public override double Height(double x) { double H = _h + _offsetL; double ch = Chord; if (Math.Abs(x) == ch) { return(H); } else if (Math.Abs(x) > ch) { return(0); } else { double R = (_h * _h + ch * ch) / (2 * _h); double b = 2 * (R - _h); double c = x * x - 2 * R * _h + _h * _h; Tuple <double, double> r = BasicLib.Quadratic(1, b, c); if (r.Item1 > 0) { return(H - r.Item1); } else { return(H - r.Item2); } } }
protected new void Awake() { base.Awake(); (_coll = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>()).enabled = false; (_rend = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>()).enabled = false; CooldownTimer = 2.5f; this.DoActionInNextFrame(() => { if (Holder.gameObject == ControlBase.PlayerGameObject) { _directionGUI = BasicLib.InstantiatePrefabTr("gui/" + typeof(DirectionInterface).Name, transform).GetComponent <DirectionInterface>(); _directionGUI.gameObject.SetActive(false); _directionGUI.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.15f); } }); AttackOnAirState s1 = new AttackOnAirState(_ASM, this); ChagnedDirectionState s2 = new ChagnedDirectionState(_ASM, this); s1.SetTargetStates(s2); _ASM.InitializeWithStates(new InactiveEnabledDisableAttackState(_ASM, this), s1); ClearCooldown(); }
private void SetChildren(int num) { if (num == transform.childCount) { return; } if (num > transform.childCount) { for (int i = transform.childCount; i < num; i++) { BasicLib.MyInstantiate(transform.GetChild(0), transform); } } else { for (int i = transform.childCount; i > num; i--) { Destroy(transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } } int index = 0; foreach (Slot slot in _player) { var slotGUI = transform.GetChild(index).GetComponent <WeaponSlotGUI>(); slotGUI.TextKeyComponent.text = slot.KeyName; slotGUI.TextSlotNumberComponent.text = (index + 1).ToString(); ++index; } }
internal async void SaveCode() { FolderPicker folderPicker = new FolderPicker(); folderPicker.FileTypeFilter.Add("*"); folderPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary; StorageFolder folder = await folderPicker.PickSingleFolderAsync(); string ext = (string)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.GCODE_FILE_EXT); foreach (GcodeFile f in Code) { try { if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(f.FileName) != ext) { f.FileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(f.FileName, ext); } StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(f.FileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); if (file != null) { await Windows.Storage.FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, f.Code); } } catch (Exception e) { CoreWindowDialog dlg = new CoreWindowDialog(e.Message); dlg.ShowAsync(); } } }
void GenerateCodeInMultipleFiles() { // first generate subroutines or paths // then main program to call them StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Shape s in _currentToolPaths.Shapes) { if (s is Polygon) { GenerateSubFromPolygon(ref sb, (s as Polygon)); } else if (s is Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path) { GenerateSubFromPath(ref sb, (s as Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path)); } string filename = string.Empty; string ext = (string)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.GCODE_FILE_EXT); // now deal with name and save in code list if ((bool)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.USE_NAMED_O_WORDS)) { BindableCodeTemplate tmpl = _context.Templates.SubFilenameTemplate; tmpl.DataContext = _context; filename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(tmpl.Text, ext); } else { filename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(_context.SubPathName.ToString(), ext); } Code.Add(new GcodeFile(filename, sb.ToString())); } GenerateMain(); }
Point Interp(Point p1, double indx, Point p2) { double x = BasicLib.Linterp(p1.X, indx, p2.X); double y = BasicLib.Linterp(p1.Y, indx, p2.Y); return(new Point(x, y)); }
Point Interp(double x1, double y1, double indx, double x2, double y2, double sa) { double x = BasicLib.Linterp(x1, indx, x2); double y = BasicLib.Linterp(y1, indx, y2); double r = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); double a = sa + x * colAngle; return(new Point(r * Math.Cos(BasicLib.ToRadians * a), r * Math.Sin(BasicLib.ToRadians * a))); }
