Exemple #1
        /// Constructor
        public ExecutionLogFileReader(BinaryLogReader binaryLogReader, IExecutionLogTarget target)
            Contract.Requires(binaryLogReader != null);
            Contract.Requires(target != null);

            m_target = target;
            Reader   = binaryLogReader;
        private LogData ProcessLog(string resourceName, string cloneRoot, string userName, string repo, string hash, CheckRunConfiguration checkRunConfiguration = null)
            var resourcePath = TestUtils.GetResourcePath(resourceName);


            var binaryLogReader = new BinaryLogReader();
            var logProcessor    = new BinaryLogProcessor(binaryLogReader, TestLogger.Create <BinaryLogProcessor>(_testOutputHelper));

            return(logProcessor.ProcessLog(resourcePath, cloneRoot, userName, repo, hash, checkRunConfiguration));
Exemple #3
 private void RegisterHandlers(BinaryLogReader logReader)
     foreach (ExecutionLogEventMetadata meta in ExecutionLogMetadata.Events)
         ExecutionLogEventMetadata thisMeta = meta;
             (id, workerId, timestamp, eventReader) =>
             if (m_target.CanHandleEvent(thisMeta.EventId, workerId, timestamp, eventReader.CurrentEventPayloadSize))
                 thisMeta.DeserializeAndLogToTarget(eventReader, m_target);
Exemple #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 2)
                PrintErrorMessage("Exactly two argument is required");

            if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
                PrintErrorMessage($"File not found: {args[0]}");

            using var binaryLogReader = new BinaryLogReader(args[0]);
            var events = binaryLogReader.ReadEvents();

            var graphBuilder = new GraphBuilder();
            var build        = graphBuilder.HandleEvents(events.ToArray());

Exemple #5
        public async Task LogExecutionBlobAsync(WorkerNotificationArgs notification)
            Contract.Requires(notification.ExecutionLogData != null || notification.ExecutionLogData.Count != 0);


            // After we put the executionBlob in a queue, we can unblock the caller and give an ACK to the worker.
            await Task.Yield();

            // Execution log events cannot be logged by multiple threads concurrently since they must be ordered
            using (await m_logBlobMutex.AcquireAsync())
                // We need to dequeue and process the blobs in order.
                // Here, we do not necessarily process the blob that is just added to the queue above.
                // There might be another thread that adds the next blob to the queue after the current thread,
                // and that thread might acquire the lock earlier.

                WorkerNotificationArgs executionBlobNotification = null;
                Contract.Assert(m_executionBlobQueue.TryTake(out executionBlobNotification), "The executionBlob queue cannot be empty");

                int blobSequenceNumber = executionBlobNotification.ExecutionLogBlobSequenceNumber;
                ArraySegment <byte> executionLogBlob = executionBlobNotification.ExecutionLogData;

                if (m_workerExecutionLogTarget == null)

                    // Workers send execution log blobs one-at-a-time, waiting for a response from the master between each message.
                    // A sequence number higher than the last logged blob sequence number indicates a worker sent a subsequent blob without waiting for a response.
                    Contract.Assert(blobSequenceNumber <= m_lastBlobSeqNumber + 1, "Workers should not send a new execution log blob until receiving a response from the master for all previous blobs.");

                    // Due to network latency and retries, it's possible to receive a message multiple times.
                    // Ignore any low numbered blobs since they should have already been logged and ack'd at some point before
                    // the worker could send a higher numbered blob.
                    if (blobSequenceNumber != m_lastBlobSeqNumber + 1)

                    if (m_executionLogBufferStream == null)
                        // Create the stream on demand, because we need to pass the BinaryLogReader stream with the header bytes in order
                        // to correctly deserialize events
                        m_executionLogBufferStream = new MemoryStream();

                    // Write the new execution log event content into buffer starting at beginning of buffer stream
                    m_executionLogBufferStream.Write(executionLogBlob.Array, executionLogBlob.Offset, executionLogBlob.Count);

                    // Reset the buffer stream to beginning and reset reader to ensure it reads events starting from beginning
                    m_executionLogBufferStream.Position = 0;

                    if (m_executionLogBinaryReader == null)
                        m_executionLogBinaryReader = new BinaryLogReader(m_executionLogBufferStream, m_masterService.Environment.Context);
                        m_executionLogReader       = new ExecutionLogFileReader(m_executionLogBinaryReader, m_workerExecutionLogTarget);


                    // Read all events into worker execution log target
                    if (!m_executionLogReader.ReadAllEvents())
                        Logger.Log.DistributionCallMasterCodeException(m_appLoggingContext, nameof(LogExecutionBlobAsync), "Failed to read all worker events");
                        // Disable further processing of execution log since an error was encountered during processing
                        m_workerExecutionLogTarget = null;
                        m_lastBlobSeqNumber = blobSequenceNumber;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log.DistributionCallMasterCodeException(m_appLoggingContext, nameof(LogExecutionBlobAsync), ex.ToStringDemystified() + Environment.NewLine
                                                                   + "Message sequence number: " + blobSequenceNumber
                                                                   + " Last sequence number logged: " + m_lastBlobSeqNumber);
                    // Disable further processing of execution log since an exception was encountered during processing
                    m_workerExecutionLogTarget = null;

            if (m_executionBlobQueue.IsCompleted)
Exemple #6
        public void LogExecutionBlob(ArraySegment <byte> executionLogBlob, int blobSequenceNumber)
            // Execution log events cannot be logged by multiple threads concurrently since they must be ordered
            lock (m_logBlobLock)
                if (m_workerExecutionLogTarget == null)

