Exemple #1
        public BizFlow GetFlow(Expression <Func <BizFlow, bool> > predicate, bool loadAllInfo = true)
            BizFlow flow = repoBizFlow.Query(predicate).FirstOrDefault();

            if (flow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Flow not defined!");

            if (loadAllInfo)
                flow.States       = repoFlowState.Query(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
                flow.Operations   = repoFlowOp.Query(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
                flow.Incomes      = repoFlowIncome.Query(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
                flow.Outcomes     = repoFlowOutcome.Query(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
                flow.NextBizFlows = repoNextFlow.Query(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).ToArray();

                var stateOps      = repoStateOp.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flow.FlowId).ToArray();
                var stateIncomes  = repoStateIncome.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flow.FlowId).ToArray();
                var stateOutcomes = repoStateOutcome.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flow.FlowId).ToArray();

                flow.States.ForEach(it =>
                    it.Operations = stateOps.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();
                    it.Incomes    = stateIncomes.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();
                    it.Outcomes   = stateOutcomes.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();

                    it.Operations.ForEach(o =>
                        o.Operation = flow.Operations.FirstOrDefault(op => op.OperationId == o.OperationId);

                    it.Incomes.ForEach(o =>
                        o.Income = flow.Incomes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IncomeId == o.IncomeId);

                    it.Outcomes.ForEach(o =>
                        o.Outcome = flow.Outcomes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.OutcomeId == o.OutcomeId);

                flow.NextBizFlows.ForEach(it =>
                    it.FromBizFlow = flow;
                    it.ToBizFlow   = repoBizFlow.Query(o => o.FlowId == it.NextFlowId).FirstOrDefault();

Exemple #2
        public static BizFlow BuildBizFlow(this BizFlowInfo bfi)
            if (bfi == null || bfi.BizFlow == null)
            BizFlow flow = bfi.BizFlow;

            flow.States       = bfi.FlowStates.Where(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
            flow.Operations   = bfi.FlowOperations.Where(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
            flow.Incomes      = bfi.FlowIncomes.Where(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
            flow.Outcomes     = bfi.FlowOutcomes.Where(o => o.FlowId == flow.FlowId).OrderBy(o => o.Code).ToArray();
            flow.NextBizFlows = bfi.NextBizFlows.ToArray();

            flow.States.ForEach(it =>
                it.Operations = bfi.StateOperations.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();
                it.Incomes    = bfi.StateIncomes.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();
                it.Outcomes   = bfi.StateOutcomes.Where(op => op.StateId == it.StateId).ToArray();

                it.Operations.ForEach(o =>
                    o.Operation = flow.Operations.FirstOrDefault(op => op.OperationId == o.OperationId);

                it.Incomes.ForEach(o =>
                    o.Income = flow.Incomes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IncomeId == o.IncomeId);

                it.Outcomes.ForEach(o =>
                    o.Outcome = flow.Outcomes.FirstOrDefault(d => d.OutcomeId == o.OutcomeId);

Exemple #3
        public bool VerifyFlow(string flowId, out string message)
            bool verified = true;

            message = string.Empty;
            BizFlow flow = GetFlow(o => o.FlowId == flowId, true);

            if (flow.States.Count <= 0)
                verified = false;
                message += string.Format("There is no states in the flow!{0}", Environment.NewLine);
            var starts = flow.States.Where(o => o.StateType == StateType.Begin);

            if (starts == null || starts.Count() <= 0)
                verified = false;
                message += string.Format("There is no start states in the flow! Need one start state. {0}", Environment.NewLine);
            if (starts.Count() > 1)
                verified = false;
                message += string.Format("There is more than one start states in the flow! Need one start state only. {0}", Environment.NewLine);
            if (flow.States.Any(o => o.StateType == StateType.End && o.Result == null))
                verified = false;
                message += string.Format("There are some End states without Result.{0}", Environment.NewLine);
            if (flow.States.Any(o => o.StateType == StateType.End) == false)
                verified = false;
                message += string.Format("There is no finish states in the flow! At least one finish state needed.{0}", Environment.NewLine);

