/// <summary>
 /// Saves a category by updating its XML (does not save XML for
 /// elements that are not categories).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param  name="workspace">The workspace to save category entry
 /// from.</param>
 public void saveFromWorkspace(Blockly.Workspace workspace)
     // Only save XML for categories and flyouts.
     if (this.type == ListElement.TYPE_FLYOUT ||
         this.type == ListElement.TYPE_CATEGORY)
         this.xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(workspace);
 /// <summary>
 /// Block Exporter Tools Class
 /// </summary>
 public BlockExporterTools()
     // Create container for hidden workspace.
     this.container = (HTMLDivElement)goog.dom.createDom("div", new Dictionary <string, string> {
         { "id", "blockExporterTools_hiddenWorkspace" }
     }, "");             // Empty quotes for empty div.
     // Hide hidden workspace.
     this.container.Style.Display = Display.None;
     /// <summary>
     /// Hidden workspace for the Block Exporter that holds pieces that make
     /// up the block
     /// </summary>
     this.hiddenWorkspace = Blockly.Core.inject(this.container.Id, new Dictionary <string, object> {
         { "collapse", false },
         { "media", "../../media/" }