internal GraphicsContext(IntPtr graphics_surface_ptr, int width, int height) { var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Bgfx.SetPlatformData(new PlatformData { WindowHandle = graphics_surface_ptr }); var bgfx_callback_handler = new BgfxCallbackHandler(); var settings = new InitSettings { Backend = RendererBackend.Default, ResetFlags = ResetFlags.Vsync, Width = width, Height = height, CallbackHandler = bgfx_callback_handler }; Bgfx.Init(settings); Console.WriteLine($" > GFX INIT : {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString()}"); var caps = Bgfx.GetCaps(); Info = new GraphicsInfo(caps.Backend, caps.MaxTextureSize); Console.WriteLine($"GRAPHICS BACKEND : {Info.RendererBackend.ToString()}"); index_buffers = new IndexBuffer[16]; }
static unsafe void RenderThread(Sample sample) { // initialize the renderer Bgfx.Init(); Bgfx.Reset(sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, ResetFlags.Vsync); // enable debug text Bgfx.SetDebugFeatures(DebugFeatures.DisplayText); // set view 0 clear state Bgfx.SetViewClear(0, ClearTargets.Color | ClearTargets.Depth, 0x303030ff); // check capabilities var caps = Bgfx.GetCaps(); var computeSupported = caps.SupportedFeatures.HasFlag(DeviceFeatures.Compute); var indirectSupported = caps.SupportedFeatures.HasFlag(DeviceFeatures.DrawIndirect); if (computeSupported) { RunCompute(sample, indirectSupported); } else { RunUnsupported(sample); } // clean up Bgfx.Shutdown(); }
//!!!! //static void Listener_eventOccurred( string name ) //{ // if( RenderSystemEvent != null ) // { // RenderSystemEvent type; // if( name == "DeviceLost" ) // type = NeoAxis.RenderSystemEvent.DeviceLost; // else if( name == "DeviceRestored" ) // type = NeoAxis.RenderSystemEvent.DeviceRestored; // else // { // Log.Fatal( "RenderSystem: Unknown render system event \"{0}\".", name ); // return; // } // RenderSystemEvent( type ); // } //} static void InitGPUSettingsAndCapabilities() { Capabilities = Bgfx.GetCaps(); Log.InvisibleInfo("Renderer: Backend: " + Capabilities.Backend.ToString()); Log.InvisibleInfo("Renderer: Adapter vendor: " + Capabilities.CurrentAdapter.Vendor.ToString()); Log.InvisibleInfo("Renderer: Adapter device: " + Capabilities.CurrentAdapter.DeviceId.ToString()); Log.InvisibleInfo("Renderer: Adapter description: " + Bgfx.GetGPUDescription()); Log.InvisibleInfo("Renderer: -------------------------"); }
private void ImplInitialize(IntPtr graphics_surface_ptr, int width, int height) { Bgfx.SetPlatformData(new PlatformData { WindowHandle = graphics_surface_ptr }); var bgfx_callback_handler = new BgfxCallbackHandler(); var settings = new InitSettings { Backend = RendererBackend.Default, ResetFlags = ResetFlags.Vsync, Width = width, Height = height, CallbackHandler = bgfx_callback_handler }; Bgfx.Init(settings); var caps = Bgfx.GetCaps(); GraphicsBackend gfx_backend = GraphicsBackend.OpenGL; switch (caps.Backend) { case RendererBackend.OpenGL: gfx_backend = GraphicsBackend.OpenGL; break; case RendererBackend.Direct3D11: case RendererBackend.Direct3D12: case RendererBackend.Direct3D9: gfx_backend = GraphicsBackend.OpenGL; break; } Info = new GraphicsInfo(gfx_backend, caps.MaxTextureSize); }
static unsafe void RenderThread(Sample sample) { // initialize the renderer Bgfx.Init(); Bgfx.Reset(sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, ResetFlags.Vsync); // enable debug text Bgfx.SetDebugFeatures(DebugFeatures.DisplayText); // load shaders var programTextureLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture_lighting", "fs_stencil_texture_lighting"); var programColorLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_lighting", "fs_stencil_color_lighting"); var programColorTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_texture", "fs_stencil_color_texture"); var programColorBlack = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color", "fs_stencil_color_black"); var programTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture", "fs_stencil_texture"); // load meshes var bunnyMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("bunny.bin"); var columnMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("column.bin"); var hplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.HorizontalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); var vplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.VerticalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); // load textures var figureTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var flareTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var fieldstoneTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); // create uniforms var colorTextureHandle = new Uniform("u_texColor", UniformType.Sampler); var uniforms = new Uniforms(); uniforms.SubmitConstUniforms(); // light colors uniforms.LightColor = new[] { new Vector4(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.2f, 0.0f), // yellow new Vector4(0.7f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.0f), // purple new Vector4(0.2f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f), // cyan new Vector4(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.0f) // orange }; // camera var camera = new Camera(60.0f, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f); camera.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 18.0f, -40.0f); // start the frame clock var clock = new Clock(); clock.Start(); // check caps and stats, for testing purposes Bgfx.GetCaps(); Bgfx.GetStats(); // main loop while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync)) { // tick the clock var elapsed = clock.Frame(); var time = clock.TotalTime(); // write some debug text Bgfx.DebugTextClear(); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/13-Stencil"); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: Stencil reflections."); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000); // clear the background Bgfx.SetViewClear(BaseId, ClearTargets.Color | ClearTargets.Depth | ClearTargets.Stencil, 0x30303000); Bgfx.SetViewRect(BaseId, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.Touch(BaseId); // set view params for each pass var viewMtx = camera.GetViewMatrix(); var projMtx = camera.GetProjectionMatrix(); for (byte i = PassId0; i <= PassId4; i++) { Bgfx.SetViewRect(i, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.SetViewTransform(i, (float *)&viewMtx, (float *)&projMtx); } // first pass - draw ground plane var floorMtx = FloorTransform; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId0, programColorBlack, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionCraftStencil], uniforms); // second pass - reflected objects Bgfx.SetViewClear(PassId1, ClearTargets.Depth, 0); uniforms.AmbientPass = true; uniforms.LightingPass = true; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(0.70f, 0.65f, 0.60f, 0.8f); uniforms.LightCount = LightCount; // light positions var lightPositions = new Vector4[LightCount]; var reflectedLights = new Vector4[LightCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lightPositions.Length; i++) { var v3 = new Vector3( (float)Math.Sin(time * 1.1 + i * 0.03 + i * 1.07 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f, 8.0f + (1.0f - (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.5 + i * 0.29 + 1.49f * Math.PI / 2)) * 4.0f, (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.3 + i * 0.13 + i * 1.79 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f ); lightPositions[i] = new Vector4(v3, 15.0f); reflectedLights[i] = new Vector4(Vector3.Transform(v3, ReflectionTransform), 15.0f); } uniforms.LightPosRadius = reflectedLights; var bunnyMtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(5) * Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(time - 1.56f) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); var reflectedBunnyMtx = bunnyMtx * ReflectionTransform; bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &reflectedBunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i] * ReflectionTransform; columnMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); } // third pass - blend the plane and reflections uniforms.LightPosRadius = lightPositions; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId2, programTextureLighting, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionBlendPlane], uniforms, fieldstoneTex, colorTextureHandle); // fourth pass - draw the solid objects bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &bunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i]; columnMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); } // fifth pass - draw the lights as objects for (int i = 0; i < LightCount; i++) { var c = uniforms.LightColor[i]; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(c.X, c.Y, c.Z, 0.8f); var p = lightPositions[i]; var mtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(1.5f) * Matrix4x4.CreateBillboard(new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z), camera.Position, Vector3.UnitY, -Vector3.UnitZ); vplaneMesh.Submit(PassId4, programColorTexture, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.CustomBlendLightTexture], uniforms, flareTex, colorTextureHandle); } // advance to the next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. Bgfx.Frame(); } // clean up bunnyMesh.Dispose(); columnMesh.Dispose(); hplaneMesh.Dispose(); vplaneMesh.Dispose(); figureTex.Dispose(); fieldstoneTex.Dispose(); flareTex.Dispose(); programTextureLighting.Dispose(); programColorLighting.Dispose(); programColorTexture.Dispose(); programColorBlack.Dispose(); programTexture.Dispose(); colorTextureHandle.Dispose(); uniforms.Dispose(); Bgfx.Shutdown(); }
static unsafe void RenderThread(Sample sample) { // initialize the renderer Bgfx.Init(); Bgfx.Reset(sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, ResetFlags.Vsync); // enable debug text Bgfx.SetDebugFeatures(DebugFeatures.DisplayText); // set view 0 clear state Bgfx.SetViewClear(0, ClearTargets.Color | ClearTargets.Depth, 0x303030ff); // create vertex and index buffers var vbh = Cube.CreateVertexBuffer(); var ibh = Cube.CreateIndexBuffer(); // load shaders var program = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_instancing", "fs_instancing"); // start the frame clock var clock = new Clock(); clock.Start(); // getting caps var caps = Bgfx.GetCaps(); // main loop while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync)) { // set view 0 viewport Bgfx.SetViewRect(0, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); // view transforms var viewMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -35.0f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitY); var projMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 3, (float)sample.WindowWidth / sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f); Bgfx.SetViewTransform(0, &viewMatrix.M11, &projMatrix.M11); // make sure view 0 is cleared if no other draw calls are submitted Bgfx.Touch(0); // tick the clock var elapsed = clock.Frame(); var time = clock.TotalTime(); // write some debug text Bgfx.DebugTextClear(); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/05-Instancing"); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: Geometry instancing."); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000); // check caps if ((caps.SupportedFeatures & DeviceFeatures.Instancing) != DeviceFeatures.Instancing) { // instancing not supported Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Red, "Instancing not supported!"); } else { const int instanceStride = 80; const int instanceCount = 121; var idb = new InstanceDataBuffer(instanceCount, instanceStride); // fill in InstanceDataBuffer byte *dataPtr = (byte *)idb.Data.ToPointer(); // TODO: extract idb->data->num for (int y = 0; y < 11; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 11; x++) { float *matrix = (float *)dataPtr; var realMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(time + x * 0.21f, time + y * 0.37f, 0f); realMatrix.M41 = -15.0f + x * 3.0f; realMatrix.M42 = -15.0f + y * 3.0f; realMatrix.M43 = 0.0f; // TODO: use proper copy function, not a bycicle float *realMatrixPtr = &realMatrix.M11; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { matrix[i] = realMatrixPtr[i]; } float *color = (float *)(dataPtr + 64); color[0] = (float)Math.Sin(time + x / 11.0f) * 0.5f + 0.5f; color[1] = (float)Math.Cos(time + y / 11.0f) * 0.5f + 0.5f; color[2] = (float)Math.Sin(time * 3.0f) * 0.5f + 0.5f; color[3] = 1.0f; dataPtr += instanceStride; } } // set pipeline states Bgfx.SetVertexBuffer(0, vbh); Bgfx.SetIndexBuffer(ibh); Bgfx.SetInstanceDataBuffer(ref idb); Bgfx.SetRenderState(RenderState.Default); // submit primitives Bgfx.Submit(0, program); } // advance to the next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. Bgfx.Frame(); } // clean up ibh.Dispose(); vbh.Dispose(); program.Dispose(); Bgfx.Shutdown(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var platform = "x64"; if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { platform = "x86"; } NativeMethods.LoadLibrary($"{platform}/SDL2.dll"); Bgfx.InitializeLibrary(); ushort resolutionWidth = 800; ushort resolutionHeight = 600; var windowhandle = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("hello", 10, 10, resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI); var wm = new SDL.SDL_SysWMinfo(); SDL.SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(windowhandle, ref wm); Bgfx.SetPlatformData(; var init = Bgfx.Initialize(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, Bgfx.RendererType.DIRECT_3D11); ImGui.SetCurrentContext(ImGui.CreateContext()); var IO = ImGui.GetIO(); IO.ImeWindowHandle =; //IO.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags.HasMouseCursors; // We can honor GetMouseCursor() values (optional) //IO.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags.HasSetMousePos; // We can honor io.WantSetMousePos requests (optional, rarely used) //IO.BackendPlatformName = new NullTerminatedString("imgui_impl_win32".ToCharArray()); IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Tab] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_TAB; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.LeftArrow] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.RightArrow] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.UpArrow] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_UP; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.DownArrow] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.PageUp] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.PageDown] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Home] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_HOME; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.End] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_END; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Insert] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Delete] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Backspace] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Space] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Enter] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Escape] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.KeyPadEnter] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.A] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_A; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.C] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_C; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.V] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_V; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.X] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_X; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Y] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_Y; IO.KeyMap[(int)ImGuiKey.Z] = (int)SDL.SDL_Scancode.SDL_SCANCODE_Z; IO.Fonts.AddFontDefault(); IO.Fonts.GetTexDataAsRGBA32(out IntPtr pixels, out var fwidth, out var fheight); IO.Fonts.SetTexID(new IntPtr(Bgfx.CreateTexture2D((ushort)fwidth, (ushort)fheight, false, 1, (Bgfx.TextureFormat)Bgfx.TextureFormat.RGBA8, (Bgfx.SamplerFlags.U_CLAMP | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.V_CLAMP | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MIN_POINT | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MAG_POINT | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MIP_POINT), Bgfx.MakeRef(pixels, (uint)(4 * fwidth * fheight))).Idx)); Bgfx.SetViewClear(0, (ushort)(Bgfx.ClearFlags.COLOR | Bgfx.ClearFlags.DEPTH), 0x6495edff, 0, 0); Bgfx.SetViewMode(0, Bgfx.ViewMode.SEQUENTIAL); Bgfx.SetViewMode(255, Bgfx.ViewMode.SEQUENTIAL); Bgfx.SetDebug(Bgfx.DebugFlags.NONE); Bgfx.Reset(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, Bgfx.ResetFlags.VSYNC | Bgfx.ResetFlags.MSAA_X4, init.format); var running = true; var bgfxcaps = Bgfx.GetCaps(); mtxOrtho(out var ortho, 0, resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, 0, 0, 1000.0f, 0, bgfxcaps.Homogenousdepth); var ImguiVertexLayout = new Bgfx.VertexLayout(); ImguiVertexLayout.Begin(Bgfx.RendererType.NOOP); ImguiVertexLayout.Add(Bgfx.Attrib.POSITION, Bgfx.AttribType.FLOAT, 2, false, false); ImguiVertexLayout.Add(Bgfx.Attrib.TEX_COORD0, Bgfx.AttribType.FLOAT, 2, false, false); ImguiVertexLayout.Add(Bgfx.Attrib.COLOR0, Bgfx.AttribType.UINT8, 