Exemple #1
        public override void DrawGraph(GameTime gameTime)
            BasicShapes.DrawSolidPolygon(this.PrimitiveBatch, BackgroundPolygon, 4, Color.Black, true);

            float x      = Bounds.X;
            float deltaX = Bounds.Width / (float)ValuesToGraph;
            float yScale = Bounds.Bottom - (float)Bounds.Top;

            // we must have at least 2 values to start rendering
            if (GraphValues.Count <= 2)

            // start at last value (newest value added)
            // continue until no values are left
            for (var i = GraphValues.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                var y1 = Bounds.Bottom - ((GraphValues[i] / (AdaptiveMaximum - AdaptiveMinimum)) * yScale);
                var y2 = Bounds.Bottom - ((GraphValues[i - 1] / (AdaptiveMaximum - AdaptiveMinimum)) * yScale);

                var x1 = new Vector2(MathHelper.Clamp(x, Bounds.Left, Bounds.Right), MathHelper.Clamp(y1, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Bottom));

                var x2 = new Vector2(MathHelper.Clamp(x + deltaX, Bounds.Left, Bounds.Right), MathHelper.Clamp(y2, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Bottom));

                BasicShapes.DrawSegment(this.PrimitiveBatch, x1, x2, Color.DeepSkyBlue);

                x += deltaX;
Exemple #2
        public World(ContentManager content, Rectangle bounds, int width, int height)

            Bounds = bounds;
            Shapes = new BasicShapes();
            Fps = new FrameCounter();

            Creatures = new List<Creature>();

            for (int i = 0; i < CreatureCount; ++i) {
                Creatures.Add(new Creature(bounds, TxCreature, Color.White));

            Food = new List<Food>();
            Obstacles = new List<Obstacle>();


            Camera = new Camera(new Viewport(0, 0, width, height), width + width / 4, height);
            GA = new GeneticAlgorithm(75, 1);
            GraphValues = new double[30000];
            DoDrawScene = true;
            DoDrawGraph = true;
Exemple #3
 public static Geometry ToGeometry(this BasicShapes source)
     if (source == BasicShapes.None)
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
 /// all of your content.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
     spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
     BasicShapes.LoadContent(GraphicsDevice, spriteBatch, ContentPath);
     drawAreaInset.LoadContent(GraphicsDevice, spriteBatch, 2, 2, 2);
     //drawTerrain.LoadContent(GraphicsDevice); // can only be done when route is known!
Exemple #5
        internal override void Draw(ContentArea contentArea, ColorVariation colorVariation = ColorVariation.None)
            Color color = GetColor <GridTile>(colorVariation);

            BasicShapes.DrawLine(1, color, contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(lowerLeft), contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(lowerRight), contentArea.SpriteBatch);
            BasicShapes.DrawLine(1, color, contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(lowerRight), contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(upperRight), contentArea.SpriteBatch);
            BasicShapes.DrawLine(1, color, contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(lowerLeft), contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(upperLeft), contentArea.SpriteBatch);
            BasicShapes.DrawLine(1, color, contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(upperLeft), contentArea.WorldToScreenCoordinates(upperRight), contentArea.SpriteBatch);
Exemple #6
    private void Generate()
        var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        cylinder = BasicShapes.CreateCylinder(vertexCount, radius, height, Quaternion.Euler(rotation));
        GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = cylinder;

        Debug.Log($"Generating took {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:F3}ms");
        Debug.Log($"Cylinder stats | verts: {cylinder.vertexCount} | tris: {cylinder.triangles.Length / 3}");
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw (print) the values of longitude and latitude
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="editor">The patheditor for which we need to draw the status</param>
 public void Draw(PathEditor editor)
     if (editor == null)
     if (!Properties.Settings.Default.showEditorAction)
     BasicShapes.DrawString(lowerLeft, DrawColors.colorsNormal.Text, editor.CurrentActionDescription);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new basic shape and adds it to the document's active layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basicShape"></param>
        /// <param name="bounds"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="styleSheetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NShape CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes basicShape, NRectangleF bounds, string text, string styleSheetName)
            NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);
            NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)basicShape);

            shape.Bounds         = bounds;
            shape.Text           = text;
            shape.StyleSheetName = styleSheetName;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a predefined basic shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basicShape">basic shape</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">bounds</param>
        /// <param name="text">default label text</param>
        /// <param name="styleSheetName">name of the stylesheet from which to inherit styles</param>
        /// <returns>new basic shape</returns>
        protected NShape CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes basicShape, NRectangleF bounds, string text, string styleSheetName)
            NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);

            factory.DefaultSize = bounds.Size;
            NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)basicShape);

            shape.Location       = bounds.Location;
            shape.Text           = text;
            shape.StyleSheetName = styleSheetName;

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basicShape"></param>
        /// <param name="bounds"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="fillStyle"></param>
        /// <param name="addToActiveLayer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NShape CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes basicShape, NRectangleF bounds, string text, NFillStyle fillStyle, bool addToActiveLayer)
            NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);
            NShape shape = factory.CreateShape((int)basicShape);

            shape.Bounds          = bounds;
            shape.Text            = text;
            shape.Style.FillStyle = (NFillStyle)fillStyle.Clone();

            if (addToActiveLayer)

