Exemple #1
            // method to load telemetry stream data
            // returns TelemetryModel which maps onto json data by properties
            public static async Task <BlueTelemetryModel> LoadTelemetry(string base_url, bool uia = false)
                // start with empty string for url
                string url = "";

                // decide whether to get recent suit data or dcu/uia recent data
                if (uia)
                    // set api url to obtain recent DCU/UIA data
                    //url = base_url + "api/simulation/uiastate";
                    url = $"{ base_url }api/simulation/uiastate";
                    Console.WriteLine("url: " + url);
                    // set api url to obtain recent suit data
                    url = base_url + "api/simulation/state";
                    //url = $"{ base_url }api/simulation/state";
                    //Console.WriteLine("url: " + url);

                // new request using a single open api client and gets this as response
                using (HttpResponseMessage res = await Data.api.GetAsync(url))
                    // if response is successful, read back data
                    if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        //TelemetryModel model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TelemetryModel>(res);

                        // create new object for telemetry data
                        // takes data into as json and maps onto telemetry model, ignoring properties that don't match
                        BlueTelemetryModel telemetry = await res.Content.ReadAsAsync <BlueTelemetryModel>();

                        // add each entry to list for future testing

                        // return the mapped data
                    // else, unsuccessful response
                        // throw an exception (with reason) if response isn't succesful
                        throw new Exception(res.ReasonPhrase);

                    // close/dispose of port when done to avoid bad memory management
Exemple #2
            // call this method to post dummy data to server
            public static void TestVitalsPost()
                //PortName = "COM7"; // PortNameMac = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB";
                //PortName = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB"  // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)
                // create a new serial port listener with given baud rate on given windows port
                SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort
                    BaudRate = 9600,
                    PortName = "/dev/cu.DSDTECHHC-05-DevB" // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)
                                                           //PortName = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB"  // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)


                double counter = 60.0;

                // post 4 random vital measurements to server
                while (counter < 64.0)
                    // send to arduino through bluetooth comm
                    //serialPort.WriteLine("PC counter: " + (counter++));

                    // POST to server
                    var postVitals = new BlueTelemetryModel
                        heartrate   = counter,
                        oxygen      = 60.0,
                        temperature = 70.0
                    _ = PostJsonHttpClient(postVitals);

                    // update ctr

                    // check serial port connection and buffer for data every second
Exemple #3
            // send vitals as a json to mongoDB
            // from: https://www.stevejgordon.co.uk/sending-and-receiving-json-using-httpclient-with-system-net-http-json
            public static async Task PostJsonHttpClient(BlueTelemetryModel postVitals)
                // get the initialized client
                HttpClient httpClient = Data.api;

                //BlueTelemetryModel postVitals = new BlueTelemetryModel();

                // api post request url
                string url = "";

                //string url = "";
                //string url = "";
                //string url = "";

                Console.WriteLine("BLUETOOTH POST REQUEST: " + url);

                // send vital json and wait for response from server
                var postResponse = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(url, postVitals);

Exemple #4
            //public static SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort();
            //public SerialPort serialPort { get; set; }
            //public int baudrate { get; set; }
            //public string portname { get; set; }
            //public bool connected { get; set; }

            // constructor initializes serial comm and reads (as own thread) until broken
            public Bluetooth()
                //PortName = "COM7"; // PortNameMac = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB";
                //PortName = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB"  // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)
                // create a new serial port listener with given baud rate on given windows port
                SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort
                    BaudRate = 9600,
                    PortName = "COM5"
                               //PortName = "/dev/cu.DSDTECHHC-05-DevB"  // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)
                               //PortName = "dev/cu.HC-05-DevB"  // Set in Windows Settings->Bluetooth->More Bluetooth Settings->COM Ports (OUTGOING)


                //int counter = 0;

                // save serial data
                //double data = 0.0;
                var data = "0.0";
                //BlueTelemetryModel postVitals = new BlueTelemetryModel();
                BlueTelemetryModel postVitals = new BlueTelemetryModel
                    heartrate   = Convert.ToDouble(data),
                    oxygen      = Convert.ToDouble(data),
                    temperature = Convert.ToDouble(data)

                //_ = PostJsonHttpClient(postVitals);

                // while a serial port connection exists
                while (serialPort.IsOpen)
                    // if serial port contains data, extract
                    while (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0)

                        // save data from serial port into variable and convert to string in format of double
                        data = serialPort.ReadExisting() + ".0";
                        //data = Convert.ToChar(serialPort.ReadChar());
                        //data = Convert.ToChar(serialPort.ReadChar());
                        //Console.WriteLine((double) data);

                        //postVitals = { BlueTelemetryModel.temperature = data };
                        postVitals.temperature = Convert.ToDouble(data);
                        _ = PostJsonHttpClient(postVitals);

                    // send to arduino through bluetooth comm
                    //serialPort.WriteLine("PC counter: " + (counter++));

                    // update ctr

                    // check serial port connection and buffer for data every second

                    // if serial port closes, break loop