public BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO(BluetoothAddress address)
            if (address == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("address");
            dwSize = 560;
            this.Address = address.ToInt64();
            ulClassofDevice = 0;
            fConnected = false;
            fRemembered = false;
            fAuthenticated = false;
#if WinXP
            stLastSeen = new SYSTEMTIME();
            stLastUsed = new SYSTEMTIME();

            // The size is much smaller on CE (no times and string not inline) it
            // appears to ignore the bad dwSize value.  So don't check this on CF.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO)) == dwSize, "BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO SizeOf == dwSize");
            szName = "";
Exemple #2
        public CSADDR_INFO(BluetoothAddress local, BluetoothAddress remote, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType type, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocol)
            //ensure zeros
            localAddr = IntPtr.Zero;
            localSize = 0;
            remoteAddr = IntPtr.Zero;
            remoteSize = 0;

            iSocketType = type;
            iProtocol = protocol;

            if (local != null)
#if V1
                //have to use AllocHGlobal substitute
                localAddr = Marshal32.AllocHGlobal(40);
                Marshal.Copy(local.ToByteArray(), 0, new IntPtr(localAddr.ToInt32() + 8), 6);
                localAddr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(40);
                Marshal.WriteInt64(localAddr, 8, local.ToInt64());
                Marshal.WriteInt16(localAddr, 0, 32);                
                localSize = 40;
            if (remote != null)
#if V1
                remoteAddr = Marshal32.AllocHGlobal(40);
                Marshal.Copy(remote.ToByteArray(), 0, new IntPtr(remoteAddr.ToInt32() + 8), 6);
                remoteAddr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(40);
                Marshal.WriteInt64(remoteAddr, 8, remote.ToInt64());
                remoteSize = 40;
                Marshal.WriteInt16(remoteAddr, 0, 32);   

        #region Set PIN
        /// <summary>
		/// This function stores the personal identification number (PIN) for the Bluetooth device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="device">Address of remote device.</param>
		/// <param name="pin">Pin, alphanumeric string of between 1 and 16 ASCII characters.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>On Windows CE platforms this calls <c>BthSetPIN</c>,
        /// its MSDN remarks say:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;Stores the pin for the Bluetooth device identified in pba.
        /// The active connection to the device is not necessary, nor is the presence
        /// of the Bluetooth controller. The PIN is persisted in the registry until
        /// BthRevokePIN is called.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;While the PIN is stored, it is supplied automatically
        /// after the PIN request is issued by the authentication mechanism, so the
        /// user will not be prompted for it. Typically, for UI-based devices, you
        /// would set the PIN for the duration of authentication, and then revoke
        /// it after authentication is complete.&#x201D;
        /// </para>
        /// <para>See also 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.RevokePin(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress)"/>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
		/// <returns>True on success, else False.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.RevokePin(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress)"/>
		public static bool SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
#if WinCE
            if (pin.Length < 1 | pin.Length > 16)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pin must be between 1 and 16 characters long.");
            byte[] pinbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pin);
            int len = pin.Length;

            int result = NativeMethods.BthSetPIN(device.ToByteArray(), len, pinbytes);

            if (result != 0)
                int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                return false;
            return true;
            //remove existing listener
                BluetoothWin32Authentication bwa = (BluetoothWin32Authentication)authenticators[device];
            authenticators.Add(device, new BluetoothWin32Authentication(device, pin));
            return true;
            //    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Use PairRequest to pair with a device from Windows XP");

 public static BluetoothDeviceInfo DeviceByAdress(string address)
     return(new BluetoothDeviceInfo(BluetoothAddress.Parse(address)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothListener"/> class
 /// that listens for incoming connection attempts on the specified local Bluetooth address and service identifier,
 /// publishing the specified SDP record.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localaddr">A <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> that represents the local Bluetooth radio address.</param>
 /// <param name="service">The Bluetooth service to listen for.</param>
 /// <param name="sdpRecord">Prepared SDP Record to publish</param>
 /// <param name="channelOffset">
 /// The index in the <paramref name="sdpRecord"/> byte array where the RFCOMM Channel Number that the
 /// server is listening on is to be placed.
 /// However the supplied record is now parsed into an <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceRecord"/>
 /// instance, and the channel offset is not used.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <note>
 /// The constructors taking the SDP record explicitly (as a byte array) should
 /// only be used if
 /// a specialized SDP record is required. For instance when using one of the
 /// standard profiles.  Otherwise use one of the other constructors 
 /// e.g. <see 
 /// cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.#ctor(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.Guid)"/>
 /// which create a generic SDP Record from the specified service identifier.
 /// </note>
 /// <para>Instead of passing a byte array containing a hand-built record,
 /// the record can also be built using the <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceRecord"/>
 /// and <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceElement"/> classes, and
 /// passed to the respective constuctor, e.g.
 /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.#ctor(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.Guid,InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceRecord)"/>
 /// </para>
 /// <para>Any useful SDP record will include 
 /// a <c>ProtocolDescriptor</c> element containing
 /// the RFCOMM Channel number that the server is listening on,
 /// and a <c>ServiceClassId</c> element containing the service UUIDs.
 /// The record supplied in the <paramref name="sdpRecord"/> parameter
 /// should contain those elements.  On successful <see 
 /// cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.Start"/>,
 /// the RFCOMM Channel number that the protocol stack has assigned to the
 /// server is retrieved, and copied into the service record before it is
 /// published.  The <paramref name="channelOffset"/> indicates the location
 /// of the respective byte in the <paramref name="sdpRecord"/> byte array.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// An example SDP record is as follows.  This is actually the format of the 
 /// generic record used in the other constructors.  For another example see
 /// the code in the <c>ObexListener</c> class.
 /// <code>
 /// // The asterisks note where the Service UUID and the Channel number are
 /// // to be filled in.
 /// byte[] record = new byte[] {
 ///   //Element Sequence:
 ///   0x35,0x27,
 ///     //UInt16: 0x0001  -- ServiceClassIdList
 ///     0x09,0x00,0x01,
 ///     //Element Sequence:
 ///     0x35,0x11,
 ///     //  UUID128: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -- * Service UUID
 ///         0x1c,
 ///           0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
 ///           0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
 ///     //
 ///     //UInt16: 0x0004  -- ProtocolDescriptorList
 ///     0x09,0x00,0x04,
 ///     //Element Sequence:
 ///     0x35,0x0c,
 ///     //  Element Sequence:
 ///         0x35,0x03,
 ///     //      UUID16: 0x0100  -- L2CAP
 ///             0x19,0x01,0x00,
 ///     //  Element Sequence:
 ///         0x35,0x05,
 ///     //      UUID16: 0x0003  -- RFCOMM
 ///             0x19,0x00,0x03,
 ///     //      UInt8: 0x00     -- * Channel Number
 ///             0x08,0x00
 /// };
 /// </code>
 /// For that record the <c>channelOffset</c> is 40.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 public BluetoothListener(BluetoothAddress localaddr, Guid service, byte[] sdpRecord, int channelOffset)
     : this(localaddr, service)
     InitServiceRecord(sdpRecord, channelOffset);
        protected void Discovering()
            while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread)

