setText() public méthode

public setText ( string inText ) : void
inText string
Résultat void
    public static void createOppProductBlock(OpportunityProduct oppProduct, int i, Transform parentTransform, Transform Block, SubRingDiskController subRingDiskCtrl)
        Vector3 setRotation = parentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        setRotation.x = -90.0f;

        float posX = (i < 1) ? 1.29f : 1.29f + (i * (1.29f * 0.14f));;
        float posY = 0f;

        Transform currentBlock = (Transform)Instantiate(Block, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        currentBlock.localScale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);;
        currentBlock.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler(setRotation);
        currentBlock.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, posY, 0f);

        //get an instance of the component.
        Transform blockInstance = currentBlock.GetComponent <Transform>();

        BlockController blockController = blockInstance.GetComponent <BlockController>();

        blockController.speed = oppProduct.Priority;
        blockController.order = i;

        blockController.objectId    = oppProduct.Id;
        blockController.objectName  = oppProduct.Name;
        blockController.objectType  = "OpportunityProduct";
        blockController.labels      = new string[] { "Product", "List Price", "Sales Price", "Quantity", "Total Price" };
        blockController.fields      = new string[] { oppProduct.Product, oppProduct.ListPrice.ToString("$0,0.00"), oppProduct.UnitPrice.ToString("$0,0.00"), "" + oppProduct.Quantity + "", oppProduct.TotalPrice.ToString("$0,0.00") };
        blockController.description = oppProduct.Description;
        blockController.parentSubRingDiskController = subRingDiskCtrl;
        blockController.setText("Opportunity Product");
    public static void createAccountBlock(Account account, int i, Transform parentTransform, Transform Block, SubRingDiskController subRingDiskCtrl)
        Vector3 setRotation = parentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        setRotation.x = -90.0f;

        float posX = (i < 1) ? 1.29f : 1.29f + (i * (1.29f * 0.14f));
        float posY = 0f;

        Transform currentBlock = (Transform)Instantiate(Block, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        currentBlock.localScale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
        currentBlock.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler(setRotation);
        currentBlock.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, posY, 0f);

        //get an instance of the component.
        Transform blockInstance = currentBlock.GetComponent <Transform>();

        BlockController blockController = blockInstance.GetComponent <BlockController>();

        blockController.speed = account.Priority;
        blockController.order = i;

        blockController.objectId    = account.Id;
        blockController.objectName  = account.Name;
        blockController.objectType  = "Account";
        blockController.labels      = new string[] { "Account Number", "Type", "Industry", "Customer Priority", "Upsell Opportunity" };
        blockController.fields      = new string[] { account.AccountNumber, account.Type, account.Industry, account.CustomerPriority, account.UpsellOpportunity };
        blockController.description = account.Description;
        blockController.parentSubRingDiskController = subRingDiskCtrl;
    public static void createCampaignBlock(Campaign campaign, int i, Transform parentTransform, Transform Block, SubRingDiskController subRingDiskCtrl)
        Vector3 setRotation = parentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        setRotation.x = -90.0f;

        float posX = (i < 1) ? 1.29f : 1.29f + (i * (1.29f * 0.14f));
        float posY = 0f;

        Transform currentBlock = (Transform)Instantiate(Block, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        currentBlock.localScale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
        currentBlock.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler(setRotation);
        currentBlock.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, posY, 0f);

        //get an instance of the component.
        Transform blockInstance = currentBlock.GetComponent <Transform>();

        BlockController blockController = blockInstance.GetComponent <BlockController>();

        blockController.speed = campaign.Priority;
        blockController.order = i;

        blockController.objectId    = campaign.Id;
        blockController.objectName  = campaign.Name;
        blockController.objectType  = "Campaign";
        blockController.labels      = new string[] { "Type", "Status", "Start Date", "End Date", "Total Leads" };
        blockController.fields      = new string[] { campaign.Type, campaign.Status, campaign.StartDate, campaign.EndDate, "" + campaign.NumberOfLeads + "" };
        blockController.description = campaign.Description;
        blockController.parentSubRingDiskController = subRingDiskCtrl;
    public static void createContractBlock(Contract contract, int i, Transform parentTransform, Transform Block, SubRingDiskController subRingDiskCtrl)
        Vector3 setRotation = parentTransform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        setRotation.x = -90.0f;

        float posX = (i < 1) ? 1.29f : 1.29f + (i * (1.29f * 0.14f));
        float posY = 0f;

        Transform currentBlock = (Transform)Instantiate(Block, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        currentBlock.localScale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
        currentBlock.rotation      = Quaternion.Euler(setRotation);
        currentBlock.localPosition = new Vector3(posX, posY, 0f);

        //get an instance of the component.
        Transform blockInstance = currentBlock.GetComponent <Transform>();

        BlockController blockController = blockInstance.GetComponent <BlockController>();

        blockController.speed = contract.Priority;
        blockController.order = i;

        blockController.objectId    = contract.Id;
        blockController.objectName  = contract.ContractNumber;
        blockController.objectType  = "Contract";
        blockController.labels      = new string[] { "Status", "Start Date", "End Date", "Contract Term" };
        blockController.fields      = new string[] { contract.Status, contract.StartDate, contract.EndDate, contract.ContractTerm + " months" };
        blockController.description = contract.Description;
        blockController.parentSubRingDiskController = subRingDiskCtrl;

        if (contract.SpecialTerms != null)
            blockController.leftTitle = "Special Terms";
            blockController.leftText  = contract.SpecialTerms;