Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates the actor to the view over time
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void RotateToView(float rSpeed)
            // Grab the angle needed to get to our target forward
            Vector3 lCameraForward  = mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;
            float   lAvatarToCamera = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(mMotionController._Transform.forward, lCameraForward, mMotionController._Transform.up);

            if (lAvatarToCamera == 0f)

            // If we have a camera, force it to the direction of the character
            BaseCameraRig lCameraRig = mMotionController.CameraRig as BaseCameraRig;

            if (lCameraRig is BaseCameraRig)
                (lCameraRig).FrameLockForward = true;

            float lInputFromSign  = Mathf.Sign(lAvatarToCamera);
            float lInputFromAngle = Mathf.Abs(lAvatarToCamera);
            float lRotationAngle  = (rSpeed / 60f) * TimeManager.Relative60FPSDeltaTime;

            // Establish the link if we're close enough
            if (lInputFromAngle <= lRotationAngle)
                lRotationAngle = lInputFromAngle;

            // Use the information and AC to determine our final rotation
            mRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lInputFromSign * lRotationAngle, mMotionController._Transform.up);
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction, we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        private void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)

            float lToCameraAngle = Vector3Ext.HorizontalAngleTo(mMotionController._Transform.forward, mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward, mMotionController._Transform.up);

            if (!mLinkRotation && Mathf.Abs(lToCameraAngle) <= _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime)
                mLinkRotation = true;

            if (!mLinkRotation)
                float lRotationAngle = Mathf.Abs(lToCameraAngle);
                float lRotationSign  = Mathf.Sign(lToCameraAngle);
                lToCameraAngle = lRotationSign * Mathf.Min(_RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime, lRotationAngle);

            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lToCameraAngle, Vector3.up);

            mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
            mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a camera rig using a prefab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rCameraPrefab"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BaseCameraRig InstantiateCamera(BaseCameraRig rCameraPrefab)
            if (rCameraPrefab == null)

            //// If there is another main camera in the scene, disable it first to avoid conflicts
            //Camera lMainCamera = Camera.main;
            //if (lMainCamera != null)
            //    lMainCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false);
            //    Transform lParent = lMainCamera.transform.parent;
            //    if (lParent != null)
            //    {
            //        lParent.gameObject.SetActive(false);
            //    }

            BaseCameraRig lCameraRig = GameObject.Instantiate(rCameraPrefab);

            if (lCameraRig != null)
                lCameraRig.name = rCameraPrefab.name;
Exemple #4
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayText))

            mHasRequiredPacks = CheckRequiredMotionPacks();

            // If there are no saved preferences for certain prefabs, load the default ones
            if (CombatantHealthBarPrefab == null)
                CombatantHealthBarPrefab = Resources.Load <BasicCombatantHUD>("UI/Combatant HUD");

            if (PlayerHealthBarPrefab == null)
                PlayerHealthBarPrefab = Resources.Load <BasicCombatantHUD>("UI/Player HUD");

            if (ReticlePrefab == null)
                ReticlePrefab = Resources.Load <Reticle>("UI/Reticle");

            CameraPrefab = Resources.Load <CameraController>("Camera Rig [Advanced]");
            CameraPrefab = Resources.Load <BaseCameraRig>("Camera Rig [Orbit]");

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction (which input does), we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        private void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (!_ForceCameraRotation)
            if (!IsTargetLocked)

            float   lSpeed          = 360f;
            Vector3 lTargetPosition = _Target.position;

            Combatant lTargetCombatant = _Target.GetComponent <Combatant>();

            if (lTargetCombatant != null)
                lTargetPosition = lTargetCombatant.CombatOrigin;

            Vector3 lForward = (lTargetPosition - mMotionController.CameraRig.Transform.position).normalized;

            mMotionController.CameraRig.SetTargetForward(lForward, lSpeed);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to raycast based on the camera direction, we need to do it AFTER we process the camera.
        /// Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        protected void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (!mIsShuttingDown)
                bool lIsClicked = false;

