Exemple #1
        private static void StatisticalDistribution2(BitcoinQtConnector btc, Lottery lottery)
            int amoutBlocks = btc.GetInfo().Blocks;

            int[] distNumbers = new int[Lottery.MAXNUMBERS + 1];
            int[] distStars   = new int[Lottery.MAXSTARS + 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < amoutBlocks; i++)
                Block block = btc.GetBlock(btc.GetBlockhash(i));
                int[] draw  = lottery.getTicketFromHash(block.MerkleRoot);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,7:0.00 %}", (double)i / amoutBlocks));
                for (int y = 0; y < Lottery.NUMBERS; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Lottery.STARS; x++)
                    distStars[draw[Lottery.NUMBERS + x]]++;
            for (int i = 1; i < distNumbers.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Number {0}: {1}", string.Format("{0,3:0}", i), string.Format("{0,7:0.00 %}", (double)distNumbers[i] / distNumbers[0]));
            for (int i = 1; i < distStars.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Star {0}: {1}", string.Format("{0,3:0}", i), string.Format("{0,7:0.00 %}", (double)distStars[i] / distStars[0]));
Exemple #2
        public MainWindow()

            database = new CoinMillionsModelContainer();

            this.startTime = ConvertToTimestamp(new DateTime(2013, 10, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0));

            // initialize
            this.btc     = new BitcoinQtConnector();
            this.lottery = new Lottery();

            Loaded += OnLoaded;

Exemple #3
        private static void StatisticalDistribution1(BitcoinQtConnector btc, Lottery lottery)
            int   amoutBlocks = btc.GetInfo().Blocks;
            Block block       = btc.GetBlock(btc.GetBlockhash(1));

            int[] draw = lottery.getTicketFromHash(block.MerkleRoot);

            Dictionary <string, int> dict = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int totalCount = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i < amoutBlocks; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,7:0.00 %}", (double)i / amoutBlocks));
                foreach (JToken jToken in btc.GetBlockObject(btc.GetBlockhash(i))["tx"].ToObject <JArray>())
                    //Console.Write(jToken.ToString() + " -> ");
                    int[]  ticketDraw = lottery.getTicketFromHash(jToken.ToString());
                    int[]  finding    = lottery.compareTicket(draw, ticketDraw);
                    string key        = lottery.getArrayToString(finding);

                    if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict[key] = 1;
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0}", lottery.getArrayToString(finding));

            foreach (string key in dict.Keys.ToList())
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} -> {2} - {3}", key, "", dict[key], string.Format("{0,7:0.000000 %}", (double)dict[key] / totalCount));
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BitcoinQtConnector btc     = new BitcoinQtConnector();
            Lottery            lottery = new Lottery();

            // Statistical Distribution
            //StatisticalDistribution1(btc, lottery);
            //StatisticalDistribution2(btc, lottery);

            //Console.WriteLine("GetInfo: {0}", btc.GetInfo());
            //Console.WriteLine("ListReceivedByAddress: {0}", btc.ListReceivedByAddress());

            //foreach(TransactionDetail transactionsDetail in btc.ListTransactions())
            //    Console.WriteLine("--------- {0}", transactionsDetail.TxId);
            //    Console.WriteLine("transactionsDetail.Address: {0}", transactionsDetail.Address);
            //    Console.WriteLine("transactionsDetail.Category: {0}", transactionsDetail.Category);
            //    Console.WriteLine("transactionsDetail.Amount: {0}", transactionsDetail.Amount);


            //Console.WriteLine("Transaction: {0}", transaction);
            //Console.WriteLine("Transaction: {0}", transaction.TxId);
            //Console.WriteLine("Transaction: {0}", transaction.Version);

            //foreach (vin vin1 in transaction.vin) {
            //    Console.WriteLine("CoinBase: {0}", vin1.CoinBase);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Sequence: {0}", vin1.Sequence);
            //Console.WriteLine("Transaction: {0}", transaction.vin);
            //Console.WriteLine("Transaction: {0}", transaction.vout);

            //JObject rawTransaction = btc.GetDecodedRawTransaction("c878e369de3d5021c6cc6ca5de9b13831b59876f9781f1320b6cbd5b00c970e0");

            //Console.WriteLine(btc.GetTxOut("a5513c35a2ae3ec4ee44822bc75840749834707ebde3ae3cef3dfcfb7c0de6b9", 1));

            //JObject list = btc.ListAccounts1();
            //foreach(JToken token in list.GetValue("result"))
            //    string account = token.ToString().Split(':')[0].Replace("\"", "");
            //    List<JToken> tokens = btc.GetAddressesByAccount(account);
            //    string adress = string.Empty;
            //    if (tokens.Count > 0)
            //        adress = tokens[0].ToString();