                    // Workers send execution log blobs one-at-a-time, waiting for a response from the master between each message.
                    // A sequence number higher than the last logged blob sequence number indicates a worker sent a subsequent blob without waiting for a response.
                    Contract.Assert(blobSequenceNumber <= m_lastBlobSeqNumber + 1, "Workers should not send a new execution log blob until receiving a response from the master for all previous blobs.");

                    // Due to network latency and retries, it's possible to receive a message multiple times.
                    // Ignore any low numbered blobs since they should have already been logged and ack'd at some point before
                    // the worker could send a higher numbered blob.
                    if (blobSequenceNumber != m_lastBlobSeqNumber + 1)

                    if (m_executionLogBufferStream == null)
                        // Create the stream on demand, because we need to pass the BinaryLogReader stream with the header bytes in order
                        // to correctly deserialize events
                        m_executionLogBufferStream = new MemoryStream();

                    // Write the new execution log event content into buffer starting at beginning of buffer stream
                    m_executionLogBufferStream.Write(executionLogBlob.Array, executionLogBlob.Offset, executionLogBlob.Count);

                    // Reset the buffer stream to beginning and reset reader to ensure it reads events starting from beginning
                    m_executionLogBufferStream.Position = 0;

                    if (m_executionLogBinaryReader == null)
                        m_executionLogBinaryReader = new BinaryLogReader(m_executionLogBufferStream, m_masterService.Environment.Context);
                        m_executionLogReader       = new ExecutionLogFileReader(m_executionLogBinaryReader, m_workerExecutionLogTarget);


                    // Read all events into worker execution log target
                    if (!m_executionLogReader.ReadAllEvents())
                        Logger.Log.DistributionCallMasterCodeException(m_appLoggingContext, nameof(LogExecutionBlob), "Failed to read all worker events");
                        // Disable further processing of execution log since an error was encountered during processing
                        m_workerExecutionLogTarget = null;
                        m_lastBlobSeqNumber = blobSequenceNumber;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log.DistributionCallMasterCodeException(m_appLoggingContext, nameof(LogExecutionBlob), ex.ToStringDemystified() + Environment.NewLine
                                                                   + "Message sequence number: " + blobSequenceNumber
                                                                   + " Last sequence number logged: " + m_lastBlobSeqNumber);
                    // Disable further processing of execution log since an exception was encountered during processing
                    m_workerExecutionLogTarget = null;
Exemple #7
        public void RoundTripLog()
            BuildXLContext context = BuildXLContext.CreateInstanceForTesting();

            var pt = context.PathTable;

            string path1 = A("c", "a", "b", "c");
            var    ap1   = AbsolutePath.Create(pt, path1);
            string path2 = A("c", "d", "c", "a");
            var    ap2   = AbsolutePath.Create(pt, path2);

            string path3 = A("d", "a", "c", "a");
            var    ap3   = AbsolutePath.Create(pt, path3);

            string path3Caps = A("D", "A", "c", "a");
            var    ap3Caps   = AbsolutePath.Create(pt, path3Caps);

            int  lastTestCase0EventIteration = 0;
            int  testCase0EventIteration     = 0;
            int  expectedReadCount           = 0;
            Guid logId = Guid.NewGuid();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (BinaryLogger writer = new BinaryLogger(ms, context, logId, lastStaticAbsolutePathIndex: ap2.Value.Value, closeStreamOnDispose: false))
                    using (var eventScope = writer.StartEvent((uint)EventId.TestCase0, workerId: 0))
                        eventScope.Writer.Write("test string");

                    using (var eventScope = writer.StartEvent((uint)EventId.TestCase0, workerId: 0))
                        eventScope.Writer.Write("test string 2");

                ms.Position = 0;

                using (BinaryLogReader reader = new BinaryLogReader(ms, context))
                    XAssert.AreEqual(logId, reader.LogId.Value);
                    reader.RegisterHandler((uint)EventId.TestCase0, (eventId, workerId, timestamp, eventReader) =>
                        switch (testCase0EventIteration)
                        case 0:
                            XAssert.AreEqual(ap1, eventReader.ReadAbsolutePath());
                            XAssert.AreEqual("test string", eventReader.ReadString());
                            XAssert.AreEqual(ap3, eventReader.ReadAbsolutePath());
                            XAssert.AreEqual(12345, eventReader.ReadInt32());

                        case 1:
                            XAssert.AreEqual("test string 2", eventReader.ReadString());
                            XAssert.AreEqual(true, eventReader.ReadBoolean());
                            XAssert.AreEqual(ap3, eventReader.ReadAbsolutePath());

                            XAssert.Fail("Event raised unexpected number of times.");


                    reader.RegisterHandler((uint)EventId.UnusedEvent, (eventId, workerId, timestamp, eventReader) =>
                        XAssert.Fail("This event should never be called.");

                    int readCount = 0;
                    while ((readResult = reader.ReadEvent()) == BinaryLogReader.EventReadResult.Success)
                        XAssert.IsTrue(readCount < expectedReadCount);

                    XAssert.AreEqual(expectedReadCount, readCount);
                    XAssert.AreEqual(lastTestCase0EventIteration, testCase0EventIteration);
                    XAssert.AreEqual(BinaryLogReader.EventReadResult.EndOfStream, readResult);