/// <summary> /// These properties have been moved from the lattive /// </summary> public LayoutData() { _repeatX = (int)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.REPEAT_X); _repeatY = (int)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.REPEAT_Y); _toolposition = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.TOOL_POSITION); _workPieceRadius = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.WORK_PIECE_RADIUS); _clipRange = new Range(0, 0.001, _toolposition); _width = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.WIDTH); _height = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.HEIGHT); _margin = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.MARGIN); _offsetX = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.OFFSET_X); _offsetY = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.OFFSET_Y); _clip = (bool)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.CLIP); _hypo = (bool)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.HYPO); _k = (double)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.HYPO_K); }
protected new void Awake() { base.Awake(); AddcomponentOnDestroy = x => x.AddComponent <mainmenu>(); if (hub == null) { hub = FindObjectOfType <Room>(); } if (hub == null) { Background.SetBackgroundColor(Background.YellowishColor); Room.DoorType = "move"; hub = Floor.CreateSingleRoom(gameObject, 70f, 50f, new bool[] { false, false, true }); } //Background.CreateBackgroundSquare(new Rect(hub.Position, hub.Size), Background.GreenishColor); SetPlayer(() => BasicLib.InitializePlayer(1000f, hub.SouthSideCentre, MyColorLib.teams[], SceneChanger.SwitchToMenu)); MyInputs.InputsOff(); MyCameraLib.SetCameraFollow(playerTr, CameraScript._REGULAR_ORTHOGRAPHIC_SIZE); var trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); BoxCollider2D boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(Room.DoorWidth, 2f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideOuter + new Vector3(0f, -boxColl.size.y / 2f); trig.AddAction(SceneChanger.SwitchToMenu); trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(Room.DoorWidth, 1f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideInner + new Vector3(0f, boxColl.size.y / 2f); trig.AddAction(hub.OpenSouthDoor); trig.Once = false; trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(hub.Width, 3f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideInner + new Vector3(0f, boxColl.size.y / 2f + 2f); trig.AddAction(hub.CloseSouthDoor); trig.Once = false; trig = EventObjectPlayerPosition.AddAsGameObject(hub.transform).GetComponent <EventObjectPlayerPosition>(); boxColl = trig.AddCollider <BoxCollider2D>(); boxColl.size = new Vector2(10f, 10f); trig.ActualPosition = hub.SouthSideCentre; trig.AddAction(() => playerMoveComponent.StartFromScratchNewEndpos(hub.ProportionalPosition(0f, -0.75f))); }
public void TestQuadrant() { Assert.AreEqual(0, BasicLib.Quadrant(89.9)); Assert.AreEqual(3, BasicLib.Quadrant(-89.9)); Assert.AreEqual(1, BasicLib.Quadrant(179.9)); Assert.AreEqual(2, BasicLib.Quadrant(-179.9)); Assert.AreEqual(2, BasicLib.Quadrant(269.9)); Assert.AreEqual(1, BasicLib.Quadrant(-269.9)); Assert.AreEqual(3, BasicLib.Quadrant(719.9)); Assert.AreEqual(0, BasicLib.Quadrant(-719.9)); Assert.IsTrue(BasicLib.Quadrant3To0(719, 0)); Assert.IsFalse(BasicLib.Quadrant0To3(719, 0)); }
private void GenerateMain() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.Header_Template); Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.Globals_Template); Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.MainProgramTemplate); foreach (Shape s in _currentToolPaths.Shapes) { Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.SubCallTemplate); } Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.ProgramEndTemplate); string ext = (string)BasicLib.GetSetting(SettingsNames.GCODE_FILE_EXT); BindableCodeTemplate tmpl = _context.Templates.MainFilenameTemplate; tmpl.DataContext = _context; Code.Add(new GcodeFile(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(tmpl.Text, ext), sb.ToString())); }