                bluesoleil = BluesoleilService.Instance;
                bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed += OnConnectionClosed;

                while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread)

                    BluetoothDevice[] devices;
                        // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices).
                        devices = bluesoleil.InquireDevices(pollingTime);
                    catch (BluesoleilFailException)
                        // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged.
                    catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException)
                        // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged.

                    List<BluetoothAddress> notFoundAddresses = new List<BluetoothAddress>(lookupDeviceInfo.Keys);
                    foreach (BluetoothDevice device in devices)
                        if (!IsWiiDevice(device))
                        BluetoothAddress address = new BluetoothAddress(device.Address);
                        if (lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address))

                        BluetoothService[] services = null;
                            // Scan for bluetooth-devices (like devices).
                            services = bluesoleil.BrowseServices(device);
                        catch (BluesoleilFailException)
                            // Happens sometimes randomly, but also happens sometimes when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged.
                        catch (BluesoleilNotReadyException)
                            // Happens when bluetooth is stopped or when the bluetooth-dongle is unplugged.

                        if (services.Length != 3)

                        if (!lookupDeviceInfo.ContainsKey(address))
                            BluesoleilDeviceInfo foundDevice = new BluesoleilDeviceInfo(device, services[1]);

                    // Remove the lost devices from the list and notify DeviceLost event.
                    foreach (BluetoothAddress notFoundAddress in notFoundAddresses)
                        BluesoleilDeviceInfo notFoundDeviceInfo = lookupDeviceInfo[notFoundAddress];

                bluesoleil.ConnectionClosed -= OnConnectionClosed;
        //TODO PairRequest XmlDocs for XP and CE pre 5.0.
		/// <summary>
		/// Intiates pairing for a remote device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="device">Remote device with which to pair.</param>
		/// <param name="pin">Chosen PIN code, must be between 1 and 16 ASCII characters.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>On Windows CE platforms this calls <c>BthPairRequest</c>,
        /// its MSDN remarks say:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;BthPairRequest passes the parameters to the <c>BthSetPIN</c>
        /// function and creates an ACL connection. Once the connection is established,
        /// it calls the <c>BthAuthenticate</c> function to authenticate the device.&#x201D;
        /// </para>
        /// <para>On Windows XP/Vista platforms this calls <c>BluetoothAuthenticateDevice</c>,
        /// if the pin argument is set to null a Wizard is displayed to accept a PIN from the user,
        /// otherwise the function executes in transparent mode.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>See also 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.SetPin(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.String)"/>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>Whether the operation was successful.</returns>
		public static bool PairRequest(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("device");
            if (device.ToInt64() == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("device", "A non-blank address must be specified.");
#if WinCE
            if (pin == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pin");

            bool success = false;
            InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = new InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothDeviceInfo(device);
            if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10)
                byte[] pinbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pin);
                int len = pin.Length;
                int result = NativeMethods.BthPairRequest(device.ToByteArray(), len, pinbytes);
                if (result == 0)
                    success = true;
                //BthPairRequest is CE 5.0 onwards so we will do it with individual steps

                //preset outgoing pin
                success = SetPin(device, pin);

                if (success)
                    int hresult;
                    ushort handle = 0;
                    //connect to device
                        hresult = NativeMethods.BthCreateACLConnection(device.ToByteArray(), out handle);
                        if (hresult != 0)
                            success = false;

  //                          ushort default_sniff_max = 0x640; // 1 sec 
//                            ushort default_sniff_min = 0x4B0; // .75 sec m
    //                        ushort default_sniff_attempt = 0x20;  // 0x1
      //                      ushort default_sniff_to = 0x20; // 0x1

                            //force authentication
                            hresult = NativeMethods.BthAuthenticate(device.ToByteArray());
                            if (hresult != 0)
                                success = false;

                        if (handle != 0)
                            //close connection
                            hresult = NativeMethods.BthCloseConnection(handle);


            if (success)
                //setup UI pairing (registry)
                RegistryKey rkDevices = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(NativeMethods.ceRegistryRoot + "\\Device");
                RegistryKey rkNewDevice = rkDevices.CreateSubKey(device.ToString());
                rkNewDevice.SetValue("name", bdi.DeviceName);
                rkNewDevice.SetValue("trusted", 1);
                rkNewDevice.SetValue("class", bdi.ClassOfDevice.GetHashCode());

