/// <summary>Add dung to the soil surface.</summary>
        private void AddDungToSurface()
            var SOMData = new BiomassRemovedType();

            SOMData.crop_type           = "RuminantDung_PastureFed";
            SOMData.dm_type             = new string[] { SOMData.crop_type };
            SOMData.dlt_crop_dm         = new float[] { (float)AmountDungWtReturned };
            SOMData.dlt_dm_n            = new float[] { (float)AmountDungNReturned };
            SOMData.dlt_dm_p            = new float[] { 0.0F };
            SOMData.fraction_to_residue = new float[] { 1.0F };
Exemple #2
    public void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest)

        // Tell the rest of the system we are about to harvest
        if (Harvesting != null)

        // Check some bounds
        if (Harvest.Remove < 0 || Harvest.Remove > 1.0)
            throw new Exception("Harvest remove fraction needs to be between 0 and 1");
        if (Harvest.Height < 0 || Harvest.Height > 1000.0)
            throw new Exception("Harvest height needs to be between 0 and 1000");

        // Set the population denisty if one was provided by user.
        if (Harvest.Plants != 0)
            Population.Density = Harvest.Plants;

        // Call each organ's OnHarvest. They fill a BiomassRemoved structure. We then publish a
        // BiomassRemoved event.
        BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();

        foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
            Organ.OnHarvest(Harvest, BiomassRemovedData);
        BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = CropType;

        // now update new canopy covers
        PlantSpatial.Density     = Population.Density;
        PlantSpatial.CanopyWidth = Leaf.width;
        foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)

        foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);

            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i]             = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = 1.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i]         = (float)((Live.Wt + Dead.Wt) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i]            = (float)((Live.N + Dead.N) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            //BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float)((Green.P + Senesced.P) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);

Exemple #4
    public void OnEndCrop()
        NewCropType Crop = new NewCropType();

        Crop.crop_type = CropType;
        Crop.sender    = Name;
        if (CropEnding != null)

        BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();

        BiomassRemovedData.crop_type           = CropType;
        BiomassRemovedData.dm_type             = new string[Organs.Count];
        BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm         = new float[Organs.Count];
        BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n            = new float[Organs.Count];
        BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p            = new float[Organs.Count];
        BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[Organs.Count];
        int i = 0;

        foreach (Organ O in Organs)
            if (O is AboveGround)
                BiomassRemovedData.dm_type[i]             = O.Name;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm[i]         = (float)(O.Live.Wt + O.Dead.Wt) * 10f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n[i]            = (float)(O.Live.N + O.Dead.N) * 10f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p[i]            = 0f;
                BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue[i] = 1f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dm_type[i]             = O.Name;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm[i]         = 0f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n[i]            = 0f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p[i]            = 0f;
                BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue[i] = 0f;

        // tell all our children about sow
        foreach (Organ Child in Organs)
Exemple #5
    public override void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
        Biomass Dead;

        Dead = Live * DieBackFraction;

        // however dead roots have a given N concentration
        Dead.StructuralN = Dead.Wt * NSenescenceConcentration;

        Live = Live - Dead;
        Dead = Dead + Dead;

        int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);

        // Unlike above ground parts, no roots go to surface residue module.
        BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i]             = Name;
        BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = 0.0F;
        BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i]         = 0.0F;
        BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i]            = 0.0F;
        BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i]            = 0.0F;
Exemple #6
 public static int IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
     // Make sure the BiomassRemoved structure has enough elements in it.
     if (BiomassRemoved.dm_type == null)
         BiomassRemoved.dm_type             = new string[1];
         BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue = new float[1];
         BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm         = new float[1];
         BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n            = new float[1];
         BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p            = new float[1];
         int NewSize = BiomassRemoved.dm_type.Length + 1;
         Array.Resize(ref BiomassRemoved.dm_type, NewSize);
         Array.Resize(ref BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue, NewSize);
         Array.Resize(ref BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm, NewSize);
         Array.Resize(ref BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n, NewSize);
         Array.Resize(ref BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p, NewSize);
     return(BiomassRemoved.dm_type.Length - 1);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>Called when [harvest].</summary>
 /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
 /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
 public abstract void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved);
Exemple #8
    virtual public void DoActualGrowth(double TT)
        if (IsAppeared)
            //Acellerate thermal time accumulation if crop is water stressed.
            double _ThermalTime;
            if ((DroughtInducedSenAcceleration != null) && (IsFullyExpanded))
                _ThermalTime = TT * DroughtInducedSenAcceleration.Value;
                _ThermalTime = TT;

