public async Task GetBirdsAsync_PageSizeTheory_ReturnsPageSize(int pageSize)
            // Arrange
            //var connectionStringBuilder = new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = ":memory:" };
            //var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ToString());

            //var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
            //    .UseSqlite(connection)
            //    .Options;

            var options = SqliteInMemory.CreateOptions <ApplicationDbContext>();

            using var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options);

            context.ChangeTracker.Clear(); //NEW LINE ADDED

            //using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))

            //context.ConservationStatuses.Add(new ConservationStatus() { ConservationStatusId = 1, ConservationList = "Red", Description = "", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now });
            //context.ConservationStatuses.Add(new ConservationStatus() { ConservationStatusId = 2, ConservationList = "Amber", Description = "", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now });
            //context.ConservationStatuses.Add(new ConservationStatus() { ConservationStatusId = 3, ConservationList = "Green", Description = "", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now });

            for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++)
                Random r = new Random();
                context.Birds.Add(new Bird()
                    BirdId               = i,
                    Class                = $"Class {i}",
                    Order                = $"Order {i}",
                    Family               = $"Family {i}",
                    Genus                = $"Genus {i}",
                    Species              = $"Species {i}",
                    EnglishName          = $"Name {i}",
                    ConservationStatusId = r.Next(1, 3),
                    CreationDate         = DateTime.Now,
                    LastUpdateDate       = DateTime.Now


            //using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
            var birdRepository = new BirdRepository(context);

            // Act
            var birds = await birdRepository.GetBirdsAsync(1, pageSize, BirderStatus.Common);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(pageSize, birds.Items.Count());
            Assert.IsType <ConservationStatus>(birds.Items.First().BirdConservationStatus);
        public void RemoveBirdTest()
            var         mockRepository = new BirdRepository();
            Bird        bird           = mockRepository.GetSpecificBird(1);
            List <Bird> birds          = mockRepository.RemoveBird(bird.Id).ToList();

            if (birds == null)
        public void GetBirdsTest()
            var mockRepository = new BirdRepository();

            var birdsCollection = mockRepository.GetBirds();

            if (birdsCollection == null)
        public void GetSpecificBirdTest()
            var mockRepository = new BirdRepository();

            Bird bird = mockRepository.GetSpecificBird(1);

            if (bird == null)
Exemple #5
        public void PagingAndRepeater(int id)
            var          repos = new BirdRepository();
            IList <Bird> birds = repos.GetBirds();

            IPaginatedPage items =
                    birds, // list
                    10,    // number of items per page

            PropertyBag["items"] = items;
        static void TestBirds()
            var birds              = BirdRepository.LoadBirds();
            var sightings          = birds.SelectMany(b => b.Sightings);
            var avgS               = birds.Select(b => b.Sightings.Count()).Average();
            var sightingsByCountry = sightings
                                     .GroupBy(s => s.Place.Country)
                                     .Select(g => new { Country = g.Key, Sightings = g.Count() });
            var birdCountByStatus = birds
                                    .Where(b => b.ConservationStatus != "LeastConcern" && b.ConservationStatus != "NearThreatened")
                                    .GroupBy(b => b.ConservationStatus)
                                    .Select(selector: g => new { Status = g.Key, Count = g.Count(), Sightings = g.Sum(b => b.Sightings.Count) });
            var statuses = birds
                           .Select(b => b.ConservationStatus)
                           .Where(s => s != "LeastConcern" && s != "NearThreatened")
            var endangeredSightings = birds
                                      .Join(statuses, b => b.ConservationStatus, s => s, (b, s) => new { Status = s, Sigthings = b.Sightings })
                                      .GroupBy(a => a.Status)
                                      .Select(g => new { Status = g.Key, Sightings = g.Sum(selector: s => s.Sigthings.Count) });

            var importedBirds = BirdRepository.LoadImportedBirds();
            var matchingBirds = birds.Intersect(importedBirds, new BirdComparer());
            // Perform outer join to get elements that exist in one enumerable and not in the other
            var newBirds = importedBirds.GroupJoin(birds,
                                                   ib => ib.CommonName,
                                                   b => b.CommonName,
                                                   (ib, b) => new { ImportedBird = ib, Birds = b })
                           // Variant 1: flatten the grouping first, providing default value for elements with no matches, then filter records
                           //.SelectMany(gb => gb.Birds.DefaultIfEmpty(), (gb, b) => new { ImportedBird = gb.ImportedBird, Bird = b })
                           //.Where(a => a.Bird == null)

                           // Variant 2: filter the grouping directly - my option
                           .Where(a => a.Birds.Count() == 0)

                           .Select(a => a.ImportedBird)

            var searchParams = new BirdSearch
                Country = "United States",
                Colors  = new List <string> {
                    "White", "Brown", "Black"
                Page     = 0,
                PageSize = 5
            var foundBirds = birds.Search(searchParams);
        public void UpdateBirdTest()
            var mockRepository = new BirdRepository();

            Bird bird = mockRepository.GetSpecificBird(1);

            bird.BirdType = BirdType.Trex;
            List <Bird> birds = mockRepository.UpdateBird(bird).ToList();

            if (birds == null)
        public void RepositoryTest()
            var mockRepository = new BirdRepository();

            var finalBirdsCollection = mockRepository.GetBirds();

            if (finalBirdsCollection == null)
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult PagingAndRepeater(int?id)
            var pageNumber = id ?? 1;
            var pageSize   = 10;

            var repos     = new BirdRepository();
            var allBirds  = repos.GetBirds();
            var showBirds = allBirds.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
            var birdCount = allBirds.Count();

            return(View(new Page <Bird>
                Items = showBirds,
                ItemCount = birdCount,

                CurrentPage = pageNumber,
                PageCount = (birdCount + pageSize - 1) / pageSize,

                FirstItemIndex = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize
        public void AddBirdTest()
            var mockRepository = new BirdRepository();

            mockRepository.AddBird(new Bird
                BirdType     = BirdType.Archie,
                Girth        = 3.21,
                Id           = 1,
                Height       = 3.3,
                Length       = 4.3,
                SpecimenName = "Archie",
                Weight       = 45.4,
                Location     = new Location {
                    Altitude = "3453", Latitude = "23423", Longitude = "12341", Name = "Cypress"
                Skeleton = new Skeleton()

            mockRepository.AddBird(new Bird
                BirdType     = BirdType.Archie,
                Girth        = 1.21,
                Id           = 2,
                Height       = 2.3,
                Length       = 3.3,
                SpecimenName = "Archie 2",
                Weight       = 15.4,
                Location     = new Location {
                    Altitude = "3453", Latitude = "23423", Longitude = "12341", Name = "Cypress"
                Skeleton = new Skeleton()

            if (mockRepository.GetBirds() == null)
        public async Task GetBird_EmptyId_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange
            var connectionStringBuilder = new SqliteConnectionStringBuilder {
                DataSource = ":memory:"
            var connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ToString());
            var options    = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()

            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))

                var authorRepository = new BirdRepository(context);

                // Assert
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(
                    // Act
                    () => authorRepository.GetBirdAsync(0));