Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all the bytes to create a .osr file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_m">The mode the score was played in.</param>
        /// <param name="_b">The beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) in which the replay was played.</param>
        /// <param name="_u">The user that has played the beatmap.</param>
        /// <param name="t">Change the function to the one that returns bytes.</param>
        /// <param name="_mods">Specify a mod or mod combination (See https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki#mods )</param>
        /// <param name="_count">This will specify which score to select.</param>
        /// <returns>.osr file bytes.</returns>
        public async Task <byte[]> GetReplay(mode _m, string _u, int _b, int _mods = 0, int _count = 0)
            var replay = await GetReplay(_m, _b, _u);

            var sc = await GetScore(_b, _u, _m, _mods);

            var bt = await GetBeatmap(_b, _isSet : false);

            var score   = sc[_count];
            var beatmap = bt[0];

            var bin       = new BinHandler();
            var binWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());
            var binReader = new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream);

            var replayHashData = bin.MD5Hash(score.maxcombo + "osu" + score.username + beatmap.file_md5 + score.score + score.rank);
            var content        = Convert.FromBase64String(replay.content);
            var mode           = Convert.ToInt32(_m).ToString();

            // Begin
            bin.writeByte(binWriter, mode);                                      // Write osu mode.
            bin.writeInteger(binWriter, 0.ToString());                           // Write osu version. (Unknown)
            bin.writeString(binWriter, beatmap.file_md5);                        // Write beatmap MD5.
            bin.writeString(binWriter, score.username);                          // Write username.
            bin.writeString(binWriter, replayHashData);                          // Write replay MD5.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.count300);                           // Write 300s count.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.count100);                           // Write 100s count.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.count50);                            // Write 50s count.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.countgeki);                          // Write geki count.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.countkatu);                          // Write katu count.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.countmiss);                          // Write miss count.
            bin.writeInteger(binWriter, score.score);                            // Write score.
            bin.writeShort(binWriter, score.maxcombo);                           // Write maxcombo.
            bin.writeByte(binWriter, score.perfect);                             // Write if the score is perfect or not.
            bin.writeInteger(binWriter, score.enabled_mods);                     // Write which mods where enabled.
            bin.writeString(binWriter, "");                                      // Write lifebar hp. (Unknown)
            bin.writeDate(binWriter, score.date);                                // Write replay timestamp.
            bin.writeInteger(binWriter, content.Length.ToString());              // Write replay content lenght.

            // Content
            binWriter.Write(content);                                            // Write replay content.

            // Final
            binWriter.Write(Convert.ToInt64(score.score_id));                    // Write score id.
            binWriter.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(0)), 4, 0);   // Write null byte.

            binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            int streamLenght = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Length;

            // [WARNING!]
            // The Get Replay Data from osu!api dosen't have a parameter to retrieve a certain replay.
            // It is possible that the movement of the cursor to be wrong because of that.
            // There is no way to fix it until such parameter is added.

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all the bytes needed to create a .osr file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_m">The mode the score was played in.</param>
        /// <param name="_b">The beatmap ID (not beatmap set ID!) in which the replay was played.</param>
        /// <param name="_u">The user that has played the beatmap.</param>
        /// <param name="_mods">Specify a mod or mod combination (See https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki#mods )</param>
        /// <returns>.osr file bytes.</returns>
        public byte[] GetReplay(mode _m, string _u, long _b, long?_mods = null)
            var replay = GetReplay(_m, _b, _u, _mods);
            var sc     = GetScore(_b, _u, _m, _mods);
            var bt     = GetBeatmap(_b, _isSet: false);

            var score   = sc[0];
            var beatmap = bt[0];

            var binWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());

            var bin       = new BinHandler(binWriter);
            var binReader = new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream);

            var replayHashData = bin.MD5Hash(score.maxcombo + "osu" + score.username + beatmap.MD5 + score.score + score.rank);
            var content        = Convert.FromBase64String(replay.content);
            var mode           = Convert.ToInt32(_m).ToString();

            // Begin
            bin.writeByte(mode);                                                // Write osu mode.
            bin.writeInteger(0);                                                // Write osu version. (Unknown)
            bin.writeString(beatmap.MD5);                                       // Write beatmap MD5.
            bin.writeString(score.username);                                    // Write username.
            bin.writeString(replayHashData);                                    // Write replay MD5.
            bin.writeShort(score.count300);                                     // Write 300s count.
            bin.writeShort(score.count100);                                     // Write 100s count.
            bin.writeShort(score.count50);                                      // Write 50s count.
            bin.writeShort(score.countgeki);                                    // Write geki count.
            bin.writeShort(score.countkatu);                                    // Write katu count.
            bin.writeShort(score.countmiss);                                    // Write miss count.
            bin.writeInteger(score.score);                                      // Write score.
            bin.writeShort(score.maxcombo);                                     // Write maxcombo.
            bin.writeByte((score.perfect ? 1:0).ToString());                    // Write if the score is perfect or not.

            if (score.enabled_mods == null)
                bin.writeInteger(null);                                         // Write null int if no mods were enabled.
                bin.writeInteger(Convert.ToInt32(modsCalculator(                 // Use mods calculator to get the long for enabled mods.
                                                     score.enabled_mods.ToList() // Cast mods array to List.
                                                     )));                        // Cast the long to string then write enabled mods.
            bin.writeString("");                                                 // Write lifebar hp. (Unknown)
            bin.writeDate(score.date);                                           // Write replay timestamp.
            bin.writeInteger(content.Length);                                    // Write replay content lenght.

            // Content
            binWriter.Write(content);                                            // Write replay content.

            // Final
            binWriter.Write(Convert.ToInt64(score.score_id));                    // Write score id.
            binWriter.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(0)), 4, 0);   // Write null byte.

            binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            int streamLenght = (int)binReader.BaseStream.Length;

            // [WARNING!]
            // The Get Replay Data from osu!api dosen't have a parameter to retrieve a certain replay.
            // It is possible that the movement of the cursor to be wrong because of that.
            // There is no way to fix it until such parameter is added.