            //Growing leaf area after DM allocated
            double DeltaCarbonConstrainedArea = (StructuralDMAllocation + MetabolicDMAllocation) * SpecificLeafAreaMax; //Fixme.  Live.Nonstructural should probably be included in DM supply for leaf growth also
            double DeltaActualArea            = Math.Min(DeltaWaterConstrainedArea, DeltaCarbonConstrainedArea);
            LiveArea += DeltaActualArea;                                                                                /// Integrates leaf area at each cohort? FIXME-EIT is this the one integrated at leaf.cs?

            //Senessing leaf area
            double AreaSenescing  = LiveArea * SenescedFrac;
            double AreaSenescingN = 0;
            if ((Live.MetabolicNConc <= MinimumNConc) & ((MetabolicNRetranslocated - MetabolicNAllocation) > 0.0))
                AreaSenescingN = LeafStartArea * (MetabolicNRetranslocated - MetabolicNAllocation) / LiveStart.MetabolicN;

            double LeafAreaLoss = Math.Max(AreaSenescing, AreaSenescingN);
            if (LeafAreaLoss > 0)
                SenescedFrac = Math.Min(1.0, LeafAreaLoss / LeafStartArea);

            /* RFZ why variation between using LiveStart and Live
             * double StructuralWtSenescing = SenescedFrac * Live.StructuralWt;
             * double StructuralNSenescing = SenescedFrac * Live.StructuralN;
             * double MetabolicWtSenescing = SenescedFrac * Live.MetabolicWt;
             * double MetabolicNSenescing = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.MetabolicN;
             * double NonStructuralWtSenescing = SenescedFrac * Live.NonStructuralWt;
             * double NonStructuralNSenescing = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.NonStructuralN;

            double StructuralWtSenescing    = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.StructuralWt;
            double StructuralNSenescing     = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.StructuralN;
            double MetabolicWtSenescing     = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.MetabolicWt;
            double MetabolicNSenescing      = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.MetabolicN;
            double NonStructuralWtSenescing = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.NonStructuralWt;
            double NonStructuralNSenescing  = SenescedFrac * LiveStart.NonStructuralN;

            DeadArea = DeadArea + LeafAreaLoss;
            LiveArea = LiveArea - LeafAreaLoss; // Final leaf area of cohort that will be integrated in Leaf.cs? (FIXME-EIT)

            Live.StructuralWt -= StructuralWtSenescing;
            Dead.StructuralWt += StructuralWtSenescing;

            Live.StructuralN -= StructuralNSenescing;
            Dead.StructuralN += StructuralNSenescing;

            Live.MetabolicWt -= Math.Max(0.0, MetabolicWtSenescing - MetabolicWtReallocated);
            Dead.MetabolicWt += Math.Max(0.0, MetabolicWtSenescing - MetabolicWtReallocated);

            Live.MetabolicN -= Math.Max(0.0, (MetabolicNSenescing - MetabolicNReallocated - MetabolicNRetranslocated));  //Don't Seness todays N if it has been taken for reallocation
            Dead.MetabolicN += Math.Max(0.0, (MetabolicNSenescing - MetabolicNReallocated - MetabolicNRetranslocated));

            Live.NonStructuralN -= Math.Max(0.0, NonStructuralNSenescing - NonStructuralNReallocated - NonStructuralNRetrasnlocated);  //Dont Senesess todays NonStructural N if it was retranslocated or reallocated
            Dead.NonStructuralN += Math.Max(0.0, NonStructuralNSenescing - NonStructuralNReallocated - NonStructuralNRetrasnlocated);

