public override void ParseMatchPageHtml(HtmlDocument doc, string url) { Sport sport = GetSport(doc); if (sport == Sport.NotSupported) { return; } MatchName matchName = GetFullMatchName(doc); // повне ім'я (only for tennis cuz all event names were writed like (Coppejans K.) ) if (matchName == null) { return; } string BetUrl = url; HtmlNodeCollection betsNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td"); Bet result = null; if (betsNodes == null) { return; } foreach (var node in betsNodes) { result = null; //if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null) continue; HtmlAttribute attribute = node.Attributes["data-sel"]; if (attribute == null) { continue; } string value = attribute.Value.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(""", string.Empty); JavaSelectCode = "(function() { var element = document.evaluate( '" + node.XPath + "' ,document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;; })();"; string coeff = value.Split(new string[] { ",epr:", ",prices:{" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; double Probability = Convert.ToDouble(coeff.Replace(".", ",")); string type = value.Split(new string[] { "sn:", ",mn:" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; string TotalorHand = value.Split(new string[] { "mn:", ",ewc:" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; if (TotalorHand.Contains(" + ")) { continue; } if (TotalorHand.ToLower().Contains("min.")) { continue; } Team team = GetTeam(TotalorHand, matchName); Time time = GetTime(TotalorHand); #region main bets if (TotalorHand.Contains("Match Result") || TotalorHand == "Result" || TotalorHand.Contains("Match Winner Including All OT") || (TotalorHand.Contains("Result") && TotalorHand.Contains("Set")) || TotalorHand.Contains("Normal Time Result") || TotalorHand.Contains("To Win Match") && !TotalorHand.Contains("Handicap")) { if (TotalorHand.Contains("Match Winner Including All OT")) { if (type == matchName.FirstTeam) { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P1, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (type == matchName.SecondTeam) { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P2, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } } if (TotalorHand.Contains("To Win Match")) { if (type == matchName.FirstTeam) { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P1, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (type == matchName.SecondTeam) { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P2, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } } if (type == matchName.FirstTeam + " To Win") { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P1, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.First, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (type == "Draw") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Draw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else if (type == matchName.SecondTeam + " To Win") { if (node.Attributes["data-market-type"] != null && node.Attributes["data-market-type"].Value == "RESULT_2WAY") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P2, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Second, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (type == matchName.FirstTeam + " To Win or Draw") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrDraw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else if (type == matchName.FirstTeam + " To Win or " + matchName.SecondTeam + " To Win") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrSecond, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else if (type == matchName.SecondTeam + " To Win or Draw") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.SecondOrDraw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } #endregion else #region Totals for All Team // Totals if (TotalorHand.Contains("Total") && !TotalorHand.Contains("Sets") && !TotalorHand.Contains("Innings")) { if (type.Contains("Under")) { if (TotalorHand.Contains("Asian")) { try { double first_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Under ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); double second_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Under ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); double param = (first_param + second_param) / 2; result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } catch { } } else { try { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Under ", "\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } catch { } } } if (type.Contains("Over")) { if (TotalorHand.Contains("Asian")) { try { double first_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Over ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); double second_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Over ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); double param = (first_param + second_param) / 2; result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } catch { } } else { try { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Over ", "\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } catch { } } } } #endregion else #region All Handicaps if (TotalorHand.Contains("Handicap") || TotalorHand.Contains("Draw No Bet")) // переробити. draw no bet = 0 все інше нормально. з ханд робити { if (type.Contains(matchName.FirstTeam)) { double param = 0; string test; if (TotalorHand.Contains("Draw No Bet")) { param = 0; } else { if (TotalorHand.Contains("Asian")) { try { double first_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { matchName.FirstTeam + " (", ")", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); double second_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { matchName.FirstTeam + " (", ")", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); param = (first_param + second_param) / 2; } catch { } } else { try { test = type.Split(new string[] { matchName.FirstTeam + " (", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ","); param = Convert.ToDouble(test); } catch { continue; } } } result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F1, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type.Contains(matchName.SecondTeam)) { double param = 0; string test; if (TotalorHand.Contains("Draw No Bet")) { param = 0; } else { if (TotalorHand.Contains("Asian")) { try { double first_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { matchName.SecondTeam + " (", ")", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); double second_param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { matchName.SecondTeam + " (", ")", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); param = (first_param + second_param) / 2; } catch { } } else { try { test = type.Split(new string[] { matchName.SecondTeam + " (", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ","); param = Convert.ToDouble(test); } catch { continue; } } } result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F2, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } #endregion if (result != null) { int index = BetList.IndexOf(result); if (index != -1) { BetList[index].ChangeOdds(result.Odds); } else { BetList.Add(result); } } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); }
/* * private void ParseMatch(ChromiumWebBrowser browser) * { * if (!browser.IsBrowserInitialized || browser.IsLoading) * return; * * var task = browser.GetSourceAsync(); * task.Wait(2000); * if (!task.IsCompleted) return; * string html = task.Result; * * HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); * doc.LoadHtml(html); * * ParseMatchPageHtml(doc, browser.Address); * }*/ public override void ParseMatchPageHtml(HtmlDocument doc, string url) { MatchName matchName = GetFullMatchName(doc); if (matchName == null) { return; } Sport sport = GetSport(doc); if (sport == Sport.NotSupported) { return; } string BetUrl = url; Bet result = null; HtmlNodeCollection maindocument = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//li[@class='groupedListItem']"); if (maindocument == null) { return; } foreach (var node in maindocument) { result = null; try { string all_main = node.InnerHtml; HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument(); document.LoadHtml(all_main); string Way = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table[@class]").First().Attributes["class"].Value; string maintype = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h3").First().InnerText; HtmlNodeCollection betsNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@id]"); Team team = GetTeam(maintype); Time time = GetTime(maintype);// зробити час foreach (var node2 in betsNodes) { string value = node2.InnerHtml; if (!value.Contains("class=\"oddHolder\"")) { continue; } HtmlDocument document2 = new HtmlDocument(); document2.LoadHtml(value); HtmlNodeCollection test = document2.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div"); HtmlAttribute idAttribude = node.Attributes["id"]; if (idAttribude == null) { continue; } JavaSelectCode = "(function() { var element = document.evaluate( '" + node2.XPath + "' ,document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;; })();"; string type = test.First().InnerText; string coeff = test.Last().InnerText; double Probability = Convert.ToDouble(coeff.Replace(".", ",")); if (maintype.Contains("1X2")) { if (Way == "list cell2") { if (type == "1") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P1, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type == "2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P2, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (Way == "list cell3") { if (type == "1") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.First, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type == "x" || type == "X") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Draw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type == "2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Second, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } } if (maintype.Contains("Double Chance") || maintype.Contains("Double chance"))// за весь час чи нормальний час брати? Inc All OT { if (type == "1x" || type == "1X") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrDraw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type == "12") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrSecond, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (type == "x2" || type == "X2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.SecondOrDraw, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } // importantly!!!! // You have to see it. if ((maintype.Contains("Total") || maintype.Contains("total")) && (!maintype.Contains("aggregated") && !maintype.Contains("Totals"))) { if (sport == Sport.Basketball && (!maintype.Contains("including overtime") && !maintype.Contains("Including overtime") && !maintype.Contains("including Overtime"))) { continue; } // перевірити правильність написання including overtime(регістр) if (type.Contains("Under")) { try { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Under (", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } catch { } } if (type.Contains("Over")) { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "Over (", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Replace(".", ",")); result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, team, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if ((maintype.Contains("Handicap") || maintype.Contains("handicap")) && maintype.Contains("Asian")) { if (sport == Sport.Basketball && (!maintype.Contains("inc. ОТ") && !maintype.Contains("Inc. OT") && !maintype.Contains("INC. OT") && !maintype.Contains("including overtime"))) { continue; } // перевірити правильність написання including overtime(регістр) string first_or_second_team = type.Split(new string[] { " (" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; if (first_or_second_team == "1") { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "(", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F1, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (first_or_second_team == "2") { double param = Convert.ToDouble(type.Split(new string[] { "(", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Replace(".", ",")); result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F2, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (maintype.Contains("Handicap") && !maintype.Contains("Asian")) { // коли буде матч переглянути як тут пишуть INC.OT. string first_or_second_team = type.Split(new string[] { " (" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; if (first_or_second_team == "1") { string initial_score = type.Split(new string[] { "(", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; int first_number = Convert.ToInt32(initial_score.