Exemple #4
        public bool SaveFlow(BizFlow flow)
                string flowId = flow.FlowId;
                IEnumerable <FlowState> states = flow.States;
                if (states == null)
                    states = Enumerable.Empty <FlowState>();
                IEnumerable <FlowOperation> operations = flow.Operations;
                if (operations == null)
                    operations = Enumerable.Empty <FlowOperation>();
                IEnumerable <FlowIncome> incomes = flow.Incomes;
                if (incomes == null)
                    incomes = Enumerable.Empty <FlowIncome>();
                IEnumerable <FlowOutcome> outcomes = flow.Outcomes;
                if (outcomes == null)
                    outcomes = Enumerable.Empty <FlowOutcome>();
                IEnumerable <NextBizFlow> nfs = flow.NextBizFlows;
                if (nfs == null)
                    nfs = Enumerable.Empty <NextBizFlow>();


                // save states
                states.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.StateId))
                        o.StateId = idGenerator.NewId();

                var ostates = repoFlowState.Query(o => o.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoFlowState.SaveAll(trans, ostates, states, (o, c) => o.StateId == c.StateId, false);

                // save operations
                operations.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.OperationId))
                        o.OperationId = idGenerator.NewId();

                var oops = repoFlowOp.Query(o => o.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoFlowOp.SaveAll(trans, oops, operations, (o, c) => o.OperationId == c.OperationId, true);

                // save incomes
                incomes.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.IncomeId))
                        o.IncomeId = idGenerator.NewId();

                var oincomes = repoFlowIncome.Query(o => o.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoFlowIncome.SaveAll(trans, oincomes, incomes, (o, c) => o.IncomeId == c.IncomeId, true);

                // save outcomes
                outcomes.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.OutcomeId))
                        o.OutcomeId = idGenerator.NewId();

                var ooutcomes = repoFlowOutcome.Query(o => o.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoFlowOutcome.SaveAll(trans, ooutcomes, outcomes, (o, c) => o.OutcomeId == c.OutcomeId, true);

                // save next flows
                var onfs = repoNextFlow.Query(o => o.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoNextFlow.SaveAll(trans, onfs, nfs, (o, c) => o.FlowId == c.FlowId && o.NextFlowId == c.NextFlowId,
                                     (repo, o) => { repo.Insert(o); },
                                     (repo, o) => { repo.Delete(o); });

                // save state incomes outcomes operations
                List <FlowStateIncome>    newIncomes  = new List <FlowStateIncome>();
                List <FlowStateOutcome>   newOutcomes = new List <FlowStateOutcome>();
                List <FlowStateOperation> newOps      = new List <FlowStateOperation>();
                states.ForEach(o =>
                    if (o.Incomes != null && o.Incomes.Count > 0)
                    if (o.Outcomes != null && o.Outcomes.Count > 0)
                    if (o.Operations != null && o.Operations.Count > 0)
                newIncomes.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.IncomeId))
                        o.IncomeId = idGenerator.NewId();
                newOutcomes.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.OutcomeId))
                        o.OutcomeId = idGenerator.NewId();
                newOps.ForEach(o =>
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.OperationId))
                        o.OperationId = idGenerator.NewId();

                var sincomes = repoStateIncome.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoStateIncome.SaveAll(trans, sincomes, newIncomes, (o, c) => o.IncomeId == c.IncomeId && o.StateId == c.StateId, true);
                var soutcomes = repoStateOutcome.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoStateOutcome.SaveAll(trans, soutcomes, newOutcomes, (o, c) => o.OutcomeId == c.OutcomeId && o.StateId == c.StateId, true);
                var ops = repoStateOp.Query(o => o.State.FlowId == flowId).ToArray();
                repoStateOp.SaveAll(trans, ops, newOps, (o, c) => o.OperationId == c.OperationId && o.StateId == c.StateId,
                                    (repo, o) => { repo.Insert(o); },
                                    (repo, o) => { repo.Delete(o); });

                var deleteStates = ostates.Where(o => !states.Any(it => it.StateId == o.StateId));
                deleteStates.ForEach(o => repoFlowState.Delete(o));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #5
 public ServerResponse SaveFlow([FromBody] BizFlow obj)
     return(obj.Save(flow => flowManager.SaveFlow(flow)));