/// <summary>
    /// Creates a random payload of blocks constrained by the block manager. Payloads are by default
    /// created to be a size of 20 when randomly created
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IndividualDatastructure createRandomHull(IndividualDatastructure hull, int hullSize)
        int count = 0;

        ///Here i'm making sure that we don't fall into an infinite loop of trying to place blocks when it's not possible
        ///Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but because users can input their own blocks
        ///I need to safeguard against assholes.
        hullSize = Math.Min(hullSize, IndividualManager.Instance.startIndividualSize);
        ///While we have less blocks than desired, and less failed consecutive attempts than defined
        while (count < hullSize && count < IndividualManager.Instance.startIndividualSize)///This number may need to be tweaked. I feel 200 consecutive failed attempts is enough though
            if (BlockFunctions.insertBlockAtRandom(hull))
Exemple #2
    private static void addPieces(Individual indiv)
        List <double> insert = new List <double>();

        foreach (double b in indiv.hull.container.openSpaces)
            ///We have already added enough blocks
            if (indiv.hull.container.contents.Count >= IndividualManager.Instance.maxIndividualSize)
            if (Randomizer.random.NextDouble() < MutationManager.Instance.additionProbability)
        ///Doing it this way because we cannot alter a structure while iterating through it
        foreach (double inserting in insert)