Exemple #11
        private BasicShape CreateNode(BasicShapes shape, double width, double height, double offsetx, double offsety, string labelText, string fillColor, string borderColor)
            BasicShape node = new BasicShape();

            node.Name        = labelText;
            node.Width       = width;
            node.Height      = height;
            node.OffsetX     = offsetx;
            node.OffsetY     = offsety;
            node.FillColor   = fillColor;
            node.BorderColor = borderColor;
            node.Shape       = shape;
            Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.Models.Diagram.Label label = new Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.Models.Diagram.Label();
            label.Text      = labelText;
            label.FontColor = "white";
            label.Name      = labelText + "_label";
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplified Draw routine that only shows background and a message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message you want to show</param>
        private void DrawLoadingMessage(string message)
            // This is not really a game State, because it is not used interactively. In fact, Draw itself is
            // probably not called because the program is doing other things
            // it is better to have integer locations, otherwise text is difficult to read
            Vector2 messageLocation = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(ScreenW / 2f), (float)Math.Round(ScreenH / 2f));

            BasicShapes.DrawStringCentered(messageLocation, DrawColors.colorsNormal.Text, message);

            // we have to redo the string drawing, because we now first have to load the characters into textures.
            BasicShapes.DrawStringCentered(messageLocation, DrawColors.colorsNormal.Text, message);

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the statistics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            // backup  the raster and depth-stencil states.
            var previousRasterizerState   = this.Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState;
            var previousDepthStencilState = this.Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState;

            // set new states for drawing primitive shapes.
            this.Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullNone;
            this.Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;

            _primitiveBatch.Begin(this._localProjection, this._localView); // initialize the primitive batch.

            BasicShapes.DrawSolidPolygon(this._primitiveBatch, this._backgroundPolygon, 4, Color.Black, true);

            _primitiveBatch.End(); // end the batch.

            // restore old states.
            this.Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState   = previousRasterizerState;
            this.Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = previousDepthStencilState;

            // calculate drawn blocks
            if (this._chunkCache.ChunksDrawn >= 31)
                _drawnBlocks = (this._chunkCache.ChunksDrawn / 31f).ToString("F2") + "M";
            else if (this._chunkCache.ChunksDrawn > 1)
                _drawnBlocks = (this._chunkCache.ChunksDrawn / 0.03f).ToString("F2") + "K";
                _drawnBlocks = "0";

            // calculate total blocks
            if (this._chunkStorage.Count > 31)
                _totalBlocks = (this._chunkStorage.Count / 31f).ToString("F2") + "M";
            else if (this._chunkStorage.Count > 1)
                _totalBlocks = (this._chunkStorage.Count / 0.03f).ToString("F2") + "K";
                _totalBlocks = Core.Engine.Instance.Configuration.Chunk.Volume.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend);

            // Attention: DO NOT use string.format as it's slower than string concat.

            // FPS
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 5, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // mem used
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 105, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // chunks
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 205, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // blocks
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 305, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // process queues.
            this.GenerateQueue = this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingGenerate] + this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.Generating];
            this.LightenQueue  = this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingLighting] + this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.Lighting] + this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingRelighting];
            this.BuildQueue    = this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingBuild] + this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.Building] + this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingRebuild];
            this.ReadyQueue    = this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.Ready];
            this.RemovalQueue  = this._chunkCache.StateStatistics[ChunkState.AwaitingRemoval];

            // chunk generation queue
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 450, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // chunk lighting queue
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 550, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // chunk build queue
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 650, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // ready chunks queue
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 750, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // chunk removal queue
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 850, this._bounds.Y + 5), Color.White);

            // infinitive world
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _stringBuilder.Append(Core.Engine.Instance.Configuration.World.IsInfinitive ? "On" : "Off");
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 5, this._bounds.Y + 15), Color.White);

            // fly
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _stringBuilder.Append(this._player.FlyingEnabled ? "On" : "Off");
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 105, this._bounds.Y + 15), Color.White);

            // fog
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 205, this._bounds.Y + 15), Color.White);

            // player position
            _stringBuilder.Length = 0;
            _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, _stringBuilder, new Vector2(this._bounds.X + 305, this._bounds.Y + 15), Color.White);

Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the shape of this Picture to one in the BasicShapes enumeration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">A shape from the BasicShapes enumeration.</param>
 public void SetPictureShape(BasicShapes shape)
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the shape of this Picture to one in the BasicShapes enumeration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">A shape from the BasicShapes enumeration.</param>
 public void SetPictureShape(BasicShapes shape)
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="basicShape"></param>
 /// <param name="bounds"></param>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="fillStyle"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public NShape CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes basicShape, NRectangleF bounds, string text, NFillStyle fillStyle)
     return(CreateBasicShape(basicShape, bounds, text, fillStyle, true));
Exemple #17
        private Node CreateNode(string name, double width, double height, double offsetx, double offsety, BasicShapes shape, string text, double corner, string fillColor, double opacity)
            BasicShape node = new BasicShape();

            node.Name         = name;
            node.Width        = width;
            node.Height       = height;
            node.OffsetX      = offsetx;
            node.OffsetY      = offsety;
            node.FillColor    = fillColor;
            node.CornerRadius = corner;
            node.Type         = Shapes.Basic;
            node.BorderColor  = "transparent";
            node.Opacity      = opacity;
            Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.Models.Diagram.Label label = new Label()
                Text = text, FontSize = 18, FontFamily = "segoe", FontColor = "white", Bold = true
            if (shape != null)
                node.Shape = shape;
                node.Shape = BasicShapes.Rectangle;