public PvpAcceptGump(BasePvpStone stone)
            : base(0, 0)
            string skillrule  = String.Format("Min skill: {0}, Max Skill: {1}", stone.MinSkill, stone.MaxSkill);
            string classrule  = "";
            string keepscore  = "";
            string magicweaps = "";
            string magicarmor = "";
            string potions    = "";
            string bandaids   = "";
            string mounts     = "";
            string pets       = "";

            switch (stone.ClassRulesRule)
            case pClassRules.PureMageOnly: { classrule = "Pure Mages Only"; break; }

            case pClassRules.TamerOnly: { classrule = "Tamers Only"; break; }

            case pClassRules.TankMageOnly: { classrule = "Tank Mages Only"; break; }

            case pClassRules.NoRule: { classrule = "No Restrictions"; break; }

            case pClassRules.DexerOnly: { classrule = "Dexers Only"; break; }

            switch (stone.KeepScoreRule)
            case pKeepScoreRule.Yes: { keepscore = "Yes"; break; }

            case pKeepScoreRule.No: { keepscore = "No"; break; }

            switch (stone.MagicArmorRule)
            case pMagicArmorRule.Allowed: { magicarmor = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pMagicArmorRule.NotAllowed: { magicarmor = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            switch (stone.MagicWeaponRule)
            case pMagicWeaponRule.Allowed: { magicweaps = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pMagicWeaponRule.NotAllowed: { magicweaps = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            switch (stone.PotionRule)
            case pPotionRule.Allowed: { potions = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pPotionRule.NotAllowed: { potions = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            switch (stone.BandageRule)
            case pBandaidRule.Allowed: { bandaids = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pBandaidRule.NotAllowed: { bandaids = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            switch (stone.PetRule)
            case pPetRule.Allowed: { pets = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pPetRule.NotAllowed: { pets = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            switch (stone.MountRule)
            case pMountRule.Allowed: { mounts = "Allowed"; break; }