#if V2
                RegistryKey rkServices = rkNewDevice.CreateSubKey("Services");
                ServiceRecord[] recs = bdi.GetServiceRecords(BluetoothService.SerialPort);
                //byte[][] recs = bdi.GetServiceRecordsUnparsedWindowsRaw(BluetoothService.SerialPort);
                if (recs.Length > 0)
                    byte[] servRecord = recs[0].SourceBytes;
                    RegistryKey rkSerial = rkServices.CreateSubKey(BluetoothService.SerialPort.ToString());
                    rkSerial.SetValue("sdprecord", servRecord);
                    rkSerial.SetValue("Name", "Serial Port");
                    rkSerial.SetValue("enabled", 1);
                    int channel = ServiceRecordHelper.GetRfcommChannelNumber(recs[0]);
                    if (channel != -1) {
                        rkSerial.SetValue("channel", 0x14b0000 + channel);
                    } else {
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("PairRequest CE, peer SPP record missing channel.");


            return success;
            //use other constructor to ensure struct size is set
            //string length, but allow for null pins for UI
            int length = 0;
            if (pin != null)
                length = pin.Length;
            int result = NativeMethods.BluetoothAuthenticateDevice(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref bdi, pin, length);

				//determine error cause from result...

				return false;
			return true;
 public static void RemoveDevice(BluetoothAddress address)
     byte[] a = address.address;
     int result = BluetoothRemoveDevice(a);
        // Runs on m_dataTread tread
        public void connectDevice()
            //readFile(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Michael\My Documents\Downloads\Testdata.bin");

                s_serialPort = null;
                s_client     = null;
                string address = ApplicationSettings.Instance.DeviceAddress;
                if (address.Length > 0)
                    if (address.StartsWith("COM", true, null))
                            s_serialPort = new SerialPort(address, 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
                            s_serialPort.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 30;
                            s_stream = s_serialPort.BaseStream;
                            s_serialPort.ReadTimeout = 300;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("SerialPort Error:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString());
                            s_serialPort = null;
                        BluetoothAddress btAddress = BluetoothAddress.Parse(address);
                        if (m_channel == -1)
                            m_channel = GetRfcommChannelNumber(btAddress);
                        if (m_channel > -1)
                            BluetoothEndPoint endPoint = new BluetoothEndPoint(btAddress, SERVICE_UUID_STRING, m_channel);

                            s_client = new BluetoothClient();
                            s_stream = s_client.GetStream();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Connect To Device Error:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString());

                if (BluetoothDisconnectEvent != null && m_connected && !m_exiting)
                //m_form.Invoke(new EventHandler(m_form.OnDisconnect));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("BluetoothDisconnectEvent Error:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString());
                m_connected = false;
                m_dataTread = null;
 void DoConnect(BluetoothAddress address, Guid service)
Exemple #11
        public void ConnectSerial()
            //let this thread recursively call scan until we get connected
            make_bt_thread = false;
            //this is the address we want
            BluetoothAddress addr = BluetoothAddress.Parse(address);

            nguid = new Guid("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
            BluetoothEndPoint ep = new BluetoothEndPoint(addr, nguid);

            if (client.Available == 1)
                client.Authenticate = false;

            //client.LingerState = new LingerOption(true,60);

                invoke_gui(ProcNameTrolley.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTION, "Attempting to pair with trolley", false);
            catch (Exception e)
            connected = true;

                //if (serialstream != null) serialstream.Close();
                if (client.Connected)
                    serialstream = client.GetStream();
            catch (InvalidOperationException)


            if (client.Connected && (num_scans == 0))
                make_bt_thread = true;  //this thread will exit because we have a successfull connection and serial stream,  allow for a new connect serial thread if connection is lost
                monitor        = true;  //allow for the connection to be monitored
                while (!no_monitor_threads)
                    ;                                                                    //wait here until any previous monitor threads have exited
                BluetoothMonitorThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MonitorConnection)); //create a new thread to monitor the connection
                BluetoothMonitorThread.IsBackground = true;
                invoke_gui(ProcNameTrolley.BLUETOOTH_CONNECTION, "Connected", false);
            //BluetoothClientThread is now finishing, the only thread running from this point is monitor connection
 internal static BluetopiaDeviceInfo CreateFromGivenAddress(BluetoothAddress addr, BluetopiaFactory factory)
     return(new BluetopiaDeviceInfo(factory, addr));
Exemple #13
 public void SetAddress(String add)
     addr = BluetoothAddress.Parse(add);
            public void SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
#if WinXP
                if (pin != null) {
                    m_authenticator = new BluetoothWin32Authentication(device, pin);
                } else {
                    if (m_authenticator != null) {
                byte[] link = new byte[32];

                //copy remote device address
                if (device != null)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(device.ToByteArray(), 0, link, 8, 6);

                //copy PIN
                if (pin != null & pin.Length > 0)
                    if (pin.Length > 16)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("PIN must be between 1 and 16 ASCII characters");
                    //copy pin bytes
                    byte[] pinbytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pin);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(pinbytes, 0, link, 16, pin.Length);
                    BitConverter.GetBytes(pin.Length).CopyTo(link, 0);

                m_socket.SetSocketOption(BluetoothSocketOptionLevel.RFComm, BluetoothSocketOptionName.SetPin, link);
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the name of the specified remote device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="a">Address of remote device.</param>
		/// <returns>Friendly name of specified device.</returns>
		public string GetRemoteMachineName(BluetoothAddress a)
#if WinXP
            BluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(a);
            return bdi.DeviceName;
			byte[] buffer = new byte[504];
			//copy remote device address to buffer
			Buffer.BlockCopy(a.ToByteArray(), 0, buffer, 0, 6);

                clientSocket.SetSocketOption(BluetoothSocketOptionLevel.RFComm, BluetoothSocketOptionName.ReadRemoteName, buffer);
				string name = string.Empty;
                name = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer, 8, 496);
				int offset = name.IndexOf('\0');
				if(offset > -1)
					name = name.Substring(0, offset);

				return name;
			catch(SocketException ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BluetoothClient GetRemoteMachineName(addr) ReadRemoteName failed: " + ex.Message);
				return null;
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects the client to a remote Bluetooth host using the specified Bluetooth address and service identifier.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">The BluetoothAddress of the remote host.</param>
 /// <param name="service">The Service Class Id of the service on the remote host.
 /// The standard Bluetooth service classes are provided on <see cref="BluetoothService"/>.</param>
 public void Connect(BluetoothAddress address, Guid service)
     DoConnect(address, service);
Exemple #17
        public MainWindow()
            if (Settings.Default.UpdateSettings)
                Settings.Default.UpdateSettings = false;


