public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (MaxPokemon != 0) { hash ^= MaxPokemon.GetHashCode(); } if (MaxBagItems != 0) { hash ^= MaxBagItems.GetHashCode(); } if (BasePokemon != 0) { hash ^= BasePokemon.GetHashCode(); } if (BaseBagItems != 0) { hash ^= BaseBagItems.GetHashCode(); } if (BaseEggs != 0) { hash ^= BaseEggs.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public static BasePokemon GetPokemon(int level, int pokemon_class, List <int> IDPreset) { List <int> validIDs = new List <int>(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(GameController.GamePath + "\\Content\\Pokemon\\Data", "*.dat", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string f in files) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f).IsNumeric()) { int newID = Convert.ToInt32(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f)); if (IDPreset == null || IDPreset.Contains(newID)) { validIDs.Add(newID); } } } int ID = validIDs[Core.Random.Next(0, validIDs.Count)]; var p = GetPredeterminedPokemon(ID, level, pokemon_class); if (p == null) { p = BasePokemon.GetPokemonByID(ID); p.Generate(level, true); p.FullRestore(); } return(p); }
public float GetPokemonWeight(bool own, BaseBattleScreen BattleScreen) { BasePokemon p = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon; BasePokemon op = BattleScreen.OppPokemon; if (own == false) { p = BattleScreen.OppPokemon; op = BattleScreen.OwnPokemon; } float weigth = p.PokedexEntry.Weight; if (p.Ability.Name.ToLower() == "light metal" && CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) == true) { weigth /= 2; } if (p.Ability.Name.ToLower() == "heavy metal" && CanUseAbility(own, BattleScreen) == true) { weigth *= 2; } return(weigth); }
private void GetOnlineTeam(string result) { List <API.JoltValue> list = API.HandleData(result); if (Convert.ToBoolean(list[0].Value) == true) { this.OnlineTeam = new List <BasePokemon>(); string data = result.Remove(0, 22); data = data.Remove(data.LastIndexOf("\"")); string[] dataArray = data.SplitAtNewline(); foreach (string line in dataArray) { if (line.StartsWith("{") == true && line.EndsWith("}") == true) { string pokemonData = line.Replace("\\\"", "\""); this.OnlineTeam.Add(BasePokemon.GetPokemonByData(pokemonData)); } } } else { this.OnlineTeam = null; } }
static BasePokemon GetPokemon(PokemonData PokemonData, PlaceData Place) { BasePokemon Pokemon = new BasePokemon { Monster = PokemonData.GeneralInformation.Monster, Name = PokemonData.GeneralInformation.Name, Nature = Natures.GetRandomNature(), Level = GetLevel(Place, PokemonData), Ability = GetRandomAbility(PokemonData), isShiny = CheckForShiny(), Happiness = PokemonData.Breeding.BaseHappiness, Gender = GetRandomGender(PokemonData), TrainerInfo = new P_Trainer() { Place = Place.Place,//, //Time TrainerName = TrainerData.GetData().Name, TrainerID = TrainerData.GetData().ID }, EValues = new EffortValues(), DValues = GetGenes() }; Pokemon.Moves = GetMoveList(Pokemon); Pokemon.Experience = Experience.GetExperience(PokemonData.Breeding.LvlRate, Pokemon.Level); Pokemon.Stats = GetStats(Pokemon); ResetLiveStats(Pokemon); return(Pokemon); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Animation Name of the Pokémon, the path to its Sprite/Model files. /// </summary> public static string GetAnimationName(BasePokemon P) { foreach (var listP in PokemonList) { if (listP.IsNumber(P.Number)) { string _name = listP.GetAnimationName(P).ToLower(); if (_name.StartsWith("mega ")) { _name = _name.Remove(0, 5); if (_name.EndsWith(" x_mega_x") || _name.EndsWith(" y_mega_y")) { _name = _name.Remove(_name.Length - 9, 2); } } else if (_name.StartsWith("primal ")) { _name = _name.Remove(0, 7); } return(_name); } } return(P.OriginalName); }
