public void UpdateBidPlan(SqlConnection connection, int _id, BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, string _userU) { using (var command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE tbl_BidPlan \n" + " SET QuoteID = @QuoteID , Bid = @Bid ,BidName = @BidName, CapitalID=@CapitalID " + ",BidTime = @BidTime , BidLocation = @BidLocation , BidMethod = @BidMethod , BidType = @BidType , BidExpirated=@BidExpirated, BidExpiratedUnit=@BidExpiratedUnit , UserU=@UserU,UpdateTime=getdate(), DateIn = @DateIn \n" + " WHERE (BidPlanID = @BidPlanID) ", connection)) // " Insert into tbl_BidPlan_Log ([BidPlanID],[BidPlanName],[ProposalID],[Comment],[UserI],[Intime],[UserU],[UpdateTime]) (select [BidPlanID],[BidPlanName],[ProposalID],[Comment],[UserI],[Intime],[UserU],[UpdateTime] from tbl_BidPlan where BidPlanID=@BidPlanID ) " { AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanID", _id, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanCode", _BidPlan.BidPlanCode, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@QuoteID", _BidPlan.QuoteID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); // AddSqlParameter(command, "@ProposalID", _BidPlan.ProposalID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@Bid", _BidPlan.Bid, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidName", _BidPlan.BidName, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@CapitalID", _BidPlan.CapitalID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidTime", _BidPlan.BidTime, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidLocation", _BidPlan.BidLocation, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidMethod", _BidPlan.BidMethod, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidType", _BidPlan.BidType, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidExpirated", _BidPlan.BidExpirated, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidExpiratedUnit", _BidPlan.BidExpiratedUnit, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@DateIn", _BidPlan.DateIn, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); AddSqlParameter(command, "@UserU", _userU, System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); command.ExecuteScalar(); } }
public SingleResponeMessage <BidPlanInfo> Get(int id, string _userID) { SingleResponeMessage <BidPlanInfo> ret = new SingleResponeMessage <BidPlanInfo>(); try { BidPlanInfo item = BidPlanService.GetInstance().getBidPlan(id, _userID); if (item == null) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "001"; ret.err.msgString = "no BidPlan found"; return(ret); } ret.item = item; ret.isSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); } return(ret); }
public int InsertBidPlan(SqlConnection connection, BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, string _userI) { int lastestInserted = 0; var currenttime = DateTime.Now.Date; if (_BidPlan.BidPlanCode == null || _BidPlan.BidPlanCode == "") { _BidPlan.BidPlanCode = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssfff"); } using (var command = new SqlCommand("Insert into [dbo].[tbl_BidPlan] (BidPlanCode, QuoteID, Bid, BidName, BidTime, BidLocation, BidMethod, BidType, BidExpirated, BidExpiratedUnit, UserI, DateIn , CapitalID)" + "VALUES(@BidPlanCode, @QuoteID, @Bid , @BidName, @BidTime,@BidLocation, @BidMethod, @BidType, @BidExpirated, @BidExpiratedUnit, @UserI, @DateIn ,@CapitalID) " + "select IDENT_CURRENT('dbo.tbl_BidPlan') as LastInserted ", connection)) { // AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanCode", _BidPlan.BidPlanCode, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanCode", _BidPlan.BidPlanCode, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@QuoteID", _BidPlan.QuoteID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@CapitalID", _BidPlan.CapitalID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@Bid", _BidPlan.Bid, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidName", _BidPlan.BidName, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidTime", _BidPlan.BidTime, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidLocation", _BidPlan.BidLocation, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidMethod", _BidPlan.BidMethod, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidType", _BidPlan.BidType, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidExpirated", _BidPlan.BidExpirated, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidExpiratedUnit", _BidPlan.BidExpiratedUnit, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); AddSqlParameter(command, "@DateIn", _BidPlan.DateIn, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); AddSqlParameter(command, "@UserI", _userI, System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); var lastInsertedRaw = command.ExecuteScalar(); if (lastInsertedRaw != null && !DBNull.Value.Equals(lastInsertedRaw)) { lastestInserted = Convert.ToInt32(lastInsertedRaw); } } if (lastestInserted > 0) { using (var command = new SqlCommand("update tbl_Proposal_Process " + "set BidPlanID=@BidPlanID , BidPlanTime=@BidPlanTime , CurrentFeature=@CurrentFeature where QuoteID=@QuoteID", connection)) { AddSqlParameter(command, "@QuoteID", _BidPlan.QuoteID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanID", lastestInserted, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanTime", currenttime, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); AddSqlParameter(command, "@CurrentFeature", "BidPlan", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); command.ExecuteScalar(); } } return(lastestInserted); }
