Exemple #1
 private void setStyle(BevelStyle astyle)
     if (astyle != this.style)
         this.style = astyle;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a bevel around a rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GS">Graphics surface to draw on</param>
        /// <param name="ReferenceBorder">Rectangle representing the starting border of the bevel</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Border width (pixels)</param>
        /// <param name="Style">Sunk or raised</param>
        /// <param name="Direction">Direction to draw, referenced to ReferenceBorder</param>
        protected void DrawBevel(Graphics GS, Rectangle ReferenceBorder, int Width, BevelStyle Style, BevelDirection Direction)
            int Inflator;             //number of pixels to inflate ReferenceBorder

            //draw appropriate number of 1-pixel thick rectangles
            for (int i = 0; i != Width; i++)
                Pen TLPen;
                Pen BRPen;

                //select the proper colors
                if (Style == BevelStyle.Raised)
                    TLPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlLight, 1);
                    BRPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark, 1);
                    TLPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark, 1);
                    BRPen = new Pen(SystemColors.ControlLight, 1);

                if (Direction == BevelDirection.Outward)
                    Inflator = i;
                    Inflator = -i;

                //draw the borders
                            ReferenceBorder.Left - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Bottom + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Left - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Top - Inflator);

                            ReferenceBorder.Left - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Top - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Right + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Top - Inflator);

                            ReferenceBorder.Right + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Top - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Right + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Bottom + Inflator);

                            ReferenceBorder.Right + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Bottom + Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Left - Inflator,
                            ReferenceBorder.Bottom + Inflator);
Exemple #3
 public static void DrawDiamond(PaintArgs p, Rectangle r, BevelStyle style, int thickness, Color color)
     if (style != 0)
             thickness = checked (thickness - 1);
         catch (OverflowException)
             thickness = -2147483648;
         iColors.FaceColorLight = iColors.Lighten3(color);
         iColors.FaceColorDark  = iColors.Darken1(color);
         bool    invert = style == BevelStyle.Sunken && true;
         int     x      = (r.Left + r.Right) / 2;
         int     y      = (r.Top + r.Bottom) / 2;
         Point[] array  = new Point[4]
             new Point(r.Left, y),
             new Point(r.Left + thickness, y),
             new Point(x, r.Top + thickness),
             new Point(x, r.Top)
         p.Graphics.FillPolygon(p.Graphics.Brush(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Top, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         p.Graphics.DrawPolygon(p.Graphics.Pen(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Top, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         array[0] = new Point(x, r.Top);
         array[1] = new Point(x, r.Top + thickness);
         array[2] = new Point(r.Right - thickness, y);
         array[3] = new Point(r.Right, y);
         p.Graphics.FillPolygon(p.Graphics.Brush(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Right, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         p.Graphics.DrawPolygon(p.Graphics.Pen(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Right, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         array[0] = new Point(x, r.Bottom);
         array[1] = new Point(x, r.Bottom - thickness);
         array[2] = new Point(r.Right - thickness, y);
         array[3] = new Point(r.Right, y);
         p.Graphics.FillPolygon(p.Graphics.Brush(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Bottom, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         p.Graphics.DrawPolygon(p.Graphics.Pen(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Bottom, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         array[0] = new Point(x, r.Bottom);
         array[1] = new Point(x, r.Bottom - thickness);
         array[2] = new Point(r.Left + thickness, y);
         array[3] = new Point(r.Left, y);
         p.Graphics.FillPolygon(p.Graphics.Brush(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Left, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
         p.Graphics.DrawPolygon(p.Graphics.Pen(iColors.ToFaceColor(FaceReference.Left, p.Rotation, invert)), array);
Exemple #4
        protected void Draw(PaintArgs p, Rectangle r, ShapeBasic type, BevelStyle style, int thickness, Color color)
            switch (type)
            case ShapeBasic.Rectangle:
                BorderSpecial.DrawRectangle(p, r, style, thickness, color);

            case ShapeBasic.Ellipse:
                BorderSpecial.DrawEllipse(p, r, style, (float)thickness, color);

            case ShapeBasic.Diamond:
                BorderSpecial.DrawDiamond(p, r, style, thickness, color);
Exemple #5
        public static void DrawRoundedSides(PaintArgs p, Rectangle r, BevelStyle style, int thickness, Color color)
            Point[] array  = new Point[4];
            Color   color2 = iColors.Darken1(color);

            array[0] = new Point(r.Left, r.Top);
            array[1] = new Point(r.Left, r.Bottom);
            array[2] = new Point(thickness, r.Bottom - thickness);
            array[3] = new Point(thickness, r.Top + thickness);
            GraphicsPath        graphicsPath        = Shapes.CreatePointsPath(array);
            LinearGradientBrush linearGradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(graphicsPath.GetBounds(), color2, color, 0f);

