protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var api = new BasecampAPI(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryString)) { rptProjects.DataSource = api.GetProjects(); rptProjects.DataBind(); projects.Visible = true; } else { to_do_timer.Visible = true; if (QueryString.StartsWith("P")) { var proj = api.GetProject(int.Parse(QueryString.Substring(1))); lblParent.Text = proj.Name; } else if (QueryString.StartsWith("T")) { var proj = api.GetTodo(int.Parse(QueryString.Substring(1))); lblParent.Text = proj.Name + " > " + proj.TodoLists.First().Name; } else { var proj = api.GetItem(int.Parse(QueryString.Substring(1))); var tdoList = proj.TodoLists.First().ListItem.Where(x => x.ID == int.Parse(QueryString.Substring(1))).FirstOrDefault(); lblParent.Text = proj.Name + " > " + proj.TodoLists.First().Name + " > " + tdoList.Name; } } }
public void SetMessage(BasecampAPI.Message message) { StopListeningToControls(); this.Message = message; table.Controls.Clear(); List<PostComment> comments = message.Comments; AddMessageControl(message); AddSeperator(); foreach (PostComment comment in comments) { MessageControl c = new MessageControl(); c.Height = 100; c.Width = 100; c.Visible = true; c.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; table.Controls.Add(c); int row = table.GetCellPosition(c).Row; table.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); c.SetComment(comment); } }
public AddMessageDialog(BasecampAPI.Message messageObj, string comment) { InitializeComponent(); label.Visible = title.Visible = label1.Visible = category.Visible = false; int bottom = message.Bottom; message.Top = title.Top; message.Height = bottom - message.Top; label2.Location = label.Location; label2.Text = "Comment"; message.Text = comment.Trim(); }
public void SetMessage(BasecampAPI.Message message) { this.message = message; if (message != null) { this.title.Text = message.Title; this.body.Text = message.Body; int n = message.CommentsCount; string commentDisplay = string.Format("{0} comment{1}.", n, n != 1 ? "s" : string.Empty); string person = (message.Author != null ? message.Author.ToString() : "Unknown"); info.Text = string.Format("Posted on {0} by {1}. {2}", message.PostedOn.ToShortDateString(), person, commentDisplay); info.Top = body.Bottom + 5; } }
private void ShowComments(BasecampAPI.Message message) { messages.Visible = false; comments.BringToFront(); comments.SetMessage(message); comments.Visible = true; label3.Text = "Tap anywhere to go back to the list of messages."; label.Text = "Add a comment"; }
private MessageControl AddMessageControl(BasecampAPI.Message m) { MessageControl c = new MessageControl(); c.Height = Width; c.Width = 100; c.AutoSize = true; c.Visible = true; c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; table.Controls.Add(c); c.SetMessage(m); c.Click += new EventHandler(Message_Click); return c; }
public MessageListEventArgs(BasecampAPI.Message message) { Message = message; }