public static IList <BlockBase> GetBlocks(this RequestMessage requestMessage) { var rawBlocks = requestMessage.GetParameterValueFromPostOrGet("blocks"); var deserializer = new BlockDeserializer(); var blocks = deserializer.Deserialize(rawBlocks); return(blocks.ToList()); }
public void WhenDeserializingMessageThenItWorks() { var deserializer = new BlockDeserializer(); #region bigjson var json = @"[ { ""type"": ""section"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Hi Laura, would you have some times to answer this question?"" } }, { ""type"": ""divider"" }, { ""type"": ""context"", ""elements"": [ { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Alexandre Bousquet | CTO @ Comet"" } ] }, { ""type"": ""section"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""*Hi, do you have a good A/B testing tool to recommend to push features gradually to users?*"" } }, { ""type"": ""section"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. "" } }, { ""type"": ""section"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": "" "" } }, { ""type"": ""context"", ""elements"": [ { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Lion, Kima Ventures, The Family"" } ] }, { ""type"": ""section"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Great, please respond using thread :speech_balloon:"" }, ""accessory"": { ""type"": ""button"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Cancel"", ""emoji"": true }, ""style"": ""danger"", ""value"": ""click_me_123"" } }, { ""type"": ""divider"" }, { ""type"": ""context"", ""elements"": [ { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""image"", ""image_url"": """", ""alt_text"": ""First name Last name | Job @Company"" }, { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""and {x} people are insterested!"" } ] }, { ""type"": ""context"", ""elements"": [ { ""type"": ""mrkdwn"", ""text"": ""Discover what's going on in your communities by going to <|Whyse>"" } ] }, { ""type"": ""actions"", ""elements"": [ { ""type"": ""button"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Yes"", ""emoji"": true } }, { ""type"": ""button"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""No"", ""emoji"": true } }, { ""type"": ""button"", ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Maybe"", ""emoji"": true } }, { ""type"": ""static_select"", ""placeholder"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Select an item"", ""emoji"": true }, ""options"": [ { ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Excellent item 1"", ""emoji"": true }, ""value"": ""value-0"" }, { ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Fantastic item 2"", ""emoji"": true }, ""value"": ""value-1"" }, { ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Nifty item 3"", ""emoji"": true }, ""value"": ""value-2"" }, { ""text"": { ""type"": ""plain_text"", ""text"": ""Pretty good item 4"", ""emoji"": true }, ""value"": ""value-3"" } ] } ] } ]"; #endregion var blocks = deserializer.Deserialize(json).ToList(); Assert.Equal(12, blocks.Count); var actionsBlock = blocks.OfType <ActionsBlock>(); Assert.NotNull(actionsBlock); var sectionActionBlock = blocks[7] as SectionBlock; Assert.NotNull(sectionActionBlock); Assert.IsType <ButtonElement>(sectionActionBlock.Accessory); }