protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     CreateRoomMessage copymsg = (CreateRoomMessage)msg;
     this.Name = copymsg.Name;
     this.Password = copymsg.Password;
     this.Capability = copymsg.Capability;
 public void SendToPlayers(BaseMessage msg)
     foreach(GamePlayer p in mPlayers)
        public async Task<BaseMessage> Get(BaseMessage msg)
            //await Task.Delay(2000);  
                msg.MsgJson = DecryptData(msg.MsgJson);
                var para = msg.GetData<IDPara>();
                ValidStoreIDQuery(new List<int>() { para.LocationStoreID });

                var c1 = UGUser.Claims;
                var principal = User as ClaimsPrincipal;
                var obj = from c in principal.Identities.First().Claims
                          select new

                return PackageDataWWithSecurity(msg, obj);
            catch (BaseException ex)
                return GetBaseMessage(ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return GetBaseMessage(new UnknownException(ex));
        public string HandleAndGetResponse(BaseMessage message)
            string response = "";
            TextMessage textMsg = message as TextMessage;

            string content = textMsg.Content.Trim();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                response = "您什么都没输入,没法帮您啊,%>_<%。";
            //else if (SessionUtility.Contains(textMsg.FromUserName))
            //    response = AuthUtility.GetAuthResult(textMsg);
                if (content.Contains("图文"))
                    return GetTuwenResponse(textMsg);
                response = HandleOtherString(content);

            TextMessage tm = new TextMessage();
            tm.ToUserName = message.FromUserName;
            tm.FromUserName = message.ToUserName;
            tm.CreateTime = WeiXinHelper.GetNowTime();
            tm.Content = response;

            string returnValue = tm.GetResponseString();
            return returnValue;
Exemple #5
 public static void HandleExtensionMessage(BaseMessage message)
     if (message == null || !(message is ExtensionMessage))
     ExtensionMessage extMessage = (ExtensionMessage) message;
     string extensionType = null;
     if (extMessage.Properties.ContainsKey("ext_msg_subtype")) {
         extensionType = (string) extMessage.Properties["ext_msg_subtype"];
     } else if (extMessage.Properties.ContainsKey("ext_msg_type")) {
         Debug.LogWarning("Extension message with 'ext_msg_type' is deprecated. Please use 'ext_msg_subtype'");
         extensionType = (string) extMessage.Properties["ext_msg_type"];
     } else {
         Debug.LogWarning("Received extension message without a subtype");
     Debug.Log("Got extension message with type: " + extensionType);
     if (extensionHandlers.ContainsKey(extensionType)) {
         extMessage.Properties["ext_msg_subject_oid"] = extMessage.Oid;
         extMessage.Properties["ext_msg_target_oid"] = extMessage.TargetOid;
         extMessage.Properties["ext_msg_client_targeted"] = extMessage.ClientTargeted;
         List<ExtensionMessageHandler> handlers = extensionHandlers[extensionType];
         Debug.Log("Got " + handlers.Count + " handlers for extension message");
         foreach (ExtensionMessageHandler handler in handlers)
 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     GameTurnMessage copymsg = (GameTurnMessage)msg;
     this.UserId = copymsg.UserId;
     this.EndTime = copymsg.EndTime;
     this.Text = copymsg.Text;
Exemple #7
		static void Stuff2()
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
			BaseMessage bm = new BaseMessage();
			bm.value = 1234;
			Serializer.Serialize( ms, bm );
			Console.WriteLine( "Length is {0}", ms.Length );
 private void OnDataReceived(BaseMessage message)
     if (message is LoginMessage)
         if (_processor.OnLoginResponse != null)
             _processor.OnLoginResponse(message.Code, true);
 public static Message Serialize(Type messageType, BaseMessage message)
     if (WebOperationContext.Current != null)
         var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(messageType);
         return WebOperationContext.Current.CreateJsonResponse(message, serializer);
     return null;
Exemple #10
 public void PushMessage(BaseMessage message)
     using (IConnection connection = _factory.CreateConnection())
     using (IModel channel = connection.CreateModel())
         channel.ExchangeDeclare("attika_exchange", ExchangeType.Fanout);
         channel.BasicPublish("attika_exchange", "", null,
        //private static readonly SoapFormatter _formatter = new SoapFormatter();
        public static byte[] Serialize(BaseMessage msg)
            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            _formatter.Serialize(memoryStream, msg);
            byte[] serializedObj = memoryStream.ToArray();


            return serializedObj;
        public byte[] Encode(BaseMessage message)
            var bytes = message.GetBytes();

            var sendBytes = new byte[BaseMessage.HeaderLength + bytes.Length];

            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(bytes.Length), sendBytes, sizeof(int));
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, sendBytes, BaseMessage.HeaderLength, bytes.Length);

            return sendBytes;
Exemple #13
		static void Stuff()
			MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
			DerivedMessage dm = new DerivedMessage();
			BaseMessage[] bma = new BaseMessage[1];
			bma [0] = dm;
			//Protocol.RegisteredGameServer rs = new Protocol.RegisteredGameServer();
			dm.value = 1234;
			Serializer.Serialize<BaseMessage[]>( ms, bma );
			//Serializer.Serialize<BaseMessage>( ms, (BaseMessage)dm );
			Console.WriteLine( "Length is {0}", ms.Length );
Exemple #14
        private void ReceiveMessage(BaseMessage message)
            if(message.GetType() == typeof(LoginMessage))
                var loginMessage = message as LoginMessage;