            linearGradientBrush.WrapMode = WrapMode.TileFlipXY;
            p.Graphics.FillPath(linearGradientBrush, graphicsPath);
            array[0]                     = new Point(r.Left, r.Top);
            array[1]                     = new Point(thickness, thickness);
            array[2]                     = new Point(r.Right - thickness, thickness);
            array[3]                     = new Point(r.Right, r.Top);
            graphicsPath                 = Shapes.CreatePointsPath(array);
            linearGradientBrush          = new LinearGradientBrush(graphicsPath.GetBounds(), color2, color, 90f);
            linearGradientBrush.WrapMode = WrapMode.TileFlipXY;
            p.Graphics.FillPath(linearGradientBrush, graphicsPath);
            array[0]                     = new Point(r.Right, r.Top);
            array[1]                     = new Point(r.Right - thickness, r.Top + thickness);
            array[2]                     = new Point(r.Right - thickness, r.Bottom - thickness);
            array[3]                     = new Point(r.Right, r.Bottom);
            graphicsPath                 = Shapes.CreatePointsPath(array);
            linearGradientBrush          = new LinearGradientBrush(graphicsPath.GetBounds(), color2, color, 180f);
            linearGradientBrush.WrapMode = WrapMode.TileFlipXY;
            p.Graphics.FillPath(linearGradientBrush, graphicsPath);
            array[0]                     = new Point(r.Left, r.Bottom);
            array[1]                     = new Point(r.Left + thickness, r.Bottom - thickness);
            array[2]                     = new Point(r.Right - thickness, r.Bottom - thickness);
            array[3]                     = new Point(r.Right, r.Bottom);
            graphicsPath                 = Shapes.CreatePointsPath(array);
            linearGradientBrush          = new LinearGradientBrush(graphicsPath.GetBounds(), color2, color, 270f);
            linearGradientBrush.WrapMode = WrapMode.TileFlipXY;
            p.Graphics.FillPath(linearGradientBrush, graphicsPath);
Exemple #6
 public static void DrawEllipse(PaintArgs p, Rectangle r, BevelStyle style, float thickness, Color color)
     if (style != 0)
         Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width - 1, r.Height - 1);
         if (style == BevelStyle.Sunken)
             iColors.FaceColorLight = iColors.Darken2(color);
             iColors.FaceColorDark  = Color.White;
             iColors.FaceColorLight = Color.White;
             iColors.FaceColorDark  = iColors.Darken2(color);
         float        angle        = (p.Rotation != 0) ? ((p.Rotation != RotationQuad.X090) ? ((p.Rotation != RotationQuad.X180) ? 135f : 225f) : 315f) : 45f;
         GraphicsPath graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath();
         LinearGradientBrush linearGradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(r, iColors.FaceColorLight, iColors.FaceColorDark, angle);
         p.Graphics.FillPath(linearGradientBrush, graphicsPath);
        private void DrawPart(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, BevelBorder pos, BevelStyle style, bool all)
            SkinLayer layer = Skin.Layers["Control"];
              Color c1 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["LightColor"].Value);
              Color c2 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["DarkColor"].Value);
              Color c3 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["FlatColor"].Value);

              if (Color != UndefinedColor) c3 = Color;

              Texture2D img = Skin.Layers["Control"].Image.Resource;

              int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int w1 = 0; int h1 = 0;
              int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; int w2 = 0; int h2 = 0;

              if (style == BevelStyle.Bumped || style == BevelStyle.Etched)
            if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Top || pos == BevelBorder.Bottom))
              rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height);
            else if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Left))
              rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height - 1);
            switch (pos)
              case BevelBorder.Left:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Top:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Right:
            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 2; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
              case BevelBorder.Bottom:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 2; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
            switch (pos)
              case BevelBorder.Left:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
              case BevelBorder.Top:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
              case BevelBorder.Right:
            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 1; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
              case BevelBorder.Bottom:
            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;

              switch (Style)
            case BevelStyle.Bumped:
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c1);
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c2);
            case BevelStyle.Etched:
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c2);
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c1);
            case BevelStyle.Raised:
              Color c = c1;
              if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top) c = c1;
              else c = c2;

              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);
            case BevelStyle.Lowered:
              Color c = c1;
              if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top) c = c2;
              else c = c1;

              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);
              renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c3);
Exemple #8
        } // DrawControl

        private void DrawPart(Rectangle rect, BevelBorder pos, BevelStyle style, bool all)
            SkinLayer layer = SkinInformation.Layers["Control"];
            Color c1 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["LightColor"].Value);
            Color c2 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["DarkColor"].Value);
            Color c3 = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["FlatColor"].Value);

            if (Color != UndefinedColor) c3 = Color;

