private List <IPage> UpdateItems(IEnumerable <IPage> pages) { OnPaneContentsChanging(pages.Any()); var result = new List <IPage>(); var firstRealPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Book != null); if (firstRealPage == null) { _browser.Navigate(@"about:blank", false); // no pages, we just want a blank screen, if anything. return(result); } var frame = BloomFileLocator.GetBrowserFile(false, "bookEdit", "pageThumbnailList", "pageThumbnailList.html"); var backColor = ColorToHtmlCode(BackColor); var htmlText = RobustFile.ReadAllText(frame, Encoding.UTF8).Replace("DarkGray", backColor); _usingTwoColumns = RoomForTwoColumns; if (!RoomForTwoColumns) { htmlText = htmlText.Replace("columns: 4", "columns: 2").Replace("<div class=\"gridItem placeholder\" id=\"placeholder\"></div>", ""); } var dom = new HtmlDom(XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtml(htmlText)); dom = firstRealPage.Book.GetHtmlDomReadyToAddPages(dom); var pageDoc = dom.RawDom; // BL-987: Add styles to optimize performance on Linux if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsLinux) { var style = pageDoc.CreateElement("style"); style.InnerXml = "img { image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering: crisp-edges; }"; pageDoc.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0].AppendChild(style); } var body = pageDoc.GetElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var gridlyParent = body.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='pageGrid']"); int pageNumber = 0; _pageMap.Clear(); foreach (var page in pages) { var pageElement = page.GetDivNodeForThisPage(); if (pageElement == null) { continue; // or crash? How can this happen? } result.Add(page); XmlElement pageElementForThumbnail = null; var pageClasses = pageElement.GetStringAttribute("class").Split(new[] { ' ' }); var cssClass = pageClasses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("portrait") || c.ToLower().EndsWith("landscape")); if (!TroubleShooterDialog.MakeEmptyPageThumbnails) { pageElementForThumbnail = pageDoc.ImportNode(pageElement, true) as XmlElement; // BL-1112: Reduce size of images in page thumbnails. // We are setting the src to empty so that we can use JavaScript to request the thumbnails // in a controlled manner that should reduce the likelihood of not receiving the image quickly // enough and displaying the alt text rather than the image. DelayAllImageNodes(pageElementForThumbnail); } else { // Just make a minimal placeholder to get the white border. pageElementForThumbnail = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); var pageClass = "bloom-page"; // The page needs to have one of the classes like A4Portrait or it will have zero size and vanish. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass)) { pageClass += " " + cssClass; } pageElementForThumbnail.SetAttribute("class", pageClass); } var cellDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); cellDiv.SetAttribute("class", ClassForGridItem); var gridId = GridId(page); cellDiv.SetAttribute("id", gridId); _pageMap.Add(gridId, page); gridlyParent.AppendChild(cellDiv); //we wrap our incredible-shrinking page in a plain 'ol div so that we //have something to give a border to when this page is selected var pageContainer = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", PageContainerClass); pageContainer.AppendChild(pageElementForThumbnail); // We need an invisible div covering our pageContainer, so that the user can't actually click // on the underlying "incredible-shrinking page". var invisibleCover = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); invisibleCover.SetAttribute("class", InvisbleThumbClass); pageContainer.AppendChild(invisibleCover); // And here it gets fragile(for not). // The nature of how we're doing the thumbnails (relying on scaling) seems to mess up // the browser's normal ability to assign a width to the parent div. So our parent // here, .pageContainer, doesn't grow with the size of its child. Sigh. So for the // moment, we assign appropriate sizes, by hand.We rely on c# code to add these // classes, since we can't write a rule in css3 that peeks into a child attribute. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass)) { pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer " + cssClass); } cellDiv.AppendChild(pageContainer); var captionDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); captionDiv.SetAttribute("class", "thumbnailCaption"); cellDiv.AppendChild(captionDiv); string captionI18nId; var captionOrPageNumber = page.GetCaptionOrPageNumber(ref pageNumber, out captionI18nId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captionOrPageNumber)) { captionDiv.InnerText = I18NHandler.GetTranslationDefaultMayNotBeEnglish(captionI18nId, captionOrPageNumber); } } // set interval based on physical RAM var intervalAttrib = pageDoc.CreateAttribute("data-thumbnail-interval"); intervalAttrib.Value = _thumbnailInterval; body.Attributes.Append(intervalAttrib); _browser.WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted += WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted; // Save the scroll position of the thumbnail list to restore in WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted. // Note that the position we want is NOT _browser.VerticalScrollDistance (as in previous code), // since the actual list of pages is no longer the whole content of this browser; the // page controls are at the bottom and don't scroll. So we need the scroll position of // the element that overflows and scrolls. // it's awkward that we have to convert to a string and back, but the current version of // RunJavaScript does not support returning anything but strings. // (The TryParse is probably not an early version of this code I was getting // nulls back sometimes, it may no longer be possible.) int.TryParse(_browser.RunJavaScript("(document.getElementById('pageGridWrapper')) ? document.getElementById('pageGridWrapper').scrollTop.toString() : '0'"), out _verticalScrollDistance); _baseForRelativePaths = dom.BaseForRelativePaths; _browser.Navigate(dom, source: "pagelist"); return(result); }
private List <IPage> UpdateItems(IEnumerable <IPage> pages) { RemoveThumbnailListeners(); var result = new List <IPage>(); var firstRealPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Book != null); if (firstRealPage == null) { _browser.Navigate(@"about:blank", false); // no pages, we just want a blank screen, if anything. return(result); } var frame = BloomFileLocator.GetBrowserFile("bookEdit", "pageThumbnailList", "pageThumbnailList.html"); var backColor = ColorToHtmlCode(BackColor); var htmlText = RobustFile.ReadAllText(frame, Encoding.UTF8).Replace("DarkGray", backColor); _usingTwoColumns = RoomForTwoColumns; if (!RoomForTwoColumns) { htmlText = htmlText.Replace("columns: 4", "columns: 2").Replace("<div class=\"gridItem placeholder\" id=\"placeholder\"></div>", ""); } var dom = new HtmlDom(XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtml(htmlText)); dom = firstRealPage.Book.GetHtmlDomReadyToAddPages(dom); var pageDoc = dom.RawDom; // BL-987: Add styles to optimize performance on Linux if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsLinux) { var style = pageDoc.CreateElement("style"); style.InnerXml = "img { image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering: crisp-edges; }"; pageDoc.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0].AppendChild(style); } var body = pageDoc.GetElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var gridlyParent = body.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='pageGrid']"); int pageNumber = 0; _pageMap.Clear(); foreach (var page in pages) { var pageElement = page.GetDivNodeForThisPage(); if (pageElement == null) { continue; // or crash? How can this happen? } result.Add(page); var pageElementForThumbnail = pageDoc.ImportNode(pageElement, true) as XmlElement; // BL-1112: Reduce size of images in page thumbnails. // We are setting the src to empty so that we can use JavaScript to request the thumbnails // in a controlled manner that should reduce the likelihood of not receiving the image quickly // enough and displaying the alt text rather than the image. DelayAllImageNodes(pageElementForThumbnail); var cellDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); cellDiv.SetAttribute("class", ClassForGridItem); var gridId = GridId(page); cellDiv.SetAttribute("id", gridId); _pageMap.Add(gridId, page); gridlyParent.AppendChild(cellDiv); //we wrap our incredible-shrinking page in a plain 'ol div so that we //have something to give a border to when this page is selected var pageContainer = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", PageContainerClass); pageContainer.AppendChild(pageElementForThumbnail); /* And here it gets fragile (for not). * The nature of how we're doing the thumbnails (relying on scaling) seems to mess up * the browser's normal ability to assign a width to the parent div. So our parent * here, .pageContainer, doesn't grow with the size of its child. Sigh. So for the * moment, we assign appropriate sizes, by hand. We rely on c# code to add these * classes, since we can't write a rule in css3 that peeks into a child attribute. */ var pageClasses = pageElementForThumbnail.GetStringAttribute("class").Split(new[] { ' ' }); var