public override object Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count < 2 || args.Count > 3) { return(false); } var location = ResourceLocation.Textures; if (args.Count == 3) { switch (args[0]) { case "resources": location = ResourceLocation.Resources; break; case "textures": location = ResourceLocation.Textures; break; case "textures_b": location = ResourceLocation.TexturesB; break; case "audio": location = ResourceLocation.Audio; break; case "resources_b": location = ResourceLocation.ResourcesB; break; case "render_models": location = ResourceLocation.RenderModels; break; case "lightmaps": location = ResourceLocation.Lightmaps; break; default: Console.WriteLine($"Invalid resource location: {args[0]}"); return(false); } args.RemoveAt(0); } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out int imageIndex)) { return(false); } if (Bitmap.Images.Count == 0) { Bitmap.Flags = BitmapRuntimeFlags.UsingTagInteropAndTagResource; Bitmap.Images.Add(new Bitmap.Image { Signature = new Tag("bitm") }); Bitmap.Resources.Add(new Bitmap.BitmapResource()); } if (imageIndex < 0 || imageIndex >= Bitmap.Images.Count) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid image index."); return(true); } var imagePath = args[1]; Console.WriteLine("Importing image data..."); try { using (var imageStream = File.OpenRead(imagePath)) { var injector = new BitmapDdsInjector(CacheContext); injector.InjectDds(CacheContext.Serializer, CacheContext.Deserializer, Bitmap, imageIndex, imageStream, location); } using (var tagsStream = CacheContext.OpenTagCacheReadWrite()) CacheContext.Serialize(tagsStream, Tag, Bitmap); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Importing image data failed: " + ex.Message); return(true); } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); return(true); }
public override bool Execute(List <string> args) { if (args.Count != 1) { return(false); } // // Verify and load the blam shader // var shaderName = args[0]; CacheBase.IndexItem item = null; Console.WriteLine("Verifying blam shader tag..."); foreach (var tag in BlamCache.IndexItems) { if ((tag.ParentClass == "rm") && tag.Filename == shaderName) { item = tag; break; } } if (item == null) { Console.WriteLine("Blam shader tag does not exist: " + shaderName); return(false); } var renderMethod = DefinitionsManager.rmsh(BlamCache, item); var templateItem = BlamCache.IndexItems.Find(i => i.ID == renderMethod.Properties[0].TemplateTagID); var template = DefinitionsManager.rmt2(BlamCache, templateItem); // // Determine the blam shader's base bitmap // var bitmapIndex = -1; var bitmapArgName = ""; for (var i = 0; i < template.UsageBlocks.Count; i++) { var entry = template.UsageBlocks[i]; if (entry.Usage.StartsWith("base_map") || entry.Usage.StartsWith("diffuse_map") || entry.Usage == "foam_texture") { bitmapIndex = i; bitmapArgName = entry.Usage; break; } } // // Load and decode the blam shader's base bitmap // var bitmItem = BlamCache.IndexItems.Find(i => i.ID == renderMethod.Properties[0].ShaderMaps[bitmapIndex].BitmapTagID); var bitm = DefinitionsManager.bitm(BlamCache, bitmItem); var submap = bitm.Bitmaps[0]; byte[] raw; if (BlamCache.Version <= DefinitionSet.Halo2Vista) { raw = BlamCache.GetRawFromID(submap.PixelsOffset, submap.RawSize); } else { if (bitm.RawChunkBs.Count > 0) { int rawID = bitm.RawChunkBs[submap.InterleavedIndex].RawID; byte[] buffer = BlamCache.GetRawFromID(rawID); raw = new byte[submap.RawSize]; Array.Copy(buffer, submap.Index2 * submap.RawSize, raw, 0, submap.RawSize); } else { int rawID = bitm.RawChunkAs[0].RawID; raw = BlamCache.GetRawFromID(rawID, submap.RawSize); } } var vHeight = submap.VirtualHeight; var vWidth = submap.VirtualWidth; var ms = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); if (submap.Flags.Values[3]) { raw = DXTDecoder.ConvertToLinearTexture(raw, vWidth, vHeight, submap.Format); } if (submap.Format != BitmapFormat.A8R8G8B8) { for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i += 2) { Array.Reverse(raw, i, 2); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < (raw.Length); i += 4) { Array.Reverse(raw, i, 4); } } new DDS(submap).Write(bw); bw.Write(raw); raw = ms.ToArray(); bw.Close(); bw.Dispose(); // // ElDorado Serialization // using (var cacheStream = Info.CacheFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { // // Create the new eldorado bitmap // var resourceManager = new ResourceDataManager(); resourceManager.LoadCachesFromDirectory(Info.CacheFile.DirectoryName); var newBitm = Info.Cache.DuplicateTag(cacheStream, Info.Cache.Tags[0x101F]); var bitmap = new TagDefinitions.Bitmap { Flags = TagDefinitions.Bitmap.RuntimeFlags.UseResource, Sequences = new List <TagDefinitions.Bitmap.Sequence> { new TagDefinitions.Bitmap.Sequence { Name = "", FirstBitmapIndex = 0, BitmapCount = 1 } }, Images = new List <TagDefinitions.Bitmap.Image> { new TagDefinitions.Bitmap.Image { Signature = new Tag("bitm").Value, Unknown28 = -1 } }, Resources = new List <TagDefinitions.Bitmap.BitmapResource> { new TagDefinitions.Bitmap.BitmapResource() } }; using (var imageStream = new MemoryStream(raw)) { var injector = new BitmapDdsInjector(resourceManager); imageStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); injector.InjectDds(Info.Serializer, Info.Deserializer, bitmap, 0, imageStream); } var context = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, Info.Cache, Info.StringIDs, newBitm); Info.Serializer.Serialize(context, bitmap); // // Create the new eldorado shader // var newRmsh = Info.Cache.DuplicateTag(cacheStream, Info.Cache.Tags[0x331A]); context = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, Info.Cache, Info.StringIDs, newRmsh); var shader = Info.Deserializer.Deserialize <TagDefinitions.Shader>(context); shader.ShaderProperties[0].ShaderMaps[0].Bitmap = newBitm; Info.Serializer.Serialize(context, shader); Console.WriteLine("Done! New shader tag is 0x" + newRmsh.Index.ToString("X8")); } return(true); }