            _mainPage               = new MainPage(this);
            _systemPage             = new SystemPage(this);
            _selfTestPage           = new SelfTestPage(this);
            _factoryResetPage       = new FactoryResetPage(this);
            _findMyGearPage         = new FindMyGearPage(this);
            _touchpadPage           = new TouchpadPage(this);
            _customActionPage       = new CustomActionPage(this);
            _ambientSoundPage       = new AmbientSoundPage(this);
            _equalizerPage          = new EqualizerPage(this);
            _connectionLostPage     = new ConnectionLostPage(this);
            _deviceSelectPage       = new DeviceSelectPage(this);
            _settingPage            = new SettingPage(this);
            _updatePage             = new UpdatePage(this);
            _advancedPage           = new AdvancedPage(this);
            _unsupportedFeaturePage = new UnsupportedFeaturePage(this);
            _popupSettingPage       = new PopupSettingPage(this);


            _tbi = new TaskbarIcon();
            Stream iconStream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("pack://*****:*****@"CRITICAL: Unknown Win32 Bluetooth service error");
Exemple #18
 static string FromBluetoothAddress(BluetoothAddress address)
Exemple #19
        // Implemented functions from IDevice
        public DevicePool Inquire()
            DevicePool pool = new DevicePool();
            IntPtr lpwsaqueryset = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WSAQUERYSET)));
            WSAQUERYSET wsaqueryset = new WSAQUERYSET();
            wsaqueryset.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WSAQUERYSET));
            wsaqueryset.dwNameSpace = 16;
            WSAData data = new WSAData();
            data.wHighVersion = 2;
            data.wVersion = 2;
            int flags = (int)0x0002;
            flags |= (int)(0x1000|0x0010|0x0100);
            Int32 handle = 0;

            int result = 0;

            result = WSAStartup(36,data);
            if(result != 0)
                throw new Exception("WSA Error, make sure you have the newest version (at least 2.2) of Winsock2!");
            result = WSALookupServiceBegin(wsaqueryset,flags,ref handle);

            if (result == -1)
                int error = WSAGetLastError();
                if (error == 10108) // No device attached
                    throw new Exception("You do not have a bluetooth device on your system.");
            while (0 == result)
                Int32 dwBuffer = 0x10000;
                IntPtr pBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dwBuffer);

                WSAQUERYSET qsResult = new WSAQUERYSET() ;

                result = WSALookupServiceNext(handle, flags,
                ref dwBuffer, pBuffer);

                if (0==result)
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBuffer, qsResult);
                    CS_ADDR_INFO addr = new CS_ADDR_INFO();
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(qsResult.lpcsaBuffer, addr);
                    sockaddr sa = new sockaddr();
                    monotooth.BluetoothAddress ba = new BluetoothAddress();
                    for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--)
                        ba.Array[i] = sa.sa_data[i];
                    WindowsRemoteDevice dev = new WindowsRemoteDevice(ba, qsResult.szServiceInstanceName);

                } else

            return pool;
Exemple #20
 public BluezRfcommEndPoint(BluetoothAddress address, int scn)
     : base(address, BluetoothService.Empty, scn)
 private void Register(BluetoothAddress remoteAddress)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_pin == null ^ m_userCallback == null);
     m_callback = new NativeMethods.BluetoothAuthenticationCallback(NativeCallback);
     UInt32 ret = NativeMethods.BluetoothRegisterForAuthentication(
         ref bdi, out m_regHandle, m_callback, IntPtr.Zero);
     int gle = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret == NativeErrorSuccess,
         "BluetoothRegisterForAuthentication failed, GLE="
         + gle.ToString() + "=0x)" + gle.ToString("X"));
     if (ret != NativeErrorSuccess) {
         throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(gle);
Exemple #22
 void AddKnownAddress(BluetoothAddress value)
 {//TO-DO Does Android have suggested input feature?
        /// <summary>
		/// <para><b>Not supported on Windows XP</b></para>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="a"></param>
		/// <param name="linkkey"></param>
        /// <remarks><para>On Windows CE platforms this calls <c>BthSetLinkKey</c>,
        /// its MSDN remarks say:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;The link key is persisted in registry until <c>BthRevokeLinkKey</c>
        /// is called.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;Typically, the Bluetooth stack manages link keys automatically,
        /// for example, it stores them when they are created. This function is useful
        /// primarily for backup purposes.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;While link key is stored, it will be automatically supplied
        /// once the link key request is issued by the authentication mechanism. If
        /// the link key is incorrect, the renegotiation that involves the PIN is
        /// initiated by the Bluetooth adapter, and the PIN code may be requested
        /// from the user.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;The link key length is 16 bytes. You cannot create link
        /// keys; they are generated by the Bluetooth hardware.&#x201D;
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns></returns>
		public static bool SetLinkKey(BluetoothAddress a, Guid linkkey)
#if WinCE
			int result = NativeMethods.BthSetLinkKey(a.ToByteArray(), ref linkkey);
				return false;
			return true;
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Not supported on Windows XP");
 public BluezStream(BluetoothAddress address)
     : this(address.ToString())
Exemple #25
        /// <summary> Inquire devices from the surrounding area, uses a native method to achieve good inquiry. </summary>
        /// <returns> A <c>DevicePool</c>, in which all the devices are added, if any. </returns> 
        public DevicePool Inquire()
            this.dev_id = hci_get_route(IntPtr.Zero);
            if( this.dev_id != -1)
            int sock = hci_open_dev(this.dev_id);
            DevicePool pool = new DevicePool();
            inquiry_info info = new inquiry_info();
            IntPtr devs = IntPtr.Zero;
            byte[] lap = new byte[] { 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e};
            int max_rsp = 255;
            int length = 8;
            int flags = 1;
            int count = hci_inquiry(this.dev_id, length, max_rsp, lap, out devs,flags);
            IntPtr element = devs;
            if (count>0)
                for(int i = 0; i < count;i++)