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]); int second_number = Convert.ToInt32(initial_score.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]); double param = 0; if (first_number != 0) { param = first_number - 0.5; } if (second_number != 0) { param = (-1) * (second_number) - 0.5; } result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F1, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else if (first_or_second_team == "2") { string initial_score = type.Split(new string[] { "(", ")" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; int first_number = Convert.ToInt32(initial_score.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]); int second_number = Convert.ToInt32(initial_score.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]); double param = 0; if (first_number != 0) { param = (-1) * first_number - 0.5; } if (second_number != 0) { param = second_number - 0.5; } result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F2, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } else if (maintype.Contains("Draw No Bet")) { if (sport == Sport.Basketball && (!maintype.Contains("inc. ОТ") && !maintype.Contains("Inc. OT") && !maintype.Contains("INC. OT") && !maintype.Contains("including overtime"))) { continue; } double param = 0; if (type.Contains("1")) { result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F1, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } else if (type.Contains("2")) { result = new HandicapBet(HandicapBetType.F2, param, time, Probability, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (result != null) { int index = BetList.IndexOf(result); if (index != -1) { BetList[index].ChangeOdds(result.Odds); } else { BetList.Add(result); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); }
public override void ParseMatchPageHtml(HtmlDocument doc, string url) { MatchName matchName = GetMatchName(doc); if (matchName == null) { return; } Sport sport = GetSport(doc); if (sport == Sport.NotSupported) { return; } string BetUrl = url; Bet result = null; HtmlNodeCollection maindocument = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@class='bet_sel koefs']"); if (maindocument == null) { return; } foreach (var node in maindocument) { result = null; try { string[] betParams = node.Attributes["data-select"].Value.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); HtmlNodeCollection coeffNodes = node.SelectNodes(".//b"); if (coeffNodes == null) { continue; } string coeff = coeffNodes.First().InnerText; double odds = Convert.ToDouble(coeff.Replace(".", ",")); Time time = GetTime(betParams); if (time == null) { continue; } JavaSelectCode = "(function() { var elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('bet_sel koefs')); elements.forEach(function(item, i, arr) {" + "if(item.getAttribute('data-select') == '" + node.Attributes["data-select"].Value + "'); }); })();"; if (betParams[1] == "1") // 1, X, 2, 1X, 12, x2 { if (betParams[2] == "1" || betParams[2] == "10" || betParams[2] == "13" || betParams[2] == "16") // 1, X, 2 { if (betParams[4] == "1") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.First, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[4] == "2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Draw, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[4] == "3") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.Second, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (betParams[2] == "2" || betParams[2] == "9" || betParams[2] == "22") // 1, 2 all game { if (betParams[4] == "1") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P1, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[4] == "2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.P2, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (betParams[2] == "3") // 1x, 12, x2 all game { if (betParams[4] == "1") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrDraw, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[4] == "2") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.FirstOrSecond, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[4] == "3") { result = new ResultBet(ResultBetType.SecondOrDraw, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } } if (betParams[1] == "2") // handicap, under { double param = Convert.ToDouble(betParams[3].Replace(".", ",")); if (betParams[2] == "4" || betParams[2] == "168" || betParams[2] == "11" || betParams[2] == "14" || betParams[2] == "17") // f1/f2 { HandicapBetType type = betParams[4] == "1" ? HandicapBetType.F1 : HandicapBetType.F2; result = new HandicapBet(type, param, time, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[2] == "5" || betParams[2] == "12" || betParams[2] == "15" || betParams[2] == "18") // under { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, Team.All, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[2] == "7") //first team { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, Team.First, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[2] == "8") //second team { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Under, param, time, Team.Second, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (betParams[1] == "3") // over { double param = Convert.ToDouble(betParams[3].Replace(".", ",")); if (betParams[2] == "5" || betParams[2] == "12" || betParams[2] == "15" || betParams[2] == "18") // over { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, Team.All, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[2] == "7") //first team { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, Team.First, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } if (betParams[2] == "8") //second team { result = new TotalBet(TotalBetType.Over, param, time, Team.Second, odds, matchName, BetUrl, JavaSelectCode, sport, Maker); } } if (result != null) { int index = BetList.IndexOf(result); if (index != -1) { BetList[index].ChangeOdds(result.Odds); } else { BetList.Add(result); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.Message); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); }