public async Task <ActionMessage> editBidPlan(int id, BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, string _userU, IList <IFormFile> files, string _userID) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory(); using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection()) { var chkBidPlanInfo = BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().getBidPlan(connection, id, _userID); if (chkBidPlanInfo != null) { try { QuoteInfo quoteInfo = QuoteDataLayer.GetInstance().getQuote(connection, _BidPlan.QuoteID, _userID); if (quoteInfo != null) { _BidPlan.QuoteID = quoteInfo.QuoteID; //var ProposalInfo = ProposalDataLayer.GetInstance().getProposalDetail(connection, _BidPlan.ProposalID); //if (ProposalInfo != null) //{ // _BidPlan.ProposalCode = ProposalInfo.ProposalCode; //} } else { _BidPlan.QuoteID /*= _BidPlan.ProposalID*/ = 0; } BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().UpdateBidPlan(connection, id, _BidPlan, _userU); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } DocumentService.GetInstance().DeleteDocumentsNotExitsInList(_BidPlan.ListDocument, TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(), _BidPlan.BidPlanID); foreach (var item in files) { DocumentInfo documentInfo = new DocumentInfo(); documentInfo.TableName = TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(); documentInfo.PreferId = _BidPlan.BidPlanID.ToString(); documentInfo.Link = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssfff") + "-" + Utils.ChuyenTVKhongDau(item.FileName); documentInfo.FileName = item.FileName; documentInfo.Length = item.Length.ToString(); documentInfo.Type = item.ContentType; ret = await FilesHelpers.UploadFile(TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(), _BidPlan.BidPlanID.ToString(), item, documentInfo.Link); DocumentService.GetInstance().InsertDocument(documentInfo, _userU); } ret.isSuccess = true; return(ret); } }
public BidPlanInfo getBidPlan(SqlConnection connection, int _ID, string _userID) { BidPlanInfo result = null; using (var command = new SqlCommand( "Select BP.* , tblCap.CapitalName, Q.InTime as QuoteCreateTime, Q.TotalCost, Q.QuoteID, Q.QuoteCode, Q.IsVAT, tblA.AuditCode, tblA.Intime as AuditTime, " + "Q.VATNumber from(Select BP.* from tbl_BidPlan BP where BP.BidPlanID = @BidPlanID) " + "as BP LEFT JOIN tbl_Quote Q on BP.QuoteID = Q.QuoteID " + "left join tbl_Audit_Quote tblAQ on tblAQ.QuoteID = Q.QuoteID " + "left join tbl_Audit tblA on tblA.AuditID = tblAQ.AuditID " + "left join tbl_Capital tblCap on tblCap.CapitalID = BP.CapitalID " , connection)) { AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanID", _ID, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userID) && _userID != "admin") { command.CommandText += " and (BP.UserI = @UserID or BP.UserAssign = @UserID )"; } WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { result = new BidPlanInfo(); result.QuoteCreateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["QuoteCreateTime"]); result.BidPlanID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidPlanID"]); result.BidPlanCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidPlanCode"]); result.QuoteID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["QuoteID"]); result.QuoteCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["QuoteCode"]); result.IsVAT = GetDbReaderValue <bool>(reader["IsVAT"]); result.VATNumber = GetDbReaderValue <double>(reader["VATNumber"]); result.AuditTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["AuditTime"]); result.AuditCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["AuditCode"]); result.Bid = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["Bid"]); result.BidName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidName"]); result.CapitalID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["CapitalID"]); result.CapitalName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["CapitalName"]); result.BidTime = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidTime"]); result.BidLocation = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidLocation"]); result.BidMethod = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidMethod"]); result.BidType = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidType"]); result.BidExpirated = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidExpirated"]); result.BidExpiratedUnit = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidExpiratedUnit"]); result.DateIn = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["DateIn"]); result.UserI = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserI"]); result.InTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime?>(reader["InTime"]); result.UserU = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserU"]); result.UpdateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["UpdateTime"]); } } return(result); } }
