Exemple #1
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                           //often times i have to add manually.

            MonopolyCardGameSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <MonopolyCardGameSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _cardDetail !.LoadControls(_model);
            var thisList = _gameContainer !.PlayerList !.GetAllPlayersStartingWithSelf();

            thisList.ForEach(thisPlayer =>
                MonopolyHandWPF thisHand = new MonopolyHandWPF();
                thisHand.HandType        = HandObservable <MonopolyCardGameCardInformation> .EnumHandList.Vertical;
                thisHand.Divider         = 1.6;
                thisHand.Height          = 900;
                thisHand.LoadList(thisPlayer.TradePile !, "");
                thisPlayer.TradePile !.Scroll = thisHand;
                _customList !.Add(thisHand);

        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                         //often times i have to add manually.

            SixtySix2PlayerSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <SixtySix2PlayerSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed);            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();                   // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _trick1 !.Init(_model.TrickArea1 !, ts.TagUsed);

            _marriage1 !.LoadList(_model.Marriage1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            var thisCard              = new SixtySix2PlayerCardInformation();
            IProportionImage thisP    = _resolver.Resolve <IProportionImage>(ts.TagUsed);
            SKSize           thisSize = thisCard.DefaultSize.GetSizeUsed(thisP.Proportion);
            var heights = thisSize.Height / 1.5f;

            _deckGPile.Margin = new Thickness(6, heights * -1, 0, 0);
            _deckStack !.Children.Add(_deckGPile);

        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                   //often times i have to add manually.

            LifeCardGameSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <LifeCardGameSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();           // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _currentCard !.Init(_model.CurrentPile !, "");
            var thisList = _gameContainer !.PlayerList !.GetAllPlayersStartingWithSelf();

            thisList.ForEach(thisPlayer =>
                LifeHandWPF thisHand = new LifeHandWPF();
                thisHand.HandType    = HandObservable <LifeCardGameCardInformation> .EnumHandList.Vertical;
                thisHand.Divider     = 4;
                thisHand.Height      = 900;
                thisHand.LoadList(thisPlayer.LifeStory !, "");
                thisPlayer.LifeStory !.ThisScroll = thisHand;
                _storyStack !.Children.Add(thisHand);
                _lifeList !.Add(thisHand);

        Task IUIView.TryActivateAsync()
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed); // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();        // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);    // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _other.Init(_model.OtherPile !, ts.TagUsed);
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                       //often times i have to add manually.

            CaliforniaJackSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <CaliforniaJackSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _trick1 !.Init(_model.TrickArea1 !, ts.TagUsed);
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();               //often times i have to add manually.

            FillOrBustSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <FillOrBustSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");  // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile(); // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");     // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _diceControl !.LoadDiceViewModel(_model.Cup !);
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();       //often times i have to add manually.

            FlinchSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <FlinchSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _publicGraphics !.Init(_model.PublicPiles !);        // i think
Exemple #8
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                     //often times i have to add manually.

            FourSuitRummySaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <FourSuitRummySaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed);            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();                   // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _tempG.Init(_model.TempSets, ts.TagUsed);
Exemple #9
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();               //often times i have to add manually.

            DutchBlitzSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <DutchBlitzSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");  // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile(); // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");     // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _public1.Init(_model.PublicPiles1 !);
            _yourDiscard.Init(_model.DiscardPiles !, "");
            _yourStock.Init(_model.StockPile !.StockFrame, "");
Exemple #10
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                           //often times i have to add manually.

            YahtzeeHandsDownSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <YahtzeeHandsDownSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();           // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _combo1 !.LoadList(_model.ComboHandList !, "combo");
            _chance1 !.Init(_model.ChancePile !, "");
Exemple #11
        Task IUIView.TryActivateAsync()
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();     //often times i have to add manually.

            FluxxSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <FluxxSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();           // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _goal1.LoadList(_model.Goal1 !, "");
            _keeperHand1.LoadList(_model.Keeper1 !, "");
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();     //often times i have to add manually.

            RackoSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <RackoSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");  // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile(); // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");     // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            RackoMainViewModel vm = (RackoMainViewModel)DataContext;

            _handWPF !.Init(vm, _model, _gameContainer);
            _currentWPF !.Init(_model.OtherPile !, "");

Exemple #13
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();         //often times i have to add manually.

            TeeItUpSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <TeeItUpSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");  // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile(); // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");     // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _otherPile !.Init(_model.OtherPile !, "");
            CustomBasicList <TeeItUpPlayerItem> thisList;

            if (_gameContainer.BasicData !.MultiPlayer == true)
                thisList = _gameContainer !.PlayerList !.GetAllPlayersStartingWithSelf();
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();                   //often times i have to add manually.

            MillebournesSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <MillebournesSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile2 !, "");            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();           // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _newCard !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");
            _disList.ForEach(thisD => thisD.Unregister());

Exemple #15
        Task IHandleAsync <LoadEventModel> .HandleAsync(LoadEventModel message)
            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear(); //often times i have to add manually.

            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ""); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();           // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _yourChocolatePiles !.Init(_gameContainer !.SingleInfo !.ChocolatePiles !, "");
            _yourStrawberryPiles !.Init(_gameContainer.SingleInfo.StrawberryPiles !, "");
            _yourChocolatePiles.StartAnimationListener(EnumMilkType.Chocolate + _gameContainer.SingleInfo.NickName);
            _yourStrawberryPiles.StartAnimationListener(EnumMilkType.Strawberry + _gameContainer.SingleInfo.NickName);
            _opponentChocolatePiles !.Init(_otherPlayer !.ChocolatePiles !, "");
            _opponentStrawberryPiles !.Init(_otherPlayer !.StrawberryPiles !, "");
            _opponentChocolatePiles.StartAnimationListener(EnumMilkType.Chocolate + _otherPlayer.NickName);
            _opponentStrawberryPiles.StartAnimationListener(EnumMilkType.Strawberry + _otherPlayer.NickName);

Exemple #16
        public GolfCardGameMainView(IEventAggregator aggregator,
                                    TestOptions test,
                                    GolfCardGameVMData model,
                                    GolfCardGameGameContainer gameContainer
            _aggregator = aggregator;
            _model      = model;

            _deckGPile    = new BaseDeckWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _discardGPile = new BasePileWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _score        = new ScoreBoardWPF();

            _hiddenWPF    = new BasicMultiplePilesWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _otherPileWPF = new BasePileWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _golfWPF      = new CardBoardWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();

            StackPanel mainStack             = new StackPanel();
            ParentSingleUIContainer?restoreP = null;

            if (test.SaveOption == EnumTestSaveCategory.RestoreOnly)
                restoreP = new ParentSingleUIContainer()
                    Name = nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.RestoreScreen)

            StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel();

            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            otherStack.Children.Add(_discardGPile); // can reposition or not even have as well.
            var button = GetGamingButton("Knock", nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.KnockAsync));

            _score.UseAbbreviationForTrueFalse = true;
            otherStack             = new StackPanel();
            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            SimpleLabelGrid firstInfo = new SimpleLabelGrid();

            firstInfo.AddRow("Turn", nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.NormalTurn));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Status", nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.Status));
            Grid finalGrid = new Grid();

            AddLeftOverColumn(finalGrid, 40);
            AddLeftOverColumn(finalGrid, 60);                                                               // this is for scoreboard
            _score.AddColumn("Knocked", false, nameof(GolfCardGamePlayerItem.Knocked), useTrueFalse: true); // well see how this work.  hopefully this simple.
            _score.AddColumn("1 Changed", false, nameof(GolfCardGamePlayerItem.FirstChanged), useTrueFalse: true);
            _score.AddColumn("2 Changed", false, nameof(GolfCardGamePlayerItem.SecondChanged), useTrueFalse: true);
            _score.AddColumn("Previous Score", false, nameof(GolfCardGamePlayerItem.PreviousScore), rightMargin: 20);
            _score.AddColumn("Total Score", false, nameof(GolfCardGamePlayerItem.TotalScore), rightMargin: 20);
            firstInfo.AddRow("Round", nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.Round));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Instructions", nameof(GolfCardGameMainViewModel.Instructions));
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, firstInfo.GetContent, 0, 0);
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, _score, 0, 1);

            _deckGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            _discardGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            if (restoreP != null)
                //todo:  figure out where to place the restore ui if there is a restore option.
                mainStack.Children.Add(restoreP); //default add to grid but does not have to.

            _score !.LoadLists(gameContainer.SaveRoot.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed); // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();        // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);    // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _otherPileWPF !.Init(_model.OtherPile !, ts.TagUsed);
            _hiddenWPF !.Init(_model.HiddenCards1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _golfWPF !.LoadList(_model.GolfHand1 !, ts.TagUsed);

            Content = mainStack;
Exemple #17
        public BladesOfSteelMainView(IEventAggregator aggregator,
                                     TestOptions test,
                                     BladesOfSteelVMData model,
                                     BladesOfSteelGameContainer gameContainer
            _aggregator = aggregator;
            _model      = model;

            _deckGPile     = new BaseDeckWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _discardGPile  = new BasePileWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _score         = new ScoreBoardWPF();
            _playerHandWPF = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();

            _mainDefenseCards = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _opponentDefense  = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _opponentAttack   = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _yourDefense      = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            _yourAttack       = new BaseHandWPF <RegularSimpleCard, ts, DeckOfCardsWPF <RegularSimpleCard> >();
            ScoringGuideWPF tempScore = new ScoringGuideWPF();