4, true, false); ImguiVertexLayout.End(); var WhitePixelTexture = Bgfx.CreateTexture2D(1, 1, false, 1, Bgfx.TextureFormat.RGBA8, Bgfx.SamplerFlags.V_CLAMP | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.U_CLAMP | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MIN_POINT | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MAG_POINT | Bgfx.SamplerFlags.MIP_POINT, new uint[] { 0x0000ffff }); var TextureUniform = Bgfx.CreateUniform("s_texture", Bgfx.UniformType.SAMPLER, 1); var ImGuiShader = LoadEffect("vs_imgui.bin", "fs_imgui.bin"); while (running) { SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out var Event); if (Event.window.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT) { running = false; } var mouseState = SDL.SDL_GetMouseState(out var mouseX, out var mouseY); IO.MouseDown[0] = (mouseState & SDL.SDL_BUTTON(SDL.SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) != 0; IO.MouseDown[1] = (mouseState & SDL.SDL_BUTTON(SDL.SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) != 0; IO.MouseDown[2] = (mouseState & SDL.SDL_BUTTON(SDL.SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE)) != 0; SDL.SDL_GetWindowPosition(windowhandle, out var wx, out var wy); SDL.SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(out mouseX, out mouseY); mouseX -= wx; mouseY -= wy; IO.MousePosPrev = IO.MousePos; IO.MousePos = new Vector2(mouseX, mouseY); ImGui.NewFrame(); //ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(200); if (ImGui.Begin("test")) { if (ImGui.Button("click OS popup")) { SDL.SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL.SDL_MessageBoxFlags.SDL_MESSAGEBOX_INFORMATION, "Cliked Button", "Click Message", windowhandle); } if (ImGui.Button("modal popup")) { ImGui.OpenPopup("modal popup"); } ImGui.Text("Hello"); if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("modal popup")) { if (ImGui.Button("clicked")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } } ImGui.End(); ImGui.EndFrame(); ImGui.Render(); Bgfx.SetViewRect(0, 0, 0, resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight); Bgfx.SetViewRect(255, 0, 0, resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight); IO.DisplaySize = new Vector2(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight); IO.DisplayFramebufferScale = new Vector2(1); Bgfx.Touch(0); { var drawdata = ImGui.GetDrawData(); ushort viewID = 0; Bgfx.SetViewTransform(viewID, null, ortho); { // Render command lists for (int ii = 0, num = drawdata.CmdListsCount; ii < num; ++ii) { var drawList = drawdata.CmdListsRange[ii]; var numVertices = drawList.VtxBuffer.Size; var numIndices = drawList.IdxBuffer.Size; var tib = Bgfx.AllocateTransientIndexBuffer((uint)numIndices); var tvb = Bgfx.AllocateTransientVertexBuffer((uint)numVertices, ImguiVertexLayout); tvb.CopyIntoBuffer(drawList.VtxBuffer.Data, (uint)numVertices * (uint)Unsafe.SizeOf <ImDrawVert>()); tib.CopyIntoBuffer(drawList.IdxBuffer.Data, (uint)numIndices * (uint)Unsafe.SizeOf <ushort>()); uint offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < drawList.CmdBuffer.Size; i++) { var cmd = drawList.CmdBuffer[i]; if (cmd.UserCallback != IntPtr.Zero) { // cmd->UserCallback(drawList, cmd); } else if (cmd.ElemCount > 0) { var state = Bgfx.StateFlags.WRITE_RGB | Bgfx.StateFlags.WRITE_A | Bgfx.StateFlags.MSAA ; var texHandle = new Bgfx.TextureHandle(); if (cmd.TextureId.ToInt32() != 0) { texHandle.Idx = (ushort)cmd.TextureId.ToInt32(); } else { texHandle.Idx = WhitePixelTexture.Idx; } state |= Bgfx.STATE_BLEND_FUNC(Bgfx.StateFlags.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, Bgfx.StateFlags.BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA); ushort xx = (ushort)((cmd.ClipRect.X > 0.0f ? cmd.ClipRect.X : 0.0f)); ushort yy = (ushort)((cmd.ClipRect.Y > 0.0f ? cmd.ClipRect.Y : 0.0f)); ushort zz = (ushort)((cmd.ClipRect.Z > 65535.0f ? 65535.0f : cmd.ClipRect.Z) - xx); ushort ww = (ushort)((cmd.ClipRect.W > 65535.0f ? 65535.0f : cmd.ClipRect.W) - yy); Bgfx.SetScissor(xx, yy, zz, ww); Bgfx.SetState(state, 0); Bgfx.SetTexture(0, TextureUniform, texHandle); Bgfx.SetTransientVertexBuffer(0, tvb, 0, (uint)numVertices); Bgfx.SetTransientIndexBuffer(tib, offset, cmd.ElemCount); Bgfx.Submit(viewID, ImGuiShader.program, 0, false); } offset += cmd.ElemCount; } } } } Bgfx.Frame(false); } }