            Live.NonStructuralWt -= Math.Max(0.0, NonStructuralWtSenescing - DMRetranslocated);
            Live.NonStructuralWt  = Math.Max(0.0, Live.NonStructuralWt);

            //Reallocated gos to to reallocation pool but not into dead pool.
            Dead.NonStructuralWt += Math.Max(0.0, NonStructuralWtSenescing - DMRetranslocated - NonStructuralWtReallocated);

            Age = Age + _ThermalTime;

            // Do Detachment of this Leaf Cohort
            // ---------------------------------
            DetachedFrac = FractionDetaching(_ThermalTime);
            if (DetachedFrac > 0.0)
                double DetachedArea = DeadArea * DetachedFrac;
                double DetachedWt   = Dead.Wt * DetachedFrac;
                double DetachedN    = Dead.N * DetachedFrac;

                DeadArea             *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.StructuralWt    *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.StructuralN     *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.NonStructuralWt *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.NonStructuralN  *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.MetabolicWt     *= (1 - DetachedFrac);
                Dead.MetabolicN      *= (1 - DetachedFrac);

                BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();

                BiomassRemovedData.crop_type           = Plant.CropType;
                BiomassRemovedData.dm_type             = new string[1];
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm         = new float[1];
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n            = new float[1];
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p            = new float[1];
                BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[1];

                BiomassRemovedData.dm_type[0]             = "leaf";
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm[0]         = (float)DetachedWt * 10f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n[0]            = (float)DetachedN * 10f;
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p[0]            = 0f;
                BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue[0] = 1f;
Exemple #9
    /// <summary>
    ///  Write a biomass removed report.
    /// </summary>
    void WriteBiomassRemovedReport(BiomassRemovedType Data)
        double dm_residue      = 0.0;
        double dm_root_residue = 0.0;
        double n_residue       = 0.0;
        double n_root_residue  = 0.0;
        double p_residue       = 0.0;
        double p_root_residue  = 0.0;
        double dm_chopped      = 0.0;
        double dm_root_chopped = 0.0;
        double n_chopped       = 0.0;
        double n_root_chopped  = 0.0;
        double p_chopped       = 0.0;
        double p_root_chopped  = 0.0;

        for (int part = 0; part < Data.dm_type.Length; part++)
            dm_chopped += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part];
            n_chopped  += Data.dlt_dm_n[part];
            p_chopped  += Data.dlt_dm_p[part];
            dm_residue += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
            n_residue  += Data.dlt_dm_n[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
            p_residue  += Data.dlt_dm_p[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
            if (Data.dm_type[part] == "root")
                dm_root_residue += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                n_root_residue  += Data.dlt_dm_n[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                p_root_residue  += Data.dlt_dm_p[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                dm_root_chopped += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part];
                n_root_chopped  += Data.dlt_dm_n[part];
                p_root_chopped  += Data.dlt_dm_p[part];

        double dm_tops_chopped = dm_chopped - dm_root_chopped;
        double n_tops_chopped  = n_chopped - n_root_chopped;
        double p_tops_chopped  = p_chopped - p_root_chopped;

        double dm_tops_residue = dm_residue - dm_root_residue;
        double n_tops_residue  = n_residue - n_root_residue;
        double p_tops_residue  = p_residue - p_root_residue;

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nCrop harvested.");

        Console.WriteLine("    Organic matter from crop:-      Tops to surface residue      Roots to soil FOM");

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("                      DM (kg/ha) = {0,21:F1}{1,24:F1}",
                                        dm_tops_residue, dm_root_residue));
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("                      N  (kg/ha) = {0,22:F2}{1,24:F2}",
                                        n_tops_residue, n_root_residue));
        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,48}{1,55:F1}{2,24:F1}", "P (kg/ha) = ", p_tops_residue, p_root_residue));


        double dm_removed_tops = dm_tops_chopped - dm_tops_residue;
        double dm_removed_root = dm_root_chopped - dm_root_residue;
        double n_removed_tops  = n_tops_chopped - n_tops_residue;
        double n_removed_root  = n_root_chopped - n_root_residue;
        double p_removed_tops  = p_tops_chopped - p_tops_residue;
        double p_removed_root  = p_root_chopped - p_root_residue;

