public ActionResult BeAHost()
     if ((string)Session["userCode"] == "tourist")
         int TouristId         = (int)Session["TouristId"];
         var d                 = (from c in entity.Tourists where c.TouristId == TouristId select c).FirstOrDefault();
         BeAHostViewModel aovm = new BeAHostViewModel();
         if (d.TouristAddress != null)
             aovm.HostAddress = d.TouristAddress;
         aovm.HostPhnNo    = d.TouristPhnNo;
         aovm.TouristId    = Convert.ToInt32(d.TouristId);
         aovm.CountryList  = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
         aovm.HostTypeList = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");
         Session["message"] = "please log in to add your offer.";
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        public ActionResult BeAHost(BeAHostViewModel aovm, HttpPostedFileBase AddPicture)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    bool result = ol.CheckTouristIdInHost(aovm.TouristId);
                    if (result == true)
                        result = ol.CheckAddressNTypeId(aovm.TouristId, aovm.HostAddress, aovm.HostTypeId);
                        if (result == true)
                            result = ol.CheckOverlap(aovm.HostStartTime, aovm.HostStopTime, aovm.TouristId, aovm.HostAddress, aovm.HostTypeId);
                            if (result == true)
                                TempData["Success"] = "there is a time overlap";
                                aovm.CountryList    = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
                                aovm.HostTypeList   = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");

                    Host offer = new Host();

                    offer.TouristId = aovm.TouristId;
                    var d = (from c in entity.Tourists where c.TouristId == aovm.TouristId select c).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (aovm.CountryId == null)
                        aovm.CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(d.CountryId);
                    if (aovm.CityId == null)
                        aovm.CityId = Convert.ToInt32(d.CityId);
                    if (aovm.HostAddress == "Not given yet")
                        TempData["Success"] = "Address must be given.";
                        aovm.CountryList    = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
                        aovm.HostTypeList   = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");
                    offer.HostingCountryId    = aovm.CountryId;
                    offer.HostingCityId       = aovm.CityId;
                    offer.HostTypeId          = aovm.HostTypeId;
                    offer.Rent                = aovm.HostPrice;
                    offer.HostingPlaceAddress = aovm.HostAddress;
                    offer.HostingPhnNo        = aovm.HostPhnNo;
                    offer.HostingStartTime    = Convert.ToDateTime(aovm.HostStartTime);
                    offer.HostingStopTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(aovm.HostStopTime);
                    if (aovm.HostDetail != null)
                        offer.HostingDetail = aovm.HostDetail;
                        offer.HostingDetail = "Not given yet.";
                    offer.HostingStatus    = true;
                    offer.HostAdminsPermit = true;

                    offer.HostDateOfAccountCreation = DateTime.Now;

                    Tourist tour = (from c in entity.Tourists where c.TouristId == aovm.TouristId select c).FirstOrDefault();
                    tour.TouristsHostStatus = true;

                    if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0)
                        var p = (from c in entity.Hosts where c.TouristId == aovm.TouristId && c.HostingCountryId == aovm.CountryId && c.HostingCityId == aovm.CityId && c.HostingPlaceAddress == aovm.HostAddress && c.HostTypeId == aovm.HostTypeId && c.HostingStartTime == aovm.HostStartTime select new { c.HostId, c.HostingCountryId, c.HostingCityId }).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (AddPicture != null)
                            HostAlbum pa = new HostAlbum();
                            pa.HostAlbumName        = "Profile Picture";
                            pa.HostId               = p.HostId;
                            pa.AlbumTypeId          = 1;
                            pa.CityId               = p.HostingCityId;
                            pa.CountryId            = p.HostingCountryId;
                            pa.HostAlbumAdminPermit = true;
                            pa.HostAlbumPrivacy     = true;
                            pa.TouristId            = aovm.TouristId;
                            pa.HostAlbumDateOfAdded = DateTime.Now;
                            HostPicture pp = new HostPicture();
                            pp.HostPictureData = new byte[AddPicture.ContentLength];
                            AddPicture.InputStream.Read(pp.HostPictureData, 0, AddPicture.ContentLength);
                            pp.HostId = p.HostId;
                            var albumId = (from c in entity.HostAlbums where c.HostId == p.HostId && c.AlbumTypeId == 1 select c.HostAlbumId).Single();
                            int AlbumId = Convert.ToInt32(albumId);
                            pp.HostAlbumId            = AlbumId;
                            pp.AlbumTypeId            = 1;
                            pp.HostPictureAdminPermit = true;
                            pp.CountryId              = p.HostingCountryId;
                            pp.CityId                 = Convert.ToInt32(p.HostingCityId);
                            pp.TouristId              = aovm.TouristId;
                            pp.HostPicturePrivacy     = true;
                            pp.HostPictureDateOfAdded = DateTime.Now;
                            if (entity.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                Host o = (from c in entity.Hosts where c.HostId == p.HostId select c).FirstOrDefault();

                                int pictureId = (from c in entity.HostPictures
                                                 where c.HostId == p.HostId && c.AlbumTypeId == 1
                                                 orderby c.HostPictureId descending
                                                 select c.HostPictureId).First();
                                o.HostProfilePicId = pictureId;
                        TempData["Success"] = "Saved";
                        int TouristId = (int)Session["TouristId"];
                        d = (from c in entity.Tourists where c.TouristId == TouristId select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (d.TouristAddress != null)
                            aovm.HostAddress = d.TouristAddress;
                        aovm.HostPhnNo    = d.TouristPhnNo;
                        aovm.TouristId    = Convert.ToInt32(d.TouristId);
                        aovm.CountryList  = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
                        aovm.HostTypeList = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");

                        TempData["Success"] = "Error not Saved";
                        aovm.CountryList    = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
                        aovm.HostTypeList   = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(View("Error", new HandleErrorInfo(ex, "Host", "BeAHost")));
                aovm.CountryList  = new SelectList(entity.Countries, "CountryId", "CountryName");
                aovm.HostTypeList = new SelectList(entity.HostTypes, "HostTypeId", "HostTypeName");