Exemple #1
    }//end createVerticalCoors

    public RectInt CreateHorizCoors(BinaryTreeNode<RectInt> partitionNode)
        RectInt horizontalCoor = new RectInt((partitionNode.Value().width - 2), (partitionNode.Value().height - 1), 1, 2);
        BinaryTreeNode<RectInt> coorHorzChild = partitionNode.AddCoor(horizontalCoor);
        print("horizontal cooridor at: " + horizontalCoor.x + ", " + horizontalCoor.y +
            " of height and width: " + horizontalCoor.height + ", " + horizontalCoor.width);
        return horizontalCoor;
    }//end createHorizCoors
Exemple #2
    }//end createRoom

    public RectInt CreateVertCoors(BinaryTreeNode<RectInt> partitionNode)
        //if current partition is horizontal, then connect the top and bottom nodes
        //add a cooridor at a spot at the end of the room
        RectInt verticalCoor = new RectInt((partitionNode.Value().width - 1), (partitionNode.Value().height - 2), 2, 1);
        //add to child of partition
        BinaryTreeNode<RectInt> coorVertChild = partitionNode.AddCoor(verticalCoor);
        //convert to world coors
        print("vertical cooridor at: " + verticalCoor.x + ", " + verticalCoor.y +
            " of height and width: " + verticalCoor.height + ", " + verticalCoor.width);
        return verticalCoor;
    }//end createVerticalCoors