public async Task <ActionMessage> createBidPlan2(BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, string _userI, IList <IFormFile> files, string _userID) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); int insetId = -1; SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory(); using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection()) { try { QuoteInfo quoteInfo = QuoteDataLayer.GetInstance().getQuote(connection, _BidPlan.QuoteID, _userID); if (quoteInfo != null) { _BidPlan.QuoteID = quoteInfo.QuoteID; } else { _BidPlan.QuoteID /*= _BidPlan.ProposalID*/ = 0; } insetId = BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().InsertBidPlan(connection, _BidPlan, _userI); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } if (insetId > -1) { = insetId; foreach (var item in files) { DocumentInfo documentInfo = new DocumentInfo(); documentInfo.TableName = TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(); documentInfo.PreferId = insetId.ToString(); documentInfo.Link = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssfff") + "-" + Utils.ChuyenTVKhongDau(item.FileName); documentInfo.FileName = item.FileName; documentInfo.Length = item.Length.ToString(); documentInfo.Type = item.ContentType; ret = await FilesHelpers.UploadFile(TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(), insetId.ToString(), item, documentInfo.Link); DocumentService.GetInstance().InsertDocument(documentInfo, _userI.ToString()); } ret.isSuccess = true; } else { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "lỗi thêm biên bản họp giá"; ret.err.msgString = "lỗi thêm biên bản họp giá"; } return(ret); } }
public ActionMessage Put(int id, [FromBody] BidPlanInfo _bidPlan) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); //try //{ // ret = BidPlanService.GetInstance().editBidPlan(id, _bidPlan, getUserId()); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ret.isSuccess = false; // ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; // ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); //} return(ret); }
public async Task <ActionMessage> PostwithAttFile([FromForm] BidPlanInfo BidPlanObj, [FromForm] List <IFormFile> files, string _userID) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); try { ret = await BidPlanService.GetInstance().createBidPlan2(BidPlanObj, GetUserId(), files, _userID); } catch (Exception ex) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); } return(ret); }
public ActionMessage Post([FromBody] BidPlanInfo _bidPlan) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); try { ret = BidPlanService.GetInstance().createBidPlan(_bidPlan, GetUserId()); } catch (Exception ex) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); } return(ret); }
public BidPlanInfo GetBidPlanByCode(SqlConnection connection, string _code) { BidPlanInfo result = null; using (var command = new SqlCommand("Select BP.* ,Q.InTime as QuoteCreateTime, Q.TotalCost , Q.QuoteID, Q.IsVAT, Q.VATNumber, Q.QuoteCode from (Select BP.* " + " from tbl_BidPlan BP where BP.BidPlanCode = @BidPlanCode) as BP " + " LEFT JOIN tbl_Quote Q on BP.QuoteID = Q.QuoteID " , connection)) { AddSqlParameter(command, "@BidPlanCode", _code, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar); WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { result = new BidPlanInfo(); result.QuoteCreateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["QuoteCreateTime"]); result.BidPlanID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidPlanID"]); result.BidPlanCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidPlanCode"]); result.QuoteID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["QuoteID"]); result.QuoteCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["QuoteCode"]); result.IsVAT = GetDbReaderValue <bool>(reader["IsVAT"]); result.VATNumber = GetDbReaderValue <double>(reader["VATNumber"]); result.Bid = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["Bid"]); result.BidName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidName"]); result.CapitalID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["CapitalID"]); result.BidTime = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidTime"]); result.BidLocation = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidLocation"]); result.BidMethod = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidMethod"]); result.BidType = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidType"]); result.BidExpirated = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidExpirated"]); result.BidExpiratedUnit = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidExpiratedUnit"]); result.DateIn = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["DateIn"]); result.UserI = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserI"]); result.InTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime?>(reader["InTime"]); result.UserU = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserU"]); result.UpdateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["UpdateTime"]); } } return(result); } }
