public ActionResult Edit(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { try { if (model.Id != 0) { if (BeautyHomePageConfigManager.UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig(model)) { CleanCahce(model.Channel, model.Type); } } else { int outId = 0; if (BeautyHomePageConfigManager.InsertBeautyHomePageConfig(model, ref outId)) { CleanCahce(model.Channel, model.Type); } } return(Json(true)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(false)); throw ex; } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { try { if (model.Id != 0) { if (BeautyHomePageConfigManager.UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig(model)) { CleanCahce(model.Channel, model.Type); } var beautyServiceProxy = new BeautyServiceProxy(); await beautyServiceProxy.RefreshModuleCacheAsync(model.Id); await beautyServiceProxy.RemoveCacheKeyAsync($"BeautyCategoriesPrefixV2-{model.Id}"); } else { int outId = 0; if (BeautyHomePageConfigManager.InsertBeautyHomePageConfig(model, ref outId)) { CleanCahce(model.Channel, model.Type); } } return(Json(true)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(false)); throw ex; } }
public bool InsertBeautyHomePageConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model, ref int id) { try { return(DALBeautyHomePageConfig.InsertBeautyHomePageConfig(model, ref id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(Level.Error, ex, "InsertBeautyHomePageConfig"); throw ex; } }
public bool UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { try { return(DALBeautyHomePageConfig.UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(Level.Error, ex, "UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig"); throw ex; } }
public List <BeautyHomePageConfig> GetBeautyHomePageConfigList(BeautyHomePageConfig model, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount) { try { return(DALBeautyHomePageConfig.GetBeautyHomePageConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(Level.Error, ex, "GetBeautyHomePageConfigList"); throw ex; } }
public static List <BeautyHomePageConfig> GetBeautyHomePageConfigList(BeautyHomePageConfig model, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount) { string sql = @" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY A.Id DESC ) AS ROWNUMBER , A.[Id] , [Type] , [StartVersion] , [EndVersion] , A.[Name] , [Sort] , [Title] , [SmallTitle] , [Channel] , A.[CategoryID] , [CategoryName] , [Link] , [Icon] , A.[Status] , [IsRegion] , [CarLevel] , A.[ActivityId] , [StartTime] , [EndTime] , A.[CreateTime] , A.[UpdateTime] , b.Name AS ActivityName, ActivityPKID, Banner FROM [Tuhu_Groupon].[dbo].SE_BeautyHomePageConfig AS A WITH ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN Tuhu_Groupon.dbo.ShopBeautyAcitivity AS b WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON A.ActivityPKID = b.Id WHERE 1 = 1 AND Type=@Type ) AS PG WHERE PG.ROWNUMBER BETWEEN STR(( @PageIndex - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1) AND STR(@PageIndex * @PageSize) "; string sqlCount = @"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Tuhu_Groupon].[dbo].[SE_BeautyHomePageConfig] WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND Type=@Type "; var sqlParameters = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize), new SqlParameter("@PageIndex", pageIndex), new SqlParameter("@Type", model.Type) }; recordCount = (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(connOnRead, CommandType.Text, sqlCount, sqlParameters); return(SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(connOnRead, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParameters).ConvertTo <BeautyHomePageConfig>().ToList()); }
public ActionResult List(BeautyHomePageConfig model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 15) { int count = 0; string strSql = string.Empty; var lists = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.GetBeautyHomePageConfigList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count); var list = new OutData <List <BeautyHomePageConfig>, int>(lists, count); var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize) { TotalItem = count }; return(View(new ListModel <BeautyHomePageConfig>(list.ReturnValue, pager))); }
public ActionResult EditShopConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { var result = false; model.StartTime = DateTime.Now; model.EndTime = new DateTime(2999, 12, 31); model.Type = (short)(model.Type + 1000); if (model.Id != 0) { result = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.UpdateBeautyHomePageConfig(model); } else { int outId = 0; result = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.InsertBeautyHomePageConfig(model, ref outId); } return(Json(new { Status = result })); }
public JsonResult SaveBeautyBannerConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { var result = false; string msg = string.Empty; try { var log = new BeautyOprLog { LogType = "SaveBeautyBannerConfig", IdentityID = $"{model.Id}", OldValue = null, NewValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), OperateUser = User.Identity.Name, Remarks = $"新增美容首页Banner配置", }; if (model.Id > 0) { var oldModel = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.GetBeautyHomePageConfigById(model.Id) ?? new BeautyHomePageConfig(); oldModel.Region = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(MeiRongAcitivityConfigManager.GetRegion(model.Id, 3)); log.OldValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oldModel); log.Remarks = $"更新美容首页Banner配置"; result = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.UpdateBeautyHomePageBannerConfig(model); } else { int outId = 0; result = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.InsertBeautyHomePageBannerConfig(model, ref outId); log.IdentityID = outId.ToString(); } if (result) { LoggerManager.InsertLog("BeautyOprLog", log); UpdateBeautyBannerCache(model.Channel); } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } return(Json(new { Result = result, Msg = msg })); }