                Console.WriteLine("Received LoginMessage(Username = {0})", loginMessage.UserName);

                if (OnLoginSuccess != null)
                    OnLoginSuccess(loginMessage.UserName, _socket);

                _isAuthenticated = true;
Exemple #15
        private async void btnApiAccess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var claim = await GetClaimsAsync(UserAccessInfo.AccessToken);

            var query = from info in claim where info.Item1 == UGConstants.ClaimTypes.PreferredUserName select info.Item2;
            string userName = string.Empty;
            if (query.Count() > 0)
                userName = query.First();

            var client = new HttpClient();
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(UGConstants.HTTPHeaders.IOT_CLIENT_ID, IoTClientId);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(UGConstants.HTTPHeaders.IOT_CLIENT_SECRET, IoTClientSecret);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(UGConstants.ClaimTypes.PreferredUserName, userName);

            BaseMessage msg = new BaseMessage("", "", SSD.Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.IsSuccess, "");
            msg.MsgJson = "{\"LocationStoreID\":1,\"ID\":1}";
            StringContent queryString = new StringContent(msg.ToJson());
            var response = await client.PostAsync(APIUri,queryString);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                string contentStr = string.Empty;

                IEnumerable<string> lst;
                if (response.Content.Headers != null
                    && response.Content.Headers.TryGetValues(UGConstants.HTTPHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, out lst)
                    && lst.First().ToLower() == "deflate")
                    var bj = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
                    using (var inStream = new MemoryStream(bj))
                        using (var bigStreamsss = new DeflateStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
                            contentStr = await (new StreamReader(bigStreamsss)).ReadToEndAsync();
                            //using (var bigStreamOut = new MemoryStream())
                            //    bigStreamsss.CopyTo(bigStreamOut);
                            //    contentStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bigStreamOut.ToArray(), 0, bigStreamOut.ToArray().Length);

                else contentStr = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Exemple #16
        public async Task Send(BaseMessage msg) {
            var data = (WeChatMessage)msg;
            var api = ApiClient.GetInstance("xxy");

            //接口限制: 用户不先在WX上发起对话,就没办法使用该功能!
            //{"errcode":45015,"errmsg":"response out of time limit or subscription is canceled hint: [h6kfKa0794age8]"}
            var method = new MessageSend() {
                OpenID = data.Receiver,
                Message = new TextMessage() {
                    Content = data.Ctx
            var result = await api.Execute(method);
            if (this.OnProcessed != null) {
                var ex = result.HasError ? new Exception(result.ErrorInfo) : null;
                this.OnProcessed(this, new ProcessedArgs(DbEntity.Enums.MsgTypes.WeChat, data.ID, ex));
        protected HttpResponseMessage InternalCheckPermission(string userName, IoTUserManagerBase iotMrg, HttpRequestMessage request, IEnumerable<UGFollowPermissionAttribute> lstAttAjaxAcction)
            var user = iotMrg.GetUserCache(userName);
            UGFollowPermissionAttribute att = lstAttAjaxAcction.First() as UGFollowPermissionAttribute;
            if (!user.HasPermission(att.FollowKey))
                string keyName = string.Empty;
                var per = iotMrg.Permissions.Where(x => x.AcctionKey == att.FollowKey);
                if (per.Count() > 0)
                    keyName = per.First().Description;

                //redirect to Accecc Diney
                string error = string.Format(UGConstants.Security.MsgValidAcctionPermission, keyName, att.FollowKey);
                var resultMsg = new BaseMessage("", "", SSD.Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.ActionPermission, error);
                HttpResponseMessage reply = request.CreateResponse<BaseMessage>(HttpStatusCode.OK, resultMsg);
                return reply;
            return null;
 protected override HttpResponseMessage CheckPermission(HttpActionContext actionContext, IEnumerable<UGFollowPermissionAttribute> lstAttAjaxAcction)
     var request = actionContext.Request;
     object obj;
     if (request.Properties.TryGetValue(UGConstants.HTTPHeaders.TOKEN_NAME, out obj))
         var token = obj as UGToken;
         if (token != null)
             string userName = token.UID;
             return InternalCheckPermission(userName, IoTUserManager, request, lstAttAjaxAcction);
     //redirect to Accecc Diney
     var resultMsg = new BaseMessage("", "", SSD.Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.ActionPermission, UGConstants.Security.MsgMissingUGToken);
     HttpResponseMessage reply = request.CreateResponse<BaseMessage>(HttpStatusCode.OK, resultMsg);
     return reply;
 protected override HttpResponseMessage CheckPermission(HttpActionContext actionContext, IEnumerable<UGFollowPermissionAttribute> lstAttAjaxAcction)
     var request = actionContext.Request;
         //string userName = HttpContext.Current.User.GetUserName();
         var headerUsername = request.Headers.GetValues(UGConstants.ClaimTypes.PreferredUserName);
         if (headerUsername != null && headerUsername.Count() > 0)
             return InternalCheckPermission(headerUsername.First(), IoTUserManager, request, lstAttAjaxAcction);
             var resultMsgUserName = new BaseMessage("", "", SSD.Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.ActionPermission, UGConstants.Security.MsgMissingUserName);
             HttpResponseMessage replyUserName = request.CreateResponse<BaseMessage>(HttpStatusCode.OK, resultMsgUserName);
             return replyUserName;
     //redirect to Accecc Diney
     var resultMsg = new BaseMessage("", "", SSD.Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.ActionPermission, UGConstants.Security.MsgValidLogin);
     HttpResponseMessage reply = request.CreateResponse<BaseMessage>(HttpStatusCode.OK, resultMsg);
     return reply;
        public RequestReponse GetXMLDocs([FromUri] string type)
            RequestReponse result = new RequestReponse();

