public ActionResult GetMySubmitList(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string filter = Request["filters"] != null ? Request["filters"] : ""; string filterSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { filterSql = filter.BuildSearch("Bse_FileModule"); //filterSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filter); } List <Bse_File> list = new List <Bse_File>(); string orderby = Bll_Comm.GetOrderString(sidx, sord); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterSql)) { list = fInstance.GetMyFileList("1=1" + orderby); } else { list = fInstance.GetMyFileList(filterSql + orderby); } var model = list.AsQueryable <Bse_File>(); //var result = model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, search, null); //return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); var jsonResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, search, null), new JsonDateConverter("yyyy-MM-dd")); return(JavaScript(jsonResult)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取草稿列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="search"></param> /// <param name="sidx"></param> /// <param name="sord"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetDraftList(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string filter = Request["filters"] != null ? Request["filters"] : ""; string filterSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { filterSql = filter.BuildSearch("CList_DocInfo"); //filterSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filter); } List <Doc_Info> list = new List <Doc_Info>(); string orderby = Bll_Comm.GetOrderString(sidx, sord); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterSql)) { list = diInstance.GetDraftDocList("1=1" + orderby); } else { list = diInstance.GetDraftDocList(filterSql + orderby); } var model = list.AsQueryable <Doc_Info>(); var result = model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, search, null); return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult InitGrid(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string ModuleCode = Request["ModuleCode"] == null ? "" : Request["ModuleCode"].ToString(); string NameSpace = Request["NameSpace"] == null ? "" : Request["NameSpace"].ToString(); string LoginId = Request["userid"] == null ? "" : Request["userid"].ToString(); // session string deptid = Request["deptid"] == null ? "" : Request["deptid"].ToString(); // session string filters = Request["filters"] == null ? "" : Request["filters"].ToString(); string Inlinetype = Request["itype"] == null ? "0" : Request["itype"].ToString(); string GeneralType = Request["type"] == null ? "0" : Request["type"].ToString(); string record = Request["record"] == null ? "" : Request["record"]; string filtersSql = "1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { filtersSql = filters.BuildSearch(ModuleCode); //filtersSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filters); //动态查询入口更改,查询结果后进行筛选 //filtersSql = ""; } //临时赋值 LoginId = SessionConfig.UserId(); deptid = SessionConfig.DeptId(); //预留两个自定义参数 Dictionary <String, String> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param.Add("@Page", page.ToString()); param.Add("@Rows", rows.ToString()); param.Add("@Search", filtersSql); //查询字段 param.Add("@Sidx", sidx); //排序字段 param.Add("@Sord", sord); //排序 ASC DESC param.Add("@ModuleCode", ModuleCode); //模块编码 param.Add("@NameSpace", NameSpace); //模块命名空间 param.Add("@Userid", LoginId); param.Add("@Deptid", deptid); param.Add("@InlineType", Inlinetype); param.Add("@GeneralType", GeneralType); //获取所有的数据列 var dt = instance.GetListPageAllRecords(ModuleCode, NameSpace, param); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(record)) { dt = FilterDataTable(dt, "Record_ID='" + record + "'"); } DataTable newDt = GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows, ModuleCode); //newDt.DefaultView.Sort = " CreateDate DESC "; //DataTable newDt = DataTablePage.GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows); //var json = DataTablePage.JsonForJqgrid(newDt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); var