            Texture texture = SkinInformation.Layers["Control"].Image.Texture;

            int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int w1 = 0; int h1 = 0;
            int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; int w2 = 0; int h2 = 0;

            if (style == BevelStyle.Bumped || style == BevelStyle.Etched)
                if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Top || pos == BevelBorder.Bottom))
                    rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height);
                else if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Left))
                    rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height - 1);
                switch (pos)
                    case BevelBorder.Left:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
                            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
                    case BevelBorder.Top:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
                            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
                    case BevelBorder.Right:
                            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 2; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
                            x2 = x1 + 1; y2 = y1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
                    case BevelBorder.Bottom:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 2; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
                            x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + 1; w2 = w1; h2 = h1;
                switch (pos)
                    case BevelBorder.Left:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
                    case BevelBorder.Top:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;
                    case BevelBorder.Right:
                            x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 1; y1 = rect.Top; w1 = 1; h1 = rect.Height;
                    case BevelBorder.Bottom:
                            x1 = rect.Left; y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; w1 = rect.Width; h1 = 1;

            switch (Style)
                case BevelStyle.Bumped:
                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c1);
                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c2);
                case BevelStyle.Etched:
                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c2);
                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c1);
                case BevelStyle.Raised:
                        Color c = c1;
                        if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top) c = c1;
                        else c = c2;

                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);
                case BevelStyle.Lowered:
                        Color c = c1;
                        if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top) c = c2;
                        else c = c1;

                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);
                        Renderer.Draw(texture.Resource, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c3);
        } // DrawPart
Exemple #9
        /// <param name="all">Indicates if the bevel is applied to a single side (false) or all sides (true) of the control.</param>
        /// <param name="style">Specifies the style of beveling to apply to the control.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Specifies which side of the control is beveled.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Bounds of the control the bevel is applied to.</param>
        /// <param name="renderer">Render management object.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a piece of the beveled control based on the bevel's border and style.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawPart(Renderer renderer, Rectangle rect, BevelBorder pos, BevelStyle style, bool all)
// Get the skin's control layer and parse the bevel color values.
            var layer = Skin.Layers["Control"];
            var c1    = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["LightColor"].Value);
            var c2    = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["DarkColor"].Value);
            var c3    = Utilities.ParseColor(layer.Attributes["FlatColor"].Value);

            if (Color != UndefinedColor)
                c3 = Color;

// Get the control's image asset.
            var img = Skin.Layers["Control"].Image.Resource;

            var x1 = 0;
            var y1 = 0;
            var w1 = 0;
            var h1 = 0;
            var x2 = 0;
            var y2 = 0;
            var w2 = 0;
            var h2 = 0;

            if (style == BevelStyle.Bumped || style == BevelStyle.Etched)
                if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Top || pos == BevelBorder.Bottom))
                    rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left + 1, rect.Top, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height);
                else if (all && (pos == BevelBorder.Left))
                    rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height - 1);
                switch (pos)
                case BevelBorder.Left:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = 1;
                    h1 = rect.Height;
                    x2 = x1 + 1;
                    y2 = y1;
                    w2 = w1;
                    h2 = h1;

                case BevelBorder.Top:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = rect.Width;
                    h1 = 1;
                    x2 = x1;
                    y2 = y1 + 1;
                    w2 = w1;
                    h2 = h1;

                case BevelBorder.Right:
                    x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 2;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = 1;
                    h1 = rect.Height;
                    x2 = x1 + 1;
                    y2 = y1;
                    w2 = w1;
                    h2 = h1;

                case BevelBorder.Bottom:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 2;
                    w1 = rect.Width;
                    h1 = 1;
                    x2 = x1;
                    y2 = y1 + 1;
                    w2 = w1;
                    h2 = h1;
                switch (pos)
                case BevelBorder.Left:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = 1;
                    h1 = rect.Height;

                case BevelBorder.Top:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = rect.Width;
                    h1 = 1;

                case BevelBorder.Right:
                    x1 = rect.Left + rect.Width - 1;
                    y1 = rect.Top;
                    w1 = 1;
                    h1 = rect.Height;

                case BevelBorder.Bottom:
                    x1 = rect.Left;
                    y1 = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1;
                    w1 = rect.Width;
                    h1 = 1;

            switch (Style)
            case BevelStyle.Bumped:
                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c1);
                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c2);

            case BevelStyle.Etched:
                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c2);
                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x2, y2, w2, h2), c1);

            case BevelStyle.Raised:
                var c = c1;
                if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top)
                    c = c1;
                    c = c2;

                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);

            case BevelStyle.Lowered:
                var c = c1;
                if (pos == BevelBorder.Left || pos == BevelBorder.Top)
                    c = c2;
                    c = c1;

                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c);

                renderer.Draw(img, new Rectangle(x1, y1, w1, h1), c3);
Exemple #10
 private void setStyle(BevelStyle astyle)
     if (astyle != this.style) {
         this.style = astyle;
Exemple #11
 void IBevelThick.Draw(PaintArgs p, Rectangle r, ShapeBasic type, BevelStyle style, int thickness, Color color)
     this.Draw(p, r, type, style, thickness, color);