        Console.WriteLine("    Organic matter removed from system:-      From Tops               From Roots");

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("                      DM (kg/ha) = {0,21:F1}{1,24:F1}",
                                        dm_removed_tops, dm_removed_root));
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("                      N  (kg/ha) = {0,22:F2}{1,24:F2}",
                                        n_removed_tops, n_removed_root));
        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,48}{1,55:F3}{2,24:F1}", "DM (kg/ha) = ", p_removed_tops, p_removed_root));

Exemple #10
        private void OnDoPlantGrowth(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Now add today's growth to the soil - ie assume plants are in steady state.
            BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
            BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = Crop_Type;
            BiomassRemovedData.dm_type = new string[1] { "litter" };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm = new float[1] { (float)(DltDM * 10) };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n = new float[1] { (float)(NFixation + MathUtilities.Sum(NUptake)) };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p = new float[1] { 0 };
            BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[1] { 1 };
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>Does the biomass removed.</summary>
        private void DoBiomassRemoved()
            List<Biomass> Detaching = new List<Biomass>();
            List<string> OrganNames = new List<string>();
            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
                if (Organ is AboveGround && !Organ.Detaching.IsEmpty)
            BiomassRemovedType chopped = new BiomassRemovedType();
            chopped.crop_type = CropType;
            chopped.dm_type = new string[Detaching.Count];
            chopped.dlt_crop_dm = new float[Detaching.Count];
            chopped.dlt_dm_n = new float[Detaching.Count];
            chopped.dlt_dm_p = new float[Detaching.Count];
            chopped.fraction_to_residue = new float[Detaching.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Detaching.Count; i++)
                chopped.dm_type[i] = OrganNames[i];
                chopped.dlt_crop_dm[i] = (float)Detaching[i].Wt;
                chopped.dlt_dm_n[i] = (float)Detaching[i].N;
                //chopped.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float) Detaching[i].P;
                chopped.fraction_to_residue[i] = 1.0f;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>Event handler for the Harvest event - normally comes from Manager.</summary>
        /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">
        /// Harvest remove fraction needs to be between 0 and 1
        /// or
        /// Harvest height needs to be between 0 and 1000
        /// </exception>
        public void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest)

            // Tell the rest of the system we are about to harvest
            if (Harvesting != null)
                Harvesting.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            // Check some bounds
            if (Harvest.Remove < 0 || Harvest.Remove > 1.0)
                throw new Exception("Harvest remove fraction needs to be between 0 and 1");
            if (Harvest.Height < 0 || Harvest.Height > 1000.0)
                throw new Exception("Harvest height needs to be between 0 and 1000");

            // Set the population denisty if one was provided by user.
            if (Harvest.Plants != 0)
                Population.Density = Harvest.Plants;

            // Call each organ's OnHarvest. They fill a BiomassRemoved structure. We then publish a
            // BiomassRemoved event.
            BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
                Organ.OnHarvest(Harvest, BiomassRemovedData);
            BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = CropType;

            // now update new canopy covers
            PlantSpatial.Density = Population.Density;
            PlantSpatial.CanopyWidth = Leaf.width;
            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)

            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)

            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
                Organ.OnHarvest(Harvest, BiomassRemovedData);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>Does the development.</summary>
        private void DoDevelopment()
            Age = Age + 1.0 / 365.0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < Frond.Length; i++)
            //    Frond[i].Age += 1;
            foreach (FrondType F in Fronds)
                F.Age += DeltaT;
                //F.Area = SizeFunction(F.Age);
            if (Fronds[Fronds.Count - 1].Age >= FrondAppearanceRate.Value)
                FrondType F = new FrondType();
                CumulativeFrondNumber += 1;

                BunchType B = new BunchType();
                B.FemaleFraction = FemaleFlowerFraction.Value;