static public void AddPokemonToParty(BasePokemon Pokemon) { if (Pokemon != null) { CheckForSpace(); if (Count >= 6) { Debug.Log("Party is full; " + Pokemon.Name + " could not get added."); } else { for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++) { if (List[i] == null) { List[i] = Pokemon; Logger.Debug(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, "Added " + Pokemon.Name + " to the Party"); break; } } } } else { Logger.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, "You are trying to add a Pokemon that is = null!"); } }
private static void NewMethod(Rarity rarity, List <BasePokemon> returnPokemon, BasePokemon Pokemon) { if (Pokemon.rarity == rarity) { returnPokemon.Add(Pokemon); } }
public void AddMember(BasePokemon bp) { Name = bp.Name; Monster = bp.Monster; HeldItem = bp.HeldItem; TrainerInfo = bp.TrainerInfo; LiveStats = bp.LiveStats; isShiny = bp.isShiny; Level = bp.Level; Stats = bp.Stats; /**/ PokemonData Data = PokemonData.GetData(Monster); LiveStats.HP = Data.BaseStats.HP; LiveStats.Attack = Data.BaseStats.Attack; LiveStats.Defense = Data.BaseStats.Defense; LiveStats.SpecialAttack = Data.BaseStats.SpecialAttack; LiveStats.SpecialDefense = Data.BaseStats.SpecialDefense; LiveStats.Speed = Data.BaseStats.Speed; /* * LiveStats.HP = bp.Kind.BaseStats.HPStat; * LiveStats.Attack = bp.Kind.BaseStats.AttackStat; * LiveStats.Defence = bp.Kind.BaseStats.DefenceStat; * LiveStats.SpecialAttack = bp.Kind.BaseStats.SpAttackStat; * LiveStats.SpecialDefence = bp.Kind.BaseStats.SpDefenceStat; * LiveStats.Speed = bp.Kind.BaseStats.SpeedStat; */ } //TODO can this be removed?
public void EnterBattle(Rarity rarity) { playerCamera.SetActive(false); battleCamera.SetActive(true); BasePokemon battlePokemon = GetRandomPokemonFromList(GetPokemonByRarity(rarity)); Debug.Log(; player.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().isAllowedToMove = false; GameObject dPoke = Instantiate(emptyPoke, defencePodium.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; Vector3 pokeLocalPos = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); dPoke.transform.parent = defencePodium; dPoke.transform.localPosition = pokeLocalPos; BasePokemon tempPoke = dPoke.AddComponent <BasePokemon> () as BasePokemon; tempPoke.AddMember(battlePokemon); dPoke.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = battlePokemon.image; bm.ChangeMenu(BattleManager.BattleMenu.Selection); }
//When you enter a battle sets camera on battle and //sets player unable to move public void EnterBattle(Rarity rarity) { playerCamera.SetActive(false); battleCamera.SetActive(true); BasePokemon battlePokemon = GetRandomPokemonFromList(GetPokemonByRarity(rarity)); player.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().isAllowedToMove = false; }
void Spawn2() { Pokemon = new BasePokemon { Monster = Monster.ivysaur, Name = PokemonData.GetData(Monster.ivysaur).GeneralInformation.Name }; }
public BasePokemon GetRandomPokemonFromList(List <BasePokemon> pokeList) { BasePokemon poke = new BasePokemon(); int pokeIndex = Random.Range(0, pokeList.Count - 1); poke = pokeList[pokeIndex]; return(poke); }
private static void AddMoveset(ref BasePokemon p, int[] moveList) { p.Attacks.Clear(); foreach (int moveID in moveList) { p.Attacks.Add(BaseAttack.GetAttackByID(moveID)); } }
public BasePokemon GetRandomPokemonFromList(List <BasePokemon> pokeList) { BasePokemon poke = gameObject.AddComponent <BasePokemon>(); int pokeIndex = Random.Range(0, pokeList.Count - 1); poke = pokeList[pokeIndex]; return(poke); }
