Exemple #1
        private void generateKeys(int k, int t, int l, BigInteger ownu)
            if (l < 8 || l > 16)
                throw new Exception("Choose parameter l from the interval 8<=l<=16 !");

            if (t <= l)
                throw new Exception("Parameter t must be greater than l.");

            if (k <= t)
                throw new Exception("Parameter k must be greater than t.");

            if (k % 2 != 0)
                throw new Exception("Parameter k has to be an even number!");

            //if ((k / 2 < (l + 5)) || (k / 2 < t + 2))
            //    throw new Exception("Parameter k has to be specified by the rules k/2 > l+4 and k/2 > t+1!");

            if (k / 2 < l + t + 10)
                throw new Exception("Choose parameters k,l,t so that k/2 >= l+t+10 !");

            // generate u the minimal prime number greater than l+2
            //Workaround, TODO:
            //u = (l == 0) ? ownu : BigIntegerHelper.NextProbablePrime(l + l + 2);
            u = BigIntegerHelper.NextProbablePrime((1 << l) + 2);

            // generate vp, vq as a random t bit prime number
            vp = BigIntegerHelper.RandomPrimeBits(t);
            vq = BigIntegerHelper.RandomPrimeBits(t);

            // store the product vp*vq
            vpvq = vp * vq;

            // DGK style to generate p and q from u and v:

            // p is chosen as rp * u * vp + 1 where r_p is randomly chosen such that p has roughly k/2 bits
            BigInteger rp, rq, tmp;

            int needed_bits;

            tmp         = u * vp;
            needed_bits = k / 2 - (int)Math.Ceiling(BigInteger.Log(tmp, 2));
            //int needed_bits = k / 2 - mpz_sizeinbase(tmp1, 2);

                rp = BigIntegerHelper.RandomIntMSBSet(needed_bits - 1) * 2;
                p  = rp * tmp + 1;
            } while (!BigIntegerHelper.IsProbablePrime(p));

            // q is chosen as rq * u*vq + 1 where rq is randomly chosen such that q has roughly k/2 bits

            tmp         = u * vq;
            needed_bits = k / 2 - (int)Math.Ceiling(BigInteger.Log(tmp, 2));
                rq = BigIntegerHelper.RandomIntMSBSet(needed_bits - 1) * 2;
                q  = rq * tmp + 1;
            } while (!BigIntegerHelper.IsProbablePrime(q));

            // RSA modulus n
            N = p * q;

             * h must be random in Zn* and have order vp*vq. We
             * choose it by setting
             * h = h' ^{rp * rq * u}.
             * Seeing h as (hp, hq) and h' as (h'p, h'q) in Zp* x Zq*, we
             * then have
             * (hp^vpvq, hq^vpvq) = (h'p^{rp*u*vp}^(rq*vq), h'q^{rq*u*vq}^(rp*vp))
             * = (1^(rq*vq), 1^(rp*vp)) = (1, 1)
             * which means that h^(vpvq) = 1 in Zn*.
             * So we only need to check that h is not 1 and that it really
             * is in Zn*.

            BigInteger r;

            tmp = rp * rq * u;

            while (true)
                r = BigIntegerHelper.RandomIntLimit(n);
                h = BigInteger.ModPow(r, tmp, n);
                if (h == 1)
                if (BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(h, n) == 1)

             * g is chosen at random in Zn* such that it has order uv. This
             * is done in much the same way as for h, but the order of
             * power of the random number might be u, v or uv. We therefore
             * also check that g^u and g^v are different from 1.

            BigInteger rprq = rp * rq;

            while (true)
                r = BigIntegerHelper.RandomIntLimit(n);
                g = BigInteger.ModPow(r, rprq, n);

                // test if g is "good":
                if (g == 1)
                if (BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(g, n) != 1)
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, u, n) == 1)
                    continue;                                       // test if ord(g) == u
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, vp, n) == 1)
                    continue;                                       // test if ord(g) == vp
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, vq, n) == 1)
                    continue;                                       // test if ord(g) == vq
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, u * vp, n) == 1)
                    continue;                                       // test if ord(g) == u*vp
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, u * vq, n) == 1)
                    continue;                                       // test if ord(g) == u*vq
                if (BigInteger.ModPow(g, vpvq, n) == 1)
                    continue; // test if ord(g) == vp*vq
                break;        // g has passed all tests