                    info = (inquiry_info)Marshal.PtrToStructure(element,typeof(inquiry_info));
                    element = (IntPtr)((int)element+Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(inquiry_info)));
                    System.Text.StringBuilder bld2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(248);
                    monotooth.BluetoothAddress ba = new BluetoothAddress();
                    ba.Array = info.bdaddr;
                        LinuxRemoteDevice dev = new LinuxRemoteDevice(ba,bld2.ToString());
                    } else {
                        LinuxRemoteDevice dev = new LinuxRemoteDevice(ba,"NONAME");
            return pool;
            } else
            throw new Exception("You do not have a bluetooth device on your system.");
Exemple #26
 internal static BluetoothAddress ToBluetoothAddress(string address_)
 /// <summary>
 /// Set or change the PIN to be used with a specific remote device.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">Address of Bluetooth device.</param>
 /// <param name="pin">PIN string consisting of 1 to 16 ASCII characters.</param>
 /// <remarks>Assigning null (Nothing in VB) or an empty String will revoke the PIN.</remarks>
 public void SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
     m_optionHelper.SetPin(device, pin);
 void IBluetoothListener.SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection.
 /// The remote host is specified by a <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> and a service identifier (Guid). 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">The <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> of the remote host.</param>
 /// <param name="service">The service identifier of the remote host.</param>
 /// <param name="requestCallback">An AsyncCallback delegate that references the method to invoke when the operation is complete.</param>
 /// <param name="state">A user-defined object that contains information about the connect operation.
 /// This object is passed to the requestCallback delegate when the operation is complete.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IAsyncResult BeginConnect(BluetoothAddress address, Guid service, AsyncCallback requestCallback, object state)
     return BeginConnect(new BluetoothEndPoint(address, service), requestCallback, state);
 void IBluetoothListener.Construct(BluetoothAddress localAddress, Guid service)
        public DataProducerManager AddRawInertialSensor(BluetoothAddress btaddress, bool isreconnectable = false)
            if (btaddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(btaddress.GetType().Name + " Cannot be null.");
            DataProducerManager RawInertialSensor;

                RawInertialSensor = new DataProducerManager(this)
                    UniqueDeviceAddress = btaddress.ToString(),
                    IDataProducer       = new RawInertialSensorProducer(btaddress),
                    UISensorData        = new UISensorData(true)
                        DeviceName = btaddress.ToString(), SensorType = SensorType.Inertial, MPS = -1, DataPreview = "Loading, Please wait :)", SensorLocation = SensorLocation.NotSet
                    ChartInfo = this.SensorGrapher.SetupChartAreaFor(btaddress.ToString(), SensorGrapherControl.ChartTypes.Acceleration, DataProducerManagerCollection.RawIntertialSensorUpdateFreq)
            RawInertialSensor.IDataProducer.NewIData += (senderNewIData, eNewIData) =>
                this.UISensorDataDictionary[RawInertialSensor.ChartInfo.RootName].DataPreview = eNewIData.ToPreviewString();
                this.SensorGrapher.UpdateGraph(RawInertialSensor.ChartInfo, ((InertialSensorData)eNewIData).NormalizedAccelerations, eNewIData.NowInTicks);
            RawInertialSensor.IDataProducer.MeasuresPerSec += (senderMeasuresPerSec, eMeasuresPerSec) =>
                RawInertialSensor.UISensorData.MPS = eMeasuresPerSec;
            RawInertialSensor.UISensorData.SensorLocationSet += (senderSensorLocationSet, eSensorLocationSet) =>
                foreach (var child in RawInertialSensor.DPMChildrenList.Where(x => x.IDataProducer.SensorType == SensorType.Virtual))
                //Note this can't be in the foreach b/c you can't remove from an Ienumerable collection

                RawInertialSensor.DPMChildrenList.RemoveAll(x => x.IDataProducer.SensorType == SensorType.Virtual);
                DataProducerManager tMappedVirtualInertialSensor = null;
                var tVirtualInertialSensor = this.AddVirtualInertialSensor(RawInertialSensor, this.DPMCollection[KinectProducer.KinectAddress], eSensorLocationSet);

                //check that the sensor was actually created, if it was add it
                if (tVirtualInertialSensor != null)
                    tMappedVirtualInertialSensor = this.AddMappedVirtualInertialSensor(RawInertialSensor, this.DPMCollection[KinectProducer.KinectAddress], tVirtualInertialSensor, eSensorLocationSet.ToJointType());
                    if (tMappedVirtualInertialSensor != null)
            this.DPMCollection[btaddress.ToString()] = RawInertialSensor;
            (RawInertialSensor.IDataProducer as IRestartable).Start();
            this.MethodsToCallOnDispose.Add((Action) delegate() { RawInertialSensor.IDataProducer.Dispose(); });
 void IBluetoothListener.Construct(BluetoothAddress localAddress, Guid service, ServiceRecord sdpRecord)
     throw new NotSupportedException("No support for creating Service Records on Android.");
Exemple #33
         * Device
        public BluetoothAddress GetRegisteredDevice()
            var isValid = BluetoothAddress.TryParse(Properties.Settings.Default.RegisteredDevice, out var savedAddress);

            return(isValid ? savedAddress : null);
Exemple #34
        public static int cycleCounter = 0; // counts the number of times the function is sending data
                                            // in order to calculate the sensor sample rate
        private static void kinect_SkeletonFrameReady(object sender, SkeletonFrameReadyEventArgs e)
            Skeleton[] skeletons = new Skeleton[0];

            using (SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame = e.OpenSkeletonFrame())
                if (skeletonFrame != null)
                    skeletons = new Skeleton[skeletonFrame.SkeletonArrayLength];

            if (skeletons.Length != 0)
                foreach (Skeleton skel in skeletons)
                    if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                        SkeletonPoint leftWrist  = skel.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position;
                        SkeletonPoint rightWrist = skel.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position;
                        SkeletonPoint hipCenter  = skel.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position;

