Exemple #1
            public InternalGump()
                : base(50, 50)
                AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 600, 9300);
                AddImage(58, 30, 1746);

                AddHtmlLocalized(0, 340, 400, 20, 1154645, "#1158623", 0x0, false, false); // The Prophecy
                AddHtmlLocalized(5, 365, 390, 200, 1158622, BaseGump.C32216(0x0D0D0D), false, true);

                /**The ghostly figure looks at you with disappointment* You've brought the cheese haven't you? Gah,
                 * I can never find it! *the ghost goes back to waving its hands through the barrels* You explain
                 * who you are, and the circumstances that have lead you to this moment. With each word the ghost
                 * becomes increasingly alarmed, yet an expression of expectation and satisfaction is apparent from
                 * their reaction. The ghost nods and begins to speak in a tongue you can understand,<br><br> "That's
                 * right. I am Sage Humbolt, or I was. What you speak of is especially concerning. The events you
                 * describe - the invasion by otherworldly cultist, the titans, all of it - it was something foretold
                 * long ago. But these most recent revelations, I was hopeful that, like most prophecies, this was a
                 * bit of embellishment by sages through the millenia. Alas, it seems this prophecy has come full
                 * circle.<br><br>Long ago, a great warrior named Khal Ankur lead a cult devoted to death and sacrifice
                 * . Like most zealots of such a twisted dogma, Khal Ankur met his end and was sealed inside a tomb deep
                 * in the Lost Lands. Not until four explorers uncovered the tomb did we even know for sure it existed.
                 * The prophecy tells of a fallen star that would allow Khal Ankur to rise again and lead an army of
                 * zealots against those who imprisoned him. With the strength of this fallen star Khal Ankur would be
                 * impossible to kill, save for with the very power the fallen star gives to Khal Ankur. You must never
                 * allow Khal Ankur to rise again, lest the cultists may use their power to recall the Titans to this
                 * world! The fallen star is rich with a material called Caddellite, which gives Khal Ankur unmatched
                 * power. I hope you know a good tinker, as Caddellite is a fiercely strong material that is otherwise
                 * impossible to harvest. With Caddellite infused resources you will be able to supply an army of the
                 * willing with weapons, arcana, and provisions to dispatch this threat once and for all. Go now, there
                 * is little time to lose. Now I've got to get back to my cheese, what a new and exciting place Papua is...  */
Exemple #2
            public InternalGump()
                : base(50, 50)
                AddBackground(0, 0, 400, 600, 9300);
                AddImage(58, 30, 1744);

                AddHtmlLocalized(0, 340, 400, 20, 1154645, "#1158625", 0x0, false, false); // It all comes together...
                AddHtmlLocalized(5, 365, 390, 200, 1158626, BaseGump.C32216(0x0D0D0D), false, true);

                /**You approach Inspector Jasper and relay to him what Sage Humbolt told you...he remains expressionless*
                 * This is much more sinister than any of us could have ever imagined. I had little doubt your investigatory
                 * skills would yield anything but a major revelation - but this? Who could have thought. I have dispatched
                 * a team to the location Sage Humbolt spoke of. It is up to everyone now to prevent this coming evil. Here
                 * you go, you've earned this. Wear this title proudly. This official credential identifies you as a member
                 * of the RBG Detective Branch and will allow you past the guards at the site Sage Humbolt spoke of near
                 * 57o 7'S, 5o 20'E in the Lost Lands.*/