private bool fSaveData(bool pMessage) { bool vIsSaved = false; long rowsAffected = 0; string vGender = ""; try { if (pMessage == true) { if (MessageBox.Show("هل تريد الحفظ ؟", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { if (fValidateQuestion() == false) { return(false); } else { sSave(); rowsAffected = BasicClass.fDMLData(vSqlStatment, "FRM_Questions"); if (rowsAffected > 0) { if (Strings.Trim(this.OpnDlg_Picture.FileName).Length > 0) { rowsAffected += BasicClass.fAttachImage(Strings.Trim(this.OpnDlg_Picture.FileName), "[Question]", "Picture", " Where Code ='" + Strings.Trim(vQuestionCode) + "'", this.Name); this.OpnDlg_Picture.FileName = null; } vIsSaved = true; sNew(); sResetFormMode(); } } } } else { if (fValidateQuestion() == false) { return(false); } else { sSave(); rowsAffected = BasicClass.fDMLData(vSqlStatment, "FRM_Questions"); if (rowsAffected > 0) { vIsSaved = true; sNew(); sResetFormMode(); } } } sEmptySqlStatmentArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(Ex.Message, "FRM_Questions", "fSaveData"); } return(vIsSaved); }
//======================================================= //Service provided by Telerik ( //Conversion powered by NRefactory. //Twitter: @telerik //Facebook: //======================================================= private void sSaveStudentTotalGrade() { try { int vSTD_ID = BasicClass.vUsrID; string vStdGradesStatment = ""; vStdGradesStatment = "INSERT INTO [StudentExam].[dbo].[Student_Grades] "+ "\n" + " ([TValue], [Desca] ,[TDate],[STD_ID],[Lastupdate],[ProcessID],[MachineName]) "+ "\n" + " SELECT SUM(Grade) , 'اجمالى مجموع درجات الطالب',GETDATE(),STD_ID ,GETDATE() , '" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + "' ,'" + System.Environment.MachineName + "'" + "\n" + " FROM Student_Answers "+ "\n" + " WHERE STD_ID = "+ BasicClass.vUsrID + " "+ "\n" + " GROUP BY STD_ID "; vStdGradesStatment += "UPDATE [User] "+ "\n" + " SET [IsExamTaken] = 'Y' "+ "\n" + " ,[Lastupdate] = GETDATE() "+ "\n" + " ,[ProcessID] = '" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + "' " + "\n" + " ,[MachineName] = '" + System.Environment.MachineName.Trim() + "'" + "\n" + " WHERE ID =" + vSTD_ID + "\n"; Int64 saved = BasicClass.fDMLData(vStdGradesStatment, this.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex.Message, "FRM_Exam", "sSaveStudentTotalGrade"); } finally { if (BasicClass.vSqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Broken || BasicClass.vSqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { BasicClass.vSqlConn.Close(); } } }
private bool fSaveData(bool pMessage) { bool vIsSaved = false; long rowsAffected = 0; string vGender = ""; try { if (pMessage == true) { if (MessageBox.Show("هل تريد الحفظ ؟", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { if (fValidatePerson() == false) { return(false); } else { sSave(); rowsAffected = BasicClass.fDMLData(vSqlStatment, "Frm_BOOKS"); if (rowsAffected > 0) { vIsSaved = true; sNew(); sResetFormMode(); } } } } else { if (fValidatePerson() == false) { return(false); } else { sSave(); rowsAffected = BasicClass.fDMLData(vSqlStatment, "Frm_BOOKS"); if (rowsAffected > 0) { vIsSaved = true; sNew(); sResetFormMode(); } } } sEmptySqlStatmentArray(); } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(Ex.Message, "Frm_BOOKS", "fSaveData"); } return(vIsSaved); }
private void sImportPersons() { // AR 04-05-2017 try { DateTime vCurrentDate = BasicClass.fGetCurDateTime(); int x = vFirstEmpRow; this.sCopyRowTo(vWorkSheet, vErrorsWorkSheet, 1, (vErrorFound + 1), 1, BasicClass.fGetCurDateTime(), ""); // testing getting value string vName = ""; string vAddress = ""; string vMobileNumber = ""; string vEducation = ""; string vBirthdate = ""; string vGender = ""; int vErrorCol = 0; string vErrorMessage = ""; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range vRange; vRange = vWorkSheet.UsedRange; for (x = vFirstEmpRow; (x <= vRange.Rows.Count); x++) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value != null)) { vErrorCol = 