                // Determine if we're done choosing a target
                if (!_ContinuousSelect && mInputSource != null && mInputSource.IsJustPressed(_ActionAlias))
                    lIsClicked = true;

                // Determine if we should actively look for a target
                if (_ContinuousSelect || lIsClicked)
                    bool lRayHit = Raycast(true);

                    if (lRayHit)
                        lRayHit = ValidateTarget();

                    if (!lRayHit)
                        if (mSelectedTarget != null)
                            RemoveMaterial(mSelectedTarget.gameObject, mMaterialInstance);

                        mSelectedTarget    = null;
                        transform.position = new Vector3(0f, (mOwner != null ? mOwner.transform.position.y : 0f) - 200f, 0f);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Awake()

            // We extract the camera so we can tap into the events. Otherwise, our raycast values will
            // refer to the last frame's position and we'll get stuttering
            if (!_UseMouse && TargetingReticle.Instance != null)
                mCameraRig = BaseCameraRig.ExtractCameraRig(TargetingReticle.Instance.RaycastRoot);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to raycast based on the camera direction, we need to do it AFTER we process the camera.
        /// Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        protected void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (!mIsShuttingDown)
                bool lRayHit = Raycast(true);

                if (lRayHit)
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction (which input does), we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        private void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)

            // Get out early if we we aren't modifying the view.
            if (mMotionController._InputSource != null && mMotionController._InputSource.ViewX == 0f)

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mMotionController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lControllerForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._Transform.forward;

            // Camera forward in "natural up"
            Vector3 lCameraForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

            // Create a quaternion that gets us from our world-forward to our camera direction.
            Quaternion lToCamera = Quaternion.LookRotation(lCameraForward, Vector3.up);

            // Transform joystick from world space to camera space. Now the input is relative
            // to how the camera is facing.
            Vector3 lMoveDirection        = lToCamera * mMotionController.State.InputForward;
            float   lInputFromAvatarAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lControllerForward, lMoveDirection);

            // Clear the link if we're out of rotation range
            if (Mathf.Abs(lInputFromAvatarAngle) > _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 5f)
                mIsRotationLocked = false;

            // We only want to do this is we're very very close to the desired angle. This will remove any stuttering
            if (_RotationSpeed == 0f || mIsRotationLocked || Mathf.Abs(lInputFromAvatarAngle) < _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 1f)
                mIsRotationLocked = true;

                // Since we're after the camera update, we have to force the rotation outside the normal flow
                Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lInputFromAvatarAngle, Vector3.up);
                mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
                mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Input Source, Camera and Game Core, assigns references, and sets the player's Layer and Tag
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rMotionController"></param>
        protected virtual void SetupPlayer(MotionController rMotionController)
            // Find or create the input source
            GameObject lInputSourceGO = InputSetupHelper.GetOrCreateInputSource(ViewActivator);

            rMotionController.InputSourceOwner = lInputSourceGO;

            // Find or create the camera
            BaseCameraRig lCameraRig = CameraSetupHelper.FindSceneCameraRig();

            if (lCameraRig == null)
                lCameraRig = CreateCameraRig();

            rMotionController.CameraTransform = lCameraRig.transform;
            ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(lCameraRig, "InputSourceOwner", lInputSourceGO);

            if (UseCameraAnchor)
                GameObject       lCameraAnchorGO = null;
                BaseCameraAnchor lCameraAnchor   = CameraSetupHelper.GetOrCreateCameraAnchor(out lCameraAnchorGO);
                lCameraAnchor.Root             = rMotionController.gameObject.transform;
                lCameraAnchor.RootOffset       = AnchorTargetOffset;
                lCameraAnchor.RotateWithTarget = AnchorRotatesWithTarget;
                if (AnchorRotatesWithTarget)
                    lCameraAnchor.RotationRoot = rMotionController.gameObject.transform;
                lCameraAnchor.MovementLerp = AnchorMovementLerp;
                lCameraRig.Anchor          = lCameraAnchorGO.transform;
                lCameraRig.Anchor = rMotionController.transform;

            if (AddGameCore)

