/**/ public static void main(string[] strarr) { while (!BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { int ch = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); BinaryStdOut.write((char)ch); } BinaryStdOut.flush(); }
/**/ public static void main(string[] strarr) { string str = strarr[0]; BinaryOut binaryOut = new BinaryOut(str); BinaryIn binaryIn = new BinaryIn(); while (!binaryIn.IsEmpty) { int ch = (int)binaryIn.readChar(); binaryOut.write((char)ch); } binaryOut.flush(); } static BinaryOut() { BinaryOut.s_assertionsDisabled = !ClassLiteral <BinaryOut> .Value.desiredAssertionStatus(); } } public sealed class BinaryStdIn { private static BufferedInputStream @in; private const int EOF = -1; private static int buffer; private static int N; public static bool IsEmpty { return(BinaryStdIn.buffer == -1); } public static bool readBoolean() { if (BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { string arg_11_0 = "Reading from empty input stream"; throw new RuntimeException(arg_11_0); } BinaryStdIn.N--; int result = ((BinaryStdIn.buffer >> BinaryStdIn.N & 1) == 1) ? 1 : 0; if (BinaryStdIn.N == 0) { BinaryStdIn.fillBuffer(); } return(result != 0); } public static string readString() { if (BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { string arg_11_0 = "Reading from empty input stream"; throw new RuntimeException(arg_11_0); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (!BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { int c = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); stringBuilder.append((char)c); } return(stringBuilder.toString()); } public static int readInt() { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int num2 = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); num <<= 8; num |= num2; } return(num); } public static char readChar(int i) { if (i < 1 || i > 16) { string arg_28_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal value of r = ").append(i).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_28_0); } if (i == 8) { return(BinaryStdIn.readChar()); } int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { num = (int)((ushort)(num << 1)); int num2 = BinaryStdIn.readBoolean() ? 1 : 0; if (num2 != 0) { num = (int)((ushort)(num | 1)); } } return((char)num); } public static char readChar() { if (BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { string arg_11_0 = "Reading from empty input stream"; throw new RuntimeException(arg_11_0); } int num; if (BinaryStdIn.N == 8) { num = BinaryStdIn.buffer; BinaryStdIn.fillBuffer(); return((char)(num & 255)); } num = BinaryStdIn.buffer; num <<= 8 - BinaryStdIn.N; int n = BinaryStdIn.N; BinaryStdIn.fillBuffer(); if (BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { string arg_62_0 = "Reading from empty input stream"; throw new RuntimeException(arg_62_0); } BinaryStdIn.N = n; num |= (int)((uint)BinaryStdIn.buffer >> BinaryStdIn.N); return((char)(num & 255)); } public static int readInt(int i) { if (i < 1 || i > 32) { string arg_28_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal value of r = ").append(i).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_28_0); } if (i == 32) { return(BinaryStdIn.readInt()); } int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { num <<= 1; int num2 = BinaryStdIn.readBoolean() ? 1 : 0; if (num2 != 0) { num |= 1; } } return(num); } private static void fillBuffer() { try { BinaryStdIn.buffer = [email protected](); BinaryStdIn.N = 8; } catch (IOException arg_19_0) { goto IL_1D; } return; IL_1D: [email protected]("EOF"); BinaryStdIn.buffer = -1; BinaryStdIn.N = -1; } public static long readLong() { long num = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int num2 = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); num <<= 8; num |= (long)num2; } return(num); } private BinaryStdIn() { } public static void close() { IOException ex; try { [email protected](); } catch (IOException arg_0F_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_0F_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_19; } return; IL_19: IOException @this = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(@this); string arg_2F_0 = "Could not close BinaryStdIn"; throw new RuntimeException(arg_2F_0); } public static short readShort() { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int num2 = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); num = (int)((short)(num << 8)); num = (int)((short)(num | num2)); } return((short)num); } public static double readDouble() { DoubleConverter doubleConverter; return(DoubleConverter.ToDouble(BinaryStdIn.readLong(), ref doubleConverter)); } public static float readFloat() { FloatConverter floatConverter; return(FloatConverter.ToFloat(BinaryStdIn.readInt(), ref floatConverter)); } public static byte readByte() { int num = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); return((byte)((sbyte)(num & 255))); } /**//**/ public static void main(string[] strarr) { while (!BinaryStdIn.IsEmpty) { int ch = (int)BinaryStdIn.readChar(); BinaryStdOut.write((char)ch); } BinaryStdOut.flush(); } static BinaryStdIn() { BufferedInputStream.__ <clinit>(); BinaryStdIn.@in = new BufferedInputStream(System.