public static Task <IHtmlContent> RenderContentZone(this IViewComponentHelper component, AgilityPage page, string zoneName) { try { HttpContext currentContext = AgilityContext.HttpContext; String websiteName = AgilityContext.WebsiteName; if (page == null) { if (AgilityContext.IsTemplatePreview) { //TODO render the template preview //var templates = from cs in AgilityContext.CurrentPageTemplateInPreview.ContentSections // where string.Equals(cs.Name, zoneName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) // orderby cs.XModuleOrder // select cs; //TextWriter tw = helper.ViewContext.Writer; //foreach (var cs in templates) //{ // tw.Write(string.Format("<div class=\"AgilityContentSectionDefinition\"><div class=\"ContentSectionTitle\">{0}</div></div>", cs.Name)); //} } return(Task.Run <IHtmlContent>(() => { return new HtmlString("TODO: implement template preview"); })); } //regular page rendering var sections = from cs in page.ContentSections where string.Equals(cs.Name, zoneName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) orderby cs.ModuleOrder select cs; List <Task <string> > sectionTasks = new List <Task <string> >(); DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; foreach (var cs in sections) { //only continue if we have a content ref name... if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.ContentReferenceName)) { continue; } //keep track of the various way this module can be rendered List <ModuleRender> renders = new List <ModuleRender>() { new ModuleRender() { ContentReferenceName = cs.ContentReferenceName } }; //if this content zone is part of a Module AB test Experiment if (cs.ExperimentID > 0) { var lst = BaseCache.GetExperiments(AgilityContext.WebsiteName); AgilityContentServer.AgilityExperiment experiment = lst.GetExperiment(cs.ExperimentID); if (experiment != null) { foreach (var variant in experiment.Variants.Where(v => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v.ContentReferenceName))) { renders.Add(new ModuleRender() { ContentReferenceName = variant.ContentReferenceName, Variant = variant }); } } } foreach (ModuleRender moduleRender in renders) { try { string contentReferenceName = moduleRender.ContentReferenceName; Agility.Web.AgilityContentServer.AgilityContent moduleContent = BaseCache.GetContent(contentReferenceName, AgilityContext.LanguageCode, websiteName); if (moduleContent == null || moduleContent.DataSet == null || moduleContent.DataSet.Tables["ContentItems"] == null || moduleContent.DataSet.Tables["ContentItems"].Rows.Count == 0) { continue; } DataRowView drv = moduleContent.DataSet.Tables["ContentItems"].DefaultView[0]; int moduleContentID = -1; int moduleVersionID = -1; if (!int.TryParse($"{drv["ContentID"]}", out moduleContentID)) { moduleContentID = -1; } if (!int.TryParse($"{drv["VersionID"]}", out moduleVersionID)) { moduleVersionID = -1; } Agility.Web.AgilityContentServer.AgilityModule module = BaseCache.GetModule(cs.ModuleID, websiteName); if (module == null) { continue; } object model = new AgilityModuleModel() { ModuleContentName = contentReferenceName, ModuleProperties = drv, LanguageCode = AgilityContext.LanguageCode }; string viewComponentName = null; string agilityCodeRefName = null; using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(module.XmlSchema)) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXmlSchema(sr); viewComponentName = ds.ExtendedProperties["ViewComponent"] as string; agilityCodeRefName = ds.ExtendedProperties["AgilityCodeRefName"] as string; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewComponentName)) { #region *** VIEW COMPONENTS ** var viewComponentFactory = HtmlHelperViewExtensions.GetServiceOrFail <IViewComponentSelector>(AgilityContext.HttpContext); var componentDesc = viewComponentFactory.SelectComponent(viewComponentName); if (componentDesc == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The view component {0} was not found.", viewComponentName)); } MethodInfo method = componentDesc.MethodInfo; if (method == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The component invoke method was not found in the component {0}", viewComponentName)); } ParameterInfo[] paramAry = method.GetParameters(); if (paramAry.Length > 0) { ParameterInfo paramInfo = paramAry[0]; Type paramType = paramInfo.ParameterType; if (paramType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AgilityContentItem)) || paramType == typeof(AgilityContentItem)) { ConstructorInfo ci = paramType.