                // XML document result will be passed in here as a string
                string messageDetail = string.Empty;

                string centralDBURL = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LandseaDB"].ToString();

                if (!LoadSettings())
                    result.Success       = false;
                    result.Message       = "Get XML Documents failed!";
                    result.MessageDetail = "Failed to read configuration settings.";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                    result.Success       = false;
                    result.Message       = "Get XML Documents failed!";
                    result.MessageDetail = "Document Type is missing.";

                if (!GenerateBIPToken())
                    result.Success       = false;
                    result.Message       = "Get XML Documents failed!";
                    result.MessageDetail = "Internal security token generation failed";

                ProcessLogs.bipToken    = bipToken;
                ProcessLogs.logFilePath = logFilePath;
                ProcessLogs.webApiUrl   = bipAPIURL;

                #region Get CargoWise XML Documents
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(centralDBURL))
                    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

                        using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("CargoWiseFileProcess", conn))
                            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XMLType", type);

                            SqlDataAdapter sda      = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand);
                            DataTable      dtResult = new DataTable();



                            if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0)
                                int    messageID = int.Parse(dtResult.Rows[0]["MessageID"].ToString());
                                string xmlDoc    = dtResult.Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();

                                var resultData = "{ \"MessageID\": " + messageID.ToString() + ", \"Message\": \"" + xmlDoc + "\" }";

                                // If successful
                                result.Data          = resultData;
                                result.Success       = true;
                                result.Message       = "Document successfully retrieved.";
                                result.MessageDetail = "New CargoWise document was successfully retrieved.";

                                ProcessLogs.UpdateProfileHistory(string.Join(" - ", result.Message, result.MessageDetail), BIP.Enum.EventLogType.Information, GetXMLDocsProfileID);
                                result.Success       = true;
                                result.Message       = "No documents available.";
                                result.MessageDetail = "No new CargoWise XML documents available at this moment. Please try again later.";

                                ProcessLogs.UpdateProfileHistory(string.Join(" - ", result.Message, result.MessageDetail), BIP.Enum.EventLogType.Warning, GetXMLDocsProfileID);

                        #region BIP Message
                        //we need to create a new message in BIP
                        BaseMessage bmessage = new BaseMessage();
                        List <MessageHistoryModel> newHistory = new List <MessageHistoryModel>();

                        using (DataSet ds = new DataSet("XMLDocs"))
                            using (DataTable dt = new DataTable("XMLDocsGet"))
                                dt.Columns.Add("RequestedType", typeof(string));
                                dt.Columns.Add("ResultMsg", typeof(string));
                                dt.Columns.Add("ResultData", typeof(string));
                                dt.Columns.Add("ResultDetailMsg", typeof(string));

                                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                                dr["RequestedType"]   = type;
                                dr["ResultMsg"]       = result.Message;
                                dr["ResultData"]      = result.Data;
                                dr["ResultDetailMsg"] = result.MessageDetail;



                                using (TextWriter write = new StringWriter())
                                    //convert the results into xml
                                    //also convert the xml into byte arry
                                    bmessage.Context = new byte[write.ToString().Length *sizeof(char)];
                                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(write.ToString().ToCharArray(), 0, bmessage.Context, 0, bmessage.Context.Length);

                        if (result.Success)
                            bmessage.PublishMessageID = (int)InternalStatus.Processing;
                            bmessage.MessageStatus    = InternalStatus.Processing;
                            newHistory.Add(new MessageHistoryModel
                                EventDesc        = "Request received from LandSea XML API Service - Get XML Documents",
                                ProfileProcessID = GetXMLDocsProfileID,
                                EventTypeID      = (byte)EventLogType.Information,
                                MessageStatusID  = 1,
                                DoneBy           = "LandSea API Service"
                            bmessage.PublishMessageID = (int)InternalStatus.Suspended;
                            bmessage.MessageStatus    = InternalStatus.Suspended;
                            newHistory.Add(new MessageHistoryModel
                                EventDesc        = result.Message + " Detail: " + result.MessageDetail,
                                ProfileProcessID = GetXMLDocsProfileID,
                                EventTypeID      = (byte)EventLogType.Error,
                                MessageStatusID  = 2,
                                DoneBy           = "LandSea API Service"
                        bmessage.PromoteValue("SentType", type);
                        bmessage.webApiUrl        = bipAPIURL;
                        bmessage.bipToken         = bipToken;
                        bmessage.AttachmentID     = 0;
                        bmessage.XMLContext       = string.Empty;
                        bmessage.ProfileID        = GetXMLDocsProfileID;
                        bmessage.CreatedBy        = "LandSea XML API Service";
                        bmessage.ReProcessed      = false;
                        bmessage.PublishMessageID = null;
                        bmessage.ProfileProcessID = GetXMLDocsProfileID;

