public void GetBeerTypesFilterSearch_IndexOutOfBounds_ExpectInvalidDataException()
            // arrange
            repoMock.Setup(repo => repo.ReadTypesFilterSearch(It.IsAny <Filter>())).Returns(() => throw new InvalidDataException("Index out of bounds"));

            BeerType beerType1 = new BeerType {
                ID = 1
            BeerType beerType2 = new BeerType {
                ID = 2

            typeDatabase.Add(beerType1.ID, beerType1);
            typeDatabase.Add(beerType2.ID, beerType2);

            Filter filter = new Filter {
                CurrentPage = 2, ItemsPrPage = 2
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidDataException>(() => service.GetTypesFilterSearch(filter));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal("Index out of bounds", ex.Message);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypesFilterSearch(It.Is <Filter>(f => f == filter)), Times.Once);
        public void GetBeerTypesFilterSearch_CorrectPaging()
            // arrange
            BeerType beerType1 = new BeerType {
                ID = 1
            BeerType beerType2 = new BeerType {
                ID = 2

            typeDatabase.Add(beerType1.ID, beerType1);
            typeDatabase.Add(beerType2.ID, beerType2);

            var expected = new List <BeerType>()
                beerType1, beerType2
            int expectedSize = expected.Count;

            Filter filter = new Filter {
                CurrentPage = 1, ItemsPrPage = 2
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var result = service.GetTypesFilterSearch(filter);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, result.List);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSize, result.totalItems);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypesFilterSearch(It.Is <Filter>(f => f == filter)), Times.Once);
        public void GetAllTypes(int beerTypeCount)
            // arrange
            BeerType beerType1 = new BeerType {
                ID = 1
            BeerType beerType2 = new BeerType {
                ID = 2
            List <BeerType> types = new List <BeerType>()
                beerType1, beerType2

            var expected = types.GetRange(0, beerTypeCount);

            foreach (var type in expected)
                typeDatabase.Add(type.ID, type);

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var result = service.GetAllTypes();

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, result);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypes(), Times.Once);
        public void CreateBeerTypeService_BeerTypeRepositoryIsNull_ExpectNullReferenceException()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = null;

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => service = new BeerTypeService(null as IBeerTypeRepository, validatorMock.Object));

            Assert.Equal("Repository can't be null", ex.Message);
        public void CreateBeerTypeService_ValidatorIsNull_ExpectNullReferenceException()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = null;

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, null as IValidator));

            Assert.Equal("Validator can't be null", ex.Message);
        public void CreateBeerTypeService_ValidBeerTypeRepositoryAndValidator()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = null;

            // act + assert
            service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

        public void GetBeerTypeById_InvalidId_ExpectArgumentException(int ID)
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.GetTypeById(ID));

            Assert.Equal("Incorrect ID entered", ex.Message);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(id => id == ID)), Times.Never);
        public void UpdateBeerType_BeerTypeIsNUll_ExpectArgumentException()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.UpdateType(null));

            Assert.Equal("Updating type does not exist", ex.Message);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == null)), Times.Never);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.UpdateTypeInRepo(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == null)), Times.Never);
        public void BeerTypeServiceValidate_ShouldValidateBeerTypeWithBeerTypeParameter_Once()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = null;
            BeerType        type    = new BeerType {
                ID = 1

            // act + assert
            service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
        public void GetBeerTypesFilterSearch_InvalidPaging_ExpectInvalidDataException(int currentPage, int itemsPrPage)
            // arrange
            Filter filter = new Filter {
                CurrentPage = currentPage, ItemsPrPage = itemsPrPage
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidDataException>(() => service.GetTypesFilterSearch(filter));

            Assert.Equal("Page or items per page must be above zero", ex.Message);

            // assert
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypesFilterSearch(It.Is <Filter>(f => f == filter)), Times.Never);
        public void GetBeerTypeById_BeerTypeExists()
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType {
                ID = 1

            typeDatabase.Add(type.ID, type);

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var result = service.GetTypeById(type.ID);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(type, result);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(id => id == type.ID)), Times.Once);
        public void UpdateBeerType_BeerTypeDoesNotExist_InvalidOperationException()
            // arrange
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = 1,
                TypeName = "IPA"

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.UpdateType(type));

            Assert.Equal("No type with such ID found", ex.Message);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == type.ID)), Times.Once);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.UpdateTypeInRepo(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Never);
        public void AddBeerType_ValidBeerType(int id, string typeName)
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = id,
                TypeName = typeName

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act

            // assert
            Assert.Contains(type, typeDatabase.Values);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.AddType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
        public void GetBeerTypeById_BeerTypeDoesNotExist_ExpectNull()
            // arrange
            var beerType1 = new BeerType {
                ID = 1
            var beerType2 = new BeerType {
                ID = 2

            typeDatabase.Add(beerType2.ID, beerType2);

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var result = service.GetTypeById(beerType1.ID);

            // assert
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == beerType1.ID)), Times.Once);
        public void AddBeerType_InvalidBeerType(int id, string typeName, string errorExpected)
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = id,
                TypeName = typeName

            validatorMock.Setup(mock => mock.ValidateType(It.IsAny <BeerType>())).Callback <BeerType>(type => throw new ArgumentException(errorExpected));
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.CreateType(type));

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(errorExpected, ex.Message);
            Assert.DoesNotContain(type, typeDatabase.Values);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.AddType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Never);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
        public void RemoveBeerType_ValidExistingBeerType()
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = 1,
                TypeName = "Stout"

            typeDatabase.Add(type.ID, type);

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act

            // assert
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == type.ID)), Times.Once);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.DeleteTypeInRepo(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == type.ID)), Times.Once);
        public void UpdateBeerType_ValidExistingBeerType(int id, string typeName)
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = id,
                TypeName = typeName

            typeDatabase.Add(type.ID, type);

            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act

            // assert
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == type.ID)), Times.Once);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.UpdateTypeInRepo(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
            Assert.Equal(repoMock.Object.ReadTypeById(type.ID), type);
        public void UpdateBeerType_InvalidBeerType_ExpectArgumentException(int id, string typeName, string errorExpected)
            // arrange
            BeerType type = new BeerType()
                ID       = id,
                TypeName = typeName

            validatorMock.Setup(mock => mock.ValidateType(It.IsAny <BeerType>())).Callback <BeerType>(type => throw new ArgumentException(errorExpected));
            BeerTypeService service = new BeerTypeService(repoMock.Object, validatorMock.Object);

            // act + assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => service.UpdateType(type));

            Assert.Equal(errorExpected, ex.Message);
            Assert.Equal(repoMock.Object.ReadTypeById(type.ID), null);

            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.ReadTypeById(It.Is <int>(ID => ID == type.ID)), Times.Once);
            validatorMock.Verify(validator => validator.ValidateType(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Once);
            repoMock.Verify(repo => repo.UpdateTypeInRepo(It.Is <BeerType>(t => t == type)), Times.Never);