        // Get Animation Data

        // Perform Bezier interpolation between the key frames
        private float bezierInterpolation(KeyFrame previous_frame, KeyFrame next_frame, float current_time)
            BezierCurveCubic temp_bezier = new BezierCurveCubic();

            temp_bezier.StartAnchor        = new Vector2(previous_frame.time, previous_frame.data);
            temp_bezier.FirstControlPoint  = previous_frame.bezier_values.Zw;
            temp_bezier.SecondControlPoint = next_frame.bezier_values.Xy;
            temp_bezier.EndAnchor          = new Vector2(next_frame.time, next_frame.data);

Exemple #2
        public static TweenFunc <float> CubicBezier(float mx1, float my1, float mx2, float my2)
            var curve = new BezierCurveCubic(
                new Vector2(0f, 0f),
                new Vector2(1f, 1f),
                new Vector2(mx1, my1),
                new Vector2(mx2, my2)

            return((from, to, t) => {
                return from + (to - from) * curve.CalculatePoint(t).Y;
        private void OnSceneGUI()
            _curve           = target as BezierCurveCubic;
            _handleTransform = _curve.transform;
            _handleRotation  = Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local ?
                               _handleTransform.rotation : Quaternion.identity;

            var p0 = ShowPoint(0);
            var p1 = ShowPoint(1);
            var p2 = ShowPoint(2);
            var p3 = ShowPoint(3);

            Handles.color = Color.gray;
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p3);

            Handles.DrawBezier(p0, p3, p1, p2, Color.white, null, 2f);
Exemple #4
        public static List <Vector2> nsvg__pathArcTo(Vector2d start, ArcTo a2)
            List <Vector2> ret = new List <Vector2>();
            Vector2d       end = start;
            // Ported from canvg (https://code.google.com/p/canvg/)
            double rx, ry, rotx;
            double x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, dx, dy, d;
            double x1p, y1p, cxp, cyp, s, sa, sb;
            double ux, uy, vx, vy, a1, da;
            double x, y, tanx, tany, a, px = 0, py = 0, ptanx = 0, ptany = 0;

            double[] t = new double[6];
            double   sinrx, cosrx;
            bool     fa, fs;
            int      ndivs;
            double   hda, kappa;

            rx   = Math.Abs(a2.Radius.Width);
            ry   = Math.Abs(a2.Radius.Height);
            rotx = a2.xrotation / 180.0f * Math.PI;      // x rotation engle
            fa   = a2.LargeArc;
            fs   = a2.SweepClockwise;
            x1   = start.X;                        // start point
            y1   = start.Y;

            x2 = a2.EndPoint.X;
            y2 = a2.EndPoint.Y;

            dx = x1 - x2;
            dy = y1 - y2;
            d  = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if (d < 1e-6f || rx < 1e-6f || ry < 1e-6f)
                // The arc degenerates to a line
                //nsvg__lineTo(p, x2, y2);
                end.X = x2;
                end.Y = y2;

            sinrx = Math.Sin(rotx);
            cosrx = Math.Cos(rotx);

            // Convert to center point parameterization.
            // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
            // 1) Compute x1', y1'
            x1p = cosrx * dx / 2.0f + sinrx * dy / 2.0f;
            y1p = -sinrx * dx / 2.0f + cosrx * dy / 2.0f;
            d   = sqr(x1p) / sqr(rx) + sqr(y1p) / sqr(ry);
            if (d > 1)
                d   = Math.Sqrt(d);
                rx *= d;
                ry *= d;
            // 2) Compute cx', cy'
            s  = 0.0f;
            sa = sqr(rx) * sqr(ry) - sqr(rx) * sqr(y1p) - sqr(ry) * sqr(x1p);
            sb = sqr(rx) * sqr(y1p) + sqr(ry) * sqr(x1p);
            if (sa < 0.0f)
                sa = 0.0f;
            if (sb > 0.0f)
                s = Math.Sqrt(sa / sb);
            if (fa == fs)
                s = -s;
            cxp = s * rx * y1p / ry;
            cyp = s * -ry * x1p / rx;

            // 3) Compute cx,cy from cx',cy'
            cx = (x1 + x2) / 2.0f + cosrx * cxp - sinrx * cyp;
            cy = (y1 + y2) / 2.0f + sinrx * cxp + cosrx * cyp;

            // 4) Calculate theta1, and delta theta.
            ux = (x1p - cxp) / rx;
            uy = (y1p - cyp) / ry;
            vx = (-x1p - cxp) / rx;
            vy = (-y1p - cyp) / ry;
            a1 = nsvg__vecang(1.0, 0.0, ux, uy);  // Initial angle
            da = nsvg__vecang(ux, uy, vx, vy);    // Delta angle

            //      if (nsvg__vecrat(ux,uy,vx,vy) <= -1.0f) da = Math.PI;
            //      if (nsvg__vecrat(ux,uy,vx,vy) >= 1.0f) da = 0;

            if (fa)
                // Choose large arc
                if (da > 0.0f)
                    da = da - 2 * Math.PI;
                    da = 2 * Math.PI + da;

            // Approximate the arc using cubic spline segments.
            t[0] = cosrx;
            t[1] = sinrx;
            t[2] = -sinrx;
            t[3] = cosrx;
            t[4] = cx;
            t[5] = cy;

