public bool StartExecution(BackgroundWorker sendingWorker)
            if (this.EDFFileStack == null || this.PresentationLogFileStack == null)
                throw new ActionCannotDoWhatDoBeDo("No files were presented. Initalise file stack prior to executing!");
            string applicationLogFileName = this.ApplicationLogFileName;

            int    counter = 1;
            string Holder  = applicationLogFileName;

            while (File.Exists(Holder))
                Holder = Path.GetDirectoryName(applicationLogFileName) + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(applicationLogFileName) + "(" + counter + ")" + Path.GetExtension(applicationLogFileName);
                if (counter > 100)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not generate an Application Log file after " + counter + " attemtps!");

            this.ApplicationLogFileName = Holder;
            ApplicationLogFile          = new StreamWriter(this.ApplicationLogFileName);
            Log("Keeping detailed log in: " + applicationLogFileName, true);

            int TotalNumberOfFiles = EDFFileStack.Count;

            while (EDFFileStack.Count > 0)
                this.FlushPrevious(); // make absolutely sure nothing of the previous files will be used.

                    foreach (BaseAction Action in ActionChain)
                        if (sendingWorker.CancellationPending)
                        CurrentAction = Action;
                        string Description = CurrentAction.Act();
                        UpdateProgress(sendingWorker, -1, Description);
                        Log(Description, true);
                catch (ActionCannotDoWhatDoBeDo e)
                    Log("ERROR: " + e.Message, true);
                    DialogResult Choice = MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\n\n Do you want to continue with the next file? ", "Critical Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    if (Choice == DialogResult.No)
                    UpdateProgress(sendingWorker, (1.0 - (double)EDFFileStack.Count / TotalNumberOfFiles));
                UpdateProgress(sendingWorker, (1.0 - (double)EDFFileStack.Count / TotalNumberOfFiles));

                Log(new String('=', 50), true);

            UpdateProgress(sendingWorker, -1, "FINISHED!");