            // Set player's layer and tag
            rMotionController.gameObject.layer = PlayerLayer;
            rMotionController.gameObject.tag   = "Player";
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction (which input does), we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        protected virtual void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (!_RotateWithCamera)
            if (_RequireTarget && mCombatant != null && mCombatant.IsTargetLocked)

            // Get out early if we we aren't modifying the view.
            if (mMotionController._InputSource != null && mMotionController._InputSource.ViewX == 0f)

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mMotionController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lActorForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._Transform.forward;

            // Camera forward in "natural up"
            Vector3 lCameraForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

            // Get the rotation angle to the camera
            float lActorToCameraAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lActorForward, lCameraForward);

            // Clear the link if we're out of rotation range
            if (Mathf.Abs(lActorToCameraAngle) > _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 5f)
                mIsRotationLocked = false;

            // We only want to do this is we're very very close to the desired angle. This will remove any stuttering
            if (_RotationSpeed == 0f || mIsRotationLocked || Mathf.Abs(lActorToCameraAngle) < _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 1f)
                mIsRotationLocked = true;

                // Since we're after the camera update, we have to force the rotation outside the normal flow
                Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lActorToCameraAngle, Vector3.up);
                mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
                mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction, we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        private void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateCount, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)

            float lToCameraAngle = Vector3Ext.HorizontalAngleTo(mMotionController._Transform.forward, mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward, mMotionController._Transform.up);
            float lRotationAngle = Mathf.Abs(lToCameraAngle);
            float lRotationSign  = Mathf.Sign(lToCameraAngle);

            if (!mLinkRotation && lRotationAngle <= (_RotationSpeed / 60f) * TimeManager.Relative60FPSDeltaTime)
                mLinkRotation = true;

            // Record the velocity for our idle pivoting
            if (lRotationAngle < 1f)
                float lVelocitySign = Mathf.Sign(mYawVelocity);
                mYawVelocity = mYawVelocity - (lVelocitySign * rDeltaTime * 10f);

                if (Mathf.Sign(mYawVelocity) != lVelocitySign)
                    mYawVelocity = 0f;
                mYawVelocity = lRotationSign * 12f;

            // If we're not linked, rotate smoothly
            if (!mLinkRotation)
                lToCameraAngle = lRotationSign * Mathf.Min((_RotationSpeed / 60f) * TimeManager.Relative60FPSDeltaTime, lRotationAngle);

            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lToCameraAngle, Vector3.up);

            mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
            mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the active camera rig based on the current configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual BaseCameraRig CreateCameraRig()
            BaseCameraRig lCameraRig = null;

            if (UseCameraPrefab && CameraPrefab != null)
                lCameraRig = CameraSetupHelper.InstantiateCamera(CameraPrefab);
                lCameraRig = CameraSetupHelper.CreateCameraRig <CameraController>();
                lCameraRig = CameraSetupHelper.CreateCameraRig <OrbitRig>();

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction, we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        protected void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)

            // Grab the angle needed to get to our target forward
            Vector3 lActorInputForward = rCamera._Transform.rotation * mStoredInputForward;
            float   lInputFromAvatar   = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(mMotionController._Transform.forward, lActorInputForward);

            if (lInputFromAvatar == 0f)

            float lInputFromSign  = Mathf.Sign(lInputFromAvatar);
            float lInputFromAngle = Mathf.Abs(lInputFromAvatar);
            float lRotationAngle  = mDegreesPer60FPSTick * TimeManager.Relative60FPSDeltaTime;

            // Break the link if we have too far to rotate
            if (lInputFromAngle > lRotationAngle * _LinkFactor)
                mIsLinked = false;

            // Establish the link if we're close enough
            if (mIsLinked || lInputFromAngle < lRotationAngle)
                mIsLinked      = true;
                lRotationAngle = lInputFromAngle;

            // Use the information and AC to determine our final rotation
            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lInputFromSign * lRotationAngle, Vector3.up);

            mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
            mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the camera rig with the default Third Person Camera settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rBaseCameraRig"></param>
        public static void SetupThirdPersonCamera(BaseCameraRig rBaseCameraRig)
            CameraController lController = (CameraController)rBaseCameraRig;

            if (lController == null)

            lController.AnchorOffset = new Vector3(0, 1.8f, 0);