public async Task <ActionMessage> Put(int id, [FromForm] BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, [FromForm] List <IFormFile> files, string _userID) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); try { ret = await BidPlanService.GetInstance().editBidPlan(id, _BidPlan, GetUserId(), files, _userID); } catch (Exception ex) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); } return(ret); //ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); //try //{ // ret = BidPlanService.GetInstance().editBidPlan(id, _BidPlan, getUserId(), files); // //update list file // //ProposalService.DelteDocument(id.ToString()); // foreach (var item in files) // { // DocumentInfo documentInfo = new DocumentInfo(); // documentInfo.TableName = "BidPlan"; // documentInfo.PreferId = id.ToString(); // documentInfo.FileName = item.FileName; // documentInfo.Link = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssfff") + "-" + Utils.ChuyenTVKhongDau(item.FileName); // documentInfo.Length = item.Length.ToString(); // documentInfo.Type = item.ContentType; // ret = await FilesHelpers.UploadFile("BidPlan", _BidPlan.ProposalID.ToString(), item, documentInfo.Link); // DocumentService.InsertDocument(documentInfo, getUserId()); // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ret.isSuccess = false; // ret.err.msgCode = "Internal Error !!!"; // ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString(); //} //return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Hàm lấy tất cả khoa phòng /// </summary> /// <returns>Return List<BidPlanInfo></returns> /// public List <BidPlanInfo> GetAllBidPlan(SqlConnection connection, string _userID) { var result = new List <BidPlanInfo>(); using (var command = new SqlCommand("Select BP.*, Q.QuoteCode " + //, A.AuditCode, P.ProposalCode, D.DepartmentName " from tbl_BidPlan BP " + " LEFT JOIN tbl_Quote Q on Q.QuoteID = BP.QuoteID " + //" LEFT JOIN tbl_Proposal P on P.ProposalID = BP.ProposalID " + // " LEFT JOIN tbl_Department D on D.DepartmentID = P.DepartmentID " + " where 1 = 1 order by BP.UpdateTime Desc ", connection)) { using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var info = new BidPlanInfo(); info.BidPlanID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidPlanID"]); info.BidPlanCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidPlanCode"]); info.QuoteID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["QuoteID"]); info.QuoteCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["QuoteCode"]); info.Bid = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["Bid"]); info.BidName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidName"]); info.BidTime = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidTime"]); info.BidLocation = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidLocation"]); info.BidMethod = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidMethod"]); info.BidType = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidType"]); info.BidExpirated = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidExpirated"]); info.BidExpiratedUnit = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidExpiratedUnit"]); info.DateIn = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["DateIn"]); info.UserI = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserI"]); info.InTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime?>(reader["InTime"]); info.UserU = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserU"]); info.UpdateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["UpdateTime"]); result.Add(info); } } return(result); } }
public ActionMessage createBidPlan(BidPlanInfo _BidPlan, string _userI) { ActionMessage ret = new ActionMessage(); SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory(); using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection()) { try { = BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().InsertBidPlan(connection, _BidPlan, _userI); ret.isSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ret.isSuccess = false; ret.err.msgCode = "123"; ret.err.msgString = ex.Message; } } return(ret); }
public BidPlanInfo getBidPlan(int _ID, string _userID) { BidPlanInfo record = new BidPlanInfo(); SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory(); using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection()) { record = BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().getBidPlan(connection, _ID, _userID); if (record == null) { return(null); } record.Items = new List <ItemInfo>(); record.Items = QuoteDataLayer.GetInstance().getSelectedItemsQuote(connection, record.QuoteID); //bidPlanDetail.ListMember = BidPlanDataLayer.GetInstance().GetBidPlanMembers(connection, _ID); //Get document DocumentSeachCriteria documentCriteria = new DocumentSeachCriteria(); documentCriteria.TableName = TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(); documentCriteria.PreferId = _ID.ToString(); record.ListDocument = DocumentService.GetInstance().GetDocument(documentCriteria); //get Comment CommentSeachCriteria commentCriteria = new CommentSeachCriteria(); commentCriteria.TableName = TableFile.BidPlan.ToString(); commentCriteria.PreferId = _ID.ToString(); record.ListComment = CommentService.GetInstance().getComment(commentCriteria); foreach (var item in record.ListComment) { DocumentSeachCriteria documentCriteria2 = new DocumentSeachCriteria(); documentCriteria2.TableName = TableFile.Comment.ToString(); documentCriteria2.PreferId = item.AutoID.ToString(); item.ListDocument = DocumentService.GetInstance().GetDocument(documentCriteria2); } return(record); } }