                        bool saveResult = true;
                        using (UpdateMessage sMessage = new BIP.MessageUtils.UpdateMessage())
                            saveResult = sMessage.SaveMessageDetail(bmessage, newHistory, BIP.Enum.MessageType.Incomming, ref messageDetail);

                        if (!saveResult)
                            result.Success       = false;
                            result.Message       = "Failed to Update BIP process";
                            result.MessageDetail = messageDetail;
                        #endregion BIP Message
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result.Success       = false;
                        result.Message       = ex.Message;
                        result.MessageDetail = ExceptionDetail.GetExceptionFullMessage(ex);

                        ProcessLogs.UpdateProfileHistory(result.Message, BIP.Enum.EventLogType.Error, GetXMLDocsProfileID);
                #endregion Get CargoWise XML Documents
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Success       = false;
                result.Message       = ex.Message;
                result.MessageDetail = ExceptionDetail.GetExceptionFullMessage(ex);

                ProcessLogs.UpdateProfileHistory(result.Message, BIP.Enum.EventLogType.Error, GetXMLDocsProfileID);

    bool LocalisationHandler(BaseMessage message)

        public async Task <CompanyRegisterResponse> CreateAsyncCompany(CompanyRegisterRequest companyRegister)
            string passwordvalue = passwordGeneratorFactory.Create().GeneratePassword();
            Random randomNumber  = new Random();
            int    r             = randomNumber.Next(100000, 1000000);
            List <MessageContent> messageContent = new List <MessageContent>();
            bool IsValidEmail = messageSenderFactory.IsValid(companyRegister.CompanyRegister.Email);
            var  user         = new UserRegister {
                RegType = "company", UserName = companyRegister.CompanyRegister.Email, Email = IsValidEmail == true ? companyRegister.CompanyRegister.Email : null, PhoneNumber = IsValidEmail == false ? companyRegister.CompanyRegister.Email : null, PasswordHash = passwordvalue, CompanyInformation = new CompanyInformation {
                    AddresseeName = companyRegister.CompanyRegister.AddresseeName, Email = companyRegister.CompanyRegister.Email, EconomicCode = companyRegister.CompanyRegister.EconomicCode, NationalId = companyRegister.CompanyRegister.NationalId, VerifyCode = r.ToString()

                List <string> messages = new List <string>();

                var result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, passwordvalue);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    if (IsValidEmail)
                        string ctoken = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                        var request     = httpcontextaccessor.HttpContext.Request;
                        var queryparams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                            { "accepted", ctoken },
                            { "userId", user.UserName }
                        var querystring = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString("https://localhost:44326/api/UserAuth/comfirmedEmail", queryparams);
                        messages.Add($" {user.CompanyInformation.AddresseeName} Company <br>Please confirm your account by<br>your password:{passwordvalue}<br><br> <a href = '{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(querystring)}'> clicking here </a>.");
                        BaseMessage baseMessage = new BaseMessage
                            Email    = user.Email,
                            Subject  = "pleaseComfirmAccount",
                            Messages = messages
                        var data = messageSenderFactory.CreateMessage(baseMessage);
                        messageContent.Add(new MessageContent
                            Message = data.Message,
                            Code    = null
                        return(new CompanyRegisterResponse
                            ReturnObject = mapper.Map <CompanyRegisterViewModel>(user.CompanyInformation),
                            responseMessage = messageContent,
                            Success = true
                messageContent.AddRange(result.Errors.Select(a => new MessageContent
                    Code    = a.Code,
                    Message = a.Description
                //var registerResponse = requestResponseFactory.ProcessRequest<RegisterRequest, RegisterResponse>(userRegisterView);
                return(new CompanyRegisterResponse
                    ReturnObject = mapper.Map <CompanyRegisterViewModel>(user.CompanyInformation),
                    responseMessage = messageContent,
                    Success = result.Succeeded
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new CompanyRegisterResponse
                    responseMessage = new List <MessageContent>
                        new MessageContent {
                            Message = ex.Message,
                            Code = null
Exemple #23
    bool AppRateHandler(BaseMessage message)
        appRated = true;

Exemple #24
        /// \fn protected virtual void AfterSendOperation(BaseMessage message)
        /// \brief After send operation.
        /// \par Description.
        ///      This method is used for algorithm specific actions after a send of a message
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 05/04/2017
        /// \param message  (BaseMessage) - The message.

        protected override void AfterSendOperation(BaseMessage message)
Exemple #25
        /// \fn protected override BaseMessage BuildBaseAlgorithmMessage(dynamic messageType, string messageName, AttributeDictionary messageFields, int round, AttributeList targets)
        /// \brief Builds base message.
        /// \par Description.
        ///      -  This method is called in execution time.
        ///      -  The purpose of this method is to allow the algorithm to add fields to the Base Algorithm message
        ///      -  The following is the process of sending a base algorithm message
        ///         -#  During running time before/after a send/receive message the event is checked
        ///         -#  If the conditions are filled up this method is called with the base message data
        ///         -#  This message can add fields to the Base Message according to the status of the algorithm
        ///         -#  The base message is sent
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilan Hindy
        /// \date 02/03/2017
        /// \param messageType   (dynamic) - Type of the message.
        /// \param messageName   (string) - Name of the message.
        /// \param messageFields (AttributeDictionary) - The message fields.
        /// \param round         (int) - The round.
        /// \param targets       (List&lt;Attribute&gt;) - The targets.
        /// \return A BaseMessage.