            case pMountRule.NotAllowed: { mounts = "Not Allowed"; break; }

            m_Stone    = stone;
            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            AddBackground(32, 19, 411, 338, 2620);
            AddLabel(44, 29, 4, @"Please review the rules.  If you accept these rules click OK,");
            AddImageTiled(37, 51, 403, 4, 2700);
            AddLabel(44, 65, 43, String.Format("Skill Rule: {0}", skillrule));
            AddLabel(44, 85, 43, String.Format("Class Rule: {0}", classrule));
            AddLabel(44, 105, 43, String.Format("Keep Score: {0}", keepscore));
            AddLabel(44, 125, 43, String.Format("Magic Weapons Allowed: {0}", magicweaps));
            AddLabel(44, 145, 43, String.Format("Magic Armor Allowed: {0}", magicarmor));
            AddLabel(44, 165, 43, String.Format("Potions Allowed: {0}", potions));
            AddLabel(44, 186, 43, String.Format("Bandaids Allowed: {0}", bandaids));
            AddLabel(44, 207, 43, String.Format("Mounts Allowed: {0}", mounts));
            AddLabel(44, 228, 43, String.Format("Pets Allowed: {0}", pets));
            AddButton(136, 280, 2328, 2329, (int)Buttons.OKButton, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(268, 281, 2328, 2329, (int)Buttons.CANCELButton, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(167, 301, 0, @"OK");
            AddLabel(285, 302, 0, @"CANCEL");
            AddImageTiled(37, 262, 403, 4, 2700);
Exemple #2
 public PvpKitRulesGump(BasePvpStone stone, string stoneType, string systemVer)
     : base(0, 0)
     m_Stone    = stone;
     Closable   = true;
     Disposable = true;
     Dragable   = true;
     Resizable  = false;
     AddBackground(26, 15, 366, 479, 2620);
     AddImageTiled(29, 48, 364, 4, 2700);
     AddLabel(36, 25, 4, String.Format("Sorious' PvpKit - {0} System Options - V. {1}", stoneType, systemVer));
     AddLabel(36, 56, 52, String.Format("Check all the options you wish to allow in the {0}:", stoneType));
     AddLabel(36, 75, 52, @"Skill Rules");
     AddLabel(36, 185, 52, @"Class Rules");
     AddBackground(37, 207, 41, 181, 9200);
     AddRadio(42, 214, 9728, 9729, (stone.ClassRulesRule == pClassRules.PureMageOnly), ( int )Buttons.PureMage);
     AddRadio(42, 280, 9728, 9729, (stone.ClassRulesRule == pClassRules.DexerOnly), ( int )Buttons.Dexer);
     AddRadio(42, 247, 9728, 9729, (stone.ClassRulesRule == pClassRules.TankMageOnly), ( int )Buttons.TankMage);
     AddRadio(42, 314, 9728, 9729, (stone.ClassRulesRule == pClassRules.TamerOnly), ( int )Buttons.Tamer);
     AddRadio(42, 347, 9728, 9729, (stone.ClassRulesRule == pClassRules.NoRule), ( int )Buttons.NoRule);
     AddLabel(86, 219, 43, @"Pure Mage");
     AddLabel(86, 252, 43, @"Tank Mage");
     AddLabel(86, 285, 43, @"Dexer");
     AddLabel(87, 319, 43, @"Tamer");
     AddLabel(87, 352, 43, @"No Rule");
     AddLabel(219, 252, 43, @"Magic Weapons");
     AddLabel(219, 416, 43, @"Keep Score");
     AddLabel(219, 219, 43, @"Magic Armor");
     AddLabel(219, 285, 43, @"Potions");
     AddLabel(219, 319, 43, @"Bandaids");
     AddLabel(219, 352, 43, @"Mounts");
     AddBackground(168, 207, 41, 245, 9200);
     AddLabel(219, 384, 43, @"Pets");
     AddImage(289, 82, 5536);
     AddButton(58, 409, 2328, 2329, (int)Buttons.OkButton, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
     AddLabel(89, 431, 0, @"OK");
     AddLabel(36, 91, 43, @"Enter the minimun skill required to play.");
     AddBackground(36, 113, 254, 24, 9200);
     AddLabel(36, 138, 43, @"Enter the maximum skill required to play.");
     AddBackground(36, 160, 254, 24, 9200);
     AddItem(306, 253, 5185);
     AddItem(282, 215, 5095);
     AddItem(260, 283, 3852);
     AddItem(282, 289, 3853);
     AddItem(307, 290, 3848);
     AddItem(286, 285, 3851);
     AddItem(289, 290, 3850);
     AddItem(278, 285, 3849);
     AddItem(267, 319, 3817);
     AddItem(299, 324, 3616);
     AddItem(278, 326, 3817);
     AddItem(271, 346, 8479);
     AddItem(247, 377, 8473);
     AddItem(265, 384, 8476);
     AddItem(279, 384, 8482);
     AddItem(298, 380, 8478);
     AddItem(284, 421, 3643);
     AddTextEntry(42, 115, 238, 20, 4, (int)Buttons.MinEntry, stone.MinSkill.ToString());
     AddTextEntry(42, 162, 238, 20, 4, ( int )Buttons.MaxEntry, stone.MaxSkill.ToString());
     AddCheck(173, 214, 9728, 9729, stone.MagicArmorRule == pMagicArmorRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.MagicArmorChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 280, 9728, 9729, stone.PotionRule == pPotionRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.PotionChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 247, 9728, 9729, stone.MagicWeaponRule == pMagicWeaponRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.MagicWeaponsChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 314, 9728, 9729, stone.BandageRule == pBandaidRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.BandagesChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 347, 9728, 9729, stone.MountRule == pMountRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.MountsChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 380, 9728, 9729, stone.PetRule == pPetRule.Allowed, (int)Buttons.PetsChkBox);
     AddCheck(173, 413, 9728, 9729, stone.KeepScoreRule == pKeepScoreRule.Yes, (int)Buttons.KeepScoreChkBox);