private Point CircleLineIntersect(Point Inside, Point Outside, double r) { Tuple <int, Point, Point> intrsct = BasicLib.CircleLineIntersect(Inside, Outside, r); if ((intrsct.Item1 == 0) || (intrsct.Item1 == 1)) { return(intrsct.Item2); } else { if (BasicLib.Between(Inside, intrsct.Item2, Outside)) { return(intrsct.Item2); } else { return(intrsct.Item3); } } }
public PathFragment(List <Point> points) : base() { int winding = 0; double lastAngle = 0; foreach (Point p in points) { Cartesian c = new Cartesian(p.X, p.Y, 0, winding); if (BasicLib.Quadrant3To0(lastAngle, c.Angle)) { winding += 1; } else if (BasicLib.Quadrant0To3(lastAngle, c.Angle)) { winding -= 1; } c.WindingNumber = winding; Add(c); lastAngle = c.Angle; } }
public PathFragment(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.PointCollection pointCollection) : base() { int winding = 0; double lastAngle = 0; foreach (Point p in pointCollection) { Cartesian c = new Cartesian(p.X, p.Y, 0, winding); if (BasicLib.Quadrant3To0(lastAngle, c.Angle)) { winding += 1; } else if (BasicLib.Quadrant0To3(lastAngle, c.Angle)) { winding -= 1; } c.WindingNumber = winding; Add(c); lastAngle = c.Angle; } }
private GameObject SpawnNpc(Transform[] fightersgroup) { GameObject temp = null; int teamnum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _characters.Length; i++) { if (_characters[i] == fightersgroup) { temp = BasicLib.InstantiatePrefabGmbjct("mobs/npc", MyColorLib.teams[i].transform); teamnum = i; break; } } LifeComponent life = temp.SearchComponent <LifeComponent>(); AI aivars = temp.SearchComponent <AI>(); BaseCharacterControl vars = temp.GetCharacter(); MoveComponent MoveComponent = temp.SearchComponent <MoveComponent>(); //MoveComponent.speed = 10f; MoveComponent.SetPosition(_centreSpawns[teamnum] + new Vector3(Random.Range(-10f, 10f), Random.Range(-10f, 10f))); aivars.SearchComponent <MoveAround_ChillMode>().CentrePosition =; /* * foreach (Transform[] otherteam in fighters) * { * if (otherteam != fightersgroup) * { * rules.addToCandoAndToOthers(otherteam, MoveComponent.transform, true, true); * } * } */ int rand = Random.Range(0, 5); if (rand == 0) { aivars.AddAttacks(new int[] { }); temp.AddComponent <AttackFromDistance_AttackMode>(); } else if (rand == 1) { aivars.AddAttacks(new int[] { WeaponsStaticClass.ball }); temp.AddComponent <BallCharge_AttackMode>(); } else if (rand == 2) { aivars.AddAttacks(new int[] { WeaponsStaticClass.spray }); temp.AddComponent <AttackFromDistance_AttackMode>(); } else if (rand == 3) { aivars.AddAttacks(new int[] { WeaponsStaticClass.ball }); BallChargeAttack ball = temp.SearchComponent <BallChargeAttack>(); ball.Reach = 30f; ball.MaxSize = 1f; ball.Speed = 60f; temp.AddComponent <BallCharge_AttackMode>(); } else if (rand == 4) { aivars.AddAttacks(WeaponsStaticClass.shield).SearchComponent <Shield>().SetUpAI(); } return(temp); }
public virtual double Height(double x) { double f = (x - _range.Start) / _range.Length; return(BasicLib.Linterp(_offsetL, f, _offsetR)); }
private static DialogueComponent SetDialogue(this BaseCharacterControl mainSpeaker) { return(BasicLib.InstantiatePrefabTr("chatObject", mainSpeaker.MoveComponent.transform).GetComponent <DialogueComponent>()); }
private Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Shape MkPath(int indx, int indy, double inc) { double innerR = Math.Abs(ld.Layout.ClipRange.Start); double outerR = Math.Abs(ld.Layout.ClipRange.End); double startX = indx * ld.Layout.Width + ld.Layout.OffsetX * colWidth; double startY = indy * ld.Layout.Height + ld.Layout.OffsetY * rowHeight; Path path = new Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); path.Name = string.Format("Lattice{0}_{1}", indx, indy); GeometryGroup g = new GeometryGroup(); path.Data = g; PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); g.Children.Add(pg); PathFigure pf; Point origin = new Point(0, 0); foreach (Line2D ll in ld.Lines) { double x1 = startX + ll.X1 * colWidth; double x2 = startX + ll.X2 * colWidth; double y1 = startY + ll.Y1 * rowHeight; double y2 = startY + ll.Y2 * rowHeight; Point p1 = new Point(x1, y1); Point p2 = new Point(x2, y2); if (ld.Layout.Hyper) { Hypo(ref p1); Hypo(ref