        public override BaseMessage BuildBaseAlgorithmMessage(dynamic messageType, string messageName, AttributeDictionary messageFields, int round, AttributeList targets)
            BaseMessage message = new BaseMessage(network, messageType, messageFields, new BaseChannel(), messageName, round);

 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     ServerInfoAbonentsMessage copymsg = (ServerInfoAbonentsMessage)msg;
     this.Abonents = copymsg.Abonents;
Exemple #27
 public ModbusInverter(string tcpcontent, BaseMessage message)
     base.deviceData = tcpcontent;
Exemple #28
 public Modbus16Cabinet(string tcpcontent, BaseMessage message)
     base.deviceData = tcpcontent;
 public override void ServerProcessMessage(BaseMessage message, ServerSharedStateObject sharedStateObj)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override void ClientProcessMessage(BaseMessage message, ClientSharedStateObject sharedStateObj)
     //sharedStateObj.ClientID = message.c
 public SystemMessage(String senderUserId, String[] targetId, String objectName, BaseMessage content, String pushContent, String pushData,
                      int isPersisted, int isCounted, int contentAvailable) : base(senderUserId, targetId, objectName, content, pushContent, pushData)
     this.isPersisted      = isPersisted;
     this.isCounted        = isCounted;
     this.contentAvailable = contentAvailable;
Exemple #32
        public BaseMessage GetProfile(UserAuthen user)
            if (user == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, Content = new StringContent("Please provide the credentials.") });

            var userDb = IoTUserMrg.GetUserCache(user.UserName);
            if (userDb != null)
                //Get data attach (List<int> storesId) - List store by User
                var lst = new List<int>() { 1 };

                Profile p = new Profile();
                p.Stores = lst;

                string profile = p.SerializeJson();
                //Update profile
                IoTUserMrg.UpdateProfile(user.UserName, profile);

                BaseMessage msg = new BaseMessage("","",Framework.Exceptions.ErrorCode.IsSuccess,"");
                return msg;
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, Content = new StringContent("Invalid user name or password.") });
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public string Deserialize(BaseMessage message)
Exemple #34
 public override void HandleMessage(BaseMessage message)
     MasterLog.DebugWriteLine("It worked!");
Exemple #35
 public GrpcContext(BaseMessage message, ServerCallContext callContext)
     Message     = message ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The message cannot be null!");
     CallContext = callContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The message call context cannot be null!");
     Id          = Guid.NewGuid();
Exemple #36
 public ResponseRSTS(BaseMessage req) : base(req)
Exemple #37
        /// \fn public override bool MessageProcessingCondition(BaseMessage message)
        /// \brief Decide whether to process the first message in the message queue
        /// \par Description.
        /// This method is activated before retrieving a message from the message queue
        /// It gives a chance stole the processing of the first message until a condition is fulfilled
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilan Hindy
        /// \date 26/01/2017
        /// \param destProcessId Identifier for the destination process.
        /// \param message       The message.

        public override bool MessageProcessingCondition(BaseMessage message)
        static void ProcessXMLFile(string path)
            FileInfo fi            = new FileInfo(path);
            bool     isManipulator = true;
            bool     isResponse    = false;
            bool     isEoE         = false;
            bool     isEvent       = false;

            if (fi.Exists)
                var configPath = fi.FullName.Substring(Environment.CurrentDirectory.Length);
                var folders    = configPath.Split('\\');

                if (folders[2].Equals("Manipulator"))
                    isManipulator = true;
                else if (folders[2].Equals("PreAligner"))
                    isManipulator = false;

                if (folders[3].Equals("Response"))
                    isResponse = true;
                else if (folders[3].Equals("EndOfExecution"))
                    isEoE = true;

                BaseResponse reply   = null;
                var          reqType = BaseMessage.GetType(isManipulator ? 1 : 2,
                                                           isResponse? fi.Name.Substring(8, 4): fi.Name.Substring(9, 4),
                                                           isResponse? CommandType.ReplyResponse: CommandType.ReplyEoE);

                reply = (BaseResponse)Activator.CreateInstance(reqType, new object[] { null });

                if (reply != null)
                    XmlDocument replyDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    var replyDict = reply.ReadXML(replyDoc);
                    if (isManipulator)
                        if (isResponse)
                            ManipulatorResponses.Remove(fi.Name.Substring(8, 4));
                            ManipulatorResponses.Add(fi.Name.Substring(8, 4), replyDict);
                            ManipulatorEoEs.Remove(fi.Name.Substring(9, 4));
                            ManipulatorEoEs.Add(fi.Name.Substring(9, 4), replyDict);
                        if (isResponse)
                            PreAlignerResponses.Remove(fi.Name.Substring(8, 4));
                            PreAlignerResponses.Add(fi.Name.Substring(8, 4), replyDict);
                            PreAlignerEoEs.Remove(fi.Name.Substring(9, 4));
                            PreAlignerEoEs.Add(fi.Name.Substring(9, 4), replyDict);
Exemple #39
        /// \fn protected virtual void BeforeSendOperation(BaseMessage message)
        /// \brief Before send operation.
        /// \par Description.
        ///      This method is used for algorithm specific actions before a send of a message
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 05/04/2017
        /// \param message  (BaseMessage) - The message.