            //if (Fronds[0].Age >= (40 * FrondAppRate.Value))
            if (FrondNumber > Math.Round(HarvestFrondNumber.Value))
                HarvestBunches = Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;
                double HarvestYield = Bunches[0].Mass * Population / (1.0 - RipeBunchWaterContent.Value);
                HarvestFFB = HarvestYield / 100;
                HarvestNRemoved = Bunches[0].N * Population * 10;
                HarvestBunchSize = Bunches[0].Mass / (1.0 - RipeBunchWaterContent.Value) / Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;
                if (Harvesting != null)
                    Harvesting.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
                // Now rezero these outputs - they can only be output non-zero on harvesting event.
                HarvestBunches = 0.0;
                HarvestYield = 0.0;
                HarvestFFB = 0.0;
                HarvestBunchSize = 0.0;
                HarvestNRemoved = 0.0;

                CumulativeBunchNumber += Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;

                BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
                BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = CanopyType;
                BiomassRemovedData.dm_type = new string[1] { "frond" };
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm = new float[1] { (float)(Fronds[0].Mass * Population * 10) };
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n = new float[1] { (float)(Fronds[0].N * Population * 10) };
                BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p = new float[1] { 0 };
                BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[1] { 1 };
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
 /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
 public abstract void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved);
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);
            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i] = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = 1.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i] = (float)((Live.Wt + Dead.Wt) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i] = (float)((Live.N + Dead.N) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            //BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float)((Green.P + Senesced.P) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);


            PotentialEP = 0.0;
            sw_demand = 0;
            sw_demand_te = 0;
            NodeNo = 0;


            _LAI = 0.0;
            _SLAI = 0.0;
            maxLAI = 0.0;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);
            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i] = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = 1.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i] = (float)((Live.Wt + Dead.Wt) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i] = (float)((Live.N + Dead.N) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            //BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float)((Green.P + Senesced.P) * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);

Exemple #17
        /// <summary>Called when [harvest].</summary>
        /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            Biomass Dead;
            Dead = Live * DieBackFraction;

            // however dead roots have a given N concentration
            Dead.StructuralN = Dead.Wt * NSenescenceConcentration;

            Live = Live - Dead;
            Dead = Dead + Dead;

            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);

            // Unlike above ground parts, no roots go to surface residue module.
            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i] = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = 0.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i] = 0.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i] = 0.0F;
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = 0.0F;
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
 /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
 public override void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
     DisposeDetachedMaterial(Live, RootLength);
     DisposeDetachedMaterial(Dead, RootLengthSenesced);
     OnPrepare(null, null);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>Does the understory.</summary>
        private void DoUnderstory()

            // Now add today's growth to the soil - ie assume plants are in steady state.
            BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
            BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = "OilPalmUnderstory";
            BiomassRemovedData.dm_type = new string[1] { "litter" };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm = new float[1] { (float)(UnderstoryDltDM * 10) };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n = new float[1] { (float)(UnderstoryNFixation + MathUtilities.Sum(UnderstoryNUptake)) };
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p = new float[1] { 0 };
            BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[1] { 1 };
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
 /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
 public abstract void OnEndCrop(BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved);
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>Called when [harvest].</summary>
        /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            // Some biomass is removed according to harvest height
            FractionHeightRemoved = MathUtilities.Divide(Harvest.Height, Height, 0.0);

            double chop_fr_green = (1.0 - RetainFraction.Value);
            double chop_fr_sen = (1.0 - RetainFraction.Value);

            double dlt_dm_harvest = Live.Wt * chop_fr_green
                                 + Dead.Wt * chop_fr_sen;

            double dlt_n_harvest = Live.N * chop_fr_green
                                + Dead.N * chop_fr_sen;

            //double dlt_p_harvest = Green.P * chop_fr_green
            //                    + Senesced.P * chop_fr_sen;

            Dead = Dead * RetainFraction.Value;
            Live = Live * RetainFraction.Value;

            Height = MathUtilities.Constrain(Harvest.Height, 1.0, double.MaxValue);