json = Bll_Comm.JsonForJqgrid(ModuleCode, newDt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); return(JavaScript(json)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据客户获取对应图号的相关图纸 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="search"></param> /// <param name="sidx"></param> /// <param name="sord"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetCompListByCust(string id, string parent, int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string filter = Request["filters"] != null ? Request["filters"] : ""; string filterSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { filterSql = filter.BuildSearch("Bse_ComponentsModule"); //filterSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filter); } List <Bse_Components> list = new List <Bse_Components>(); string orderby = Bll_Comm.GetOrderString(sidx, sord); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby)) { orderby = " order by Comp_Type"; } //是否点击了节点 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterSql)) { list = cInstance.GetAllCompList(id, parent, "1=1 " + orderby); } else { list = cInstance.GetAllCompList(id, parent, filterSql + orderby); } } var model = list.AsQueryable <Bse_Components>(); //var result = model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, search, null); //return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); var jsonResult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, search, null), new JsonDateConverter("yyyy-MM-dd")); return(JavaScript(jsonResult)); }
//登陆 public ActionResult LoginBtn() { //TODO:corporation string result = "fail"; string msg = string.Empty; string company = Request["company"]; string userName = Request["userName"]; string userPwd = Request["pwd"]; //string userRole = Request["role"]; //string result = ""; if (!Net.CheckConn()) { return(Json(new { result = result, msg = "无法连接到服务器!请检查网络情况。" })); } try { if (userName == null || userPwd == null) { result = "fail"; msg = "用户名或密码不能为空"; //return Content("Null"); } else { Session.RemoveAll(); Session.Clear(); //TODO:1.4 //得到公司 // string pwd = Md5.MD5(userPwd.Replace('\'', '"')); string pwd = userPwd; //角色Stuff_LoginType and Stuff_LoginType='" + userRole + "' HR_Stuff = instanceHR_Stuff.GetModel(" and Emp_LoginID='" + userName.Replace('\'', '"') + "' and Emp_LoginPwd='" + pwd + "'"); if (HR_Stuff == null) { result = "fail"; msg = "用户名或密码不正确 "; } else { //用户名 this.SetSession <string>("UserName", HR_Stuff.Emp_Name); //员工编码 this.SetSession <string>("UserId", HR_Stuff.Emp_Code); //员工登录名 this.SetSession <string>("LoginName", HR_Stuff.Emp_LoginID); //登录IP this.SetSession <string>("IP", HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress); //部门信息 Bse_Department = instanceDepartment.GetModel(" and Dept_Code='" + HR_Stuff.Emp_Dept_Code + "'"); if (Bse_Department != null) { //部门id this.SetSession <string>("DeptId", Bse_Department.Dept_Code.ToString()); //部门名称 this.SetSession <string>("DeptName", Bse_Department.Dept_Name); //用户角色//hack this.SetSession <string>("UserRole", ""); //DODO:hao //Bse_Department fagTemp = instanceBse_Department.GetModel(" and Dept_Code='" + Bse_Department.Dept_PCode.ToString() + "'"); //while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fagTemp.Dept_PCode)) //{ // fagTemp = instanceBse_Department.GetModel(" and Dept_Code='" + fagTemp.Dept_PCode + "'"); //} //string companyUser = fagTemp.Dept_Name.ToString(); ////公司编码 //string companyCode = fagTemp.Dept_Code.ToString(); ////this.SetSession<string>("Company", company); //this.SetSession<string>("CompanyCode", companyCode); //部门编码 // this.SetSession<string>("DeptCode", Bse_Department.Dept_Code); //TODO:得到公司问题 //companyCode=new BLL.Bll_Bse_Department().GetCompanyName("" + Bse_Department.Dept_Code + ""); //this.SetSession<string>("Company", companyUser); result = "success"; msg = ""; } else { result = "fail"; msg = "用户信息配置错误"; } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = "fail"; // msg = "网络连接不通,请重试"; msg = ex.Message; // PlateLog.Write("连接异常:", PlateLog.LogMessageType.Error,ex); } //QX.Log.PlateLog.WriteOp //写入登录日志 Bll_Comm.LoginLog(userName, msg); return(Json(new { result = result, msg = msg })); }
