook(string book)
        // Find the spot for the next book on the shelves,
        float bookWidth       = bookThickness;
        float shelfSeparation = (bookcaseHeight - floorOffset - plankThickness) / numberShelves;
        float bookOffset      = offsetinShelf;
        float x = rack * (shelfLength + plankThickness) - (0.5f * shelfLength * setsPerRow);
        float y = floorOffset + shelf * shelfSeparation;
        float z = stack * rowGap;

        if (book != null)
            // Get the properties.
            BookPropertySet bp = new BookPropertySet();
            bp.filename = book;
            yield return(getBookProperties(bp));

            // Make a spine label with author and title.
            string bookSpine = bp.author + "\n" + bp.title;

            // Create the book.
            GameObject bookObject = addMenuOption(bookSpine, new Vector3(x + plankThickness + bookOffset, y + plankThickness, z), selectBook, moveResponse);
            bookObject.GetComponent <BookProperties> ().props = bp;
            bookObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.98f * bookWidth, 0.8f * shelfSeparation, 0.95f * bookcaseDepth);
            bookObject.transform.Find("CheapBook").GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = new Color(bp.colour[0], bp.colour[1], bp.colour[2]);

            // seems to fix a unity bug that prevents some colliders from being spotted.
            bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = false;
            bookObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ().enabled = true;

        // Make space for the book.
        if (z + endwallSectionSize > endwallPosition)
            createSection(new Vector3(0, 0, endwallPosition));
            endWall.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, endwallPosition);

            endwallPosition += endwallSectionSize;

        if (spareCapacity <= 0)
            // Extend the shelves.
            if (rack == 0)
                createUpright(new Vector3(x, 0, z));
            for (int i = 0; i < numberShelves + 1; i++)
                y = floorOffset + i * ((bookcaseHeight - floorOffset - plankThickness) / numberShelves);
                createShelf(new Vector3(x + plankThickness, y, z));
            createUpright(new Vector3(x + shelfLength + plankThickness, 0, z));

            spareCapacity += shelfLength * numberShelves;

            createTeleport(new Vector3(x + 0.5f * shelfLength, 0.1f, z - 0.5f * rowGap),
                           Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up));

            if (rack == 0)
                createTeleport(new Vector3(x - 1.5f * shelfLength, 0.1f, z),
                               Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up));
                createTeleport(new Vector3(x - 1.5f * shelfLength, 0.1f, z - 0.5f * rowGap),
                               Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up));
            if (rack == setsPerRow - 1)
                createTeleport(new Vector3(x + 2.5f * shelfLength, 0.1f, z),
                               Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up));
                createTeleport(new Vector3(x + 2.5f * shelfLength, 0.1f, z - 0.5f * rowGap),
                               Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up));
        if (book != null)