public IActionResult Article(int id) { Article article = _db.Articles.Include(x => x.ArticleComments).Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); article.ViewCount++; _db.SaveChanges(); return(View(article)); }
public ActionResult DeleteSA(int id) { using (_db) { SocialAccount account = _db.SocialAccounts.Find(id); _db.SocialAccounts.Remove(account); _db.SaveChanges(); } //Redirect return(RedirectToAction(nameof(List))); }
public ActionResult DeleteArticle(int id) { string path; //Delete article from DB using (_db) { Article article = _db.Articles.Find(id); path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "uploads", article.PhotoPath); _db.Articles.Remove(article); _db.SaveChanges(); } System.IO.File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); System.IO.File.Delete(path); //Redirect return(RedirectToAction(nameof(List))); }
public void ReorderMenus(int[] id) { using (_db) { //Set initial count int count = 1; //Declare CategoryDTO Menu menu; //Set sorting for each category foreach (var catId in id) { menu = _db.Menus.Find(catId); menu.Sorting = count; _db.SaveChanges(); count++; } } }
public ActionResult Edit(Category category) { //Get article id int id = category.Id; //Check model state if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(category)); } //Make sure article name is unique if (_db.Articles.Where(x => x.Id != id).Any(x => x.Name == category.Name)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "That category name is taken!"); return(View(category)); } Category cat = _db.Categories.Find(id); cat.Name = category.Name; _db.SaveChanges(); //Set TempData message TempData["SM"] = "You have edited the category!"; //Redirect return(RedirectToAction(nameof(List))); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { IWebHost webHost = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build(); using (IServiceScope scopedService = webHost.Services.CreateScope()) { using (BlogezyDbContext dbContext = scopedService.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <BlogezyDbContext>()) { if (!dbContext.Articles.Any()) { #region default articles Article article = new Article() { Name = "Beautiful Day With Friends In Paris", Description = "Whether an identity or campaign, we make your brand visible, relevant and effective by placing the digital at the center of its ecosystem, without underestimating the power of traditional media. Whether an identity or campaign, we make your brand visible.", Detail = "Whether an identity or campaign, we make your brand visible, relevant and effective by placing the digital at the center of its ecosystem, without underestimating the power of traditional media. Whether an identity or campaign, we make your brand visible.", PhotoPath = "blog-1.jpg", AddedDate = DateTime.Now, EditDate = DateTime.Now, ViewCount = 0, CommentCount = 0 }; #endregion #region default categories Category branding = new Category() { Name = "Branding", ArticleCount = 0 }; Category design = new Category() { Name = "Design", ArticleCount = 0 }; #endregion dbContext.Articles.Add(article); dbContext.Categories.AddRange(branding, design); dbContext.SaveChanges(); ArticleCategory ac1 = new ArticleCategory() { ArticleId = article.Id, CategoryId = branding.Id }; ArticleCategory ac2 = new ArticleCategory() { ArticleId = article.Id, CategoryId = design.Id }; dbContext.ArticleCategories.AddRange(ac1, ac2); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (!dbContext.Menus.Any()) { #region default menus Menu home = new Menu() { Name = "Home", Slug = "home", Sorting = 1, Visibility = true, Controller = "Home", Action = "Index" }; Menu features = new Menu() { Name = "Features", Slug = "features", Sorting = 2, Visibility = true }; #endregion dbContext.Menus.AddRange(home, features); dbContext.SaveChanges(); #region sub menus SubMenu subCategoryStandartPost = new SubMenu() { Action = "StandartPost", Controller = "Home", Name = "Standart post", MenuId = features.Id }; SubMenu subCategoryVideoPost = new SubMenu() { Action = "VideoPost", Controller = "Home", Name = "Video post", MenuId = features.Id }; #endregion dbContext.SubMenus.AddRange(subCategoryVideoPost, subCategoryStandartPost); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (!dbContext.SocialAccounts.Any()) { #region default menus SocialAccount facebok = new SocialAccount() { Name = "Facebook", Url = "", Icon = "fab fa-facebook-f" }; SocialAccount twitter = new SocialAccount() { Name = "Twitter", Url = "", Icon = "fab fa-twitter" }; SocialAccount instagram = new SocialAccount() { Name = "Instagram", Url = "", Icon = "fab fa-instagram" }; SocialAccount pinterest = new SocialAccount() { Name = "Pinterest", Url = "", Icon = "fab fa-pinterest-p" }; #endregion dbContext.SocialAccounts.AddRange(facebok, twitter, instagram, pinterest); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } if (!dbContext.AdminInfos.Any()) { AdminInfo adminInfo = new AdminInfo() { Name = "Murad", Surname = "Ibrahimkhanli", About = "Pul pres Heyat Impres!!!", PhotoPath = "admin.jpg" }; dbContext.AdminInfos.Add(adminInfo); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } UserAndRoleCreater.CreateAsync(scopedService, dbContext).Wait(); } } webHost.Run(); }