Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            //Camera image capture:
            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            var seg_R     = 3;                                                                        //number of rows
            var seg_C     = 4;                                                                        //number of colums
            var save_path = "C:/Users/Kestutis/Documents/PSU/Images/Image_stitching/camera_cap_test"; //path to images to stitch
            var file_name = "Testing_pic";

            var cam = new Camera_capture();

            cam.Init_camera(seg_R, seg_C, save_path, file_name);                                           //initilize camera parameters... Must do for each new CPU.

            /* Simulate taking pictures with a look and wait... normaly would just be picture function call: */
            for (int y = 0; y < seg_R; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < seg_C; x++)
                    var cam_taken = cam.Take_picture();                     //Picture function call. Returns 0 if everything works, else returns 1.
                                                                            //Need to add save_path checking or save_path must be dynamicly created.

                    Console.WriteLine("Values: " + y + x);
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to Continue... Value returned: " + cam_taken);

                    /* An error occured, break loop: */
                    if (cam_taken == 1)
                        y = seg_R + 100;
                        x = seg_C + 100;

            /* For debugging purposes */
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue to Image stitching section...");

            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            // Image stitching:
            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            var path_images = "C:/Users/Kestutis/Documents/PSU/Images/Image_stitching";     //path to images to stitch, Currently not in sync with camera function.

            file_name = "test";                                                             //base name of files to load in, Currently not in sync with camera function.

            var test_stitcher = new Image_stitcher();
            var images        = test_stitcher.Load_images(path_images, seg_R, seg_C, file_name);
            var finished      = test_stitcher.Stitching_images(images, seg_R, seg_C);

            // Check stitched image:
            CvInvoke.NamedWindow("Image", NamedWindowType.Normal);
            CvInvoke.Imshow("Image", finished);

            /* For debugging purposes */
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue to Barcode section...");

            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            // Barcode Detection and Decoding:
            /* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** */
            var path         = "C:/Users/Kestutis/Documents/PSU/Images/Intel/barcode.jpg"; //path of stitched image location
            var test_barcode = new Barcode();
            //var found_barcode = false;
            string testing;

            /* Checking each image for barcode... Far to slow is multiple images; additional second per image: */

             * for(int i=0; i<images.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  testing = test_barcode.Barcode_decoder(images[i]);
             *  if (testing != "")
             *      found_barcode = true;
             *  if (found_barcode == true)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("Testing:" + testing);
             *      break;
             *  }
             * } */

            testing = test_barcode.Barcode_decoder(test_barcode.Find_barcode(path));
            Console.WriteLine("Testing:" + testing);

            /* Needs to be implemented somehow: */
            //if (testing != "")
            //Capture image of barcode location and try again:

            /* For debugging purposes: */
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");