public List <BidPlanInfo> getBidPlan(SqlConnection connection, BidPlanSeachCriteria _criteria, string _userID) { var result = new List <BidPlanInfo>(); string query = " Select BP.* ," + " Q.QuoteID, Q.IsVAT , Q.VATNumber ," + " Q.QuoteCode from (Select " + "BP.* " + " from tbl_BidPlan BP where 1 = 1 and BP.DateIn between @FromDate and @ToDate"; query += " ) as BP " + " LEFT JOIN tbl_Quote Q on BP.QuoteID = Q.QuoteID " + " LEFT JOIN tbl_Quote_Customer QC on QC.QuoteID = Q.QuoteID and QC.[IsChoosed] = 1 " + " LEFT JOIN tbl_Customer C on C.CustomerID = QC.CustomerID " + " where 1 = 1 "; if (_criteria.BidPlanCode != null && _criteria.BidPlanCode != "") { query += " and BP.BidPlanCode like '%" + _criteria.BidPlanCode + "%'"; } if (_criteria.QuoteCode != null && _criteria.QuoteCode != "") { query += " and Q.QuoteCode like '%" + _criteria.QuoteCode + "%'"; } if (_criteria.CustomerID != 0) { query += " and C.CustomerID =" + _criteria.CustomerID + " "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userID) && _userID != "admin") { query += " and (BP.UserI = @UserID or BP.UserAssign =@UserID )"; } using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) //, A.AuditID , A.AuditCode, D.DepartmentName, P.ProposalCode { AddSqlParameter(command, "@FromDate", _criteria.FromDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"), System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); AddSqlParameter(command, "@ToDate", _criteria.ToDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59"), System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); command.CommandText += " order by BP.UpdateTime Desc "; if (_criteria.pageSize == 0) { _criteria.pageSize = 10; } var offSet = _criteria.pageIndex * _criteria.pageSize; command.CommandText += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS FETCH NEXT @PAGESIZE ROWS ONLY "; AddSqlParameter(command, "@OFFSET", offSet, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); AddSqlParameter(command, "@PAGESIZE", _criteria.pageSize, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); WriteLogExecutingCommand(command); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var info = new BidPlanInfo(); info.BidPlanID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidPlanID"]); info.BidPlanCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidPlanCode"]); info.QuoteID = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["QuoteID"]); info.QuoteCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["QuoteCode"]); info.IsVAT = GetDbReaderValue <bool>(reader["IsVAT"]); info.VATNumber = GetDbReaderValue <double>(reader["VATNumber"]); info.Bid = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["Bid"]); info.BidName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidName"]); info.BidTime = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidTime"]); info.BidLocation = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidLocation"]); info.BidMethod = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidMethod"]); info.BidType = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidType"]); info.BidExpirated = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["BidExpirated"]); info.BidExpiratedUnit = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["BidExpiratedUnit"]); info.DateIn = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["DateIn"]); info.UserI = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserI"]); info.InTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime?>(reader["InTime"]); info.UserU = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["UserU"]); info.UpdateTime = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["UpdateTime"]); result.Add(info); } } return(result); } }
public static MemoryStream GetTemplate(int id, string path, out string code, string _userID) { double Totalcost = 0; var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BidPlanInfo item = BidPlanService.GetInstance().getBidPlan(id, _userID); SearchAuditInfo audit = AuditService.GetInstance().GetAuditWordByQuoteID(item.QuoteID); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) fileStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); code = item.BidPlanCode; using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(memoryStream, true)) { document.ChangeDocumentType(WordprocessingDocumentType.Document); // change from template to document DateTime date = DateTime.Now; string currentDate = "Ngày " + date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var body = document.