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes); if (ci == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No default constructor found for type {0}", paramType.Name)); } AgilityContentItem moduleItem = ci.Invoke(new object[0]) as AgilityContentItem; moduleItem.DataRow = drv.Row; moduleItem.LanguageCode = AgilityContext.LanguageCode; moduleItem.ReferenceName = contentReferenceName; moduleItem.ContentID = moduleContentID; moduleItem.VersionID = moduleVersionID; try { Task <IHtmlContent> task = component.InvokeAsync(viewComponentName, moduleItem); moduleRender.RenderTask = task; moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } catch (Exception ex) { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<p>Error rendering Component {viewComponentName}</p><pre>{ex}</pre>"); moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } } else { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The component invoke method parameter was not of type AgilityContent in the component {0}", viewComponentName)); } #endregion } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agilityCodeRefName)) { #region *** Agility Inline Code *** DataView dv = Data.GetContentView(AgilityDynamicCodeFile.REFNAME_AgilityModuleCodeTemplates, AgilityDynamicCodeFile.LANGUAGECODE_CODE); string filter = string.Format("ReferenceName = '{0}' AND Visible = true", agilityCodeRefName); DataRow[] rows = dv.Table.Select(filter); if (rows.Length > 0) { string modulePath = $"~/Views/{rows[0]["VersionID"]}/DynamicAgilityCode/{AgilityDynamicCodeFile.REFNAME_AgilityModuleCodeTemplates}/{agilityCodeRefName}.cshtml"; AgilityContentItem moduleItem = new AgilityContentItem(); moduleItem.DataRow = drv.Row; moduleItem.LanguageCode = AgilityContext.LanguageCode; moduleItem.ReferenceName = contentReferenceName; moduleItem.ContentID = moduleContentID; moduleItem.VersionID = moduleVersionID; //moduleItem.InlineCodePath = modulePath; try { Task <IHtmlContent> task = component.InvokeAsync("AgilityInlineCode", new { inlineCodePath = modulePath, module = moduleItem }); moduleRender.RenderTask = task; moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } catch (Exception ex) { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<p>Error rendering Inline Code</p><pre>{ex}</pre>"); moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } } else { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<p>Error rendering Inline Code</p>"); moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } #endregion } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(module.ControlPath)) { #region *** Control Path - Partial View *** string className = GetClassName(module.ReferenceName ?? module.Name); string typeName = string.Format("Module_{0}", className); Type paramType = Agility.Web.Utils.FileUtils.GetTypeFromReflection(null, typeName); if (paramType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AgilityContentItem)) || paramType == typeof(AgilityContentItem)) { ConstructorInfo ci = paramType.GetConstructor(System.Type.EmptyTypes); if (ci == null) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("No default constructor found for type {0}", paramType.Name)); } AgilityContentItem moduleItem = ci.Invoke(new object[0]) as AgilityContentItem; moduleItem.DataRow = drv.Row; moduleItem.LanguageCode = AgilityContext.LanguageCode; moduleItem.ReferenceName = contentReferenceName; moduleItem.ContentID = moduleContentID; moduleItem.VersionID = moduleVersionID; try { Task <IHtmlContent> task = component.InvokeAsync("AgilityPartialView", new { partialViewPath = module.ControlPath, module = moduleItem }); moduleRender.RenderTask = task; moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } catch (Exception ex) { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<p>Error rendering Partial View at {module.ControlPath}</p><pre>{ex}</pre>"); moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } } else { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The component invoke method parameter was not of type AgilityContent in the component {0}", viewComponentName)); } #endregion } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(module.Markup)) { if (module.Markup.StartsWith("@")) { #region *** Inline Razor Markup *** AgilityContentItem item = new AgilityContentItem(); item.DataRow = drv.Row; item.LanguageCode = AgilityContext.LanguageCode; item.ReferenceName = contentReferenceName; item.ContentID = moduleContentID; item.VersionID = moduleVersionID; model = item; string viewPath = string.Format("~/Views/DynamicAgilityModule/MVC/{0}/{1}.cshtml", AgilityContext.CurrentMode, module.ID); try { Task <IHtmlContent> task = component.InvokeAsync("AgilityInlineCode", new { inlineCodePath = viewPath, module = item }); moduleRender.RenderTask = task; moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } catch (Exception ex) { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<p>Error rendering Dynamic Agility Module</p><pre>{ex}</pre>"); moduleRender.ContentID = moduleContentID; } #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Current.Settings.DevelopmentMode) { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<div>Could not output zone {cs.Name}</div><div>{ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>")}</div>"); } else { moduleRender.PreRenderedContent = new HtmlString($"<!-- Could not output zone {cs.Name} - See web log -->"); Agility.Web.Tracing.WebTrace.WriteException(ex); } } } Task <string> sectionTask = Task <string> .Run(() => { AgilityContext.HttpContext = currentContext; var rendersToOutput = renders.Where(r => r.RenderTask != null || r.PreRenderedContent != null).ToList(); return(AgilityHelpers.RenderModuleHtml(rendersToOutput, cs)); }); sectionTasks.Add(sectionTask); } Task <IHtmlContent> retTask = Task.Run <IHtmlContent>(() => { AgilityContext.HttpContext = currentContext; try { Task.WaitAll(sectionTasks.ToArray()); } catch { } using (StringWriter htmlStringWriter = new StringWriter()) { foreach (var t in sectionTasks) { if (t.IsFaulted) { Agility.Web.Tracing.WebTrace.WriteException(t.Exception, $"Error rendering module in zone {zoneName} - {t.AsyncState}"); } else { htmlStringWriter.Write(t.Result); } } TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - dtStart; if (ts.TotalSeconds > 1) { string renderTimeMessage = string.Format("Content Zone: {0} - Render Time: {1:F2} seconds.", zoneName, ts.TotalMilliseconds / 1000); Agility.Web.Tracing.WebTrace.WriteVerboseLine(renderTimeMessage); htmlStringWriter.Write(string.Format("<!-- {0} -->", renderTimeMessage)); } return(new HtmlString(htmlStringWriter.ToString())); } }); return(retTask); } catch (Exception ex) { string errHtml = null; string msg = string.Format("Could not output content zone {0}.", zoneName); if (ex is InvalidOperationException && ex.Message.Contains("No route")) { msg += @" This error is usually caused by a missing route in your Global.asax.cs. Ensure the following route is defined after the normal Agility route.\n routes.MapRoute(""Default"", ""{controller}/{action}/{id}"",\n new { controller = """", action = """", id = """" }\n );"; } if (Current.Settings.DevelopmentMode) { errHtml = ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>"); } else { errHtml = msg; } Agility.Web.Tracing.WebTrace.WriteException(ex, msg); return(Task.Run <IHtmlContent>(() => { return new HtmlString(errHtml); })); } }
internal static string GetStatusPanelScript() { //Add the Style Sheets for the StatusBar and Edit In Place: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //HACK bool isPublished = false; bool containsUnpublishedModules = false; string pageTemplatePath = string.Empty; int pageTemplateID = -1; int pageID = -1; if (AgilityContext.Page != null) { AgilityPage page = AgilityContext.Page; pageID = page.ID; if (page.IsPublished) { isPublished = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.TemplatePath) && page.TemplateID > 0) { pageTemplatePath = page.TemplatePath; if (pageTemplatePath.StartsWith("~/")) { pageTemplatePath = pageTemplatePath.Substring(1); string appPath = "/"; if (appPath != "/") { pageTemplatePath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", appPath, "/TemplatePreview", pageTemplatePath); } else { pageTemplatePath = string.Format("{0}{1}", "/TemplatePreview", pageTemplatePath); } } pageTemplateID = page.TemplateID; } bool switchMode = false; if (AgilityContext.CurrentMode == Agility.Web.Enum.Mode.Live) { //if the site is in live mode, switch to staging to check if any modules are required publishing. switchMode = true; AgilityContext.CurrentMode = Agility.Web.Enum.Mode.Staging; } //check if there are any modules that have not yet been publish foreach (ContentSection sect in AgilityContext.Page.ContentSections) { if (sect.ModuleID > 0) { AgilityContentServer.AgilityModule module = BaseCache.GetModule(sect.ModuleID, AgilityContext.WebsiteName); if (module != null && !module.IsPublished && module.IsPublishedSpecified) { containsUnpublishedModules = true; } } } if (switchMode) { AgilityContext.CurrentMode = Agility.Web.Enum.Mode.Live; } } //generate the preview key string securityKey = Current.Settings.SecurityKey; byte[] data = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}_{1}_Preview", -1, securityKey)); SHA512 shaM = new SHA512Managed(); byte[] result = shaM.ComputeHash(data); string previewKey = Convert.ToBase64String(result); string appendQuery = string.Format("agilitypreviewkey={0}&agilityts={1}&lang={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(previewKey), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(AgilityContext.LanguageCode)); string pageUrl = AgilityContext.UrlForPreviewBar; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageUrl)) { pageUrl = AgilityContext.HttpContext.Request.GetEncodedUrl(); } string innerUrl = Agility.Web.Util.Url.ModifyQueryString( HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(pageUrl), appendQuery, "ispreview"); string subject = string.Format("Agility {0} Preview", AgilityContext.WebsiteName); string body = string.Format("Click the link below to preview the {0} site:\n{1}\n____________________\nSent from Agility\n", AgilityContext.WebsiteName, innerUrl); string previewURL = string.Format("mailto:?subject={0}&body={1}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(subject).Replace("+", "%20"), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(body).Replace("+", "%20")); //channel listing string[] channels = (from c in BaseCache.GetDigitalChannels(AgilityContext.WebsiteName).Channels select string.Format("{{Name:\"{0}\",ID:'{1}'}}", c.DisplayName.Replace("\"", "\\\""), c.ReferenceName)).ToArray(); string uniqueID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string previewDateStr = AgilityContext.PreviewDateTime.ToString("yyyy-M-d h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (AgilityContext.PreviewDateTime == DateTime.MinValue) { previewDateStr = string.Empty; } //output the script for the onload sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>"); //output the context object sb.AppendFormat(@"var agilityContextObj = {{ currentMode:""{0}"", isPreview:{1}, isTemplatePreview:{2}, languageCode:""{3}"", websiteName:""{4}"", isDevelopmentMode:{5}, controlUniqueID:""{6}"", previewDateTime:""{7}"", isPublished:{8}, containsUnpublishedModules:{9}, pageTemplatePath:""{10}"", pageTemplateID:{11}, previewURL:""{12}"", cookieDomain:""{13}"", pageID:""{14}"", errorLink:{15}, channel:'{16}', channels:[{17}] }}; " , new object[] { AgilityContext.CurrentMode, //0 AgilityContext.IsPreview.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), //1 AgilityContext.IsTemplatePreview.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), //2 AgilityContext.LanguageCode, //3 AgilityContext.WebsiteName.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace(" ", ""), //4 Current.Settings.DevelopmentMode.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), //5 uniqueID, //6 previewDateStr, //7 isPublished.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), //8 containsUnpublishedModules.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), //9 pageTemplatePath.Replace("\"", "\\\""), //10 pageTemplateID, //11 previewURL.Replace("\"", "\\\""), //12 Current.Settings.CookieDomain, //13 pageID, Current.Settings.DevelopmentMode && WebTrace.HasErrorOccurred ? string.Format("'{0}?enc={1}'", Agility.Web.HttpModules.AgilityHttpModule.ECMS_ERRORS_KEY, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(WebTrace.GetEncryptionQueryStringForLogFile(DateTime.Now))) : "null", AgilityContext.CurrentChannel.ReferenceName, string.Join(",", channels) }); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("var agilityLanguages = ["); foreach (Language lang in AgilityContext.Domain.Languages) { sb.AppendFormat("['{0}', '{1}'],", lang.LanguageName, lang.LanguageCode); } sb = sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); sb.Append("];"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</script>"); sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>"); return(sb.ToString()); }
private string GetCodeContent() { Agility.Web.AgilityContentServer.AgilityModule module = BaseCache.GetModule(moduleID, AgilityContext.WebsiteName); return(module.Markup); }