                        int hipCenter_Z  = Convert.ToInt32(hipCenter.Z * 100);
                        int leftWrist_Z  = (hipCenter_Z - Convert.ToInt32(leftWrist.Z * 100)) < 0 ? 0 : hipCenter_Z - Convert.ToInt32(leftWrist.Z * 100);
                        int leftWrist_Y  = (Convert.ToInt32(leftWrist.Y * 100)) < 0 ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(leftWrist.Y * 100);
                        int rightWrist_Z = (hipCenter_Z - Convert.ToInt32(rightWrist.Z * 100)) < 0 ? 0 : hipCenter_Z - Convert.ToInt32(rightWrist.Z * 100);
                        int rightWrist_Y = (Convert.ToInt32(rightWrist.Y * 100)) < 0 ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(rightWrist.Y * 100);

                        Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5}", skel.TrackingId, leftWrist_Z, leftWrist_Y, rightWrist_Z, rightWrist_Y, hipCenter_Z);

                            BluetoothAddress addr = BluetoothAddress.Parse("00:80:37:2e:31:20");
                            Guid             serviceClass;
                            serviceClass = BluetoothService.BluetoothBase;
                            var ep  = new BluetoothEndPoint(addr, serviceClass, 2);
                            var cli = new BluetoothClient();

                            Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect...");
                            Console.WriteLine("just connected");
                            Stream peerStream = cli.GetStream();

                            // Send this players left and right arm data
                            string msg = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", Convert.ToChar(skel.TrackingId), Convert.ToChar(leftWrist_Y), Convert.ToChar(leftWrist_Z), Convert.ToChar(rightWrist_Y), Convert.ToChar(rightWrist_Z));
                            Console.WriteLine("Sending msg");//
                            Byte[] to_send = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg);
                            peerStream.Write(to_send, 0, to_send.Length);
                            Console.WriteLine("Number of times called: " + cycleCounter);
                        catch (Exception)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Could not connect to Bluetooth Server");
                        //Thread.Sleep(100); // 10Hz update rate
 internal BluezDeviceInfo(BluetoothAddress bluetoothAddress, string name)
     _Address = bluetoothAddress;
     _Name = name;
     _LastSeen = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #36
 private BluetoothAddress GetLocalAddress()
 public void Initialize()
 { = new String('*', BLUETOOTH_MAX_NAME_SIZE);
     this.address = new BluetoothAddress();
     this.size = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(this);
 public PortStatusChangedEventArgs(bool connected, string portName, BluetoothAddress address)
     Connected = connected;
     PortName  = portName;
     Address   = address;
Exemple #39
 static bool DoPairRequest(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
Exemple #40
 static bool DoRemoveDevice(BluetoothAddress device)

        /// <overloads>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:BluetoothWin32Authentication"/> class.
        /// </overloads>
        /// -
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:BluetoothWin32Authentication"/> class,
        /// to respond to a specific address with a specific PIN string.
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The instance will continue receiving authentication requests
        /// until it is disposed or garbage collected, so keep a reference to it
        /// whilst it should be active, and call 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothWin32Authentication.Dispose"/>
        /// when you&#x2019;re finished.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// -
        /// <param name="remoteAddress">The address of the device to authenticate,
        /// as a <see cref="T:InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pin">The PIN string to use for authentication, as a
        /// <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
        /// </param>
        public BluetoothWin32Authentication(BluetoothAddress remoteAddress, String pin)
#if ! WinXP
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
            if (remoteAddress == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remoteAddress");
            if (remoteAddress.ToInt64() == 0) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remoteAddress", "A non-blank address must be specified.");
            if (pin == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pin");
            m_remoteAddress = remoteAddress;
            m_pin = pin;
Exemple #42
        public void One()
            var stuff = BluetopiaTesting.InitMockery_Client(new ClientTestingBluetopia.Behaviour());
            const uint NullPeriodLengths = 0;
            const uint InquiryLen        = 12;
            const uint CallbackParameter = 0;
            const uint MaximumResponses  = 255;
            var        callback          = stuff.GetFactory()._inquiryEventCallback;

            .With(stuff.StackId, StackConsts.GAP_Inquiry_Type.GeneralInquiry,
                  NullPeriodLengths, NullPeriodLengths,
                  InquiryLen, MaximumResponses,
                  callback, CallbackParameter)
            IBluetoothClient cli = stuff.CreateBluetoothClient();
            var ar = cli.BeginDiscoverDevices(255, false, false, false, true, null, null);

            Assert.IsFalse(ar.IsCompleted, "IsCompleted 0");
            IntPtr pItemData     = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr pCompleteData = IntPtr.Zero;