0; if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vNameCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار الاسم"; } else { if (vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value != null) { vName = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value.ToString(); } } //////////if (isAlphabetsWord(vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value.ToString()) == false) //////////{ ////////// vErrorCol = vNameCol; ////////// vErrorMessage = "خطأ فى الاسم"; //////////} if (vAddressCol > 0) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vAddressCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vAddressCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار العنوان"; } else { if (vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vAddressCol].Value != null) { vAddress = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vAddressCol].Value.ToString(); } } } if (vMobileNoCol > 0) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vMobileNoCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vMobileNoCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار رقم الموبايل"; } else if (isPhoneNumber(vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vMobileNoCol].Value.ToString()) == false) { vErrorCol = vMobileNoCol; vErrorMessage = "خطأ فى رقم الموبايل"; } else { if (vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vMobileNoCol].Value != null) { vMobileNumber = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vMobileNoCol].Value.ToString(); } } } if (vBirthDateCol > 0) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vBirthDateCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vBirthDateCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار تاريخ الميلاد"; } else { string xx = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vBirthDateCol].Value.ToString(); if (xx.Contains(@"^[a-zA-Z]+$") == false) { DateTime time = DateTime.Parse(vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vBirthDateCol].Value.ToString()); string format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; // DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(TXT_Date.Text); vBirthdate = time.ToString(format); } } } if (vEducationCol > 0) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vEducationCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vEducationCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار المؤهل الدراسي"; } else { if (vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vEducationCol].Value != null) { vEducation = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vEducationCol].Value.ToString(); } } } if (vGenderCol > 0) { if ((vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vGenderCol].Value == null)) { vErrorCol = vGenderCol; vErrorMessage = "يرجى اختيار النوع"; } else { vGender = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vGenderCol].Value; if (vGender.ToString().Trim().Contains("كر") == true || vGender.ToString().Trim().Equals("M") == true) { vGender = "M"; } else if (vGender.ToString().Trim().Contains("نث") == true || vGender.ToString().Trim().Equals("F") == true) { vGender = "F"; } } } if ((vErrorCol != 0)) { vErrorFound++; this.sCopyRowTo(vWorkSheet, vErrorsWorkSheet, x, (vErrorFound + 1), vErrorCol, BasicClass.fGetCurDateTime(), vErrorMessage); // TODO: Labeled Arguments not supported. Argument: 6 := 'pErrorMessage' } else { cHumanDetails vHumanItem = new cHumanDetails(); vHumanItem.vName = vName; vHumanItem.vAddress = vAddress; vHumanItem.vMobileNo = vMobileNumber; vHumanItem.vEducation = vEducation; vHumanItem.vBirthDate = vBirthdate; vHumanItem.vGender = vGender; vHumanItem.vIndex = vLstData.Count; // AR ADDED 10-04-2017 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //if ((this.fIsItemExistAgainOnGrid(vCountItem) == false)) { // this.sGetAvailableQtyWithCost(vCountItem, vTDate, vStrCode); // // TODO: Labeled Arguments not supported. Argument: 2 := 'pTDate' // // TODO: Labeled Arguments not supported. Argument: 3 := 'pStrCode' //} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vLstData.Add(vHumanItem); } // Increase