p2); } Point intrsct; if (ld.Layout.Clip) { double d1 = p1.Radius(); double d2 = p2.Radius(); Point pstart = (d1 < d2) ? p1 : p2; Point pend = (d1 < d2) ? p2 : p1; pf = null; if (innerR > 0) { d1 = pstart.Radius(); d2 = pend.Radius(); // must clip against both inner and outer radii // first clip against inner if ((d1 > outerR) && (d2 > outerR)) { Tuple <int, Point, Point> intrscts = BasicLib.CircleLineIntersect(pstart, pend, outerR); if (intrscts.Item1 == 1) { } else if (intrscts.Item1 == 2) { if (BasicLib.Between(pstart, intrscts.Item2, pend) && BasicLib.Between(pstart, intrscts.Item3, pend)) { pf = GeneratePathFigure(intrscts.Item2, intrscts.Item3); pg.Figures.Add(pf); } } } else if ((d1 < innerR) && (d2 < innerR)) { // do nothing } else if ((d1 < innerR) && (d2 >= innerR) && (d2 <= outerR)) { if (BasicLib.IsVertical(pstart, pend)) { double y = BasicLib.Sgn(pstart.Y) * Math.Sqrt(innerR * innerR - pstart.X * pstart.X); Point p = new Point(pstart.X, y); pf = GeneratePathFigure(p, pend); } else if (BasicLib.IsHorizontal(pstart, pend)) { double x = BasicLib.Sgn(pstart.X) * Math.Sqrt(innerR * innerR - pstart.Y * pstart.Y); Point p = new Point(x, pstart.Y); pf = GeneratePathFigure(p, pend); } else { intrsct = CircleLineIntersect(pstart, pend, innerR); pf = GeneratePathFigure(intrsct, pend); } } else if ((d1 >= innerR) && (d1 <= outerR) && (d2 >= innerR)) { if (d2 <= outerR) { if (BasicLib.IsDiagonal(pstart, pend)) { // need to check if there is an intersection Tuple <int, Point, Point> intrscts = BasicLib.CircleLineIntersect(pstart, pend, innerR); if ((intrscts.Item1 == 0) || (intrscts.Item1 == 1)) { // tangent so plot pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, pend); } else if (intrscts.Item1 == 2) { if (BasicLib.Between(pstart, intrscts.Item2, pend) && BasicLib.Between(pstart, intrscts.Item3, pend)) { Vector2 v1 = new Vector2(pstart, intrscts.Item2); Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(pstart, intrscts.Item3); if (v1.Length < v2.Length) { pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, intrscts.Item2); pg.Figures.Add(pf); pf = GeneratePathFigure(intrscts.Item3, pend); } else { pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, intrscts.Item3); pg.Figures.Add(pf); pf = GeneratePathFigure(intrscts.Item2, pend); } } else { pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, pend); } } } else { pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, pend); } } else // here d2 lies outside outerR { if (BasicLib.IsVertical(pstart, pend)) { double y = BasicLib.Sgn(pstart.Y) * Math.Sqrt(outerR * outerR - pstart.X * pstart.X); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, new Point(pstart.X, y)); } else if (BasicLib.IsHorizontal(pstart, pend)) { double x = BasicLib.Sgn(pstart.X) * Math.Sqrt(outerR * outerR - pstart.Y * pstart.Y); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, new Point(x, pstart.Y)); } else { intrsct = CircleLineIntersect(pstart, pend, outerR); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, intrsct); } } } if (pf != null) { try { if (pg.Figures.Contains(pf)) { pg.Figures.Remove(pf); } pg.Figures.Add(pf); } catch { } } } else // ignore innerR #region Ignore innerR { if ((d1 > outerR) && (d2 > outerR)) { pf = null; } else if ((d1 <= outerR) && (d2 <= outerR)) { pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, pend); } else // one point lies either side { // outerR must lie between d2 - d1 // need to start from inner not nearest pstart = (d1 < outerR) ? p1 : p2; pend = (d1 < outerR) ? p2 : p1; if (BasicLib.IsVertical(p1, p2)) { double y = Math.Sign(pstart.Y) * Math.Sqrt(outerR * outerR - pstart.X * pstart.X); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, new Point(pstart.X, y)); } else if (BasicLib.IsHorizontal(p1, p2)) { double x = Math.Sign(pstart.X) * Math.Sqrt(outerR * outerR - pstart.Y * pstart.Y); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, new Point(x, pstart.Y)); } else { intrsct = CircleLineIntersect(pstart, pend, outerR); pf = GeneratePathFigure(pstart, intrsct); } } if (pf != null) { pg.Figures.Add(pf); } } #endregion } else { pf = GeneratePathFigure(p1, p2); pg.Figures.Add(pf); } } return(path); }