            _score.AddColumn("Cards Left", true, nameof(BladesOfSteelPlayerItem.ObjectCount), rightMargin: 5);
            _score.AddColumn("Score", true, nameof(BladesOfSteelPlayerItem.Score), rightMargin: 5);

            StackPanel mainStack             = new StackPanel();
            ParentSingleUIContainer?restoreP = null;

            if (test.SaveOption == EnumTestSaveCategory.RestoreOnly)
                restoreP = new ParentSingleUIContainer()
                    Name = nameof(BladesOfSteelMainViewModel.RestoreScreen)

            StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel();

            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;


            otherStack             = new StackPanel();
            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

            StackPanel firstStack = new StackPanel();

            AddVerticalLabelGroup("Instructions", nameof(BladesOfSteelMainViewModel.Instructions), firstStack);
            Grid playerArea = new Grid();

            AddAutoColumns(playerArea, 3);
            AddAutoRows(playerArea, 2);
            _opponentDefense.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 20);
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, _opponentDefense, 0, 2);
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, _opponentAttack, 0, 1);
            _opponentAttack.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 20);
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, _mainDefenseCards, 1, 0);
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, _yourAttack, 1, 1);
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, _yourDefense, 1, 2);
            otherStack             = new StackPanel();
            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            AddControlToGrid(playerArea, otherStack, 0, 0);
            otherStack             = new StackPanel();
            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            var endButton = GetGamingButton("End Turn", nameof(BladesOfSteelMainViewModel.EndTurnAsync));

            endButton.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            endButton.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            var otherBut = GetGamingButton("Pass", nameof(BladesOfSteelMainViewModel.PassAsync));

            otherBut.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            otherBut.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            _deckGPile.Margin                 = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);
            _discardGPile.Margin              = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);
            _deckGPile.HorizontalAlignment    = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            _deckGPile.VerticalAlignment      = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            _discardGPile.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            _discardGPile.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            if (restoreP != null)
                mainStack.Children.Add(restoreP); //default add to grid but does not have to.
            _score !.LoadLists(gameContainer.PlayerList !);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed);            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();                   // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            _mainDefenseCards !.LoadList(_model.MainDefense1 !, ts.TagUsed);
            _yourAttack !.LoadList(_model.YourAttackPile !, ts.TagUsed);
            _yourDefense !.LoadList(_model.YourDefensePile !, ts.TagUsed);
            _opponentAttack !.LoadList(_model.OpponentAttackPile !, ts.TagUsed);
            _opponentDefense !.LoadList(_model.OpponentDefensePile !, ts.TagUsed);

            Content = mainStack;
Exemple #18
        public UnoMainView(IEventAggregator aggregator,
                           TestOptions test,
                           UnoVMData model
            _aggregator = aggregator;
            _model      = model;

            _deckGPile     = new BaseDeckWPF <UnoCardInformation, UnoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();
            _discardGPile  = new BasePileWPF <UnoCardInformation, UnoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();
            _score         = new ScoreBoardWPF();
            _playerHandWPF = new BaseHandWPF <UnoCardInformation, UnoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();

            StackPanel mainStack             = new StackPanel();
            ParentSingleUIContainer?restoreP = null;

            if (test.SaveOption == EnumTestSaveCategory.RestoreOnly)
                restoreP = new ParentSingleUIContainer()
                    Name = nameof(UnoMainViewModel.RestoreScreen)

            StackPanel otherStack = new StackPanel();

            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            otherStack.Children.Add(_discardGPile); // can reposition or not even have as well.
            var endButton = GetGamingButton("End Turn", nameof(UnoMainViewModel.EndTurnAsync));

            endButton.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            ParentSingleUIContainer parent = new ParentSingleUIContainer()
                Name = nameof(UnoMainViewModel.SayUnoScreen)

            _score.AddColumn("Cards Left", true, nameof(UnoPlayerItem.ObjectCount)); //very common.
            _score.AddColumn("Total Points", true, nameof(UnoPlayerItem.TotalPoints), rightMargin: 10);
            _score.AddColumn("Previous Points", true, nameof(UnoPlayerItem.PreviousPoints), rightMargin: 10);
            SimpleLabelGrid firstInfo = new SimpleLabelGrid();

            firstInfo.AddRow("Turn", nameof(UnoMainViewModel.NormalTurn));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Next", nameof(UnoMainViewModel.NextPlayer));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Status", nameof(UnoMainViewModel.Status));


            otherStack             = new StackPanel();
            otherStack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

            _deckGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            _discardGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            if (restoreP != null)
                mainStack.Children.Add(restoreP);              //default add to grid but does not have to.
            UnoSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <UnoSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _playerHandWPF !.LoadList(_model.PlayerHand1 !, ts.TagUsed); // i think
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, ts.TagUsed);            // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile();                   // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, ts.TagUsed);               // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)

            Content = mainStack;