public IActionResult Edit(int id) { BoatService service = new BoatService(); BoatViewModel model = service.GetBoatInfo(id); return(View(model)); }
static ServiceLocator() { AddressService = new AddressService(); BoatService = new BoatService(); ClubService = new ClubService(); UserService = new UserService(); EntryService = new EntryService(); RaceEventService = new RaceEventService(); RegattaService = new RegattaService(); SocialEventService = new SocialEventService(); TeamService = new TeamService(); EmailService = new EmailService(); PhoneNumberService = new PhoneNumberService(); RegisteredUserService = new RegisteredUserService(); ResultService = new ResultService(); UserRoleService = new UserRoleService(); ClubsUsersUserRolesJunctionsService = new Clubs_Users_UserRoles_JunctionsService(); RegattasUsersUserRolesJunctionsService = new Regattas_Users_UserRoles_JunctionsService(); RegisteredUserSocialEventService = new RegisteredUser_SocialEventService(); TeamRaceEventService = new Team_RaceEventService(); TeamRegisteredUserService = new Team_RegisteredUserService(); BoatService = new BoatService(); SocialEventsUsersUserRolesJunctionsService = new SocialEvents_Users_UserRoles_JunctionsService(); RaceEventsUsersUserRolesJunctionsService = new RaceEvents_Users_UserRoles_JunctionsService(); ClubsEmailsService = new ClubsEmailsService(); ClubsPhoneNumbersService = new ClubsPhoneNumbersService(); }
public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null || id == 0) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <BoatDTO, BoatEditViewModel>(); }); try { using (var boatService = new BoatService()) { var boatList = boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.FindBy(x => x.Id == id); if (boatList == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var boat = new BoatEditViewModel(); var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(boatList.First(), boat); return(View(boat)); } } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } }
public ActionResult Index() { var boatList = new List <BoatIndexViewModel>(); var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <BoatDTO, BoatIndexViewModel>(); }); using (var boatService = new BoatService()) { try { var allBoatsDto = boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.GetAll(); if (allBoatsDto == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } allBoatsDto = allBoatsDto.Where(x => x.Active); if (allBoatsDto.Any()) { var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(allBoatsDto, boatList); return(View(boatList.OrderBy(b => b.SailNo))); } throw new Exception("Could not find any boats."); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } } }
public IActionResult Product(int boat_id) { BoatService service = new BoatService(); BoatViewModel boat = service.GetBoatInfo(boat_id); return(View(boat)); }
public ActionResult Delete(int?id) //TODO kolla i databas om boat blir Active = false { if (id == null || id == 0) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } try { using (var boatService = new BoatService()) { var foundBoatToDelete = boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.FindBy(x => x.Id == id.Value); if (foundBoatToDelete == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } var arne = foundBoatToDelete.First(); // boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.Delete(arne); //boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.Delete(foundBoatToDelete.First()); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(BoatViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { BoatService service = new BoatService(); AuthorizationService a_service = new AuthorizationService(); model.Owner = a_service.GetAccountInfo(User.Identity.Name).Id; int code = service.EditBoat(model); switch (code) { case 0: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); case 1: { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ошибка при редактировании записи"); } break; } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Неверное заполнение полей"); } return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Boat", model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int id) { BoatService service = new BoatService(); service.DeleteBoat(id); return(RedirectToAction("Products", "User")); }
public void AddShouldSetObjectIntoDB_WithHandicap_Test() { // Arrange var boat1 = new Boat { Active = true, Description = "A boat", Entries = null, Handicap = 10.5, Id = 1, Model = null, Name = "SomeBoat", SailNo = 122 }; var boat2 = new Boat { Active = true, Description = "A boat", Entries = null, Handicap = 2.5, Id = 2, Model = null, Name = "SomeBoat", SailNo = 122 }; fakeRepository = new FakeRepository <Boat>(); boatService = new BoatService(fakeRepository); // Act boatService.AddBoat(boat1); boatService.AddBoat(boat2); // Assert fakeRepository.Get(1).Handicap.Should().Be(10.5); fakeRepository.Get(2).Handicap.Should().Be(2.5); }
public ActionResult Create(BoatRegistrationViewModel boatRegistrationViewModel) //TODO kolla i databas om det sparas { try { BoatDTO boat = new BoatDTO(boatRegistrationViewModel.SailNo, boatRegistrationViewModel.Name, boatRegistrationViewModel.Type, boatRegistrationViewModel.Handicap); var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <BoatRegistrationViewModel, BoatDTO>()); var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(boatRegistrationViewModel, boat); UserDTO user; using (var userService = new UserService()) { var loginUser = Session["Login"].ToString(); user = userService.EagerDisconnectedService.FindBy(u => u.Login == loginUser).First(); } using (var boatService = new BoatService()) { boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.Add(user, boat); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } }
//TODO fix boatDropDownListViewModel public ActionResult DropDownList() { //ViewBag.BoatId = new SelectList(db.Boats, "Id", "Name"); var boatList = new List <BoatDropDownListViewModel>(); var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <BoatDTO, BoatDropDownListViewModel>(); }); using (var boatService = new BoatService()) { try { var allBoatsDto = boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.GetAll().Where(x => x.Active); if (allBoatsDto == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(allBoatsDto, boatList); ViewBag.BoatId = new SelectList(boatList.OrderBy(b => b.FullBoatName), "Id", "FullBoatName"); return(View()); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } } }
// GET: Entries/Create public ActionResult Create() { EntryCreateViewModel entryCreateViewModel = new EntryCreateViewModel(); var boatList = new List <BoatDropDownListViewModel>(); var clubList = new List <ClubDropDownListViewModel>(); var regattaList = new List <RegattaDropDownListViewModel>(); var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <BoatDTO, BoatDropDownListViewModel>(); cfg.CreateMap <ClubDTO, ClubDropDownListViewModel>(); cfg.CreateMap <RegattaDTO, RegattaDropDownListViewModel>(); }); using (var boatService = new BoatService()) using (var clubService = new ClubService()) using (var regattaService = new RegattaService()) { try { var allBoatsDto = boatService.EagerDisconnectedService.GetAll().Where(x => x.Active); if (allBoatsDto == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(allBoatsDto, boatList); var allclubsDto = clubService.EagerDisconnectedService.FindByInclude(x => x.Active); if (allclubsDto == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } var mapper2 = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(allclubsDto, clubList); var allregattasDto = regattaService.EagerDisconnectedService.FindByInclude(x => x.Active); if (allregattasDto == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } var mapper3 = mapperConfig.CreateMapper(); mapper.Map(allregattasDto, regattaList); ViewBag.BoatDropDownList = new SelectList(boatList.OrderBy(b => b.FullBoatName), "Id", "FullBoatName"); ViewBag.ClubDropDownList = new SelectList(clubList.OrderBy(c => c.Name), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.RegattaDropDownList = new SelectList(regattaList.OrderBy(c => c.Name), "Id", "Name"); return(View()); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["ResultMessage"] = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } } }
public BoatViewModel() { boatService = new BoatService(); addCommand = new RelayCommand(Add); deleteCommand = new RelayCommand(Delete); updateCommand = new RelayCommand(Update); inputBoat = new Boat(); LoadBoatList(); }
private List <Boat> GetAllBoats() { using (var context = new BoatContext()) { var service = new BoatService(context); var boats = service.GetAll(); return(boats.ToList()); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Boat boat = GetAllBoats().Find(b => b.Id == id); using (var context = new BoatContext()) { var service = new BoatService(context); service.Remove(boat); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult Rent(int page_num = 1) { ViewData["StyleSheet"] = "About"; ViewData["Login"] = CheckCookies(); BoatService service = new BoatService(); List <BoatCollectionViewModel> boats = service.GetAllBoat(new PageInfo { PageNumber = page_num, PageSize = 9 }, "rent"); return(View(boats)); }
public IActionResult Index(int page_num = 1) { AuthorizationService a_service = new AuthorizationService(); AccountViewModel account = a_service.GetAccountInfo(User.Identity.Name); if (account.AccountType.Equals("customer")) { MessageService r_service = new MessageService(); account.Recalls = r_service.GetInbox(account.Id); BoatService b_service = new BoatService(); account.Boats = b_service.GetUsersBoat(account.Id); } ViewData["StyleSheet"] = "Profile"; ViewData["Login"] = CheckCookies(); return(View(account)); }
public ActionResult Create(PocoClasses.Entries.Boat newBoat, string returnUrl) { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <PocoClasses.Entries.Boat, Boat>()); Boat boat = Mapper.Map <Boat>(newBoat); if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var context = new BoatContext()) { var service = new BoatService(context); service.Add(boat); } return(Redirect(returnUrl)); } return(View(newBoat)); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var context = new RoeiJeRotDbContext(); IBoatService boatService = new BoatService(context); IReservationService reservationService = new ReservationService(context, boatService); var availableTypes = reservationService.AvailableBoatTypes(new DateTime(2019, 12, 26, 10, 00, 00), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(120)); foreach (var availableType in availableTypes) { Console.WriteLine(availableType.Name); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Add(ICollection <IFormFile> files, BoatViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid && files.Count > 0) { BoatService b_service = new BoatService(); AuthorizationService a_service = new AuthorizationService(); model.Owner = a_service.GetAccountInfo(User.Identity.Name).Id; model.Images = new List <byte[]>(); foreach (IFormFile file in files) { if (file.Length > 0) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file.OpenReadStream()); model.Images.Add(reader.ReadBytes((int)file.Length)); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Присутствует пустой файл"); return(RedirectToAction("Add", "Boat", model)); } } int code = b_service.AddBoat(model); switch (code) { case 0: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); case 1: { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ошибка при добавлении записи"); } break; } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Неверное заполнение полей, либо остутствует изображение"); } return(RedirectToAction("Add", "Boat", model)); }
/// <summary> /// Pobiera dane z bazy danych /// </summary> private void GetBoats() { var boatService = new BoatService(); BoatsCollection = new ObservableCollection <BoatDto>(boatService.GetBoats()); }
public BoatServiceTests() { _service = new BoatService(_mockRepo); }
// GET: api/<controller> /// <summary> /// Initalisation action /// </summary> /// <param name="boatService"> /// Service class that contains the actions /// to implement required actions /// </param> public BoatController(BoatService boatService) { _boatService = boatService; }
public HomeController() { b_service = new BoatService(); n_service = new NewsService(); }