@in); BinaryStdIn.fillBuffer(); } } public sealed class BinaryStdOut { private static BufferedOutputStream @out; private static int buffer; private static int N; //[Modifiers(Modifiers.Static | Modifiers.Final | Modifiers.Synthetic)] internal static bool s_assertionsDisabled; public static void write(int i) { BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)i >> 24 & 255u)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)i >> 16 & 255u)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)i >> 8 & 255u)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)i >> 0 & 255u)); } public static void write(int i1, int i2) { if (i2 == 32) { BinaryStdOut.write(i1); return; } if (i2 < 1 || i2 > 32) { string arg_36_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal value for r = ").append(i2).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_36_0); } if (i1 < 0 || i1 >= 1 << i2) { string arg_78_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal ").append(i2).append("-bit char = ").append(i1).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_78_0); } for (int j = 0; j < i2; j++) { int num = (((uint)i1 >> i2 - j - 1 & 1u) == 1u) ? 1 : 0; BinaryStdOut.writeBit(num != 0); } } public static void close() { BinaryStdOut.flush(); IOException ex; try { [email protected](); } catch (IOException arg_14_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_14_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_1E; } return; IL_1E: IOException @this = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(@this); } public static void write(char ch, int i) { if (i == 8) { BinaryStdOut.write(ch); return; } if (i < 1 || i > 16) { string arg_37_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal value for r = ").append(i).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_37_0); } if (ch < '\0' || (int)ch >= 1 << i) { string arg_79_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal ").append(i).append("-bit char = ").append(ch).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_79_0); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { int num = ((ch >> (i - j - 1 & 31) & '\u0001') == '\u0001') ? 1 : 0; BinaryStdOut.writeBit(num != 0); } } public static void write(bool b) { BinaryStdOut.writeBit(b); } public static void write(string str) { for (int i = 0; i < java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(str); i++) { BinaryStdOut.write(java.lang.String.instancehelper_charAt(str, i)); } } public static void write(char ch) { if (ch < '\0' || ch >= 'Ā') { string arg_2D_0 = new StringBuilder().append("Illegal 8-bit char = ").append(ch).toString(); throw new RuntimeException(arg_2D_0); } BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)ch); } public static void flush() { BinaryStdOut.clearBuffer(); IOException ex; try { [email protected](); } catch (IOException arg_14_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_14_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_1E; } return; IL_1E: IOException @this = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(@this); } private static void clearBuffer() { if (BinaryStdOut.N == 0) { return; } if (BinaryStdOut.N > 0) { BinaryStdOut.buffer <<= 8 - BinaryStdOut.N; } IOException ex; try { [email protected](BinaryStdOut.buffer); } catch (IOException arg_39_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_39_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_43; } goto IL_4F; IL_43: IOException @this = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(@this); IL_4F: BinaryStdOut.N = 0; BinaryStdOut.buffer = 0; } private static void writeBit(bool flag) { BinaryStdOut.buffer <<= 1; if (flag) { BinaryStdOut.buffer |= 1; } BinaryStdOut.N++; if (BinaryStdOut.N == 8) { BinaryStdOut.clearBuffer(); } } private static void writeByte(int num) { if (!BinaryStdOut.s_assertionsDisabled && (num < 0 || num >= 256)) { throw new AssertionError(); } if (BinaryStdOut.N == 0) { IOException ex; try { [email protected](num); } catch (IOException arg_35_0) { ex = ByteCodeHelper.MapException <IOException>(arg_35_0, ByteCodeHelper.MapFlags.NoRemapping); goto IL_3F; } return; IL_3F: IOException @this = ex; Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(@this); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int num2 = (((uint)num >> 8 - i - 1 & 1u) == 1u) ? 1 : 0; BinaryStdOut.writeBit(num2 != 0); } } public static void write(long l) { BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 56 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 48 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 40 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 32 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 24 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 16 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 8 & (ulong)255)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((ulong)l >> 0 & (ulong)255)); } private BinaryStdOut() { } public static void write(byte b) { int num = (int)((sbyte)b); BinaryStdOut.writeByte(num & 255); } public static void write(double d) { DoubleConverter doubleConverter; BinaryStdOut.write(DoubleConverter.ToLong(d, ref doubleConverter)); } public static void write(float f) { FloatConverter floatConverter; BinaryStdOut.write(FloatConverter.ToInt(f, ref floatConverter)); } public static void write(short s) { BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)s >> 8 & 255u)); BinaryStdOut.writeByte((int)((uint)s >> 0 & 255u)); } public static void write(string str, int i) { for (int j = 0; j < java.lang.String.instancehelper_length(str); j++) { BinaryStdOut.write(java.lang.String.instancehelper_charAt(str, j), i); } } /**//**/ public static void main(string[] strarr) { int num = Integer.parseInt(strarr[0]); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { BinaryStdOut.write(i); } BinaryStdOut.flush(); }