            //    Console.WriteLine("'{0}', '{1}'", account, adress);

            //List<Transaction> listTransactions = btc.ListTransactionsByCategory();
            //foreach (Transaction trans in listTransactions)
            //    Console.WriteLine("- Transaction[{0}]", listTransactions.IndexOf(trans));
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + Transaction(TxId): {0}", "");
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + Transaction(Amount): {0}", trans.Amount);
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + Transaction(TimeReceived): {0}", trans.TimeReceived);
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + Transaction(Time): {0}", trans.Time);
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + Transaction(fee): {0}", trans.Fee);
            //    foreach (Detail detail in trans.Details)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("  + Details[{0}]", trans.Details.IndexOf(detail));
            //        Console.WriteLine("    + Account: {0}", detail.Account);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    + Address: {0}", detail.Address);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    + Amount: {0}", detail.Amount);
            //        Console.WriteLine("    + Category: {0}", detail.Category);
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine("  + RawTransaction: {0}", trans.RawTransaction);

            //string rawTrans = btc.CreateZeroConfirmationTransaction("61de00b44ccfda8f9775618f901a490104c2761f33864120d7f053235b6f103b", 0.01, 0.0001);


            //SignedRawTransaction signrawtransaction = btc.SignRawTransaction(rawTrans);

            //Console.WriteLine("signrawtransaction.Complete: {0}", signrawtransaction.Complete);
            //Console.WriteLine("signrawtransaction.Hex: {0}", signrawtransaction.Hex);

            //string result = btc.SendRawTransaction(signrawtransaction.Hex);

            //Console.WriteLine("result: {0}", result);

            //Console.WriteLine("GetAddressesByAccount: {0}", btc.GetAddressesByAccount(""));

            //Console.WriteLine("Raw Transaction: {0}", rawTransaction.ToString());

            //JToken token;
            //if (rawTransaction.TryGetValue("result", out token))
            //    Console.WriteLine("token: {0}", token.ToString());

            //Console.WriteLine("rawTransaction: {0}", rawTransaction["result"].ToString());

            //Yeah it works
            //But its safer to go back an extra transaction
            //Take the vout that was sent to you
            //Get the raw transaction associated with it
            //And find the vout in it that was used as input to the transaction you received
            //And use the address in there

            //What stops anybody from creating a transaction with no change ?
            //I could perfectly create a transaction with two vouts that are not change and no change at all
            //Then with your technique you wouldnt be sending me back the funds ?
            //(no question mark typo sry)

            //'[{"txid":"7649b33b6d80f7b5c866fbdb413419e04223974b0a5d6a3ca54944f30474d2bf","vout":0}]' '{"mirQLRn6ciqa3WwJSSe7RSJNVfAE9zLkS5":50}'
            //Console.WriteLine("CreateRawTransaction: {0}", btc.CreateRawTransaction("7649b33b6d80f7b5c866fbdb413419e04223974b0a5d6a3ca54944f30474d2bf", 0, "mirQLRn6ciqa3WwJSSe7RSJNVfAE9zLkS5", (long)50.0));

            //Console.WriteLine(btc.SendToAddress("muJusbBPg8pkuoDzjhCDzjPxGEaNafiWXY", 0.01699976f));

            //int NUMBERS = 5;
            //int MAXNUMBERS = 22;
            //int STARS = 2;
            //int MAXSTARS = 9;

            ////ulong count = 1;
            //// numbers
            //for (int a = 1; a < MAXNUMBERS - NUMBERS + 2; a++)
            //    for (int b = a + 1; b < MAXNUMBERS - NUMBERS + 3; b++)
            //        for (int c = b + 1; c < MAXNUMBERS - NUMBERS + 4; c++)
            //            for (int d = c + 1; d < MAXNUMBERS - NUMBERS + 5; d++)
            //                for (int e = d + 1; e < MAXNUMBERS - NUMBERS + 6; e++)

            //                    // stars
            //                    for (int s = 1; s < MAXSTARS - STARS + 4; s++)
            //                        for (int t = s + 1; t < MAXSTARS - STARS + 3; t++)
            //                        {
            //                            Console.WriteLine("[ {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} ] [ {5}, {6}]", a, b, c, d, e, s, t);
            //                            Console.ReadKey();
            //                        }

            //JArray jArray = new JArray();


            //JArray jObject = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jArray.ToString());

            //int[] result = jObject.ToObject<int[]>();

            //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4]);