            try {
                Structs.GAP_Inquiry_Entry_Event_Data itemData = new Structs.GAP_Inquiry_Entry_Event_Data(
                    new byte[] { 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 }
                pItemData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(itemData));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(itemData, pItemData, false);
                Structs.GAP_Event_Data item1 = new Structs.GAP_Event_Data(
                const ushort NumDevices = 1;
                Structs.GAP_Inquiry_Event_Data completeData = new Structs.GAP_Inquiry_Event_Data(
                    NumDevices /*, pCompleteDeviceData*/);
                pCompleteData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(completeData));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(completeData, pCompleteData, false);
                Structs.GAP_Event_Data complete = new Structs.GAP_Event_Data(
                using (var done = new ManualResetEvent(false)) {
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
                        try {
                            callback(stuff.StackId, ref item1, CallbackParameter);
                            callback(stuff.StackId, ref complete, CallbackParameter);
                        } finally {
                    bool signalled = done.WaitOne(30000);
                    Debug.Assert(signalled, "NOT signalled");
            } finally {
                if (pItemData != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (pCompleteData != IntPtr.Zero)
            Assert.IsFalse(ar.IsCompleted, "notIsCompleted2 before rnr");
            Thread.Sleep(2500); // Space for (possible!) name queries
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.IsCompleted, "IsCompleted3");
            var deviceList = cli.EndDiscoverDevices(ar);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, deviceList.Length, "deviceList.Length");
            var dev = deviceList[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(BluetoothAddress.Parse("001122334455"), dev.DeviceAddress, "dev.DeviceAddress");
            Assert.AreEqual(new ClassOfDevice(0x010203), dev.ClassOfDevice, "dev.ClassOfDevice");
        /// <summary>
		/// This function revokes the personal identification number (PIN) for the Bluetooth device.
		/// </summary>
        /// <remarks><para>On Windows CE platforms this calls <c>BthRevokePIN</c>,
        /// its MSDN remarks say:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;When the PIN is revoked, it is removed from registry.
        /// The active connection to the device is not necessary, nor is the presence
        /// of the Bluetooth controller.&#x201D;
        /// </para>
        /// <para>On Windows CE platforms this removes any pending BluetoothWin32Authentication object but does not remove the PIN for an already authenticated device.
        /// Use RemoveDevice to ensure a pairing is completely removed.</para>
        /// <para>See also 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.SetPin(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.String)"/>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="device">The remote device.</param>
		/// <returns>True on success, else False.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.SetPin(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.String)"/>
        public static bool RevokePin(BluetoothAddress device)
#if WinCE
			int result = NativeMethods.BthRevokePIN(device.ToByteArray());

			if(result != 0)
				int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

				return false;
			return true;
            if (authenticators.ContainsKey(device))
                BluetoothWin32Authentication bwa = (BluetoothWin32Authentication)authenticators[device];
                return true;
            return false;
            //throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Use RemoveDevice to remove a pairing with a device from Windows XP");
 public override string GetRemoteMachineName(BluetoothAddress a)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the pairing with the specified device
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <param name="device">Remote device with which to remove pairing.</param>
        /// -
        /// <returns>TRUE if device was successfully removed, else FALSE.</returns>
        public static bool RemoveDevice(BluetoothAddress device)
#if WinCE
            //remove stored PIN

                //purge registry data
                RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(NativeMethods.ceRegistryRoot + "Device", true);
                if (rk != null)
                    //delete the device key and all contents
                    string[] subkeys = rk.GetSubKeyNames();
                    for (int i = 0; (i < subkeys.Length); i++)
                        if (subkeys[i].Equals(device.ToString()))

                    return true;

            return false;
            int result = NativeMethods.BluetoothRemoveDevice(device.ToByteArray());
                return true;
            return false;
 public override void SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
		/// Refuses an outstanding PIN request.
		/// <para><b>Not supported on Windows XP</b></para>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="device">Address of the requesting device.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>On Windows CE platforms this calls <c>BthRefusePINRequest</c>,
        /// its MSDN remarks say:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>&#x201C;This function refuses an outstanding PIN request that is
        /// retrieved by <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.GetPinRequest()"/>
        /// function.&#x201D;
        /// </para>
        /// <para>See also 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.GetPinRequest"/>
        /// and <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.BluetoothSecurity.AnswerPinRequest(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.String)"/>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool RefusePinRequest(BluetoothAddress device)
#if WinCE
			int hresult = NativeMethods.BthRefusePINRequest(device.ToByteArray());
				return true;
			return false;
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Not supported on Windows XP");
Exemple #48
 public bool SetPin(BluetoothAddress device, string pin)
     throw new NotImplementedException("The method or operation is not implemented.");
 internal MsBluetoothDeviceInfo(BluetoothAddress bluetoothAddress, NativeMethods.BluetoothDeviceInfo device)
     _Address = bluetoothAddress;
     _Device = device;
Exemple #50
 public bool RevokePin(BluetoothAddress device)
     throw new NotImplementedException("The method or operation is not implemented.");
        protected void Discovering()
            while (discoveringThread == Thread.CurrentThread)
                List<BluetoothAddress> notFoundAddresses = new List<BluetoothAddress>(lookupFoundDevices.Keys);
                foreach (ReportDevice device in lookupConnectedDevices.Values)

                IEnumerable<NativeMethods.BluetoothDeviceInfo> devices;
                    devices = NativeMethods.GetDeviceInfos(true, true, true, true, true, 2);
                catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
                    if (e.ErrorCode == -2147467259)
                        // The dongle was not available, so try again later.
                foreach (NativeMethods.BluetoothDeviceInfo deviceInfo in devices)
                    if (!IsWiiDevice(deviceInfo))
                    if (deviceInfo.connected)
                    if (deviceInfo.remembered)

                    BluetoothAddress address = new BluetoothAddress(deviceInfo.address.address);
                    MsBluetoothDeviceInfo bluetoothDeviceInfo;
                    if (lookupFoundDevices.TryGetValue(address, out bluetoothDeviceInfo))
                        bluetoothDeviceInfo.Device = deviceInfo;
                        bluetoothDeviceInfo = new MsBluetoothDeviceInfo(address, deviceInfo);
                        lookupFoundDevices.Add(address, bluetoothDeviceInfo);
                        OnDeviceFound(new DeviceInfoEventArgs(bluetoothDeviceInfo));