            // First disable all camera motors so they can be reset
            for (int i = 0; i < lController.Motors.Count; i++)
                lController.Motors[i]._IsActive = false;
                lController.Motors[i].IsEnabled = false;

                if (i < lController.MotorDefinitions.Count)
                    lController.MotorDefinitions[i] = lController.Motors[i].SerializeMotor();

            lController.IsCollisionsEnabled = true;

            // Follow motor
            OrbitFollowMotor lMotor = lController.GetMotor <OrbitFollowMotor>("3rd Person Follow");

            if (lMotor == null)
                lMotor = new OrbitFollowMotor();

                lMotor.Name          = "3rd Person Follow";
                lMotor.RigController = lController;
                lMotor.MaxDistance   = 3f;

            lMotor.IsEnabled             = true;
            lController.EditorMotorIndex = lController.Motors.IndexOf(lMotor);
            lController.MotorDefinitions[lController.EditorMotorIndex] = lMotor.SerializeMotor();

            lController._ActiveMotorIndex = lController.EditorMotorIndex;

            // Fixed motor
            OrbitFixedMotor lMotor2 = lController.GetMotor <OrbitFixedMotor>("3rd Person Fixed");

            if (lMotor2 == null)
                lMotor2 = new OrbitFixedMotor();

                lMotor2.Name          = "3rd Person Fixed";
                lMotor2.RigController = lController;
                lMotor2.MaxDistance   = 3f;

            lMotor2.IsEnabled = true;
            lController.MotorDefinitions[lController.Motors.IndexOf(lMotor2)] = lMotor2.SerializeMotor();

            // Targeting motor
            OrbitFixedMotor lMotor3 = lController.GetMotor <OrbitFixedMotor>("Targeting");

            if (lMotor3 == null)
                lMotor3 = new OrbitFixedMotor();

                lMotor3.Name              = "Targeting";
                lMotor3.RigController     = lController;
                lMotor3.Offset            = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f);
                lMotor3.MaxDistance       = 1f;
                lMotor3.RotateAnchor      = true;
                lMotor3.RotateAnchorAlias = "Camera Rotate Character";

            lMotor3.IsEnabled = true;
            lController.MotorDefinitions[lController.Motors.IndexOf(lMotor3)] = lMotor3.SerializeMotor();

            // Targeting In transition
            TransitionMotor lTransition = lController.GetMotor <TransitionMotor>("Targeting In");

            if (lTransition == null)
                lTransition = new TransitionMotor();

                lTransition.Name                 = "Targeting In";
                lTransition.RigController        = lController;
                lTransition.ActionAlias          = "Camera Aim";
                lTransition.ActionAliasEventType = 0;
                lTransition.StartMotorIndex      = 0;
                lTransition.EndMotorIndex        = 2;
                lTransition.TransitionTime       = 0.15f;
                lTransition.ActorStances         = "2,10,15";

            lTransition.IsEnabled = true;
            lController.MotorDefinitions[lController.Motors.IndexOf(lTransition)] = lTransition.SerializeMotor();

            // Targeting out transition
            TransitionMotor lTransition2 = lController.GetMotor <TransitionMotor>("Targeting Out");

            if (lTransition2 == null)
                lTransition2 = new TransitionMotor();

                lTransition2.Name                 = "Targeting Out";
                lTransition2.RigController        = lController;
                lTransition2.ActionAlias          = "Camera Aim";
                lTransition2.ActionAliasEventType = 1;
                lTransition2.StartMotorIndex      = 2;
                lTransition2.EndMotorIndex        = 0;
                lTransition2.TransitionTime       = 0.25f;

            lTransition2.IsEnabled = true;
            lController.MotorDefinitions[lController.Motors.IndexOf(lTransition2)] = lTransition2.SerializeMotor();

            // Set to "Advanced" properties
            lController.EditorTabIndex = 1;