private static BasePokemon GetPredeterminedPokemon(int ID, int level, int pokemon_class) { string path = GameController.GamePath + "\\Content\\Pokemon\\Data\\frontier\\" + pokemon_class.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ".dat"; // TODO: //Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(path, false, "FrontierSpawner.vb"); List <string> data = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList(); foreach (string line in data) { string[] lData = line.Split(Convert.ToChar("|")); string[] InputIDs = lData[0].Split(Convert.ToChar(",")); if (InputIDs.Contains(ID.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) == true) { int OutputID = Convert.ToInt32(lData[1]); List <int> Moveset = new List <int>(); foreach (string move in lData[2].Split(Convert.ToChar(","))) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(move) && move.IsNumeric()) { Moveset.Add(Convert.ToInt32(move)); } } string[] Stats = lData[3].Split(Convert.ToChar(",")); string ItemID = lData[4]; BasePokemon p = BasePokemon.GetPokemonByID(OutputID); p.Generate(level, true); p.Item = null; AddMoveset(ref p, Moveset.ToArray()); SetStats(ref p, Stats[0], Stats[1], pokemon_class); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemID)) { p.Item = Item.GetItemByID(Convert.ToInt32(ItemID)); } if (p.Item == null) { int[] items = { 146, 2009, 119, 140, 73, 74 }; p.Item = Item.GetItemByID(items[Core.Random.Next(0, items.Length)]); } p.FullRestore(); return(p); } } return(null); }
public void EnterBattle(Rarity rarity) { //Camera into BattleMode playerCamera.SetActive(false); battleCamera.SetActive(true); //change State bm.state = BattleState.Start; //Get a Random Pokemon from the List BasePokemon battlePokemon = GetRandomPokemonFromList(GetPokemonByRarity(rarity)); OwnedPokemon PlayerPokemon = GetOwnedPokemon(plyr.ownedPokemon); //Stop Player from Moving player.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().isAllowedToMove = false; //Initiate Pokemon dPoke = Instantiate(emptyPoke, defencePodium.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; aPoke = Instantiate(emptyPoke, attackPodium.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //Set Position to to a flat Number? Vector3 pokeLocalPos = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); Vector3 friendlyLocalPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); dPoke.transform.parent = defencePodium; aPoke.transform.parent = attackPodium; dPoke.transform.localPosition = pokeLocalPos; aPoke.transform.localPosition = friendlyLocalPos; dPoke.transform.parent = defencePodium; aPoke.transform.parent = attackPodium; //copy BasePokemon so it gets individuell tempPoke = dPoke.AddComponent <BasePokemon>() as BasePokemon; playerTempPoke = aPoke.AddComponent <BasePokemon>() as BasePokemon; tempPoke.AddMember(battlePokemon); playerTempPoke.AddMember(PlayerPokemon.pokemon); //Random level int p = Random.Range(2, 5); tempPoke.level = p; //PlayerPokemon Level playerTempPoke.level = PlayerPokemon.level; //calculate HP tempPoke.HP = (((2 * tempPoke.HP) * p) / 100) + p + 10; playerTempPoke.HP = (((2 * playerTempPoke.HP) * playerTempPoke.level) / 100) + playerTempPoke.level + 10; tempPoke.currentHP = tempPoke.HP; playerTempPoke.currentHP = playerTempPoke.HP; //Set Sprites dPoke.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = battlePokemon.image; aPoke.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = PlayerPokemon.pokemon.image; //User Interface Update bm.InfoText.text = "A wild " + battlePokemon.Name + " appeared!"; bm.ChangeMenu(BattleMenu.Info); bm.GetMoves(PlayerPokemon); bm.GetBattlePokemon(PlayerPokemon); //Update bm.UpdatePokemonDetails(tempPoke.Name, tempPoke.level, tempPoke.currentHP, tempPoke.HP, PlayerPokemon.NickName, playerTempPoke.level, playerTempPoke.currentHP, playerTempPoke.HP); }
public BasePokemon GetRandomPokemonFromList(List <BasePokemon> pokeList) { //randomly picks one pokemon from previously derived list BasePokemon poke = new BasePokemon(); int pokeIndex = Random.Range(0, pokeList.Count - 1); poke = pokeList[pokeIndex]; return(poke); }
public void ResetUI() { ActivePokemon = null; Icon.GetComponentInParent <GameObject>().SetActive(false); Name.text = ""; Level.text = ""; HPText.text = ""; }
