private void UpdateState()
        BoardSpaceState boardSpaceState = GameStateManager.Singleton.BoardSpaceStates[boardSpaceNumber];

        foreach (Penguin penguin in _penguins)
        for (int i = 0; i < boardSpaceState.numberOfPenguins; i++)
            _penguins[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), 0, Random.Range(-1f, 1f));
            _penguins[i].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0);
Exemple #2
 public static bool IsOpponent(BoardSpaceState piece)
     return piece == BoardSpaceState.OpponentPieceShort || piece == BoardSpaceState.OpponentPieceTall;
Exemple #3
 private async void updateCapturedPieces(StackPanel container, BoardSpaceState piece)
     foreach (var _ in Enumerable.Range(0, game.GetCapturedCount(piece)))
         container.Children.Add(new BoardSpace()
             SpaceState = GameController.BoardSpaceStateFor(await getUser(), game, piece),
             Width = BOARD_GRID_SIDE_LENGTH,
             Height = BOARD_GRID_SIDE_LENGTH
Exemple #4
 // can these be defined on the enum itself?
 public static bool IsFriendly(BoardSpaceState piece)
     return piece == BoardSpaceState.FriendlyPieceTall || piece == BoardSpaceState.FriendlyPieceShort;
Exemple #5
        bool PlayerHasWon(BoardSpaceState playerMarker)
            if (playerMarker == BoardSpaceState.None)
                throw new Exception("This is not a player");

            for (int r = 0; r < BoardState.GetLength(0); r++)
                bool victoryOnRow = true;
                for (int c = 0; c < BoardState.GetLength(1); c++)
                    if (BoardState[r, c] != playerMarker)
                        victoryOnRow = false;
                if (victoryOnRow)

            for (int c = 0; c < BoardState.GetLength(0); c++)
                bool victoryOnColumn = true;
                for (int r = 0; r < BoardState.GetLength(1); r++)
                    if (BoardState[r, c] != playerMarker)
                        victoryOnColumn = false;
                if (victoryOnColumn)

            bool victoryOnDiagonalLR = true;

            for (int r = 0; r < BoardState.GetLength(0); r++)
                if (BoardState[r, r] != playerMarker)
                    victoryOnDiagonalLR = false;
            if (victoryOnDiagonalLR)

            bool victoryOnDiagonalRL = true;

            for (int r = BoardState.GetLength(0) - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                if (BoardState[r, BoardState.GetLength(0) - r - 1] != playerMarker)
                    victoryOnDiagonalRL = false;
            if (victoryOnDiagonalRL)

 public static BoardSpaceState BoardSpaceStateFor(User user, Game game, BoardSpaceState boardSpaceState)
     return user.Email == game.InitiatingPlayerEmail ? boardSpaceState : boardSpaceState.TogglePlayer();
        private static void fillTeam(Game game, int startRow, int nextRowOffset, BoardSpaceState shortPiece, BoardSpaceState tallPiece)
            int nextRow = startRow + nextRowOffset;

            game.SetPieceLocation(new Coord() { Row = startRow, Col = 2 }, tallPiece);
            game.SetPieceLocation(new Coord() { Row = nextRow, Col = 3 }, tallPiece);
            game.SetPieceLocation(new Coord() { Row = startRow, Col = 9 }, tallPiece);
            game.SetPieceLocation(new Coord() { Row = nextRow, Col = 8 }, tallPiece);

            fillRow(game, shortPiece, startRow, 3, 8);
            fillRow(game, shortPiece, nextRow, 4, 7);
 private static void fillRow(Game game, BoardSpaceState toFill, int row, int lowerColBoundInclusive, int upperColBoundInclusive)
     foreach (int col in Enumerable.Range(lowerColBoundInclusive, upperColBoundInclusive - lowerColBoundInclusive + 1))
         game.SetPieceLocation(new Coord() { Row = row, Col = col }, toFill);