        protected override void BeforeSendOperation(BaseMessage message)
 public ResponseNews(BaseMessage info)
     : this()
     this.FromUserName = info.ToUserName;
     this.ToUserName = info.FromUserName;
Exemple #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a BaseMessage subclass into a FIX text message.
        /// </summary>
        public string ConvertFixObjectToFixMessage(BaseMessage message)
            var fixFields = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                    { SENDERCOMPID_FIELD, message.SenderCompID },
                    { TARGETCOMPID_FIELD, message.TargetCompID },
                    { MSGSEQNUM_FIELD,    message.MessageSequenceNumber.ToString() }

            if (message is LogonMessage)
                var msg = (LogonMessage)message;
                fixFields[MESSAGETYPE_FIELD] = LOGON_MESSAGE;
                fixFields[HEARTBTINT_FIELD] = Convert.ToString((int)msg.HeartBeatInterval.TotalSeconds);
            else if (message is HeartbeatMessage)
                var msg = (HeartbeatMessage)message;
            else if (message is LogoutMessage)
                fixFields[MESSAGETYPE_FIELD] = LOGOUT_MESSAGE;
            else if (message is QuoteMessage)
                var msg = (QuoteMessage)message;
                fixFields[MESSAGETYPE_FIELD] = QUOTE_MESSAGE;
                fixFields[QUOTEREQID_FIELD] = msg.QuoteReqID;
                fixFields[QUOTEID_FIELD] = msg.QuoteID;
                fixFields[SYMBOL_FIELD] = msg.Symbol;
                fixFields[OFFERPX_FIELD] = string.Format("{0:0.0000}", msg.OfferPx);
            else if (message is TestRequestMessage)
                var msg = (TestRequestMessage)message;
                fixFields[TESTREQID_FIELD] = msg.TestReqID;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to convert "
                    + message.GetType().ToString() + " to FIX message.");

            return CreateFixMessageFromDictionary(fixFields);
 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     AuthorizationMessage copymsg = (AuthorizationMessage)msg;
     this.Login = copymsg.Login;
     this.Password = copymsg.Password;
Exemple #43
        private void OnServerMessage(NamedPipeConnection <BaseMessage, BaseMessage> connection, BaseMessage message)
            // This is so gross, but unfortuantely we can't just switch on a type.
            // We can come up with a nice mapping system so we can do a switch,
            // but this can wait.

            if (Default.m_ipcQueue.HandleMessage(message))

            if (m_ipcQueue.HandleMessage(message))

            m_logger.Debug("Got IPC message from server.");

            var msgRealType = message.GetType();

            if (msgRealType == typeof(AuthenticationMessage))
                AuthMessage = (AuthenticationMessage)message;
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(AuthenticationMessage));
                var cast = (AuthenticationMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.DeactivationMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.DeactivationMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.DeactivationMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.FilterStatusMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.FilterStatusMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.FilterStatusMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
                    StateChanged?.Invoke(new StateChangeEventArgs(cast));
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.NotifyBlockActionMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.NotifyBlockActionMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.NotifyBlockActionMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.RelaxedPolicyMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.RelaxedPolicyMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.RelaxedPolicyMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
                    switch (cast.Command)
                    case RelaxedPolicyCommand.Info:

                    case RelaxedPolicyCommand.Expired:
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.ClientToClientMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.ClientToClientMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.ClientToClientMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.ServerUpdateQueryMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.ServerUpdateQueryMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.ServerUpdateQueryMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.ServerUpdateNotificationMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.ServerUpdateNotificationMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.ServerUpdateNotificationMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.CaptivePortalDetectionMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.CaptivePortalDetectionMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.CaptivePortalDetectionMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.CertificateExemptionMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.CertificateExemptionMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.CertificateExemptionMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
            else if (msgRealType == typeof(Messages.DiagnosticsInfoMessage))
                m_logger.Debug("Server message is {0}", nameof(Messages.DiagnosticsInfoMessage));
                var cast = (Messages.DiagnosticsInfoMessage)message;
                if (cast != null)
                // Unknown type.
                m_logger.Info("Unknown type is {0}", msgRealType.Name);
 protected override bool GetProcessedMessage(BaseMessage message)
     WasProcessed = true;
    bool UserLogoutHandler(BaseMessage message)

 protected override Task <bool> GetProcessedMessageAsync(BaseMessage message)
     WasProcessed = true;
Exemple #47
        public void Initialize(string userId, long lastActivity = 0)
                _LastActivity = lastActivity;

                //  we can only initialize if the user is registered
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                _UserId = userId;

                _Group       = string.Format(CH_GROUP, _UserId);
                LobbyChannel = new Channel {
                    Id = string.Format(CH_LOBBY, userId), Name = "Lobby"