Counter vItemsCount++; } // x += 1 // get new values vName = vWorkSheet.Cells[x, vNameCol].Value; } // excute databse int vSuccessCount = (vItemsCount - vErrorFound); if ((vSuccessCount > 0)) { if ((MessageBox.Show(("تم استيراد البيانات " + ("\r\n" + (vSuccessCount.ToString() + (" من " + (vItemsCount.ToString() + (" عدد " + ("\r\n" + "هل تريد الاستمرار ؟"))))))), "استعلام عن العملية", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes)) { // HERE I INSERT DATA INTO DATA BASE string vsqlstmt = ""; foreach (var item in vLstData) { if (item != null) { vsqlstmt = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[TBL_MainPerson]" + "\n" + " ([Church_ID]" + "\n" + " ,[City_ID]" + "\n" + " ,[PersType_ID]" + "\n" + " ,[Name]" + "\n" + " ,[AdressDisc]" + "\n" + " ,[Mobile]" + "\n" + " ,[BirthDate]" + "\n" + " ,[Gender]" + "\n" + " )" + "\n" + " VALUES " + "\n" + " (" + BasicClass.vChurchID + ", " + "\n" + " " + BasicClass.vCityID + ", " + "\n" + " 3, " + "\n" + " '" + item.vName + "', " + "\n" + " '" + item.vAddress + "', " + "\n" + " '" + item.vMobileNo + "', " + "\n" + " '" + item.vBirthDate + "', " + "\n" + " '" + item.vGender + "' " + "\n" + " ) " + "\n"; sFillSqlStatmentArray(vsqlstmt); } } long vRowsAffected = 0; vRowsAffected = BasicClass.fDMLData(vSqlStatment, "cImportExcel"); if (vRowsAffected > 0) { MessageBox.Show("تم ادخال البيانات بنجاح", "نجاح", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { vIsUserConfirm = false; } } else { vIsUserConfirm = false; } // output errors if ((vErrorFound >= 1)) { // MessageBox.Show(vCollectErrors) vErrorsWorkSheet.Activate(); } else { // vErrorsWorkSheet.Delete() } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); vWorkBook.Close(false); vXLS.Quit(); } finally { BasicClass.fReturnNonQuery(("ALTER DATABASE " + (BasicClass.vSqlConn.Database + " SET MULTI_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE")), ""); } }
private void sSave() { BasicClass.vSqlConn = new SqlConnection(BasicClass.vConectionString); try { string vIsWorking = ""; string vQuestionStatment = null; string vBook = ""; int vSTD_ID = BasicClass.vUsrID; int vQST_ID = int.Parse(TXT_Code.Tag.ToString()); int vGrade = 0; int vAnswer = 0; int vCorrectAnswer = int.Parse(LBL_CorrectAnswer.Text); if (CHK_Option1.Checked == true && vCorrectAnswer == 1) { vGrade = 1; } else if (CHK_Option2.Checked == true && vCorrectAnswer == 2) { vGrade = 1; } else if (CHK_Option3.Checked == true && vCorrectAnswer == 3) { vGrade = 1; } else if (CHK_Option4.Checked == true && vCorrectAnswer == 4) { vGrade = 1; } if (CHK_Option1.Checked == true) { vAnswer = 1; } else if (CHK_Option2.Checked == true) { vAnswer = 2; } else if (CHK_Option3.Checked == true) { vAnswer = 3; } else if (CHK_Option4.Checked == true) { vAnswer = 4; } vQuestionStatment = "UPDATE [dbo].[Student_Answers] "+ "\n" + " SET [Answer] = "+ vAnswer + " "+ "\n" + " ,[Grade] = "+ vGrade + " "+ "\n" + " ,[Lastupdate] = GETDATE() "+ "\n" + " ,[ProcessID] = '"+ Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + "' "+ "\n" + " ,[MachineName] = '"+ System.Environment.MachineName.Trim() + "' "+ "\n" + " ,[USR_ID] = "+ vSTD_ID + " "+ "\n" + " ,[IsQuestionAnswered] = 'Y' "+ "\n" + " WHERE [STD_ID] = "+ vSTD_ID + " "+ "\n" + " AND [QST_ID] = " + vQST_ID + " "+ "\n"; //////vQuestionStatment = "INSERT INTO [Student_Answers] " + "\n" + ////// " ([STD_ID] , [QST_ID] ,[Answer] ,[Grade] ,[Lastupdate], [ProcessID] , [MachineName] , [USR_ID] ) " + "\n" + ////// " VALUES(" + vSTD_ID + " ," + vQST_ID + ","+vAnswer+" ,"+ vGrade +" ,GETDATE() ,'" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + "' ,'" + System.Environment.MachineName.Trim() + "' ," + vSTD_ID + ") " + "\n"; Int64 saved = BasicClass.fDMLData(vQuestionStatment, this.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex.Message, "FRM_Exam", "sSave"); } finally { if (BasicClass.vSqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Broken || BasicClass.vSqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { BasicClass.vSqlConn.Close(); } } }