Exemple #1
    public Board.move FindBestMove(char[,] board, char player)
        List <Board.move> bestMoveList = new List <Board.move>();

        Board.move bestMove = new Board.move();
        bestMove.score = -100;
        for (ushort x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            for (ushort y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                if (board[x, y] == Board.emptyPosition)
                    char[,] scenarioBoard = Board.MirorBoard(board);
                    scenarioBoard[x, y]   = player;
                    Board.move someMove = new Board.move();
                    someMove.depth = 0;
                    someMove.x     = x;
                    someMove.y     = y;
                    someMove.score = Minimax(scenarioBoard, 0, Board.OppositePlayer(player), x, y);

                    if (someMove.score > bestMove.score)
                        bestMove.x     = x;
                        bestMove.y     = y;
                        bestMove.score = someMove.score;
                    ttt.VirtualPrint("[Evaluating] move (" + x + "," + y + ") with score: " + someMove.score);

        ttt.VirtualPrint("[Selecting] move: (" + bestMove.x + "," + bestMove.y + ") score " + bestMove.score);

        // TODO: select random of equal score moves once working properly

Exemple #2
    public int Minimax(char[,] board, ushort depth, char player, ushort x, ushort y)
        string encodedBoard = Board.Encode(board);

        if (Board.TerminalState(board, player, x, y))
            int score = GetBoardScore(board, depth, player, x, y);

        Board.move bestMove = new Board.move();
        bestMove.depth = depth;
        depth         += 1;
        if (player == maximizingPlayer) // maximize
            bestMove.score = -100;
            for (ushort xIndex = 0; xIndex < 3; xIndex++)
                for (ushort yIndex = 0; yIndex < 3; yIndex++)
                    if (board[xIndex, yIndex] == Board.emptyPosition)
                        char[,] subBoard         = Board.MirorBoard(board);
                        subBoard[xIndex, yIndex] = Board.OppositePlayer(player);
                        string subEncoded = Board.Encode(subBoard);

                        int score = Minimax(subBoard, depth, Board.OppositePlayer(player), xIndex, yIndex);
                        if (score > bestMove.score)
                            bestMove.score = score;
                            bestMove.x     = xIndex;
                            bestMove.y     = yIndex;
        else // minimize
            bestMove.score = 100;
            for (ushort xIndex = 0; xIndex < 3; xIndex++)
                for (ushort yIndex = 0; yIndex < 3; yIndex++)
                    if (board[xIndex, yIndex] == Board.emptyPosition)
                        char[,] subBoard         = Board.MirorBoard(board);
                        subBoard[xIndex, yIndex] = Board.OppositePlayer(player);
                        string subEncoded = Board.Encode(subBoard);

                        int score = Minimax(subBoard, depth, Board.OppositePlayer(player), xIndex, yIndex);
                        if (score < bestMove.score)
                            bestMove.score = score;
                            bestMove.x     = xIndex;
                            bestMove.y     = yIndex;
Exemple #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (currentPlayer != '_') // game is waiting
            if (currentPlayer == computer)
                Board.move nextMove = minmax.FindBestMove(gameBoard, currentPlayer);
                gameBoard[nextMove.x, nextMove.y] = currentPlayer;
                peices.Add(Instantiate(oPeice, transform));
                peices[peices.Count - 1].transform.position =
                    physicalBoard[nextMove.x, nextMove.y].transform.position + new Vector3(0, 5, -2);
                if (Board.TerminalState(gameBoard, currentPlayer, nextMove.x, nextMove.y))
                    if (Board.GetWinner(gameBoard, currentPlayer, nextMove.x, nextMove.x) == computer)
                        VirtualPrint("The winner is the human");
                        VirtualPrint("The winner is nobody");
                    currentPlayer = Board.emptyPosition;
                    currentPlayer = Board.OppositePlayer(currentPlayer);
            else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                RaycastHit hit;
                Ray        ray = playerCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    for (ushort x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                        for (ushort y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                            if (physicalBoard[x, y] == hit.transform.gameObject)
                                moveX = x;
                                moveY = y;

                if (Board.IsValidMove(gameBoard, currentPlayer, moveX, moveY))
                    peices.Add(Instantiate(xPeice, transform));
                    peices[peices.Count - 1].transform.position =
                        physicalBoard[moveX, moveY].transform.position + new Vector3(0, 5, 0);
                    gameBoard[moveX, moveY] = currentPlayer;

                    if (Board.TerminalState(gameBoard, currentPlayer, moveX, moveY))
                        if (Board.GetWinner(gameBoard, currentPlayer, moveX, moveY) == human)
                            VirtualPrint("The winner is the human");
                            VirtualPrint("The winner is nobody");
                        currentPlayer = Board.emptyPosition;
                        currentPlayer = Board.OppositePlayer(currentPlayer);

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit hit;
            Ray        ray = playerCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                if (reset == hit.transform.gameObject)
                    moveX = 5;