Exemple #1
        } //END SetBlockViewToParent

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a command to the Blocks contained within all BlockViews
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandType">The command to send to all of the Blocks contained within the BlockViews</param>
        /// <param name="impactBlockTypes">OPTIONAL: The types of blocks you wish to call this command</param>
        /// <param name="excludeBlockViews">OPTIONAL: Skip over these BlockViews</param>
        public void SendCommand( Block.CommandType commandType, List<Block.BlockType> impactBlockTypes = null, List<BlockView> excludeBlockViews = null, List<BlockGroup> excludeBlockGroups = null, List<Block> excludeBlocks = null )
            //Send this command to all of the block views
            if( blockViews != null && blockViews.Count > 0 )
                foreach( BlockView blockView in blockViews )
                    if( blockView != null )
                        //If we aren't excluding anything,
                        //or our list of exclusions does not contain this, send the command
                        if( excludeBlockViews == null || 
                          ( excludeBlockViews != null && !excludeBlockViews.Contains( blockView ) ) )
                            //Send along our info on what blockTypes to effect.

                            //Don't inform linkedBlockViews of this command,
                            //as they will already recieve it from this function
                            blockView.SendCommand( commandType, impactBlockTypes, excludeBlockGroups, excludeBlocks, false );

        } //END SendCommand
Exemple #2
        } //END RemoveBlock

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a command to all of the Blocks contained within this BlockGroup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandType">The command to send</param>
        /// <param name="impactBlockTypes">OPTIONAL: The type of blocks to affect with this command</param>
        /// <param name="exclusions">OPTIONAL: Exclude any of these Blocks from this command</param>
        /// <param name="sendToNestedBlockGroups">OPTIONAL: Should we send this command to any nested BlockGroups also?</param>
        public void SendCommand( Block.CommandType commandType, List<Block.BlockType> impactBlockTypes = null, List<Block> exclusions = null, bool sendToNestedBlockGroups = false )
            //Send this command to every block
            if( blocks != null && blocks.Count > 0 )
                foreach( Block block in blocks )
                    if( block != null )
                        //If we aren't excluding anything,
                        //or our list of exclusions does not contain this, continue to send the command
                        if( exclusions == null ||
                          ( exclusions != null && !exclusions.Contains( block ) ) )
                            //Check the list of impacted block types, if the list is not null, 
                            //and this block's type is not included, then don't send it the message
                            if( impactBlockTypes != null && impactBlockTypes.Count() > 0 &&
                                impactBlockTypes.Contains( block.GetBlockType() ) )
                                block.SendCommand( commandType );

                            //If the list of impacted block types is null or empty,
                            //then we don't care what BlockType this block is, just send the command
                            else if( impactBlockTypes == null || 
                                   ( impactBlockTypes != null && impactBlockTypes.Count() == 0 ) )
                                block.SendCommand( commandType );

            //If we were told to, then tell our nested block groups to also perform the command
            if( sendToNestedBlockGroups && nestedBlockGroups != null )
                foreach( BlockGroup blockGroup in nestedBlockGroups )
                    if( blockGroup != null )
                        blockGroup.SendCommand( commandType, impactBlockTypes, exclusions, false );

        } //END SendCommand