public ActionResult Edit(short type, int id = 0) { ViewBag.ProvinceList = MeiRongAcitivityConfigManager.GetRegion(0); if (id == 0) { BeautyHomePageConfig model = new BeautyHomePageConfig(); model.StartTime = DateTime.Now; model.EndTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); model.Status = true; model.Channel = "ios"; model.Type = type; return(View(model)); } else { BeautyHomePageConfig model = BeautyHomePageConfigManager.GetBeautyHomePageConfigById(id); model.RegionList = MeiRongAcitivityConfigManager.GetRegionRelation(model.Id, 2); return(View(model)); } }
public static bool UpdateBeautyHomePageBannerConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model) { const string sql = @"UPDATE Tuhu_Groupon.dbo.SE_BeautyHomePageConfig SET Type=@Type ,StartVersion=@StartVersion ,EndVersion=@EndVersion ,Name=@Name ,Sort=@Sort ,Title=@Title ,SmallTitle=@SmallTitle ,Channel=@Channel ,CategoryID=@CategoryID ,CategoryName=@CategoryName ,Link=@Link ,Icon=@Icon ,Banner=@Banner ,Status=@Status ,IsRegion=@IsRegion ,CarLevel=@CarLevel ,ActivityId=@ActivityId ,ActivityPKID=@ActivityPKID ,StartTime=@StartTime ,EndTime=@EndTime ,UpdateTime=GETDATE() WHERE Id=@Id"; var sqlParameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ActivityPKID", model.ActivityPKID), new SqlParameter("@ActivityId", model.ActivityId ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Banner", model.Banner ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@CarLevel", model.CarLevel), new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", model.CategoryID), new SqlParameter("@CategoryName", model.CategoryName ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Channel", model.Channel ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@EndTime", model.EndTime), new SqlParameter("@EndVersion", model.EndVersion ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Icon", model.Icon ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@IsRegion", model.IsRegion), new SqlParameter("@Status", model.Status), new SqlParameter("@Link", model.Link ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Name", model.Name ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@SmallTitle", model.SmallTitle ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Sort", model.Sort), new SqlParameter("@StartTime", model.StartTime), new SqlParameter("@StartVersion", model.StartVersion ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Title", model.Title ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Type", model.Type), new SqlParameter("@Id", model.Id) }; List <RegionRelation> region = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RegionRelation> >(model.Region ?? string.Empty) ?? new List <RegionRelation>(); string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Tuhu_Groupon"].ConnectionString; string connectionString = SecurityHelp.IsBase64Formatted(strConn) ? SecurityHelp.DecryptAES(strConn) : strConn; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParameter); DALMeiRongAcitivityConfig.DeleteRegionRelation(model.Id, tran); if (model.IsRegion) { foreach (var item in region) { item.Type = 3; item.ActivityId = model.Id; DALMeiRongAcitivityConfig.InsertRegionRelation(item, tran); } } tran.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); return(false); throw ex; } finally { tran.Dispose(); } }
public static bool InsertBeautyHomePageBannerConfig(BeautyHomePageConfig model, ref int id) { const string sql = @"INSERT INTO Tuhu_Groupon..SE_BeautyHomePageConfig ( [Type] ,[StartVersion] ,[EndVersion] ,[Name] ,[Sort] ,[Title] ,[SmallTitle] ,[Channel] ,[CategoryID] ,[CategoryName] ,[Link] ,[Icon] ,[Status] ,[IsRegion] ,[CarLevel] ,[ActivityId] ,[StartTime] ,[EndTime] ,[CreateTime] ,[UpdateTime] ,[ActivityPKID] ,[Banner] ) VALUES( @Type ,@StartVersion ,@EndVersion ,@Name ,@Sort ,@Title ,@SmallTitle ,@Channel ,@CategoryID ,@CategoryName ,@Link ,@Icon ,@Status ,@IsRegion ,@CarLevel ,@ActivityId ,@StartTime ,@EndTime ,GETDATE() ,GETDATE() ,@ActivityPKID ,@Banner )SELECT @@IDENTITY"; var sqlParameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ActivityPKID", model.ActivityPKID), new SqlParameter("@ActivityId", model.ActivityId ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Banner", model.Banner ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@CarLevel", model.CarLevel), new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", model.CategoryID), new SqlParameter("@CategoryName", model.CategoryName ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Channel", model.Channel ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@EndTime", model.EndTime), new SqlParameter("@EndVersion", model.EndVersion ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Icon", model.Icon ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@IsRegion", model.IsRegion), new SqlParameter("@Status", model.Status), new SqlParameter("@Link", model.Link ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Name", model.Name ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@SmallTitle", model.SmallTitle ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Sort", model.Sort), new SqlParameter("@StartTime", model.StartTime), new SqlParameter("@StartVersion", model.StartVersion ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Title", model.Title ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Type", model.Type), }; List <RegionRelation> region = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RegionRelation> >(model.Region ?? "") ?? new List <RegionRelation>(); string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Tuhu_Groupon"].ConnectionString; string connectionString = SecurityHelp.IsBase64Formatted(strConn) ? SecurityHelp.DecryptAES(strConn) : strConn; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { id = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(tran, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlParameter)); DALMeiRongAcitivityConfig.DeleteRegionRelation(model.Id, tran); foreach (var item in region) { item.Type = 3; item.ActivityId = id; DALMeiRongAcitivityConfig.InsertRegionRelation(item, tran); } tran.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); return(false); throw ex; } finally { tran.Dispose(); } }