                PNConfiguration config = new PNConfiguration();
                config.PublishKey   = _PublishKey;
                config.SubscribeKey = _SubscribeKey;
                config.Uuid         = _UserId;
                config.Secure       = true;

                _Pubnub = new Pubnub(config);

                SubscribeCallbackExt listenerSubscribeCallack = new SubscribeCallbackExt((pubnubObj, message) =>
                        //  get the message base to determine type
                        BaseMessage m = Serializer.Deserialize <BaseMessage>(message.Message.ToString());
                        //  deserialize to actual type
                        m           = (BaseMessage)Serializer.Deserialize(GetType().Assembly.GetType(m.Type), message.Message.ToString());
                        m.ChannelId = message.Channel;
                        //  let listeners know
                        MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs <BaseMessage>(m));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("*** ChatService.MessageReceived - Unable to deserialize message: {0}", message.Message.ToString()));
                }, (pubnubObj, presence) =>
                    // handle incoming presence data
                    if (presence.Event.Equals("join"))
                        RaiseChannelJoined(presence.Channel, presence.Uuid);
                    else if (presence.Event.Equals("leave"))
                        RaiseChannelLeft(presence.Channel, presence.Uuid);
                    else if (presence.Event.Equals("state-change"))
                        //  listen for status events - eg: typing, etc
                        if ((presence.State == null) || (presence.State.Count == 0))
                        foreach (var key in presence.State.Keys)
                            var state = (ChatState)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChatState), presence.State[key].ToString());
                            RaiseChannelState(presence.Channel, presence.Uuid, state);
                    else if (presence.Event.Equals("timeout"))
                    else if (presence.Event.Equals("interval"))
                        //  find the ids that have joined
                        if ((presence.Join != null) && (presence.Join.Length > 0))
                            foreach (var uuid in presence.Join)
                                RaiseChannelJoined(presence.Channel, uuid);
                        if ((presence.Leave != null) && (presence.Leave.Length > 0))
                            foreach (var uuid in presence.Leave)
                                RaiseChannelJoined(presence.Channel, uuid);
                    else if (presence.HereNowRefresh)
                        //  TODO: request state for channels
                }, (pubnubObj, status) =>
                    if (status.Operation == PNOperationType.PNHeartbeatOperation)
                        Connected = !status.Error;
                        ConnectedChanged?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
                    else if ((status.Operation != PNOperationType.PNSubscribeOperation) && (status.Operation != PNOperationType.PNUnsubscribeOperation))

                    if (status.Category == PNStatusCategory.PNConnectedCategory)
                        // this is expected for a subscribe, this means there is no error or issue whatsoever
                    else if (status.Category == PNStatusCategory.PNReconnectedCategory)
                        // this usually occurs if subscribe temporarily fails but reconnects. This means
                        // there was an error but there is no longer any issue
                    else if (status.Category == PNStatusCategory.PNDisconnectedCategory)
                        // this is the expected category for an unsubscribe. This means there
                        // was no error in unsubscribing from everything
                    else if (status.Category == PNStatusCategory.PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory)
                        // this is usually an issue with the internet connection, this is an error, handle appropriately
                    else if (status.Category == PNStatusCategory.PNAccessDeniedCategory)
                        // this means that PAM does allow this client to subscribe to this
                        // channel and channel group configuration. This is another explicit error


                //  create and subscribe to the lobby channel
                .Subscribe <string>()
                .Channels(new string[] { LobbyChannel.Id })

                //  now we subscribe to the group
                //    .ChannelGroups(new string[] { _Group })
                //    .WithPresence()
                //    .Execute();

                Initialized = true;
                InitializedChanged?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("*** ChatService.Initialize - Exception: {0}", ex));
 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     ServerInfoRoomsMessage copymsg = (ServerInfoRoomsMessage)msg;
     this.Rooms = copymsg.Rooms;
Exemple #49
 public override void HandleTypedMessage(BaseMessage msg)
Exemple #50
 public Task Send(BaseMessage msg)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #51
 public void ParsePublicRsp(BaseMessage bm)
     short temp = bm.Seq;
Exemple #52
 private void HandleTypedMessageCore(BaseMessage msg)
     Console.WriteLine("Did nothing with " + msg.MessageType);
 public ResponseCSOL(BaseMessage req) : base(req)
 public ResponseRPRM(BaseMessage req) : base(req)
 protected override void MessageHandler(BaseMessage pMessage)
     if (pMessage.Token == MessageToken.ReloadMessage)
Exemple #56
        /// \fn public override void ReceiveHandling(BaseMessage message)
        /// \brief Receive handling.
        /// \par Description.
        /// -#  This method is activated when a new message arrived to the process
        /// -#  The method processing is done according to their arrival order
        /// -#  If you want to change the order of processing use the ArrangeMessageQ
        /// \par Algorithm.
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// Usually the algorithm of this method is:
        /// -#  if message type is ... perform ...
        /// -#  if message type is ... perform ...
        /// \author Ilan Hindy
        /// \date 26/01/2017
        /// \param message The message.
        //public override void ReceiveHandling(BaseMessage message)
        //ChandyLamport_NewStyleChannel channel = (ChandyLamport_NewStyleChannel)ChannelFrom(message);
        //ChandyLamport_NewStyleMessage msg = message as ChandyLamport_NewStyleMessage;
        //switch ((msg.MessageType)
        //    case BaseMessage:

        //        // If the process performed snapshot but still did not get marker from all
        //        // it's neighbors :
        //        // Save the message - It will be sent as message in the channels
        //        if (Recordered && !channel.Recorderd)
        //        {
        //            channel.State.Add(msg.Name);
        //        }
        //        break;
        //    case (int)Marker:

        //        // If the process received a marker:
        //        // Add the weight in the marker
        //        // Perform TakeSnapshot (If first Marker in round - Send Marker to all the neighbors)
        //        Weight += msg.MarkerWeight;
        //        TakeSnapshot();

        //        // Check if the round ended (Received Marker from all it's neighbors)
        //        // Perform EndSnapshot (Send Report, reset variables)
        //        channel.or[c.ork.Recorderd] = true;
        //        if (InChannels.All(cnl => cnl.or[c.ork.Recorderd]))
        //        {
        //            EndSnapshot();
        //        }

        //        // Change the text on the process because the weight changed
        //        pp[bp.ppk.Text] = GetProcessDefaultName() + "\n" + or[p.ork.Weight];
        //        break;
        //    case m.MessageTypes.Report:

        //        // If received a Report Message
        //        // If this is not the first report from the source processor in this round
        //        // (or the previouse round because a report can come befor or after
        //        // the marker throw the message
        //        if (message[bm.pak.Round] < or[bp.ork.Round] - 1 ||
        //            ((AttributeList)or[p.ork.ReceivedMessageFrom]).Any((a => a.Value == (int)message[])))
        //        {
        //            break;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            or[p.ork.ReceivedMessageFrom].Add(message[]);
        //        }

        //        // If the process is the initiator
        //        // Add the message to the results
        //        // Add the weight to the process weight
        //        // Check condition for end round (weight == 1)
        //        // Check condition for end running (round = max rounds)
        //        if (ea[bp.eak.Initiator])
        //        {
        //            or[p.ork.Results].Add(message[]);
        //            or[p.ork.Weight] += message[];
        //            pp[bp.ppk.Text] = GetProcessDefaultName() + "\n" + or[p.ork.Weight];
        //            if (or[p.ork.Weight] == 1)
        //            {
        //                PrintResults();

        //                if (or[bp.ork.Round] < pa[p.pak.MaxRounds])
        //                {
        //                    TakeSnapshot();
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    Terminate();
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }

        //        // If the process is not the initiator
        //        // Propagate the message to all the neighbors
        //        else
        //        {
        //            SendToNeighbours(message, SelectingMethod.Exclude, new List<int> { (int)message[] });
        //        }
        //        break;

        public override void ReceiveHandling(BaseMessage message)
            ChandyLamport_NewStyleChannel channel = (ChandyLamport_NewStyleChannel)ChannelFrom(message);
            ChandyLamport_NewStyleMessage msg     = null;

            msg = message as ChandyLamport_NewStyleMessage;

            switch (msg.MessageType)
            case BaseMessage:

                // If the process performed snapshot but still did not get marker from all
                // it's neighbors :
                // Save the message - It will be sent as message in the channels
                if (Recorderd && !channel.Recorderd)

            case Marker:

                // If the process received a marker:
                // Add the weight in the marker
                // Perform TakeSnapshot (If first Marker in round - Send Marker to all the neighbors)
                Weight += msg.MarkerWeight;

                // Check if the round ended (Received Marker from all it's neighbors)
                // Perform EndSnapshot (Send Report, reset variables)
                channel.or[c.ork.Recorderd] = true;
                if (InChannels.All(cnl => ((ChandyLamport_NewStyleChannel)cnl).Recorderd))

                // Change the text on the process because the weight changed
                Text = GetProcessDefaultName() + "\n" + Weight;

            case Report:

                // If received a Report Message
                // If this is not the first report from the source processor in this round
                // (or the previouse round because a report can come befor or after
                // the marker throw the message
                if (msg.Round < Round - 1 ||
                    (ReceivedMessageFrom.Any(a => a.Value == msg.ReporterId)))

                // If the process is the initiator
                // Add the message to the results
                // Add the weight to the process weight
                // Check condition for end round (weight == 1)
                // Check condition for end running (round = max rounds)
                if (Initiator)
                    Weight += msg.ReportWeight;
                    Text    = GetProcessDefaultName() + "\n" + Weight;
                    if (Weight == 1)

                        if (Round < MaxRounds)

                // If the process is not the initiator
                // Propagate the message to all the neighbors
                    SendReport(MessageDataFor_Report(bm.PrmSource.Prms, null, msg.ReporterId, msg.Snapshot, msg.ReportWeight), SelectingMethod.Exclude, new List <int> {
                    //SendToNeighbours(msg, SelectingMethod.Exclude, new List<int> { (int)msg.ReporterId });
Exemple #57
 public void Process(BaseMessage message)
     var instance = (dynamic) this;
     instance.Process((dynamic) message);
 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
 protected override void CopyMessageField(BaseMessage msg)
     GameStateMessage copymsg = (GameStateMessage)msg;
     this.StateName = copymsg.StateName;
     this.Text = copymsg.Text;
 public ResponseSSPD(BaseMessage req) : base(req)