                // Remove the lost devices from the list and notify DeviceLost event.
                foreach (BluetoothAddress notFoundAddress in notFoundAddresses)
                    IDeviceInfo notFoundDeviceInfo = lookupFoundDevices[notFoundAddress];
                    OnDeviceLost(new DeviceInfoEventArgs(notFoundDeviceInfo));
Exemple #52
 public bool RefusePinRequest(BluetoothAddress device)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
 private void OnConnectionClosed(object sender, BluetoothConnectionEventArgs e)
     BluetoothAddress address = new BluetoothAddress(e.BluetoothConnection.Service.Device.Address);
     ReportDevice device;
     if (lookupDevice.TryGetValue(address, out device))
Exemple #54
 public bool SetLinkKey(BluetoothAddress a, Guid linkkey)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothListener"/> class
        /// that listens for incoming connection attempts on the specified local Bluetooth address and service identifier. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localaddr">A <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> that represents the local Bluetooth radio address.</param>
        /// <param name="service">The Bluetooth service on which to listen for incoming connection attempts.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// An SDP record is published on successful <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.Start"/>
        /// to advertise the server.
        /// A generic record is created, containing the essential <c>ServiceClassIdList</c>
        /// and <c>ProtocolDescriptorList</c> attributes.  The specified service identifier is
        /// inserted into the former, and the RFCOMM Channel number that the server is
        /// listening on is inserted into the latter.  See the Bluetooth SDP specification
        /// for details on the use and format of SDP records.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If a SDP record with more elements is required, then use
        /// one of the other constructors that takes an SDP record e.g. 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.#ctor(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.Guid,InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.ServiceRecord)"/>,
        /// or when passing it as a byte array, e.g. 
        /// <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.#ctor(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.Guid,System.Byte[],System.Int32)"/>.
        /// The format of the generic record used here is shown there also.
        /// </para><para>
        /// Call the <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.Start"/> 
        /// method to begin listening for incoming connection attempts.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public BluetoothListener(BluetoothAddress localaddr, Guid service)
            if (localaddr == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("localaddr");
            if (service == Guid.Empty) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("service");

            this.serverEP = new BluetoothEndPoint(localaddr, service);
            serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily32.Bluetooth, SocketType.Stream, BluetoothProtocolType.RFComm);
            m_optionHelper = new BluetoothClient.SocketOptionHelper(serverSocket);
Exemple #56
        public override void Initialize()
            device = null;

            if (strm != null)

            strm = null;

            _isConnected = false;

            string strAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BTAddress"] ?? "CACA52BF713C";

            byte[] bAddress = Enumerable.Range(0, strAddress.Length)
                              .Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
                              .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(strAddress.Substring(x, 2), 16))

            BluetoothAddress btAddress = new BluetoothAddress(bAddress);

            var serviceClass = BluetoothService.RFCommProtocol; //.SerialPort;

            if (_cli != null)

            _cli = new BluetoothClient();
            var bluetoothDeviceInfos = _cli.DiscoverDevices();
            var deviceInfos          = bluetoothDeviceInfos.ToList();

            foreach (var bluetoothDeviceInfo in deviceInfos)
                var scannedDeviceAddress = bluetoothDeviceInfo.DeviceAddress;

                if (scannedDeviceAddress == btAddress)
                    device = bluetoothDeviceInfo;

            if (device == null)

            ep = new BluetoothEndPoint(device.DeviceAddress, serviceClass);

                if (!device.Connected)
                    strm = _cli.GetStream();
                _isConnected = true;
            catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException e)
                _isConnected = false;

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BluetoothListener"/> class
 /// that listens for incoming connection attempts on the specified local Bluetooth address and service identifier,
 /// publishing the specified SDP record.
 /// </summary>
 /// -
 /// <param name="localaddr">A <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> that represents the local Bluetooth radio address.</param>
 /// <param name="service">The Bluetooth service to listen for.</param>
 /// <param name="sdpRecord">Prepared SDP Record to publish</param>
 /// -
 /// <remarks>
 /// <note>
 /// The constructors taking the SDP record explicitly should
 /// only be used if
 /// a specialized SDP record is required. For instance when using one of the
 /// standard profiles.  Otherwise use one of the other constructors 
 /// e.g. <see 
 /// cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.#ctor(InTheHand.Net.BluetoothAddress,System.Guid)"/>
 /// which create a generic SDP Record from the specified service identifier.
 /// </note>
 /// <para>Any useful SDP record will include 
 /// a <c>ProtocolDescriptor</c> element containing
 /// the RFCOMM Channel number that the server is listening on,
 /// and a <c>ServiceClassId</c> element containing the service UUIDs.
 /// The record supplied in the <paramref name="sdpRecord"/> parameter
 /// should contain those elements.  On successful <see 
 /// cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Sockets.BluetoothListener.Start"/>,
 /// the RFCOMM Channel number that the protocol stack has assigned to the
 /// server is retrieved, and copied into the service record before it is
 /// published.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// An example SDP record is as follows.  This is actually the format of the 
 /// generic record used in the other constructors.  For another example see
 /// the code in the <c>ObexListener</c> class.
 /// <code lang="C#">
 /// private static ServiceRecord CreateBasicRfcommRecord(Guid serviceClassUuid)
 /// {
 ///     ServiceElement pdl = ServiceRecordHelper.CreateRfcommProtocolDescriptorList();
 ///     ServiceElement classList = new ServiceElement(ElementType.ElementSequence,
 ///         new ServiceElement(ElementType.Uuid128, serviceClassUuid));
 ///     ServiceRecord record = new ServiceRecord(
 ///         new ServiceAttribute(
 ///             InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds.UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList,
 ///             classList),
 ///         new ServiceAttribute(
 ///             InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds.UniversalAttributeId.ProtocolDescriptorList,
 ///             pdl));
 ///     return record;
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 public BluetoothListener(BluetoothAddress localaddr, Guid service, ServiceRecord sdpRecord)
     : this(localaddr, service)
 /// <summary>
 /// Connects the client to a remote Bluetooth host using the specified Bluetooth address and service identifier. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">The <see cref="BluetoothAddress"/> of the host to which you intend to connect.</param>
 /// <param name="service">The service identifier to which you intend to connect.</param>
 public void Connect(BluetoothAddress address, Guid service)
     if (address == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("address");
     if (service==Guid.Empty)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("service");
     BluetoothEndPoint point = new BluetoothEndPoint(address, service);