public RoamingPokemon(string DataLine) { string[] data = DataLine.Split(Convert.ToChar("|")); PokemonReference = BasePokemon.GetPokemonByData(data[5]); WorldID = Convert.ToInt32(data[2]); LevelFile = data[3]; MusicLoop = data[4]; }
/* * public static void Load() * { * Core.Player.Pokedexes.Clear(); * * string path = GameModeManager.GetContentFilePath("Data\\pokedex.dat"); * Security.FileValidation.CheckFileValid(path, false, "Pokedex.vb"); * * string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path); * foreach (string PokedexData in lines) * { * Core.Player.Pokedexes.Add(new Pokedex(PokedexData)); * } * } */ public static string RegisterPokemon(string Data, BasePokemon Pokemon) { if (Pokemon.IsShiny == true) { return(ChangeEntry(Data, Pokemon.Number, 3)); } else { return(ChangeEntry(Data, Pokemon.Number, 2)); } }
public void Show(BasePokemon Pokemon, bool front) { var p = Pokemon; p.PlayCry(); this.Delay = 8f; this.Showing = true; this.Texture = p.GetTexture(front); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the path to the Pokémon's overworld sprite. /// </summary> public static string GetOverworldSpriteName(BasePokemon P) { string path = "Pokemon\\Overworld\\Normal\\"; if (P.IsShiny) { path = "Pokemon\\Overworld\\Shiny\\"; } path += P.Number + GetOverworldAddition(P); return(path); }
public void OnClick() { BasePokemon[] newList = new BasePokemon[1]; newList[0] = Encounter_Manager.GetEncounter(Place.Route1); Pokemon_Party.AddPokemonToParty(Encounter_Manager.GetEncounter(Place.Route1)); //Logger.Debug(GetType(), "'" + Pokemon.Name + "' got choosen."); BattleManager.GetComponent <Battle_Manager>().StartBattle(Pokemon_Party.List, newList); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the size of the Pokémon's menu sprite. /// </summary> public static Size GetMenuImageSize(BasePokemon P) { foreach (var listP in PokemonList) { if (listP.IsNumber(P.Number) == true) { return(listP.GetMenuImageSize(P)); } } return(new Size(32, 32)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the addition to the Pokémon's overworld sprite name. /// </summary> public static string GetOverworldAddition(BasePokemon P) { foreach (var listP in PokemonList) { if (listP.IsNumber(P.Number) == true) { return(listP.GetOverworldAddition(P)); } } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the initial Additional Data, if it needs to be set at generation time of the Pokémon. /// </summary> public static string GetInitialAdditionalData(BasePokemon P) { foreach (var listP in PokemonList) { if (listP.IsNumber(P.Number)) { return(listP.GetInitialAdditionalData(P)); } } return(""); }
static public void RemovePokemonFromParty(BasePokemon Pokemon) { for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++) { if (List[i] == Pokemon) { List[i] = null; break; } } }
public void Show(int ID, bool shiny, bool front) { var p = BasePokemon.GetPokemonByID(ID); p.PlayCry(); this.Delay = 8f; this.Showing = true; p.IsShiny = shiny; this.Texture = p.GetTexture(front); }
public static void ResetLiveStats(BasePokemon Pokemon, bool HP) { if (HP) { Pokemon.LiveStats.HP = Pokemon.Stats.HP; } Pokemon.LiveStats.Attack = Pokemon.Stats.Attack; Pokemon.LiveStats.Defense = Pokemon.Stats.Defense; Pokemon.LiveStats.SpecialAttack = Pokemon.Stats.SpecialAttack; Pokemon.LiveStats.SpecialDefense = Pokemon.Stats.SpecialDefense; Pokemon.LiveStats.Speed = Pokemon.Stats.Speed; }
public void AddMember(BasePokemon bp) { this.PName = bp.PName; this.image = bp.image; this.biomeFound = bp.biomeFound; this.type = bp.type; this.rarity = bp.rarity; this.HP = bp.HP; this.maxHP = bp.maxHP; this.AttackStat = bp.AttackStat; this.DefenceStat = bp.DefenceStat; this.pokemonStats = bp.pokemonStats; this.canEvolve = bp.canEvolve; this.evolveTo = bp.evolveTo; this.level = bp.level; }