/// <summary> /// 扩展系统操作日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="controller">Controller</param> /// <param name="Module">模块编码</param> /// <param name="ModuleName">模块名称(格式:Add:物料管理,编码:xxxxxx)</param> /// <param name="Message">信息(格式:success:sql语句/异常信息)</param> public static void OpLog(this Controller controller, string Module, string ModuleName, string Message) { Bll_Comm.OpLog(Module, ModuleName, Message); }
public ActionResult GetData(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string Name = Request["name"] == null ? "" : Request["name"].ToString(); string filters = Request["filters"] == null ? "" : Request["filters"].ToString(); string filter = Request["filter"] == null ? "" : Request["filter"].ToString(); string ModuleName = Request["m"] == null ? "" : Request["m"].ToString(); string NameSpace = Request["n"] == null ? "" : Request["n"].ToString(); string filtersSql = string.Empty; string mapSqlFilter = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { filtersSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filters); } BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Refer configRefer = new QX.BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Refer(); BLL.Bll_Sys_Config_Field_Refer configReferList = new Bll_Sys_Config_Field_Refer(); Sys_Config_Refer model = configRefer.GetListByCode(" AND R_ModuleName='" + ModuleName + "'")[0]; var referList = configReferList.GetListByCode(" AND D_ModuleName='" + ModuleName + "'").Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.D_DictKey)); BLL.Bll_Bse_Dict DictInstance = new Bll_Bse_Dict(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.R_SQL)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { model.R_SQL = model.R_SQL + filter; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtersSql)) { model.R_SQL = model.R_SQL + " AND " + filtersSql; } dt = configRefer.ListBySql(model.R_SQL); } else { string _filtersql = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.R_FilterSql) ? model.R_FilterSql : ""; _filtersql = _filtersql + filter; #region 特殊映射处理 if (ModuleName == "HR_StuffModule") { //读取映射配置表中公司配置 Bll_Comm comm = new Bll_Comm(); string mapFilter = ""; var mapModel = comm.CommMap(ModuleName, "Company"); if (mapModel != null) { var deptList = comm.GetChildListDeptNon(comm.CommMap(ModuleName, "Company").Map_Object); if (deptList.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in deptList) { } for (int i = 0; i < deptList.Count; i++) { if (i == (deptList.Count - 1)) { mapFilter += "'" + deptList[i].Dept_Code + "'"; } else { mapFilter += "'" + deptList[i].Dept_Code + "',"; } } mapFilter.TrimEnd(','); } mapSqlFilter = " Stuff_DepCode in(" + mapFilter + ")"; } } #endregion //为空时不初始化 //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) //{ // dt = configRefer.ListDataByCode(Name, _filtersql, filtersSql + mapSqlFilter); //} dt = configRefer.ListDataByCode(Name, _filtersql, filtersSql + mapSqlFilter); } DataTable newdt = DataTablePage.GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows); #region 字典进行转换 //对字典进行转换 for (int i = 0; i < newdt.Rows.Count; i++) { foreach (var item in referList.ToList()) { var value = newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] != null ? newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index].ToString() : ""; var DictResult = DictInstance.GetListByCode(" AND Dict_Code='" + value + "' AND Dict_Key='" + item.D_DictKey + "' "); if (DictResult.Count > 0) { newdt.Rows[i][item.D_Index] = DictResult.FirstOrDefault().Dict_Name; } } } #endregion var json = DataTablePage.JsonForJqgrid(newdt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); return(JavaScript(json)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取依赖映射配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="controller"></param> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ViewDataDictionary GetRefdenped(this Controller controller, bool IsPU) { ViewDataDictionary dict = new ViewDataDictionary(); //To Do 预留各种单据默认配置 string itype = ""; string type = ""; string view = ""; string MRTOPO = ""; string IsHideMaterialSearch = ""; string defaultPU_SPec_DetailModule = "Spec_PUDetailModule"; string defaultIA_Spec_DetailModule = "nOSpec_IOItemModule"; string defaultPU_DetailModule = "PU_PUDetailModule"; string defaultIA_DetailModule = "PU_IOItemModule"; string PU_DetailModule = ""; string IA_DetailModule = ""; view = HttpContext.Current.Request["view"] != null ? "style='display:none'" : ""; //PU配置 if (IsPU) { itype = controller.RouteData.Values["rtype"] != null ? controller.RouteData.Values["rtype"].ToString() : ""; itype = itype.Replace("#", " ").Trim(); type = controller.RouteData.Values["code"] != null ? controller.RouteData.Values["code"].ToString() : ""; MRTOPO = HttpContext.Current.Request["MRTOPO"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request["MRTOPO"] : ""; //Create edit string id = controller.RouteData.Values["id"] != null ? controller.RouteData.Values["id"].ToString() : ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { itype = id; } dict.Add("RType", itype); dict.Add("RRType", type); } else { itype = HttpContext.Current.Request["itype"] != null?HttpContext.Current.Request["itype"]:""; type = HttpContext.Current.Request["type"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Request["type"] : ""; dict.Add("itype", itype); dict.Add("type", type); } var model = Bll_Comm.CommRefDepend(itype); if (model == null) { return(null); } if (itype.Contains("MET") || itype.Contains("MEP") || itype.Contains("CTP") || itype.Contains("WOI") || itype.Contains("baseSER")) { PU_DetailModule = defaultPU_SPec_DetailModule; IA_DetailModule = defaultIA_Spec_DetailModule; if (model.RefDepend_Type == "PU") { var ChildModuleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF10) ? PU_DetailModule : model.RefDepend_UDEF10; dict.Add("ChildModuleName", ChildModuleName); } else if (model.RefDepend_Type == "IA") { var ChildModuleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF10) ? IA_DetailModule : model.RefDepend_UDEF10; dict.Add("ChildModuleName", ChildModuleName); } else if (model.RefDepend_Type == "MA") { var ChildModuleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF10) ? defaultPU_SPec_DetailModule : model.RefDepend_UDEF10; dict.Add("ChildModuleName", ChildModuleName); } } else { PU_DetailModule = defaultPU_DetailModule; IA_DetailModule = defaultIA_DetailModule; if (model.RefDepend_Type == "PU") { var ChildModuleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF10) ? PU_DetailModule : model.RefDepend_UDEF10; dict.Add("ChildModuleName", ChildModuleName); } else if (model.RefDepend_Type == "IA") { var ChildModuleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF10) ? IA_DetailModule : model.RefDepend_UDEF10; dict.Add("ChildModuleName", ChildModuleName); } } var MainName = model.RefDepend_ObjectName; var FormName = model.RefDepend_ShowName; var ModuleName = model.RefDepend_UDEF1; var AuditName = model.RefDepend_UDEF2; IsHideMaterialSearch = model.RefDepend_UDEF18; var StorageCheck = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF14)) { StorageCheck = "Check"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AuditName)) { AuditName = ""; } string backUrl = model.RefDepend_UDEF9; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backUrl)) { backUrl = ""; } dict.Add("BackUrl", backUrl); var ShowMain = model.RefDepend_ShowMain; var ShowOther = model.RefDepend_ShowOther; dict.Add("MainName", MainName); dict.Add("FormName", FormName); dict.Add("ModuleName", ModuleName); dict.Add("AuditName", AuditName); dict.Add("Main", ShowMain); dict.Add("Other", ShowOther); dict.Add("StorageCheck", StorageCheck); //库存检查 dict.Add("MRTOPO", MRTOPO); //汇总生成订单 dict.Add("IsHideMaterialSearch", IsHideMaterialSearch); dict.Add("TOPOModule", model.RefDepend_UDEF20); //采购汇总生成订单模块 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RefDepend_UDEF3)) { dict.Add("HouseType", model.RefDepend_UDEF3);//获取仓库类型 } dict.Add("view", view); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itype)) //{ // //设置单据表单,模块,审核 // var model = Bll_Comm.CommRefDepend(itype); //} return(dict); }