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; var paras = body.Elements <Paragraph>(); List <string> headers = new List <string>(); List <List <string> > items = new List <List <string> >(); headers.Add("STT"); headers.Add("Tên gói thầu"); headers.Add("Giá gói thầu"); headers.Add("Nguồn vốn"); headers.Add("Hình thức phương thức lựa chọn nhà thầu"); headers.Add("Thời gian tổ chức lựa chọn nhà thầu"); headers.Add("Loại hợp đồng"); headers.Add("Thời gian thực hiện hợp đồng"); foreach (ItemInfo record in item.Items) { Totalcost += record.ItemPrice * record.Amount; } if (item.IsVAT) { Totalcost = Totalcost * (item.VATNumber + 100) / 100; } string auditCodeEmpty = " /BB-BKG"; if (audit.AuditCode == null || audit.AuditCode == "") { audit.AuditCode = auditCodeEmpty; } List <string> row = new List <string>(); row.Add("1"); row.Add(item.BidName); row.Add(string.Format("{0:0,0}", Totalcost).Replace(",", ".") + " VNĐ"); row.Add(WordUtils.checkNull(item.CapitalName)); row.Add((HardData.bidMethod[item.BidMethod - 1])); row.Add(item.BidTime); row.Add(item.BidType); row.Add(item.BidExpirated + " " + item.BidExpiratedUnit); items.Add(row); Table tableData1 = CreateBidplan1(headers, items, string.Format("{0:0,0}", Totalcost).Replace(",", ".") + " VNĐ"); Table tableData2 = CreateBidplan2(item, Totalcost); string dateInStr = ""; string auditDateInStr = ""; dateInStr = "ngày " + item.DateIn.Day + " tháng " + item.DateIn.Month + " năm " + item.DateIn.Year; auditDateInStr = "ngày " + audit.InTime.Day + " tháng " + audit.InTime.Month + " năm " + audit.InTime.Year; foreach (var text in body.Descendants <Text>()) { text.Text = text.Text.Replace("#", ""); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidcompany", WordUtils.checkNull(item.Bid)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidplandatein", WordUtils.checkNull(dateInStr)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("currentYear ", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidname", WordUtils.checkNull(item.BidName)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("costnumber", " " + string.Format("{0:0,0}", Totalcost).Replace(",", ".")); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("coststring", WordUtils.checkNull(Utils.NumberToTextVN((decimal)Totalcost))); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidtime", WordUtils.checkNull(item.BidTime)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("capname", WordUtils.checkNull(item.CapitalName)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidcontracttype", WordUtils.checkNull(item.BidType)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidExpirated", WordUtils.checkNull(item.BidExpirated + " " + item.BidExpiratedUnit)); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("bidmethod", WordUtils.checkNull(HardData.bidMethod[item.BidMethod - 1])); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("auditdate", auditDateInStr); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("auditcode", audit.AuditCode + "/BB-BKG"); text.Text = text.Text.Replace("location", WordUtils.checkNull(HardData.location[Int32.Parse(item.BidLocation) - 1])); if (text.Text == "table1") { DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement textP1 = text.Parent; DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement textP2 = textP1.Parent; body.InsertAfter(tableData1, textP2); textP1.Remove(); } if (text.Text == "table2") { DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement textP1 = text.Parent; DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement textP2 = textP1.Parent; body.InsertAfter(tableData2, textP2); textP1.Remove(); } } document.Save(); document.Close(); } return(memoryStream); }
private static Table CreateBidplan2(BidPlanInfo item, double Totalcost) { //prepare ITEMs List <string> headers = new List <string>(); List <List <string> > items = new List <List <string> >(); headers.Add("STT"); headers.Add("Tên và mô tả thiết bị"); headers.Add("Đơn vị tính"); headers.Add("Số lượng"); headers.Add("Đơn giá(VNĐ)"); headers.Add("Thành tiền (VNĐ)"); int[] widths = { 1000, 3000, 1600, 1600, 2100, 2100 }; int index = 1; foreach (ItemInfo record in item.Items) { List <string> row = new List <string>(); row.Add(index.ToString()); row.Add(record.ItemName); row.Add(record.ItemUnit); row.Add(record.Amount.ToString()); row.Add(string.Format("{0:0,0}", record.ItemPrice).Replace(",", ".")); row.Add(string.Format("{0:0,0}", record.ItemPrice * record.Amount).Replace(",", ".")); items.Add(row); index++; } //// Create a new table Table tbl = new Table(); //// Create the table properties TableProperties tblProperties = new TableProperties(); TableJustification just = new TableJustification(); just.Val = TableRowAlignmentValues.Center; //// Create Table Borders TableBorders tblBorders = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder = new TopBorder(); topBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); topBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(topBorder); BottomBorder bottomBorder = new BottomBorder(); bottomBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); bottomBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(bottomBorder); RightBorder rightBorder = new RightBorder(); rightBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); rightBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(rightBorder); LeftBorder leftBorder = new LeftBorder(); leftBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); leftBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(leftBorder); InsideHorizontalBorder insideHBorder = new InsideHorizontalBorder(); insideHBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); insideHBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(insideHBorder); InsideVerticalBorder insideVBorder = new InsideVerticalBorder(); insideVBorder.Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.Thick); insideVBorder.Color = "000000"; tblBorders.AppendChild(insideVBorder); //// Add the table borders to the properties tblProperties.AppendChild(tblBorders); tblProperties.AppendChild(just); //// Add the table properties to the table tbl.AppendChild(tblProperties); //// Add a cell to each column in the row /// List <TableCell> headerCells = new List <TableCell>(); TableCell tcName1; foreach (string itemHeaders in headers) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(Bold(), new Text(itemHeaders)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "3000" })); headerCells.Add(tcName1); } //// Create a new row TableRow tr = new TableRow(); tr.Append(headerCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr); List <TableCell> dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); foreach (List <string> rowItems in items) { dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); foreach (string data in rowItems) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(Bold(), new Text(data)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "3000" })); dataCells.Add(tcName1); } TableRow tr1 = new TableRow(); tr1.Append(dataCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr1); } TableCellProperties cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); //if VAT if (item.IsVAT) { // total row tr = new TableRow(); dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text("Tổng công (chưa bao gồm VAT)")))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1000" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); for (int loopindex = 1; loopindex < widths.Length - 1; loopindex++) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph()); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = widths[loopindex].ToString() })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); } double totalCostWithoutVAT = 0; totalCostWithoutVAT = Totalcost / ((item.VATNumber + 100) / 100); var totalCostWithoutVATstr = string.Format("{0:0,0}", totalCostWithoutVAT).Replace(",", "."); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text(totalCostWithoutVATstr)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1900" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); tr.Append(dataCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr); // total row tr = new TableRow(); dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text("Thuế VAT " + item.VATNumber.ToString() + "%")))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "200" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); for (int loopindex = 1; loopindex < widths.Length - 1; loopindex++) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph()); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = widths[loopindex].ToString() })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); } double vatCost = 0; vatCost = (Totalcost * item.VATNumber) / 100; var vatCoststr = string.Format("{0:0,0}", vatCost).Replace(",", "."); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text(vatCoststr)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1900" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); tr.Append(dataCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr); // total row tr = new TableRow(); dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text("TỔNG CỘNG (đã bao gồm VAT)")))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "200" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); for (int loopindex = 1; loopindex < widths.Length - 1; loopindex++) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph()); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = widths[loopindex].ToString() })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); } var TotalCost = string.Format("{0:0,0}", Totalcost).Replace(",", "."); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text(TotalCost)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1900" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); tr.Append(dataCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr); } else { // total row tr = new TableRow(); dataCells = new List <TableCell>(); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text("TỔNG CỘNG ")))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "200" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); for (int loopindex = 1; loopindex < widths.Length - 1; loopindex++) { tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph()); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = widths[loopindex].ToString() })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); } var TotalCost = string.Format("{0:0,0}", Totalcost).Replace(",", "."); tcName1 = new TableCell(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }), new Run(new Text(TotalCost)))); tcName1.Append(new TableCellProperties( new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "1900" })); cellOneProperties = new TableCellProperties(); cellOneProperties.Append(new HorizontalMerge() { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart }); tcName1.Append(cellOneProperties); dataCells.Add(tcName1); tr.Append(dataCells.ToArray()); tbl.AppendChild(tr); } return(tbl); }