cssClass = pageClasses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("portrait") || c.ToLower().EndsWith("landscape")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass)) { pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer " + cssClass); } cellDiv.AppendChild(pageContainer); var captionDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); captionDiv.SetAttribute("class", "thumbnailCaption"); cellDiv.AppendChild(captionDiv); string captionI18nId; var captionOrPageNumber = page.GetCaptionOrPageNumber(ref pageNumber, out captionI18nId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captionOrPageNumber)) { captionDiv.InnerText = I18NHandler.GetTranslationDefaultMayNotBeEnglish(captionI18nId, captionOrPageNumber); } } // set interval based on physical RAM var intervalAttrib = pageDoc.CreateAttribute("data-thumbnail-interval"); intervalAttrib.Value = _thumbnailInterval; body.Attributes.Append(intervalAttrib); _browser.WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted += WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted; _verticalScrollDistance = _browser.VerticalScrollDistance; _baseForRelativePaths = dom.BaseForRelativePaths; _browser.Navigate(dom); return(result); }
private List <IPage> UpdateItems(IEnumerable <IPage> pages) { var result = new List <IPage>(); var frame = BloomFileLocator.GetFileDistributedWithApplication("BloomBrowserUI", "bookEdit", "BookPagesThumbnailList", "BookPagesThumbnailList.htm"); var backColor = ColorToHtmlCode(BackColor); var htmlText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(frame, Encoding.UTF8).Replace("DarkGray", backColor); _usingTwoColumns = RoomForTwoColumns; if (!RoomForTwoColumns) { htmlText = htmlText.Replace("columns: 4", "columns: 2").Replace("<div class=\"gridItem placeholder\" id=\"placeholder\"></div>", ""); } var dom = new HtmlDom(htmlText); var firstRealPage = pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Book != null); if (firstRealPage == null) { _browser.Navigate(@"about:blank", false); // no pages, we just want a blank screen, if anything. return(result); } dom = firstRealPage.Book.GetHtmlDomReadyToAddPages(dom); var pageDoc = dom.RawDom; var body = pageDoc.GetElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var gridlyParent = body.FirstChild; // too simplistic? int pageNumber = 0; _pageMap.Clear(); foreach (var page in pages) { var node = page.GetDivNodeForThisPage(); if (node == null) { continue; // or crash? How can this happen? } result.Add(page); var pageThumbnail = pageDoc.ImportNode(node, true); var cellDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); cellDiv.SetAttribute("class", "gridItem"); var gridId = GridId(page); cellDiv.SetAttribute("id", gridId); _pageMap[gridId] = page; gridlyParent.AppendChild(cellDiv); //we wrap our incredible-shrinking page in a plain 'ol div so that we //have something to give a border to when this page is selected var pageContainer = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer"); pageContainer.AppendChild(pageThumbnail); /* And here it gets fragile (for not). * The nature of how we're doing the thumbnails (relying on scaling) seems to mess up * the browser's normal ability to assign a width to the parent div. So our parent * here, .pageContainer, doesn't grow with the size of its child. Sigh. So for the * moment, we assign appropriate sizes, by hand. We rely on c# code to add these * classes, since we can't write a rule in css3 that peeks into a child attribute. */ var pageClasses = pageThumbnail.GetStringAttribute("class"); //enhance: there is doubtless code somewhere else that picks these size/orientations out elegantly if (pageClasses.ToLower().Contains("a5portrait")) { pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer A5Portrait"); } if (pageClasses.ToLower().Contains("a4portrait")) { pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer A4Portrait"); } if (pageClasses.ToLower().Contains("a4landscape")) { pageContainer.SetAttribute("class", "pageContainer A4Landscape"); } cellDiv.AppendChild(pageContainer); var captionDiv = pageDoc.CreateElement("div"); captionDiv.SetAttribute("class", "thumbnailCaption"); cellDiv.AppendChild(captionDiv); var captionOrPageNumber = page.GetCaptionOrPageNumber(ref pageNumber); captionDiv.InnerText = LocalizationManager.GetDynamicString("Bloom", "EditTab.ThumbnailCaptions." + captionOrPageNumber, captionOrPageNumber); } _browser.WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted += WebBrowser_DocumentCompleted; _verticalScrollDistance = _browser.VerticalScrollDistance; _browser.Navigate(pageDoc, null); return(result); }