            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);
            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i] = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = (float)(1.0 - Harvest.Remove);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i] = (float)(dlt_dm_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i] = (float)(dlt_n_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            //BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float)(dlt_p_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
Exemple #22
    private void DoDevelopment()
        Age = Age + 1.0 / 365.0;
        //for (int i = 0; i < Frond.Length; i++)
        //    Frond[i].Age += 1;
        foreach (FrondType F in Fronds)
            F.Age += DeltaT;
            //F.Area = SizeFunction(F.Age);
        if (Fronds[Fronds.Count - 1].Age >= FrondAppRate.Value)
            FrondType F = new FrondType();
            CumulativeFrondNumber += 1;

            BunchType B = new BunchType();
            B.FemaleFraction = FemaleFlowerFraction.Value;

        //if (Fronds[0].Age >= (40 * FrondAppRate.Value))
        if (FrondNumber > Math.Round(HarvestFrondNumber.Value))
            HarvestBunches   = Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;
            HarvestYield     = Bunches[0].Mass * Population / (1.0 - RipeBunchWaterContent.Value);
            HarvestFFB       = HarvestYield / 100;
            HarvestNRemoved  = Bunches[0].N * Population * 10;
            HarvestBunchSize = Bunches[0].Mass / (1.0 - RipeBunchWaterContent.Value) / Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;
            if (Harvesting != null)
            // Now rezero these outputs - they can only be output non-zero on harvesting event.
            HarvestBunches   = 0.0;
            HarvestYield     = 0.0;
            HarvestFFB       = 0.0;
            HarvestBunchSize = 0.0;
            HarvestNRemoved  = 0.0;

            CumulativeBunchNumber += Bunches[0].FemaleFraction;
            CumulativeYield       += Bunches[0].Mass * Population / (1.0 - RipeBunchWaterContent.Value);

            BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
            BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = Crop_Type;
            BiomassRemovedData.dm_type   = new string[1] {
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_crop_dm = new float[1] {
                (float)(Fronds[0].Mass * Population * 10)
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_n = new float[1] {
                (float)(Fronds[0].N * Population * 10)
            BiomassRemovedData.dlt_dm_p = new float[1] {
            BiomassRemovedData.fraction_to_residue = new float[1] {
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>Called when [harvest].</summary>
        /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
        /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
        public override void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved)
            double dm_init = MathUtilities.Constrain(InitialWt * Population.Density, double.MinValue, Live.Wt);
            double n_init = MathUtilities.Constrain(dm_init * InitialNConcentration, double.MinValue, Live.N);
            //double p_init = MathUtilities.Constrain(dm_init * SimplePart::c.p_init_conc, double.MinValue, Green.P);

            double retain_fr_green = MathUtilities.Divide(dm_init, Live.Wt, 0.0);
            double retain_fr_sen = 0.0;

            double dlt_dm_harvest = Live.Wt + Dead.Wt - dm_init;
            double dlt_n_harvest = Live.N + Dead.N - n_init;
            //double dlt_p_harvest = Green.P + Senesced.P - p_init;

            Dead = Dead * retain_fr_sen;
            Live.StructuralWt = Live.Wt * retain_fr_green;
            Live.StructuralN = n_init;
            //Green.P = p_init;

            int i = Util.IncreaseSizeOfBiomassRemoved(BiomassRemoved);
            BiomassRemoved.dm_type[i] = Name;
            BiomassRemoved.fraction_to_residue[i] = (float)(1.0 - Harvest.Remove);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_crop_dm[i] = (float)(dlt_dm_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_n[i] = (float)(dlt_n_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);
            //BiomassRemoved.dlt_dm_p[i] = (float)(dlt_p_harvest * Conversions.gm2kg / Conversions.sm2ha);

