Exemple #1

        //Format the polyValue to the classic polynom-looking string (x^a + x^b + ...)
        public static string ToPolyString(this BigInteger num)
            StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();

            //Go thru given num and check for the bit set, and format the string for each iteration
            for (int i = num.GetBitLength(); i >= 0; i--)
                if (num.CheckBit(i))
                    if (bld.Length > 0)
                        bld.Append(" + ");

                    bld.Append((i > 0) ? "x" : "1");

                    if (i > 1)

            if (bld.Length == 0)

        //Operator *. Represents multiplication of two finite field polynoms using modified AncientEgyptian/Russian peasant multiplication method.
        //It decomposes one of the multiplicands (preferably the smaller) into a sum of powers of two and creates a table of doublings
        //of the second multiplicand. This method may be called mediation and duplation, where mediation means halving one number,
        //and duplation means doubling the other number.
        public static FFPolynom operator *(FFPolynom left, FFPolynom right)
            //Invariant is (b * a + p) is product. Continue to 2*a and taking b/2.
            //If b is odd number => calculate a + p

            BigInteger a       = left._polynomCoefficients;
            BigInteger b       = right._polynomCoefficients;
            BigInteger product = BigInteger.Zero; //p

            //Degree is a length of the entered phrase in bytes * 8
            int degree = left.PrimePolynom.Degree;

            //Shift a BigInt value a specified number of bits to the left (preserves the sign)
            //"BigInteger.One << degree" means 1 * 2^degree
            //- BigInteger.One means to invert all bits
            // 2^degree -1 => length in bits w/o sign
            BigInteger mask = (BigInteger.One << degree) - BigInteger.One;

            for (int i = 0; i < degree; i++)
                if ((a == BigInteger.Zero) || (b == BigInteger.Zero))

                //Take lowest bit of b, and check if it set meaning b is odd
                if (b.CheckBit(0))
                    //b odd, do a + product
                    product = product ^ a;

                //Check if the highest bit set for a
                bool isHighBitSet = a.CheckBit(degree - 1);

                a = a << 1;   // a*2
                a = a & mask; // remove the highest bit

                if (isHighBitSet)
                    a = a ^ left.PrimePolynom.PolynomValue;
                    a = a & mask;

                b = b >> 1; // b/2

            product = product & mask;

            return(new FFPolynom(left.PrimePolynom, product));