private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog od = new OpenFileDialog(); od.CheckFileExists = true; od.CheckPathExists = true; od.DefaultExt = "*.EPF"; od.Filter = "TickFiles|*.EPF"; od.InitialDirectory = "c:\\program files\\tradelink\\tickdata\\"; od.Multiselect = false; od.ShowDialog(); BarList bl = BarListImpl.FromEPF(od.FileName); ChartImpl c = new ChartImpl(bl, false); c.Symbol = bl.Symbol; try { c.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; c.Location = Chartographer.Properties.Settings.Default.chartstart; } catch (NullReferenceException) { } newChartData += new BarListUpdated(c.NewBarList); c.Move += new EventHandler(c_Move); c.Icon = Chartographer.Properties.Resources.chart; if (maxchartbox.Checked) { c.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } if (blackbackground.Checked) { c.BackColor = Color.Black; } c.Show(); }
public void FromEPF() { // get sample tick data BarList bl = BarListImpl.FromEPF("FTI20070926.EPF"); // verify expected number of 5min bars exist (78 in 9:30-4p) Assert.AreEqual(83, bl.Count); }
public void NegativeBars() { // get sample tick data BarList bl = BarListImpl.FromEPF("FTI20070926.EPF"); // verify expected number of 5min bars exist (78 in 9:30-4p) Assert.AreEqual(83, bl.Count); // verify that 5th bar from end is same as 77th bar Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].High, bl[77].High); Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].Open, bl[77].Open); Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].Low, bl[77].Low); Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].Close, bl[77].Close); Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].Bardate, bl[77].Bardate); Assert.AreEqual(bl[-5].Bartime, bl[77].Bartime); }