Exemple #24
        /// <summary>Write a biomass removed report.</summary>
        /// <param name="Data">The data.</param>
        void WriteBiomassRemovedReport(BiomassRemovedType Data)
            double dm_residue = 0.0;
            double dm_root_residue = 0.0;
            double n_residue = 0.0;
            double n_root_residue = 0.0;
            double p_residue = 0.0;
            double p_root_residue = 0.0;
            double dm_chopped = 0.0;
            double dm_root_chopped = 0.0;
            double n_chopped = 0.0;
            double n_root_chopped = 0.0;
            double p_chopped = 0.0;
            double p_root_chopped = 0.0;

            for (int part = 0; part < Data.dm_type.Length; part++)
                dm_chopped += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part];
                n_chopped += Data.dlt_dm_n[part];
                p_chopped += Data.dlt_dm_p[part];
                dm_residue += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                n_residue += Data.dlt_dm_n[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                p_residue += Data.dlt_dm_p[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                if (Data.dm_type[part] == "root")
                    dm_root_residue += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                    n_root_residue += Data.dlt_dm_n[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                    p_root_residue += Data.dlt_dm_p[part] * Data.fraction_to_residue[part];
                    dm_root_chopped += Data.dlt_crop_dm[part];
                    n_root_chopped += Data.dlt_dm_n[part];
                    p_root_chopped += Data.dlt_dm_p[part];

            double dm_tops_chopped = dm_chopped - dm_root_chopped;
            double n_tops_chopped = n_chopped - n_root_chopped;
            double p_tops_chopped = p_chopped - p_root_chopped;

            double dm_tops_residue = dm_residue - dm_root_residue;
            double n_tops_residue = n_residue - n_root_residue;
            double p_tops_residue = p_residue - p_root_residue;

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Crop harvested.");

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Organic matter from crop:-  Tops to surface residue      Roots to soil FOM");

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("                  DM (kg/ha) = {0,21:F1}{1,24:F1}",
                                            dm_tops_residue, dm_root_residue));
            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("                  N  (kg/ha) = {0,22:F2}{1,24:F2}",
                                            n_tops_residue, n_root_residue));

            double dm_removed_tops = dm_tops_chopped - dm_tops_residue;
            double dm_removed_root = dm_root_chopped - dm_root_residue;
            double n_removed_tops = n_tops_chopped - n_tops_residue;
            double n_removed_root = n_root_chopped - n_root_residue;
            double p_removed_tops = p_tops_chopped - p_tops_residue;
            double p_removed_root = p_root_chopped - p_root_residue;

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, "    Organic matter removed from system:-      From Tops               From Roots");

            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("                  DM (kg/ha) = {0,21:F1}{1,24:F1}",
                              dm_removed_tops, dm_removed_root));
            Summary.WriteMessage(this, string.Format("                  N  (kg/ha) = {0,22:F2}{1,24:F2}",
                              n_removed_tops, n_removed_root));
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>Called when [harvest].</summary>
 /// <param name="Harvest">The harvest.</param>
 /// <param name="BiomassRemoved">The biomass removed.</param>
 public abstract void OnHarvest(HarvestType Harvest, BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemoved);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>Called when [end crop].</summary>
        public void OnEndCrop()
            NewCropType Crop = new NewCropType();
            Crop.crop_type = CropType;
            Crop.sender = Name;
            if (CropEnding != null)

            if (PlantEnding != null)
                PlantEnding.Invoke(this, new ModelArgs() { Model = this });

            // Keep track of some variables for reporting.
            Biomass AboveGroundBiomass = new Biomass(AboveGround);
            Biomass BelowGroundBiomass = new Biomass(BelowGround);

            // Call each organ's OnHarvest. They fill a BiomassRemoved structure. We then publish a
            // BiomassRemoved event.
            BiomassRemovedType BiomassRemovedData = new BiomassRemovedType();
            foreach (Organ1 Organ in Organ1s)
            BiomassRemovedData.crop_type = CropType;

            string message = string.Format("Organic matter from crop to surface organic matter:-\r\n" +
                                           "  DM tops  (kg/ha) = {0,10:F1}\r\n" +
                                           "  DM roots (kg/ha) = {1,10:F1}\r\n" +
                                           "  N  tops  (kg/ha) = {0,10:F2}\r\n" +
                                           "  N  roots (lh/ha) = {1,10:F2}",
                     AboveGroundBiomass.Wt, BelowGroundBiomass.Wt,
                     AboveGroundBiomass.N, BelowGroundBiomass.N);
            Summary.WriteMessage(this, message);

            SowingData = null;