            // Split arc into max 90 degree segments.
            // The loop assumes an iteration per end point (including start and end), this +1.
            ndivs = (int)(Math.Abs(da) / (Math.PI * 0.5f) + 1.0f);
            hda   = (da / (double)ndivs) / 2.0f;
            kappa = Math.Abs(4.0f / 3.0f * (1.0f - Math.Cos(hda)) / Math.Sin(hda));
            if (da < 0.0f)
                kappa = -kappa;

            var last = (Vector2)start;

            for (int i = 0; i <= ndivs; i++)
                a  = a1 + da * (i / (double)ndivs);
                dx = Math.Cos(a);
                dy = Math.Sin(a);
                nsvg__xformPoint(out x, out y, dx * rx, dy * ry, t);                      // position
                nsvg__xformVec(out tanx, out tany, -dy * rx * kappa, dx * ry * kappa, t); // tangent
                if (i > 0)
                    BezierCurveCubic b = new BezierCurveCubic((Vector2)last, new Vector2((float)x, (float)y),
                                                              (Vector2) new Vector2d(px + ptanx, py + ptany),
                                                              (Vector2) new Vector2d(x - tanx, y - tany));
                    Vector2 old = b.CalculatePoint(0f);
                    var precision = 0.05f;
                    for (float p = precision; p < 1f + precision; p += precision)
                        Vector2 j = b.CalculatePoint(p);
                    last = b.CalculatePoint(1.0f);
                px    = x;
                py    = y;
                ptanx = tanx;
                ptany = tany;

            end.X = x2;
            end.Y = y2;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>Spline</c> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fitPoints">Spline fit points.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The resulting spline curve will be created from a list of cubic bezier curves that passes through the specified fit points.
 /// </remarks>
 public Spline(IEnumerable <Vector3> fitPoints)
     : this(BezierCurveCubic.CreateFromFitPoints(fitPoints))
     this.creationMethod = SplineCreationMethod.FitPoints;
     this.fitPoints      = new List <Vector3>(fitPoints);
Exemple #6
        public void DrawPath(Path path, VBO vbo)
            List <List <Vector2> > shapes     = new List <List <Vector2> >();
            List <Vector2>         positions  = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector2>         tesselated = new List <Vector2>();
            Point position = new Point();

            foreach (var op in path.Operations)
                var mt = op as MoveTo;
                if (mt != null)
                    positions = new List <Vector2>();

                    position = mt.Point;
                var lt = op as LineTo;
                if (lt != null)
                    position = lt.Point;
                var at = op as ArcTo;
                if (at != null)
                    var p = nsvg.nsvg__pathArcTo((Vector2d)Vec2(position), at);
                    position = at.Point;
                var ct = op as CurveTo;
                if (ct != null)
                    if (double.IsNaN(ct.Control1.X) && double.IsNaN(ct.Control1.Y))
                        BezierCurveQuadric b = new BezierCurveQuadric(Vec2(position), Vec2(ct.EndPoint),
                        Vector2 old = b.CalculatePoint(0f);
                        var precision = 0.05f;
                        for (float i = precision; i < 1f + precision; i += precision)
                            Vector2 j = b.CalculatePoint(i);
                            old = j;
                        BezierCurveCubic b = new BezierCurveCubic(Vec2(position), Vec2(ct.EndPoint), Vec2(ct.Control1),
                        Vector2 old = b.CalculatePoint(0f);
                        var precision = 0.05f;
                        for (float i = precision; i < 1f + precision; i += precision)
                            Vector2 j = b.CalculatePoint(i);
                    position = ct.EndPoint;
                var cp = op as ClosePath;
                if (cp != null)
                    if (positions.Count > 0)
                    positions = new List <Vector2>();
                    position  = new Point();

            LibTessDotNet.Tess t        = new LibTessDotNet.Tess();
            List <Vec3>        vertices = new List <Vec3>();

            foreach (var s in shapes)
                ContourVertex[] cv = new ContourVertex[s.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
                    var v = s[i];
                    cv[i] = new ContourVertex()
                        Position = new Vec3()
                            X = v.X, Y = v.Y
            var rule = LibTessDotNet.WindingRule.NonZero;

            if (path.Brush != null)
                rule = path.Brush.FillMode == FillMode.EvenOdd ? LibTessDotNet.WindingRule.EvenOdd : LibTessDotNet.WindingRule.NonZero;
            t.Tessellate(rule, LibTessDotNet.ElementType.Polygons, 3);
            for (var i = 0; i < t.ElementCount; i++)
                for (var tri = 0; tri < 3; tri++)
                    vertices.Add(t.Vertices[t.Elements[(i * 3) + tri]].Position);
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                tesselated.Add(new Vector2(vertices[i].X, vertices[i].Y));
            var lineshapes = new List <List <Vector2> >();

            foreach (var s in shapes)
                if (s.Count == 0)
                List <Vector2> add = new List <Vector2>();
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
                    add.Add(new Vector2(s[i].X, s[i].Y));

            if (path.Brush is SolidBrush || path.Pen != null)
                if (path.Brush is SolidBrush)
                    var sb = path.Brush as SolidBrush;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tesselated.Count; i++)
                        vbo.AddVertex(new Vertex(tesselated[i], color(sb.Color)));
                if (path.Pen != null)
                    foreach (var list in lineshapes)
                        foreach (var v in TesselateLines(list, path.Pen))